Flflyona Thousand Pounds Sold Today at High Prices 1 lie timl tune in several Nie twenty rent mark i ii it I'V liiildent for the ri'Miiig at the Flli K-'Ui morning. The big y the day wan received by A'n.'i iran sclnner lladio I r ri.l 2&.IKMI mmU. ' ins gut IMr hihI Ho. Five an boat sold u ml I li KamullaiM, fi.-j Mi'U a total of Sl.non! Hhurlage f litlltH itc-' - tor Un steady advance of during lhi past few dayn. als and sab-s: American -'j.oun lb.. at 20c ami ' 'In' At Un Flslierlen. it ut ion. H.onn lb-.; al tu.l-c K In Ihe Canadian Fish A I mi n. A.Oiio lbs., at Sflc and V'-'a. 5.500 lln.. and P.. Neil- noil lbs., al 20c and He. lo I! ,,.(! t.-.-i..i r....,..u.... f. I 5' M . f-M.-l,.- IIH1 If.KIII i, ..... Canadian M v.. .500 Ibn.: Ilingo. ?.-It's and Mayflower. Mini) (if I He ami He. In thr r.ana-J sh A Cold Sloraze Co. objectTonto freight rates Decision of 3oard of Railway Commission Not Popular It la Claimed OTTAWA, Oct. 15. That Hie "'temenl of Ihe railway conunls-! '"cs III disallowing the Crow's 1 Pass rales on east, hound ' 'Kids will be appealed seems iiii'tinilly certain. Ileports re-fivr, here, particularly from ,,,r wot. (mlicaip ,mlc, ,!,atis-m tii.t! w(lh Ihe niajorlly Ju.lg-inenl of tu, lion ii and though its rc' b I't , remove dlscrlmina-;s which were emphasized at "'" lo-arlng. t,n npt T,k$uU n ifi NaimeJ, will , increased rail-"y rale mi n large number of '-'III '.r hoiwles.ly wiped not. i,,,r " r require Mr. Mnrliuiuld rharMelermed an aliurd Ihe sUlrtiienl nf Stanley llaMulii thai bud Irade had It at $10 65 per ton After Discussion The ily council lal ni,hl ae eiiicij (hp tender of Pelcr Mark fm I In Mipply of a rarload of T lkwa eoal lo the Cily Hall at lo.rr. iiit Ion. The following lenders were, Mibiullled : Albert A McCalfery. Nanaiiuu-Wellington lu in i, ? 1 2.15. D. Me. Hunler. AeJIowln ad Sumtioi lump, til. 10; ncreened mine run. Itf.ipKT1' , PhiliKjU 'Kjfji .NhiiooJ WwfWnfle- f evened, 1 1 2.-10; tijlife, Tfl,ll t.85; crveuliig-.i tU.lft. I lelkwa ray, Imlh llrilish scientists; Henry lleauchal, a French scientist; Stanley Morris, a Canadian sailor, a member or Ihe Stefan-sson Canadian government Arctic uk tuns JgiUliL. Tit, Uue-lbifipJ ,y Aid. Caey. Mr. Exlay, eilv hall janitor. aid he men In. Aid. iWtllart suaxr-led Ilial Ihe lenders be referred to the fi- iills from Ihe abolllbMi of thei"4,,K0 iiimllle rr aclion. ThU McK'enna dullei. He- mm w nM,t w'1" objection of Aid. cwtild i.rove the rxaet Mvulrorv ' bo said H was no u.e W'hal Ihe roiinlry was oiiffering from imivv who the wastage J Ihe war and Hip luii.jl- of the peace made aflerwanls. LLOYD GEORGE IN STRAIGHT CONTEST LABOR CANDIDATE LONDON. Ocl. 5. r.on-servalives nf IwiriiarMin have decided not lo oppose David Lloyd (ieorgp in thai riding. The former Premier will make a straight fighl against Oliver Hahlwfn; labor candidate, son of Stanley llaldwiii. leader of the Con serva live parly in this country. opening tenders in council if they were no I acted upon then-. He moved that Telkwa coal al I0.6 per loft be ordered. Aid. Mr.Mordie moved in amend 1 men! thai Nanoose-Welliiiglor coal al tl2.lt) be purchased Vancouver Island coal had been found (lie most economical for use in Ihe city hall. Aid. Casey, in reply, pointed out thai Hi? janilor had declared Telkwa coal lo be equally as good as Van couver Island coal for furnace use . He believed in asslinfc Ihe development of (he district by palroiutiiig I neiil production. Aid. Maodonald seconded Aid. Casey's motion. Aid. Kvilt admitted that Telkwa coal was equally as good as Vancouver Island coal for this use and. Ihere. 