PAGB FOBK. SPECIAL For A FEW DAYS, ONLY. Ladles' or Growing Girls' High Brown Boots. All sizes, low heel, $6.50 These are real value. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for thai Rummer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket., Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. Eat more of it. Kept by (he leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers' Club Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. BRINGING UP FATHER v By George McMaBuT ' g LABORERS' WAGES i EDMONTON 49 CENTS? City Decides to Pay that Sum But Some Pay Only 45 cents an Hour i EDMONTON, Jan. 25, The rain of pay per hour for laborers leinployrd by lite city will be re-j (duced fropi 51c lo l'Jc per hour, according loathe arrangements approved by council. This cut was made In serve more, or less as a basis for the commission-Jers la work on in makjng, lite ojner salary cuts all along the line through I he civic service, in order In bring about the total of a five per cent reduction in Ihe ...i. : i. tiii urun which was rert.m-. mended by Ihe council some lime ago. The commissioners reporlcd Mint negotiations had been rnr- rieil on with the different branches of (be Federation of civic service employees, but Ihey hail not arrived at any satis-: factory arrangement with res-1 pectlo the manner in which Ihe induction was o be airplied. It! was as a result of the comrj-Js-l sioners request to council for some definite instructions with respect to the reductions that a resolulion was finally submitted by Aid. Adams suggesting a cut, in the rate of pay for lalorers. Largest Cut The discussion of Hie method of applying the five per cent re - dticlion which lasted well up lot midnight centered around the wages" of laborers. The rate! which had been paid by Hie city was 51c per hour for experienced laborer.-, but private concerns in the city, accordion lo commissioner Yorath, were only paid 15c. per hour, a difference' of about 13 per cent. If the cut was to be made that .would be fair lo everyone, the Commis sioner poinfed out, ami. inasmuch Ihe wages paid by private con- corn- was .be best guide it was obvious that laborers should re-' echo Ihe largest cul. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- WJIKN a Kill makes up with a man with whiskers she may be said lo be Jiealin? about I lie. bush. v liNFJIfiY is often a virtue hut it Is the encricliu neOnle Hint are the cause of most of'lfic trouble in this, world. I.IQIJOIl is all riulil except when people drink it. A VII. I, Alii'', Is. a place where everybody wants, to ' know who you meant. . AHH you lired of (he world. Then Ihe world is tired of you. Ileform yourself and cheer up. It may be belter for you hern than in Ihe hereafter. ONF, or the subjects on which lo bet on how many crises. - an n able able debater, debater, ami and in in I the he last lust ... , Veterans' Associations' Bovril Poster Competition closes definitely MARCH 31st Each donation of 51.20 entitles to ticket-folder containing 16 color posters, giving an opportunity of winning 1st prize, about $55,555.00 or others of the 2,003 prizes, combined value, 30,000, about $138,888. Send Donation of $1.20 and play tha fame. AMrrt donation to any of the follow In; .. .1-, ' . wanuanont or ineir otanenn i Veteraaa' AuocUtioa ei Great Brttaia. ZTTt Park A, Montreal. Greet War Veteran.' Aeeociatlea, Citieea Buildlnt, Ottawa. Army and Nary Veterana la Canada. 121 Biabon Strati Montreal. Imperial Veteraaa la Caaada, Mala Street, Wiaoipef. Tuberniiaua Veteraae Aeeociatlea. Raeea 47, CltUan BuUdiaf, Ottawa. I.Jt " "' Im reached next week, ,r '" do not muni taking a anil mud, ttnve along quietly behind the other fellow. l o ,r' lo -overtake is often dan- Kerous and needs ;t lot of etTorl. -- "r I lie Ihird lime the ;canny cnts of this city are 'a"0"' lo build a church. Will ''bey dare do it now SHE always : falls For fashion's whims; She'll bare her arms She'll bare her limbs, She'll bare her shoulders Alas, alackl The poor, dear girl Will hare her bak, SHU, she can't reach l.ife'.s honor role, 'Till, she decides To bare her soul. MINISTER OF HEALTH rere,e.e bKlllMi llUVfcKNMhN I Hon. John Wheal ley, minister of Health in the Itrilish riovern-menl lias fur many years been a prominent figure iti labor anil socialist movement in the west of Scotland. He bvfjan work in a Lanarkshire coal pit al Ihe aj;e. of II and continued to follow that occupation until he was 22. He is now cnsnjied in business as a publisher. He fore he was returned to Parliament for Shet-lleslon last year he had already considerable experience of public life. He was elected lo Lanark County Council in 1010 as a representative of the Slietlleslon area. Two years laler, when the boundaries of lilasyow were extended and Shellleslon was brought into 'Ihe city, he was elecli'd lo (llasfrow Corporation, of which he continued a member unlil his elelcion lo Parliament a year ago. Mr. Whealley has lakeu a deep interest In problems of public health and housing, He is retngnized by all parlies, as BRIER - TBI -DAILY WKWB. Friday. Jnimry 2:,, ,0 Parliament he made undeniable impression as a fluent and ef-feolive speaker. 