1 rr Ml u t TV W till liu r.umptny in,.,-1 u.piiiy i. J t II. Bfaiutno. J, llalhrad ati'l A. t.iai. ( Hart-lin tal -t Harrlajf) tjill !( tui-rlayi Y -ant ,n Mlfwu. I.tel. u Vllw, I m. . it Mlr, l-til. . . . vim-i. Ltd. n tin, Lid. 1 Mine, I VIM-a. I til. i i Minr. I MS I MIIM'H. I Hi. . ai inn, ltd .- : tlllira. I. Ill St I lira. Llt i Mlwl, 1.14. i MIIM-. 1.14. .11 MIW I tJ. . . . W w j uriland . rlUixl I Oftobor 15, 1024. dnfsrtar THE DAILY NEWi PAGE FIVE ale otlrown-tranted Mineral Claims The Man SAYS:- in the Moon For Unpaid Taxes in the Prince Rupert Awewment District LOXO live Hi n King! llr.l ... rt. 1 I ..ii.ihV filVK .MOTHr. thai, oil Yi.niUy, U,p 3rd, day ,r V.imi.I,..,, ion Tlx' ,lii..r !!-. .l.l l. ! any liifurtnailiiii m riwiu,( riiuinr 1 .. .ullllril l th tirm-nia lif Prrtlnn Hi ... 4...: VI. ." u.r ., nrt ..... - " - -- ... .11.3 lai.iiiin ri( IVyf. ' HIT OF PnOHINTMtl Irtlnr, G. hmialdi Canal VMi', .Canal Mm. I.I.I. ik'. Hl -rt-t4i :. C4tr4 .... ,, laird V initi, Atuf-liliii tad 1 1'n Lmmrd Mint Mimnr, nwllltif and , . n l.lrutrd . . '4td Vhuik, Hnwltlnr awl, T, . I iniltnl ... uImJ Uininr. -Imltlti awl m l.lnntr.1 uld Vinlnr. nltiti and u- LMiiird ald Minim, smlllt "1 tar Llfnlld Mini Mlllim, SmIIIBI Hd -.t Llmil'd laied Mintnr, mltin ami -.an. llinllKl . .dn4 vinini, Kinrlliui ami any Llmllnt J itelr4 Xinlny, ntlilny in. I lauy I Iniltnl id Vinint, ulunt and r. f. t. LlmJlJMt Ulm Mining, Mltltr and l.inutol ,;i-d Muunr, mlini and a: LttmlMl Miuitiy. neliliir and any LimiKsl . al4 Xiuu.(. 4ltuil aiut . t.lmilKt . utad xuiuif, aUif aud MmilMi ... atrd Mlbini. ?mHIB "' v r t ttultnl iJ MHiiar. tiiltift a4 : lun4 st.d Ninlnr. niltlii amt i-.v l irnilNl . . . in. t. Urt. ad nmtt ' i hn K Hlak. and (Vroriw I Id,. M. 1. 1. J r -nl I.Mnttod. I rmrll UMltvd. X. T. L. ImhitMIm Uiallxl. V P. L. ft tHU Untied, t. H. J . I 4rllH I.IHUUat. M.r.t.. n4mn nml.l. M. P. t. t'nitnira Umllwt, S. P T 1 iiaa W uiluttlxt Vlaltf. ait anr. Llinrtwi . . 1 ittlnt MinlDf, tr miiatir LlmltM iatrd timllif, ::iMN l.lmlWil ' datnt Mlliint. Tan l.lmitM I nxilMalm! Vraloc. niuwiir II ml li t I ' iliiUlnl Muiina. imtianr l.imitxt 1 lalfd M I'll nr. 1 i uniuny Liniiifi . . anwlllni and I: a, !ia. Mlnm. Millln ami itiwhlnr iikI 'liiiwillnr and jiwlt'inr ami jiirltinr and jtiiiitlnr arnt 'iiMittlnir ami ' ' n PtHrnr IJinlinl. n.p.i. X t.' :; Prmfll' Umllnl. . P I. V:;rti : Pr4irrlr l-lmltnt N..P. L f m Viiilnr A UrddflUift rn ' ..:.!ll Mtnln k Mlliint rjKtifiany, i2 ami Itrttfrti k C. kWUiMt ' M!nln 1 Mtlllna Comtuny. - and rntrrlrk c. Wliiklfr . "in Miami i Millitir Cuaipany, ' " ami Irnlrrlrk C. Vlnklr . . Mlulnr k Villi in Cmupany, at ii i riswnra winkipr . . . r.U:i pnitHirtlat Llmllrd. LP. I.. ' :ilr i1ruiirti l.inntri. N. r. I ViMim Prvtwrti Llmlirif. N. p. I.. 1 2n1n PmiiNli I litUlrd. N. P. I.. V. din ptnuitniat I iniiiMl. N. P. L.J 'i. mitt v aial Jrout M. Mixriin Mnlrn ITucrtlv IJlliitfil. X I . L. ' I IH' m l ' r:?ir It lintfira II. ?i ' llant . llranl t. 1 n-ilidalrd Minlna. Sniolllnir and f- .mianv. Llmllrd -.liiifd Minlna. Hiurltlnt and iiiipany. I.lniltml illiUlrd Vlnint. Siiiflllnit and niinay. LlmllNt , illiltiKl Minlnr. .nMltlny and . rtnpany. I.lnillril 'it k Prnanrllnt CtniirailY, 1.1.1, Mi:t k Pmnrwrltnr CnmiialiT y. ll"lnv k t.rii.iij.ln rminitiiv t III , Jami-a r 11 J.inifa r H lnfa V. " Jamra r. 