1 upon. Aid. Mc.Moidie withdrew ins amendment and Ihe million nf iAid. Casey, being pul to Hie vote. parried unanimously. Zeppelin Arrives Safely Today and Berths at Lakehurst After 5,000 Mile Flight from Germany LAKKIIIHST. N.J., Ocl. 15. The Zeppelin ZH ;i arrived al II..M this morning and bertlied at 10.15. She completed the flight over the Atlantic from Frederichslmfvii, (lernuiuy, a distance estimuted nl TsOti.0 miles in SI hours miiiites. The siife iirriviil of Ihe ginnt dirigible marks the fourth successful nlleiiipl of humans lo span, Ihe Atlantic in n non-stop flighl. Aeronuiilic exports of the army and navy regard it as the most significiuil iT not (he uift speclaciilar flight. They declare Ihe Avorld is witnessing; evidence that Ihe dirigible is destined to be the ilitercoiitinontal passenger ship of Ihi', near future. MEMBERS OF KARLUK EXPEDITION LOST, OTTAWA, Oct. 15.- Members of the Slefansson expedition who left Ihe Karluk when that vessel foundered In Ihe Ice were Dr .lhsloii McKay and Jame- Mnr CENTRE 25 TAXI and Mete BOSTON GRILL Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ava, parties. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply io Boston MATT VIDECK, Prop. drill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOl, XIV NO, 213, BRITISH PHINCE HUPEHT, H.C., WEDNESDAY. OCTOHEH 15. 1021. r..urdt,'. circ.1.1.0 i.nt funin. -r Oridiiv finaruV ot IIm ilntifji Armj-. are sliowii leaving Waterloo Station j'n London recently. Railway Rates Are Again Changed by Board Back to Those Charged Last Summer OTTAWA. Oct. 15. The Hoard of Railway Commissioner yesterday issued an order disallowing the Crow's Nest Pass rates on Ihe Cauailjan lines and requiring them to be withdrawn from operation within fifteen days from today. Chief Commissioner MrKeown. summarizing the majority judgment of the commission sail: "It therefore follows that the reduction provided for in Ihe Crow's Nest Pass agreement must disappear as a factor in Canadian freight tariffs. Under the conditions now prevailing it is impossible to make a fair and reasonable adjustment of the rales'; : . . . and tolls as between one locality' and another and as between thel 4j, shipper and (lie railtvails on the v basis of the continuance of such eductions and Ihe provisions of the Crow's Nest Pass agreement. Two commissioners, McLean and Oliver, dissent from the find-' ing. OTTAWA. Ocl. 15. -Hast bound rates of grain and fjour contained in Ihe Crow's Nesl.Jass agree- men I will not be affected by Ihe majority judgment uf the railway commission today. t is staled. The repot specifically stales I lint rales'.in effect July fi. 1921. ! are to be enforced vviHiin .fifteen days of that dale. Today's grain rompclilirvu with Onlnrjo. growers. Premier Oliver Inud today, "At Ihe same lline.'v ,fhe added, "Ihe board's, order does not fulfill our contention that the whole structure in Ihe Ves"i should be alfered so as to renuvyr Ihe present flagrant discrimination! Hvamsi u.u. ii mere v re imi un- uiiiiiiur oi jny govern- men I will hi; I cannot say until I expiu on of 0 3-18. They left jve considered nia ,,Pr ,)U, he Karluk and iit enVpted to inake;, nmHo inp Ihlhree inree prairie airie' u.r.r way m wrangell Island province will ..cm." nie .re noes. They were the board's iirnni .r again ino ves hp . gla r i n g 8jsc ri in(n a ' Hon 'created ly Ihe elfrnrrcnienr ?r Ihe Crow's Nest Pa? ralesJ IU'l..l Ii.- ..mi.. i : fi OUTSIDE WINNER CZAREVITCH STAKES NEWMARKET TODAY XFAVMAHKET. Oct. 15. 11. Aga Khan's Charley's Aunt. 100 to I. loday won the Czarevitch slakes of a thousand pounds with extras by a length. Mrs. F. HowsonV Ulaek Satan. 