jrlday January 25, 1921. " r FIRST of the series dealing with the estallishment of the JJuWK or Montrial at representative points in Canada and elsewhere. IN MONTREAL t 3 - n Before any steamship had crossed the ocean, and be fore either die locomotive or the telegraph hid been invented, nine merchant! of Montreal tigned articles for the formation of the "Montreal Bank," now the Bank of Montreal, That was on June 23, 1817 more than 106 yean ago. . Since that time Montreal has grown from a town of less than 20,000 to a city of moretlian 800,000 population. The Bank, in continuous and successful operation from tho.se early days down to the present time, has steadily pioneered its way across Canada. Today, through its Head Office and more tlun 550 Branches, it offers complete banking service local, national, and international in every section of the Dominion. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over 100 years Total Assets in excess of $650,000,000 Now a, bargain for men! TO value 50c Three famou artirlfa reaWflmfort rwjr mm ntfdt, I'atmolite Shating Crram, I'almnlite Soap, and the nw I'llmolhe After 8halns Talc to '(It that rlI-iroorafd look without thoif on our fare. L Krcular prlrf 70c 1, - ORMES LIMITED yfif, N'- Stnib-.im Ih iilcr. reg. pure $1? 'Mil tl, , ,1 II,,, mould l'U7 "l . Ml . 1 i.uu Vntf No. S. mlir. mi IHmIit, rcg. n ii ' ?22.00. Sm. m,, tin- inoiilli only $18.00 v Buy now and save money. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. We Deliver. P.O. Drawer 1646 H ere an rJTh ere Quebec city is again becoming- the Mecca of winter-loving touriita. Arrangement for - the forthcoming carnival are nearing completion and sports of all kinds, Including to bog. gan sliding on the four-track chute on Dufferin Terrace, art in full f wing. The mild weather prevailing In Quebec until recently greatly hindered lumbering operation in the province. Thia aituation, according to Mr. I'iche, Chief Forester, ha. been adjusted, however, by latt falla of snow, and the total cut hat been brought up to normal. There are 300 port and harbors on the coast of Canada. The majority are, of course, small affairs, the big ports not exceeding six. However, one of Canada's ports, Montreal, ranks sixth among the world a ports and third on the basis of export business done during the seven months in which it Is open. Newsprint production in Canada for the eleven months of 1023 ending in November was 1,16,225 tons, as compared with 993.9S8 tons for the same period in 1922, the increase being jual to 17 per cent The estimated production for the year Is 1 ,270.000 tons, or 189.000 tons over that for 1922. Tbe value of Canada's 1923 grain crop Is estimated by the Dominion Bureau of Statistic at $392,572,300. Of this total approximately $450,000 is credited to the three prairie prov-ln:e. It is interesting to note that while the figures for Manitoba and Saskatchewan are below those of the year 1922, those of Alberta are above by over $15,00u,000. Grain marketed along the Cana-dlan Pacific Railway in 1923 totalled 187.642.224 bushels, an Increase of 33,321.619 bushel over any similar period in the rai'way's history) The increase in bushels shipped was 13.-06.730, or 9.2 per cent over 1922. and 83.1 per cent of the tots) amount marketed had been shipped by December 3rd. Government statistics estimate the apple crop of Canada for 1923 at 10,791100 boxes, which, at an estimated average of $2 a box. makes the value a little over $21,000,000. By provinces the estimsted production was as fo'lows: Nova Srotia, S,2Ao,0OO boxes; Britih Columbia, -S.12l.ri00: Ontario. 2575,000; Quebec. 