'I. Jaiorn r. ", lamra f. l. lami K Jaini-a r laiiica K. I. Jami-a i-, 't. 'amin r. ii ni K Jainm r' tatiuia v' II. liinda ' IHM T.'. I, tmi. k' " lanm y' in r. I, r 'ui r '""I I "nrtiian ntfi' MAMt OK CLAIM AND LOT .NO. NANaC (Hint rrariii.n, u,i . . IhiII'IiIii rranii.n, j,t twit Mill t kliur Mi .Ii .u 4t, ImI lal ... Iron kliir. Li.l 17 HANOI llrurw-tla, Uit I0 Narrarrt, Uit 1 10 lUttin, Lot tin Klla. IXil Ukf Vlr. Ij.t tk".-.... i. Uit l& fra frailivn. tui t ... ui. ut iri 'Irani le. Lul IIA ...... lirraiiry, Lut tin I ... VanriiMTrr. Lut 4 Kn-iiltif (liar, Lt 1J . , . ITtnrr Huprrl. J4 3I . fkflln. Lol IIUA Mailt. Ua t kllrlirntr. Uit ! IW. IM f Iinmi LuiimHin, IjiiI fStt Calnliiiua. Uil lit I ...... 8I Thinr, Lt iMimfrlra, lil Hi M4ilalir, I Ail ti Malarial. Ui (n ItMlrt. Ixl tt Cuiifll. Ij.l tint firry Cij'fr. In. I rtat . . . nwiarr, ll.l li (. W'tiarr: LAI itai I.X.I. until RAJMI I Ktutna. 11 II I.X.I... Ut II CAtflAR Hrrirrvf N. I. It I IM ......... Illrrf Nu. t, 11 1104 lttNlrrf Nil. 1. IjiI l Ilntrr No. I. tJtl tl Ilnlrorf rrarttrial. IM ll Iiurviili H (,t J,, lot ia;i tH. and Hmi, Ua toja iniflHn. 1.1 1677 .. I'larutlian. till Vtiaru No. J. il U7 . twarli No. 4. 11 . tarti 1, Ul tf . Qarti N. ., 11 .. lMrii N. . La.1 4 . Vnarlt No. It. Ut li . tarl Na. II. Ul I AAA . Ovarii No If. Ul l: C-tiirl. Na. II. I 1AM Otitnt N. 14. Ul '( No. II. 1I 4 Owarti No. I A, Ul ll, , yarl No. taf. Ul ! . Onaril N. II. tM li Oaiartt No. It. Ul 141 Onartl .Nn. tl. Ul 11 .. Ouaru Na. tl. 11 144 .. Qnartt .No. tf. U4 17 .. QataHt Nti (AH. Ul KM Hla'k kMiM. U.I JAA7 .. ..i. I .. I.I1 ' l Wnlf. Ul i: . Wdlf Nn. t. Ul 174 Wolf Nn. 1, Ud lo Vulrin. 11 11T Wairilnmt frarll., W IM( Mlwr tiftL. Ul sill Harh. I.ul Jivt . . . lilnl n I. 11 not .... Ilil. pniiil Kttmtlim. I.M 111 . M'lTuvtk. i.t M.ihavk Nn. t, l.nt JSI4 . . . M.Jiaok Nn. t, Ul 1 IS Ni.Bi frarlhin. Ul SSI9 Cnpprf ITrl, Ut S144 ., Nn, A. It lltl .No. 4 frarltnn frart(inat. tot ll .Nn, I, Ut it 11 'Attn ii prtnr, nUprip ll.C, tin t lit) diy of Ortobrr. 1014, t . a . ...it.. .J....va KUrk kwttl Nv I, U4 J4J i r vim. i ft nit Htrtwtuib frriliiv fttrtlmnat.' Lot .No. 7. Ut tlf OUIII CHARLOTTE ULAJIOt) nKal. tnl Iff llnnHXtakr. l.nt li ... Nn. t. Ut III Ilrlil, 11 l7t ... til"- Marlon frartlnn. Ut H M.milV, l.nt 40 r.inr vinr. Ui ai ll.diln. Ul Vda frartlnn. Ul AOS .......... Tumihv l.nt AO 4 . . . . , . .. 