25 'to t, came second wilh Mrs. W. Pender's Savoin-ak 100 to tt was third. Thirty horses ran. and fbiur rain cameTnlo effect ! two years ago. j - VICrOIU.. Ocl. 15. The removal nf the ciowNcst pass OCAL LADY HEARS mini M ill at. I tli-Olul. rli....Ki ! growers materially -.by reducing j SISTER OVER RADIO discrimination against tbein in J. J. Little of City Light Depart-mont Tunes In on Calgary for Mrs. Harry Foote Mrs. Harry Foote of this city heard her sister, Mrs. L. M. WalketUat Calgary, sing over the radio. .Knowing thai her sister would lake pari In the Calgary Herald -program vast evening", Mrs. Foole called up J. J. Little ol Ihe. cily light department and OF asked hint to In no in his radio set for the concert. The urotrrnm came through well and was trans appeal against : milled over the eilv lelenhnn In declaration- which Mrs Foole s home The unntr v. -vemiies a" at" r pariiftmenl "S- .. ; n,,n l trMt 4i a. were relieved of Ihe dry dock A larger wire would be needed lo bring the power into the cily, however. Ihe utilities commit lee will go fully Into the matter and will report on Hie besl plan to be followed lo provide Ihe elevator supply. Mayor Newton and several of Ihe aldermen were in favor of notifying Mr. Howe Ihal he could be assured of the cily meeting the power requirements of the elevalor but it Vva finally decided to withhold nuking a reVly until the rales' al which Hie power could be sup plied were also ascertained. 'He will Ihen be notified accordingly. Superintendent's Report Mr. .Love .submitted a preliminary report to Hie council bn I he matter. The letter from' Mr. Howe indicated that the maximum requirement for the elevator would be 800 horse power. This he (Mr. Love) look to mean Ihe connected load. From 350 to 100 horse power would probably be all that would actually be required al any time. If so, it fVould be 'supplied from the pre- for an additional sunily of power lo t he city until a sec-., oml unit at Shawallans Lake could be. In lulled. This would involve (he increasing' of lines and the raisiug, of the dam al Woodwort'.i Lake and Ihe total; cost of (he. work he estimated' would be 155,250." Mr. Love also submitted a scale or rales and discounts based on Vancouver riiles. According to this scale the elevalor would pay monthly a inini-pium or tloO or if 07 1.14 for an average monthly supply of 300 horse power. Assure Mr. Howe Mayor Newton suggested that Mr.' Howe be communicated with at once assuring him that (he cily would meet the requirements ol Hie elevalor and that Ibe re-. port or Mr. Love be IeH on Ihe table until such lime as j) whs learned definitely " what those requirements would be. There should be no risk taken 0T liol(l Ing up the elevalor projecl. ir the worst came to the worst there was s PRICE FIVE CENT3. INTEREST CIANT VIA! All A AIRSHIP A mAAllSAAAJL ARRIVES I1IUU T UU IN IDE UNITED STATES TODAY FROM GERMANY T f fTFlIf V tr w Liberals mil no Longer Keep Labor Government in Power says Lloyd George in Platform Speech LONDON. Ocl. 15. ... , . . .1 -,.,r, -Former Premier .,..,w,. icmirr .iiii Asquith with Willi Lloyd uoyti rrn rrnirn,,, inir I nr 1 T in p.- iiiki Mr John Minou nu the plaHorm opened the Liberal I I M K W A I 1 1 A I A go last iiighj at OneeiiN Mull. 1 LL1V II fi ViViL t0 Mi Asquilh said the pretext offered by the Ulior (Joverii-i ir mi apperil to Hie people win the tliimieol. flimsiest, i inadequate, Mini HiMiirere uinn which for over one lion-1 I Oenrgc said that, no far uu- able to nay. the SocUI-. uii lime nu more Liberal 1 i'ln-y had lacked hoit- ity. and capacity to Hi" 1 1 im had auiiw (or a" 'Mil I" resume I In? leader - ' i 'iiri'M TWENTY CENTS FOR HALIBUT LIBERALS GONE UNDER SHELTER Premier Macdonald Sayt They Ara Seeking Protection From Tory Guns KDIMll HUH on S - , Pre. nirr Maedonald. adilrjltUL a fimd of 5.000 at Ilia' Wa$riy Market yesterday, said I hp irmv. llllipfi un. nil... I. ..I .. I kind. The Liberal parly had Cooe Under the shrller of Hie Ynev I GOOD AS ISLAND v, (r- any reM.ii!ilile minuter presumed to nioki Ihe pre- ' oi the erown. Me said Premier Mardonald was surfer- ciiv rnn.u m.,.. r.u. . .)