110.000; and New Brunswick, 35.500. A herd of 20 b-'fslo is soon to be hiprd from Wainwright Park, Alta.. to the Yukon, where a game rreerve.b to be laid ont In the central pari of the territory. This an-nounrement was msde here by Robert Lowe, of White Pass, Yukon Territory, on hi way back from Ottawa, where he arranged for the shipment. The Banff Winter Carnival ia to be held from February 2nd to 9th. 1924. both dates inclusive, snd will J run ronrur-entiy with the Banff Binspiel, which will be hld from February 41 to 9th, Inclusive. A widely rariej and attractive programme has been arranged, culminating in a Grand Carnival dance, when the Carnival Queen for 1924 will be announced tnd crowned. Among the New Year's honors for 1924 one of the most popular is the award of the C.B.K. by His Majesty the King' to Captain S. Robinson, R.N.R.. who, it will be recalled, so distinguished himself in command of the Cansdian Pacific S.S. "Empress of Australia" during the Japanese disaster and Is now commanding the Canadian Pacific S.S "Empress of Canada" for that Jewel's fortheom-,ng world cruise The beauties of the Lairrentian Mountains, which hare already attracted the attention of moving picture prod-icers, are -ontinuing to draw such companies. The latest to make use of this location is the Distinctive Pictures Corporation, starring Alma Rubens and Conrad Nagle, which has been shooting at Gray Rocks Inn, Ste. Jovite iver the New Year holiday period A feature of their work has ben the co-operation of the Chateau F""tenac dug team, led by Mountie, reteran of fivs years service in the North. M. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Slark and .1. M. Hockiit, - Simpson ami's. L. Simpson, 'PhSrTo 100. Helgcrson a Block. K. (Iraliam, "ur,M,1p.; l vtt J,r; Safkaleliewan; a",l1 J- w Dr. F.P.KENNY ( kaleliowanj Milc lIcink'r.oii, ---S"- Hums Lake; Mrs. A. H. Harkor, . Terrace; Mrs. S.' Sarjienl, f)aTr-cf N-'W Haellnn; I). Taylor, Dlgby LCllUOt Island; W. U . McAfee and Hugh X-RAY SERVICE. Hoswill. Cieorgetown; X. Urew, (irfice Hour-: ' u.tn. lo 0 p.m. Ilaysporl; Thoina HroVu, Surf Upon KveniiiKs l'V Special Appoinliiiciil. j ,nl'- central - (on i:(,Uji(ni,(?) city. BSRRIES Home Furnishings fff "BS HEALING WE SELL FOR LESS. ffF Dir1 It will pay yon lo ntnsi.ler Hum rfl. wlii'ii an planning fif 7 fl Ffj Bll I U 1 ji$um UUIV . i . .Furniture for Your Home M0& TIIE DAILY NEWB. Local and Personal B.C. Undertaker. Phone I. Haynera, Under laker. Pboue 361. tf . Arrived. A shipment of Hie famous Cable Shoes. McArthur's Shoe Store. 21 Capt. ticorge Fritz nailed thin afternoon by the l'rince Jtupcrl for Vancouver. . Hunts UaiKjuel Klks' Home, January 25. Get your tickets from tlic executive. 20 A. W. Kdgc sailed Hi i k afternoon by the l earner l'rince Hu-perl for Vancouver. - We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. . (f l.:O.H.A. Sale of Home Gookin? and afternoon lea from 3 to C tomorrow hi the old liensun Studio. Auction Sale Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. Prince Rupert Exchange, Third Avenue. 22 Tliere will be a meeting of Hie I.O.D.K. al the City Hall on Friday at 8 p.m. All members arc requested to come. 20 Alaska Sleiiisliip Co.'s steamer Victoria, Capl. I)avie., frpm Seward and intermediate ports, i due here Saturday evening, weallier permitting. I. Austin, auditor for the Liquor Control Hoard, who has been here on ollicial business for the pal few days, Is leaving lo-niglit for the interior. - J. K. Miller and T. Mason, eiisloms' and revenue inspector., who have been here for the pat week on ollicial duties, are leaving by' tonight's train for the interior. i.w.n.n. mere win ne a gen eral meeting of all the chapters of the I.T).D.H In the City Hall lonighi a I 8 o'clock for the pur pose of di.cu.iiig- the building fund. All members are requested In allend. Mayor Xewlon, chairman, Aid. Collarl, Aid. McMordie, Aid. Kvilt and Aid, Smith will comprise the court of revision on the civic assessment roll it was decided by Hie council lat night. The court will open on February 8. Saturday Soecials. Humn - - roast Ijc. lb.: round roast toe lb.; sirloin roast, 1 8c lb.: T- bone roast 1 5c. lb.; round steak. iOc. ,Ib.; sirloin steak, 25c. Hi.: hamlmrxer IOc. lb.; pork bocks. 2 lbs. for 25c; boiling fowl 25e lb. Table Supoly. Miles Henderson, who has been transferred as manager of the lloyal Hank at Minns Lake lo a branch at Vancouver, was In Hie eily loday. He arrived from the interior on las) even-ing's train and sailed for Ihe ulh on thu l'rince Hupert this afternoon. - Passengers booked lo sail this artei-noou by the Prince Hupert for Hie south included: I'. Sutherland, .C. A. Kllnrd. Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Oraham, NV. fteatls. II. Murray. Mrs. ,S. Kingston, O. Slevens, Mrs. Thomp !. II v-nri Hlance. J. V. Stewart, Mrs. .lo. Morion and Mr. and Mrs. W. II Slelclitey for (Vancouver, and Mrs. L. S. Smith for Seattle. A picture of Mrs. 5. A. Mc-Xicholl of this city appears on the society page, of the Vancouver World in a recent, issue. Mrs, McXicholl Is to be one of the patronesses of the Canadian .National Hallways Social & Alh-lelio Club's fourth annual ball which lakes place tonight in the rotunda or the CX.lt. station at Vancouver, - . The bylaws, transferring the lot on Third Avenue lo the. Great War Veterans' Association for memorial purposes, exempting same from taxation nnd providing for a new street connecting with the, proposed Provincial government highway were finally adopted al lust night's council meeting. Thej' hud been ratified by thu lux payers nt the er t un: :pal deotion. PAGE TIinEB. 49C from ifie roaster to you! Sealed in the Nabob Vacuum tin, free from air action, neither time nor distance can affect Nabob Coffee. It reaches you as rich and full flavored as the day it was roasled. In K, 1 lb. and 31b. Vacuum Packed Tins. KtllY DOUGLAS Fresh shipment Xanoosc-Wcl-i , Hnglon coal just arrived. Phil-pott, Kvilt &. Co. tf Mrs. W. S. Sargent and daugh ter arrived on last night's train from Xew Hazelton and sailed this afternooni on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. - - K. II. Simpson, manager of Ihe crab rahnery al Xaden Harbor. and Mrs. Simpson and their son. S. I,. Simpson, have returned lo the city from a holiday trip south ami are awaiting I lie de parture of the next steamer lo sail for Ihe Islands. - Kelchikan: molorship Helling- liani. Capt. I.en Williams, is in port from the north totiay un loading three carloads of frozen fish at the lloyal Fish Co.' dock for transshipment Hast. The vessel arrived al It o'clock this morning and will clear this af ternoon. FISH ARRIVALS Halibut arrivals at the Fish Kxchange this morning totalled 31.000 pounds. Two American boats had 13,000 pounds and two Canadians, 18,000 pounds. Prices were somewhat higher, the ad vantage going to American fares. Arrivals and sales: American Iteliance, 6.000 pounds, at 17.2c and 9.5c; Xorth, 7.000 pounds, at 17.5c and 9c, lo Ihe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Canadian M. M. Christopher, 11,000 pounds, at tO.lc and Uc, and Hippo, 7,000 pounds al 17. tc a.nd c. lo the Canadian Fish 4V Cold Ctorage Co. FiveRoses FLOUR When Huying Flour ask your tirocer for "FIVE ROSES," The World's Hesi 01 L Agent, Christie COAL The Famoua LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. f- CO. LTD. pirTHin linn mttr BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following as. being safe, saleable and of fair return: City of Vernon , 5Vi due loth June, IlKW, at 'J8.i)i. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan (irjdue 18th .May, lli.-iU, at ,$101.20. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert rc due 1011 to liCiO.at $101.31. Yield 5.90", Orders may be wired at our expense, interest accrued to dale of payment must b added. We pay delivery- charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted Ag limit 8 to o. Young men from Hi to 18 can join with parents' consent Commencing Wednesday, January Otli, a comprehensive six weeks' course of military training will be conducted under a regular army instructor loaned to the Regiment for this purpose. Physical training and boxing under ipialifh'd instructors. Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays at S p.m. Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. Firsthand Knowledge is the nost convincing Get to know by personal experience that thi nke things we say about "Cascade- Beer are not exaggerated Prove to your-self that this TS the finest beet orewed in the west, that it IS a most delightful tonn to Tiind and body, a bringet of good rheer and content Order a supply of "Cascade" today. On sale at all Government Liquor Stores. Vancouver Breweries Limited Jh , wBeer without (tPecr This advertisement is not published or displayed hv the Lfouor '" . . i mm , .irtyiiSt ii v.'.- ' '.