1111. Ul HI Indian for. Ul A ....,,..,... Fitwant. tM 107 Ida. I of AO l .. , Kim. ui -rrak " rniiiivOfn. I-01 " ' I'ltlmi Jark. Ul All aiara C !"trlp, Ut Alt .......... ridfintiniviti.n. InA H ..i.j.k rhrkim'il'"n frartlnn. Ut lit .... wtrwK'. Ul HI Chin .v, Ut It riff" faf. t.nt All i.t I .1 r0 . riw fi.rilnn, lot to l''W fr'Hnil. I"' '' t., frUutl. Ut AM ... niyi frarilim. lt A Cowr Caul. Ut tt 3ll iwiir varar. ii aif I ..... ......... . lv4tT VtnHi Nn. I, 11 111 lb illt Varnn Nn. t. Ut 111 ttullt Van ten N I, Ut lltl Iwrlv Van Nn. A. Uit II Imtlr VaMf-n Nn. a. Im tI iHillv Vanln .Nn. 7. Ul lit IUny. Ut Aft ,.f Httta. I.t ll nMnai. Inl 117 1 litwv. 11 tl i HnnvbuMi. It SUA V t. I.n IIII in. t lilt, ) tJnaMI Nn. . Ut IAt ... Iarta .No. tl. Ul l44 .. (Juarti Nn. tR. Ul Jill . l,Miart No. tJH. Ul IkM . (ntrti N. tin. Ut mi .. Quaru .Nn. t. Ul 1 iHMtiall, lul 1M WalrrfMnl, lit lilt IrOHtall frarlk.li. Ut llf Vlv mi frarlh.n. M IIII laty. I.M IC'l r.duh. ui TAXLS I l it 1.75 t It.tk I.t0 I l.liu .uu Hit l.ill II. Jl llll .t lu.lo it i till) u.uii I6.AH tr.m t.i 1:1.10 ll.ua IJ.IHI I I . in I Milk 4.71 II f lt.fi IJI4 II ll.no 13 tut M " 11.08 It. 71 ii.iMt l.0 ts.ao li 1 1. An its t.ll 14.V0 Il.tHI lt 1I 14.04 .' 1 7.0 IU Vo U.wi t HM Hk4 ia tA.OA l.4 f.M Mn tl.A If J not II" i. kti 7J0 .tl 7,00 I.M nil ta.An n.Afl l.M tt.fk It. OA tl. fl.OO ti.b. ft.no 17.1-0 tA.Af) JO M.TiO 11.00 .10 1.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 I HO 11,71 1.71 t.tl t.ll tl.Oll 11.00 1.71 It. 00 . tt.io 1 Oil I.1A ti.no ti.oo 11.50 t.io IS.00 11.00 I7.no 14 10 91.14. 1.00 n.oo 11.00 A 11 t.tl d.so 1.71 1.00 1 11.71 .7 f on 1.71 7.00 7-t f-kO 7 00 1.71, l 1 15 on t.tl tin a is 1A.7I I A1.TY I .04 .1 41 t.ll 1.17 Jo .If .17 .17 .10 .19 J .041 .tl t.ll I .HI .10 .10 .41 .41 .At 47 41 .11 Jl .14 .If 44 .At .At .41 .At .44 .At .44 .41 M .14 l.'A t4 .At t.ll t.tA t.ll t.4 1.74 , MA .II t.M t. tt t.!4v t.ll t.AA tit MA t.M t.14 ' .At . 4 :2J- J7 .41 M .44 .41 41 .1 t.ll !. t.M l.tl l.t till tt4 t.S4 t.74 I.M t.14 I.04 .AO. .AS .01 .At .At .Aft .4 .tl .11 .10 .OA t.10 .At .44 .0 tit t.4 t.AI .97 .At .AS 1.41 1.04 1. 43 1.41 t.lA I. Ml t.AO .15 .All .A3 .11 .0.1 .47 .4fl .01 .It Jt .1 .10 .11 .14 .It .11 .to. .At .AS ,00 .IT .41 44 lb off lr fr tin- rowii liranti-it klinrral Ihr mil ix-i'iiii on total 11111111111 Hue l III uIM-r Wa t Ill-IIilrfT of the 13.71 IJ.7I 13.71 IM 11. 7t ll.Tt ll.Tt 13.71 13.71 IJ.Jt IS.Tt 11.71 tl.7t ll.Tt ll.U IJ.7I 13.71 11.71 ll.Tt 1 1.71 ll.Tt ll.U ll.U 11.7 11.11 11.71 11.71 ll.U ri.fi II.1A I1.7t ri.Ti i Lit ll.Tt tt.TS ll.Tt 11.71 11.71 11.71 tl.74 M.Tt IS.Tt 11.7 H.Tt 11.7k 11.71 ll.Tt H.7k tt.Tt ll.Tt I t.tl la. 74 lt.lt It-Tt it.n i i.tt ll.U till rt.U rt.rt ll.Tt ll.Tt ll.Tt 4l.t 11.71 iiii II.U tut ll.Tt 11.71 ll.Tl ll.Tt IS.Tt IS.Tt H.U ll.U 11.71 I3.7S 117V ll.Tl' IS.Tt ll.Tl 13.71 ll.lt I l.tt 11.7 11.71 11.71 11.71 13.71 ll.Tt 13.71 tl.lt I3.7S ll.Tl 11.71 11.71 IM 11.5 11.71 ll.U IJ.JA ll.Tt 11.71 I3.TS I3.TS 11.71 13.71 II 7 11.71 11.71 11.71 IS.Tt. II 71 tl.TS IS.Tt 11.71 ll.U II 7k tl.TS 11.7k IS.Tt tl.TS 11. 71 IS.Tt tl 1 11.71 'IS.Tt II ll.Tt 11 TS 11 71 ll.Tt 11 71 11.71 I TOTAL fll.MA 17.4 3.4t 1441 31.11 3l.4t .llt ft. 41 II. At is.xt tt.it . 