-i were, ln colleague, with a had aMai k of morbid I lie real cause for un appeal to Die rler. wa mil the dropping - hi too Mi Hie Worker , i'u.i- hul Hip ltisiau The ltirian treaty ami iMi-i U kiii wore fareiral ( Iml I mil ,n- declared elf gum In order lo avoid being hMl fr"'"' Wellington or Telkwa Prince Rupert's Power Supply is Discussed at Meeting of City Council Request From Elevator Engineer Brings Out Interesting Facts in Regard to Local Situation The comrntJiiit-aliuii from C. D. Howe of Port Arthur, de-Hgiier or the grain elevator to be erected at thi port by' the federal government, inquiring into the power supply for the ele-valor wa considered at last night's council meeting and the mal- ler was referred to the utilities committee for report so that a reply may be made lo .Mr. Howe ut the earliest possible date. Ernest Love, superintendent of utilities, jioiuted out that the citv would be in a position lo supply the power required but, if both the dry dock and elevator were to be supplied by the citv extensions ' to Ihe present plant would !tn? required. This might lie' , avoided, however, if an arransel ,ower 8UP,Jr trom dry nienl could lie made with theidi-yj,0., .dock whereby the power hous?f'Uf- r, inq""ed in the 'there were ouUt1i.i5tiViM.rli,mlevenl of the cy apPing lo the eilhrr to .uWnTot-Tity wifli a V d(!ck for ""onal power. ourplus of poweror provide the U lA,.,V at rat''. at wl,ich U lequitemehU uriHe-lrv d.... .. " . , "eneiiwai io reiau seK. J ri.ove expressed the 11 '? 'i"3 flcvalor- or Newton OpTnTWrfTiat the preseKt pTaim8rri'pVf . wrCa?S?me,it the cily al Shawallans Lake could ,rou d made wilh dry taek care of the elevalor if it!rt05.k vt,ertby ulil supply it self anI have a surplus lo offer Ihe cily al favorable rales. City's Position Superintendent Love was of Ihe opinion (hat the cily should be able to buy power at a low rate from the dry dock for it did not cos! much lo produce it there. Even now, the cily machine could carry bolh tlie dry dock and Ihe elevalor bufnol for anv continuous time as such a load would bring down the water in Ihe dam. As it was, when the pontoons were being pumped at the dry dock, there was a pressure dro: and slowing down of Ihe machinery at Shawallans. The wire between Ihe cily and Shawatlans was also not sufll-cienlly large to carry the' load and secoml pircuit would have to be brought into ' town. If the city did not see its way clear to undertake Ihe expenditure that would be required lo increase Ihe power production at Shawatlamq. Ihe logical thing lo do would be lo enter into a 40Q,or 500 horsepower agreement with the dry dock. The cily should be able. sent plant. However, if the full V e" "U!, Pwer al "" On H00 horse power was to be used. Ult? ,ner l,un"' "O'oeto'ng would it'wniiM h nni5pn In unlw llave lo be done With tl0 daill 111 into a contract with the dry dock VVd'orl Ii Lake before long a (continued on page three) SUGA LOSES CASE AGAINST WILLIAMS Action Regarding Repairs to Gasboat Was Dismissed With Costs Yesterday Afternoon The county court action of U. Suga vs. W. F.. Williams was dismissed with eoslW by Judge F. McH. Young yesterday afterpoon. The case concluded at 5.30 after all day being spent at it. Plaintiff claijned $800 for repairing defendant: boat. Defendant was willing to pay tiOO. WV'U. Fisher appeared for the plaintiff and Milton Gonzales for the N . PRINCE AT TORONTO "'TORONTO. .Oct. 15. The l i-rinee of Wale arrive! II. I. mornin r and left later for An- no doubt that the city POra to attend Hie ineel of Ihe ''e ' Ob un nddf'i' ! T r.ij, V ii n