'BOOTH TARKINGTON . i STORY IS PICTURED The Flirt (o be Shown Mere To night Is Splendid Feature I.Ike a moth irrrrsistihly drawn In the" 'flaming so u-a.n jnen drawn .lo Cora Madison: Just ,n wee side dance from those cov eyes and the damnce was dmi. Yet you couldn't bUmo Cora; it was as natural for her to flirt as it was lo eat, but, like all her kind, there came a time when she .art to pay the penalty for her In discretions. , Hoolh Tarkinslon's story. "The Flirt.' was one of the most widely read books in the country, ami its entertainment value is greatly enhanced by its nrescnln. lion in screen form. It was made into a magnificent rilm and will be seen at the Wc-llinlnie Theatre tonight. ! There are few persons who .have not hail a heart-breaking ex. jperience with a fliri, because the species come in both, male and female form, hence there are few that will Nfuil lo understand Hie psychology or Mr. Tarkinglon's story, and, if they are not now in Ihe midst of a similar experience, to thoroughly enjoy each minute of the performance. Enjoyable from. s.l,ari to finish, it carries a lesson to Hie modem yoniKr miss (o beware her step and not become dissatisfied wllh life just because father can't pive excrylhiiifr l,iat some of ;her friends have. Hut the lesson is so deflly handled that one doesn't realize it is there until every last fool oT film has been run. The vein of humor that runs through makes smiles and tears alternate. ami after all that is the (est of n sncessfcul photoplay. TELKWA The fine weather still continues, although an occasional flurry of snow and a little wind reminds one that "This U. win-Icr." A Small daughter arrived at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Wallace on Sunday lasl. Mr. and Mrs. Collins have bought the biingnlow on Strawberry hill ami will move Into town shortly. e.- Nets Swensnn of Ihe 'felkwa l.umlrer Company has completed his culling at Ihe mill al Tallow, and Is now running his saw at the various wood piles in lown. Harry Wingand his son Cecil left for the roat on Holiday. .Their nice shingle bungalow is '. l u rv it! NOW linnril iy mp I.IIUIIIS. The orchestra held a very j successful dance last Staurday, Allhnuglf Ihe usual number of 'dancers were not present those Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad-rtlMm.nt Takon for La... than 50 3 j WANTED MOI.EIl HARIlKIl COLI.KGH wants men and women to learn the Itarhcr Trade. Paid while learning. This is your opportunity to learn a trado nnd get into steady employment. Graduates earn from $I0J)0 lo $50.00 per week. Write for freo catalogue. 50 Hastings K. Vancouver. WANTED, Maid for general housework. Apply Mrs. A. K. Wright, 115 Fifth Ae. F.. 21 FOR SALE FOIl SAI.F., Several bargain in used delivery and passenger ears. Including Sedans. I'm? payments. S. K. Parker Ltd. FOIl SAI.F,. II.P. Palmer wild clutch, 2.-o.oO. r. H.P. Cann. dian Imperial fton.M), North-. ern Exchange. tf FOIl SALE Sixteen room board- ing house and store, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrn.e Ave-nue. FOIl SALE. Slcel range, nearly new. I'liniie Hed 023. t zl PIANO for. Sale, Cheap, ('bono Heir 5in " 2 FOR REKT STEAM Healed Flat for rent. Besner a-partments. M. M. Stephens. Fl'ltNISIIED Cabin for Ileal. Sunimil Avenue. Phone Hed 23. 21 BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tl who were lyid a ginul lime. The SI. Stephen's W.A. held their semi-monthly meeting at Ihe home of Mrs. Ilrah Hoops on Tuesday afternoon. The dairy farmers around I'elkwa iire interested in I ho fact thai I here may soon be a pasleiirii:iiig plant in operation here. This will mean a great thing, as then fresh-milk might tie sold in tpiaiitities and a belter and quicker return imule for Ihe farmer. ' - - Although Ihey had very lillle practice the Telkwa Terriers pul uji a fine game of hockey wilh Ihe Hinilliers' team on Sunday. The play was quick and snappy. WISH TO COMPLETE UPPER STOREY OF THE NURSES' HOME Committee Appointed by Rotary Club to Make Recommendations In Regard to Matter At lis meeting veslerdav Hie llolary,Cluh appointed a rommit-lee consisting of II. F. Pullen, J. W. Nicholls. John DvbhAvn. James Sleen niid .lames Lee In iinesligale the desirability of completing IJie upper slurry of Ihe Nurses Home in onler lo pro-ide accominoilalliin for all the nurses instead of only pari of Idem. The committee will meel at the hospital on Sunday and will report hack In the club al it h luncheon next week. II is understood that aboul HI. (Hid would conmlelo Ihe work and some of Ihe members of Ihe" club are of, opinion I lint nmounl might be raised fj order lo do Ihe work while the men are on the Job. FURS COINQ UP. The Fur Ma -ket u 'otning bark strong. Se nie first and lal wilh your catch you'll make more money. W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION 8ALCS. Oootls Iloughl, Sold or Kxrlianged H. M. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture rnd Crockery. Third Ave. Phones niack Lift and ReiJ tis. TAXI Tail 7 Phone. (Call Oeorgi or Out) Rosa Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nlghl Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue MISCELLANEOUS. O. ANDF.nSO.V. Sallinnlcr Snlla ami tarpaulins made lo order ami repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Woneer Laundry, Phone Oreen 3t2. P.O. Hot 723. . MAIL SCHEDULE, For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. days, ?oses at 5.311 p.m. From the East-Mondays, Thursdays nnd Saturdays, 4.3o p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays p, M. Wednesdays ( p,M. Fridays . . A.M. C.P.II. January H and 2H. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mall closes at t P.M. Fridays ..H.I5 A.M. Saturdays A.M. C.P.II. January IH. To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier Vednesilays () P.M. From Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart, a.M. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 P.M. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, 8tewart and Premier-Tuesdays a M To Alaska Points January I i and 28, Fpom Alaska Points January 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Points January 2, 10, 30. Closes ..'0 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Points January 1 1 nnd 28. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays id From Naas River Points Saturdays AiM PRINCE RlinVM-r . ... -rinara . a : ' i t Friday, January 28 "'Kli 3:tfl a.m. 20.0 tl. 5:31 p.m. 20.7 'w 0:J2 a.m. 0.3 " 22:00 p.m. 3.3 " Saturday, January 26 HiRh 1:25 a.m. 10,0 f. 10:22 p.m. 10,0 . 'Low 10:27 run, 0.3 22:4li.ln. 4.3 " . Sunday, January 27 '" ft Ml il.tii. (0.8 ft. 17:21 p.m. 18.5 T'"w, M:20 ii.iii. 0.1 " 23:211 p. in, 0'l Monday, January 28. 0:02 a.m. Ip.o ft-. I8;.in p.m. 17. t " Low ja-tn ,,, ,j5 t SCHEDULE 01 BASKETBALL January 28. Colts. II lull fc-v Teachers. Maple Leaf: r , Teachers. " February I. Kalens, Adanac Itr liroltb; Teachers, S.O.C t. Grotto. Colls; Maplftff,, Ailaiincs; M.O.Fa., Colts: 8. Knicns, Teachers, Rr High School; Colli". Tea f t I I. -Colls. Ilegt ; Mntde I. K.-lienn; Teachrrs. S.O.I!: 15. Atlanaes, Teachers .A School, Grolto; S.O.C . 18. (aoll. IliKla. JU.; Teachers. Mapln Leal L t Trurliers. H 22. Knicns, Aitanai Grollo; Teachers. S.oJ 25. Grollo. Cells; Leafs, Adanncs; H.O.C . C ilfi March I. Kalens, Tenchera' Hr;i High School; Colls. Tearlir-- I. liolL Heiit.; MaplfnU:'t Kalens; Teacbrrs, H.O.C. 8. Adanacs, "Teachers ll.t School. (Irtdlo; S.O.C, 'Cutis. 1 1 Colls, High SchcwL Teach, ers. Maple Iafs; Colls, Xfai'"i 15 Kalens, Adannc, ties' Grotto; Teachers, S.O.C. WHISTLEACUE Jnn 31 St. Andrew fv. k t P.: L.O.O.F. vs Elks? Mc- vs. G.W.V.A.; Sons of (a: nda vs. Sons of England. Feb. 7 St. Andrew s vs Tlk I.O.O.F. vs. G.W.V.AS-r Canada vs. K. of P.; Mooe vs, K. of O. Feb. 1 1 Sons of linsLtnd v K of C; K. or p. vs. .US; Sfi : - vs. I.O.O.F.; G.W.V.V. v., Sf Andrew's. Feb. 21 Mooso vs. Sin,0tfar ada; SI. Andrew's I.O.O.F K. of P. vs. K. of C.J Sons of England vs. F.Iks. Feb. 28 K. of p. vs. 'WW V A Moose vs. Elks; SoporCsn nda vs. I.O.O.F.; SI. Andrews vs. K. of C. Mnrcli rt -K. of P. vs. i.o.n.K Sons of England vs. Mm Sons of Canada v. K of T March 13 Sons of Knirlnnd v o.v.v-. BILLIARD LEAGUE . ISSUES SCHEDULE Jan. 23. SI. AmlrewUs P it llilliiird Parlors. K : Jan. 25. Grollo vs. iko'.Ki Jan. 28. G.W.V.A. vHJV.R Jan. 30. Grollo vs. Sf... An drew's. i Feb. I. P.p.. Billiard Pnrlnr vs. Illks. Feti. , p.H. Millard vs S.O.K. Feb. 0. Elks vs. SI. Andrew's-Feb. R. G.W.V.A. vs. Oroll". Feb. II. S.O.E.vs. St. Andrew Fl, 13. Grollo vs.' V.Iks! Fok I ft. P.H. Billiard Parlors vs. G.W.V.A. Team sliimlings to daln: Hi; :ui)es, Total. Aer O.W.V.A. wxl S. of I'.. . . , i -'.165 4;.5 I'.H.B.P. ... O gf.H Mk r7.'M Slid SI. Andii'w's toil H?l llrollo .... I Jit T. l When you buy Advertising 7"u buy CIHCIJLATION, and see lht you K1 It. ' U