14.71 tA.m tl.73 t.ll 11 !4k t.k 17.40 17.19 tT.4 t&.lt ti.10 M.AI ii.tA 1.4 fn.S7 tt.lA !" I 17.10 tT.IO '7.ii till tt.tt SA.Sl 7. 17.44) t.2 t . 14.41 4141 17.06 17.10 11.11 40.41 ir At 4 t.AI It.AI 18.11 4 t.AI 41.40 It.AI 1144 4t.M 4.t4 It.AI I l.t I 4 t.AI tt.At II.M 41.41 t ft. IT If. It tt.lt lk.lt tl.TT 1141 t.ll l.tt tS.IA Jiff t.4M IMI 4I.M 11. OA 11.11 l.tt S7.A1 It.AI 17. At 41.41 St. 17 4 t.AI I.M tA.lt tt.ll I l.tt 14.10 17.40 17.40 17.40 f.r JA.A8 17.11 t!.4A 1 1.04 S7.! 17.10 ti.0 4 iW8 It. 1 7 10.11 IB.tt 17. 4A 4 t.AA ts.7r tl.to ts.ts 11.11 3t.ll fn tt.ns to on tT.tn 17.40 to SI lint 3 7 11.00 1 1 an 0 l tA.OO tl no till I7.AS I. in tl SA tl T tl in to 70 91 It tr in 14.00 t '. no 17 It 99 II tt.OI W 9. riSHEn, Provincial Collector, DOIXflMi aiiln in iliffirull. hill it is much more difficult to dodge political iiup. OUI.Nil up Ilia moutain ror a deer docs not fti'em vry far, hut carrying hafk tliicrpne in what bolher Hie liunter-. A HICK, town Is a place where lhe godniiiii Kpml lhir tiirn; watching other people. IT is a good thing people drink to MOiiiMJiie elan's health when they are lining liquor ntore dope. If they valued tlilr owti health they would paute. ' IF a man spends hi money when lio i out with Iho hoy, he han lo he a tightwad at home. That's reasonable. 1IOWK wanlK lo know if we have powr enough i run that elevalor. I ttboold Kay we have If we hadn't wh'iJ liartieni some of the Jacka&ie.i that hang around the ntreett. TAI.KI.Vr, alxut running thai elevator, let's run it. Jusl give us a chance, that's all. A MAX wits shot when out driving with a lady- near Van couver. The moral is don't go driving with the girls ami don't get shot. Ihen getting half hof is dangerous. - THE CHINKS E have quit They refuxe to go on be- raiiHc i hey ilim t like to liear llieJ them. FEW MORE VERSES" ARE YET TO COME Last Lot of Entries for the Com petition Should be Published Tomorrow; II is eiperteil that lit btst lot of vnrsea in the compel il inn wilt be published tomorrow or the following day and I hat w ill end the wwit!4t.n. r'tdlnwtit-K -are mong the verses reelved: lHue Jayt I Hue Jayf I beivlng etery iky. Sereeching and calling. "Jay! Jay! Jay!M Now the wheat and then the ipuds, , And If yon eonhl you'd steal my duds, You saw', noly llltie Jay. Halibut's Lament Darling I'm going lo leave you Said the halibut in haste I am on lhe way lo Ilupert As he grasped the herring bait. If I do not soon return dear Ho not worry for my fate I've a free ride nn the Hippo I must land in perfect shapes In the wild refrigerator I'll be rushed by C.N.H. Till I laud lit Hig Chicago Or ome city there afar. She's Broke Oli dear, have you seen l'he laughing- Hyena. lier? .A I.wOnder, what is the joke She thinks I have won This competition mon So send il lo me, I am broke. The Court House Parrot I'm lhe Court House parrot, you know: Unejtcelled-for my beauty, I trow: All hough not a "Sainl", I'm not rude; Even "Parsons" would say I am good; . Sometimes as I bang by my beak; A "Spill-er" N! jus! a near squeak; Silling hours on my perch, Us no wonder; That I've lots of things "Ponder;" I have plenty of good foryl anil drink; Yes I I once bad a "Collins" I think; What a "Volume." of nolso I can raise; When seagulls on lhe wing meet my unifi: Last oT all, I'm content with my lot; And if yoe're not. I don't care- a jot. In, It Tikf-Oairk fc Mm CATARRH . el Ik BLADDER SakSacoatM EwhCanttile Ajinvl banamtaTV"'V Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser than you. She reads the shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortablv at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She compares, judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction,, for she knows adoertised goods live up to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and lo prepare you an appetizing dinner. These benefit too. To mainlaia her place- in the Empire and to share with the Mother Country the burdens of the war of civilization, Canada continues to offer ungrudgingly the flower of her young man-liotttland ,pie, first fruits of,.her " indusfryfof 1netireat War. -- Tho first parlor cafe car to run on tho regular passenger train to Prince Rupert will arrive with the train .tonight. James (iorman- superintendent of the Cl.T.P. diniug car service, will be aboard it. Taking lor bis subject "How- to Figure Costs," I). C. Mcltae, treasurer of the Prince Rupert Retail Merchant' Association. gavo a very interesting talk to the members at the monthly meeting held in the Hoard of over to''1'rnJe r00in8 ,ast evening. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian Nalionnl Rail ways have naile arrangements to opernle tourist and standard sleeping ears through from the tho Pacific Coast to the ship's side at Montreal and Halifax in connection with Old Country sailings, during- November and I December. Full information re (gaoling rates, reservations, pass ports, etc., can bo secured from City Ticket Office, Canadian Xa tional Railways, 528 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Phone 260 Advertise In the Dally News. advertisements are written for your Read them. Help her help you 'save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment- not a stock speculation Ten Years . Ago j r a. t In Prince Rupert Octoer 15, 1914. i BlueRibbon Tea If a vote were taken in Western Canada as to t A al v wn i n n is tiir urst tea. BLUE RIBBON would win in a walk. The BLUE RIBBON family comprises half the entire population of Western Canada. It is an enthusiastic family and adds many to its membership every day. 7A CANADIAN PACIFIC B.C. Coast Services RAILWAY Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle October 7, 17, 23 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 3, 13, 24 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Fa- Butedale, Swanson Bay, Cast Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert,