When Yh Want A TAXI in a hurry Pbone 99 Bst Cars and Best Service In the City. Rates Rear nable YOI, XIV, NO, 21. 'it. "; NEW YK.TUltlA, Jan. -llegiilulions rtii- under amendment to the fur the grunting of dub (imLiv ure very rigid. ( iidcr (he leriu of lln licnic. Hie stale license fct shall j ri-jli! uiilv lit eacli calendar year anil shall not 'he divisible. If the liceum fee is applied fur in November, the full year's fen litis: ?t be peiil. License shall nl he issued lit club whilst preniises. wJitjuiv or in pari, arc runluiiied in a biiibling used as a holcl. LABOR POLICY GREAT BRITAIN Macdonald will Likely Propose Confaranca to Revise Treaty of Versalles i A register containing the TO ABANDON SINGAPORE ,. addresses and Identily of .each member must be available at ludget of Baldwin Oovernmant ..,.. to be Accepted With Very j T(P .., ,uu,t register, ivinu Few Changes ifu (.articular roiicrming them- " ' ' " ' ' ltTirt February.! nl each year. LONDON. January -.'3. The! , fur, the tonior tt ' iniiister Oatette says Pre- mirr Itaiusay .Mnrdouahl ,4 like- ly propose an lnteriiaUonal.II.,lli.er of the rlub or of Iho-e s; ference for revision of the V ; saille Treaty ainl a nduc-I of the reparation rlnlms. . The fame paper says that the S ijUpore naval station pro- j ' will he abandoned in uie in " s of economy. Ihe cablnel .iHti.lanee decmeil neceary ami says, ha derided lo necepl hej(n break open any lockers and llaldwin tioverumeiH budget with Utile iii'slifn alion. HASHED SELF DIED TODAY Two of Wounded Men May Recover but Third Is Seriously Injured i VANCOUVi:il. Jan. 2-V - Ben ll.ilia. n to-atiiati on Ihe Pilar l l.arrtnaKH, who yeslerday senl two fnen (o lloir long rest when he run amok, died this morninu f,,iuu wiiiiuds reeeUed ill the "humbler. Tliest were Inflicted by himself, the most severe ju-cludihK a KKshed throat and u Klab In Ihe breast. I he romlilloii "f one wilimded sailor is serious but the other two are recovering. MOVES REPEAL OF CITY'S ROAD TAX Aid, Oollatt Kiixe nollre al las' nluliTs council meeting thai at the iiexl iiiccdiiK he would Inlro. duce a bylaw repealing Ihe 2 road tax leaving alone.1 the ."i poll lax. Thin, In Ihe opinion of Aid, Collart. will remove the mis- iinderslaiulinK of last year thai resulted in many persons being illsfrancliUdl through liuvliiK "alled to pay Ihe poll tax. FUNERAL SERVICE of our Late Brother Harry Fletcher will bo held Jointly by 'l'lio 'Iks, Loyal Order of Moose, "ml HI, Andrew's Society i" the Ulks' Home at 4.30 O'clock Tomorrow, Halurday arieinoon. Everyone welcome. in. (iovenimeul l.iipior Ai l issu-Ml linn, restaurant, lodging house, 'boarding house ur apartment 'douse. Nit liquor except the bona fide properly of member inut be; kepi on tin1 prcmisei and this must In in separate lockers for each itieintier. locked with the ,,..',.,. ,,. ,,rinlcd outside. Merul.er may not allow other member In use their lockers. l ,nr, complete lisi of servants having uny control over the Ihiuor engaged In serve member. The rlub mul submit u ropy of lis balanre sheet annually. An iupector or ronslable Is taivrn the righl lo enter any par 01 int ruin aim scarrn won any doors. ORIclala Confident io eminent olllcials are confident that the new regulalions Mill sound the death knell li beer clubs Ihroiighout Ihe province. The hoanl is empowered to issue and cancel club licenses: as It sees fit and without neces sarily hearing protests. Xo licenses will be given proprietary club of uny kind or to any eiuos rouvicicu in uie pasi of liiiior infrucllons. Ihe cluhs will be held responsible for In- fractious by members and licenses will be cancelled, Upon eancellalion no club will him Ihe rlahl to demand re newal as a "legal claim or vest ed rishl." The annual license, fee for social clubs is I0; ror athletic, recreational, amusement,' fralerual, benevolent, educational and tubers with a similar purpose, the fee is ?5u. A complete list or members and iiiests with addresses mils I bo kept open for inspeclion. LENINEGRAD IS NEW NAME FOR PETROGRAD Change Made In Honor of Former Head of Soviet Russia Officially' Announced MOSCOW, Jan. 25. 11 is offi cially staled hero that the cily of I'etrograd has been reuatied Ien incgrui! in honor of the neniory or the lale Soviet chier. pelrograd was rormerly St. IVlcrshui'g but the n nine was hanged lit Hie beginning or tlio war because it was orrenslvu to Ihe people. J, II. A. Sleven of the Water Power Branch of Ihe federal government relumed lo Vancouver on the Priuco Rupert this aflernoon. Ho has been supervising; Ihe installation of the. uu't a' Miitlakulla, one ''ij-'j LiOUOR ,t e Northern and I'ltlNCK aUB REGULATIONS ISSUED BRITISH GOVERNMENT EXPECTED TO STOP RAILWAY STRIKE Stringent Regulations Issued Governing Clubs that wish to keep Liquor I or use of Members PUPILS OF CITY BETTER BEHAVED THAN ELSEWHERE ll was rt'porled at the Holary Club luncheon yesterday I hat a personal Idler hud been received from (ierald Hlylh of the foreslry car hy J. C. Brady saying thai the hi till scluxd pupils attending the exhibit af the forestry car were the best behaved of any group he had met throughout his tour of Canada. The announcement wan received with vigorous applause by members of the club. W. R. .ALLEN pi-i'Mdeiil of the L iiuiu Bank of ( auuila. win; h has jusl c impleled a successful year COUNCILTALKS ABOUT HIGHWAY Aid. Casey Doubtful If Proposed Government Road Will Connect with Canneries I ,....11.... ,.111. II... I,, i... III y rum I I IVI. Willi IfJItl.V aulliorixfutr -lluv building of a liew street in the cily to conned wilh the proposed provin cial government highway, Aid. Casey lold the cily council last night thai, from information ho had, the proposed road would not actually connect the. cily wilh Ihe Skeeua River canneries as it was generally supposed il would do. If il did not do so Ihe Cily would not get the expected benefit from its const ruo-tion. He asked if l)ie council Could not do something lo have, Hie present plans changed, , Aid. Collart explained thai it had been found impossible by the engineers to reach some of tho canneries directly. The skelch submitted by Major Taylor, district engineer, lo tho council had been explained satisfactorily and il had been ac cepted. Inverness and Haysport were I ho only two canneries which could not bo reached but Hie road would come closo to them. Mayor Newlon reiterated tho state: Md Col'a 'l and PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper MJi'EHT, B.C., FRIDAY, JAN UAH BBBBLeL The Uuke and Duchess or York cut Ihe Christmas cakes at the "Not Forgotten" Association's Christmas parly at Buckingham Palace C0M1HEES0F CITY COUNCIL Aid. Collart, Finance Chairman; Perry, Board of Works; Macdonatd, Utilities ii - J The foiltiwfug standing' hit' com com- millces of the city council . .. ,1... 1 11. t 1....... 1 ...4 hi- jrar u.i iar uerii o- . : , . . , ... .. . were iasi uigm anuuncei to mc . ... .... . . . I inance.-. d U.llart (cha ir- in .m. ,Muruic .1111 Kvitl. Hoard of Works: Aid. Perry chairman), Aid. Casey, and Aid., McM onlie. Public Utilities: Aid. Mac donald chairman). Aid. Smith and Aid. Clapp. Fisheries: Aid. Casey and Aid, Macdonald. Heading Room Coiumitlee: Aid. Clapp (chairman). Win. Mc-Rae, Fred l.anza and Oeorge Smith. Hospital: Aid. Macdonald and ' Aid. F.vitt. , Exhibition: Aid. Perry and Aid. Evitl. Building Commission: Aid. Casey chairman). Aid. Perry, Cily Engineer, Fire Chief, Medical Ileal) h Olllcer. Housing Scheme: Member of Ihe Finance committee, Cily lieasiiier. Building Inspector, Cily Solicitor, with Ihe Mayor as chairman. Public Library Board: Aid. Smith, 1 year term, Rev. O. O Hacker, 2 year teem, II. r. Pulleu, 2 year term, James Black, ! year term. Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick, fl. V Wilkinson and F, J. Fuller, hav ing been named last year for a term of two years, remain as Ihe other members of the bpard The Mayor to bo an ex-olllcio member of all committees. said that it might be possible to reach most or the canneries hy otTshools from the main roud, Tho bylaw providing for the connecting road had been , passed but ho did not suppose any member or tho council pro posed spending money on It un 111 the provincial government was ready lo proceed wilU Its road, i In tho meantime, there was ample time o go over the mailer brought un bv Ald.lceased was a member of Casey, He did not sec how any j thing better could be obtained i limit by letting matters stand as they were now. Mrs, A, II. Barker of Terrace arrived in the city on last night's train and sailed Ibis aflernoon on tho Prince Rupert fir Vtt;-(,ouvUr. Y 25, 1021. VnUrdr'( Circulation tMI i POPULAR OLD TIMER DIES Hartwell George Fletcher Suc-' cumbed to Diabetes in Gen . n eral Hospital Last Night .. Hartwell ( Harry . , ninl . popular old timers, lied from diabetes last night in the Prince Ituperl flcn- 'eral Hospital afler a brier illness NV)jIi. ,..r.;.(t ,.rjica, rondi. tiou was not fully apparent until early in Hie .iweek, it bail been realized since Tuesday !aL and bis .leal li was not unexpected although his attending physician hud hoped, ir insulin had arrivedjiu the district creeks firty miles in time from Vancouver. Ihal his'norlh of Eagle, is dead. Wonl life might have been saved. For the past two days, deceased had been in an unconscious condition. The first notice of Mr. Fletcher's serious illness was given about leu days ago. Since ralysis when alone and for Ihree I hen he bad railed rapidly, losinKidays was wilhout Hre in his i ! , ,,t - !.!. t .!., nine il weigin. I'be lale Mr. Fletcher was born in Ihc'statq of Maine about 12 years ago. lie was unmarried anil, Is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fletcher. 383 Spring Slreel. Portland, Maine. lvo married sislers also reside. in Portland. ...... ......... I lrl l.l- I...,.,.. .Inlnl 1 "" """" , about tmid and went lo Nome, Maska, al the lime oi lite gom excllemeni. lie re ma men mere bir several ears and in t'JOy went lo Seattle, arriving in Prince Rupert lor Ihe first lime the same year. He resided here con tinuously since that time except for a visit to his home in 1U21. He had intended reluming to Maine this year lo remain. Was Popular Tenor lor several years, the lale Mr. . i a ...ill. II... rieicner was cuiioeneo wiiii iu UUI oi uie vvesuitiiuic "vaiiv but more recently be had been pressing business. Possessing an :"zrz ;e ,Si j 1--.-, circles. Only last Saturday night be was a soloist at Ihe West- holme. Theatre. The B.C. Undertakers have charge or funeral arrangements and Instructions have been re- cefved to forward the remains to Portland for interment. Do- thq Elks and Moose Lodges and the SI. Andrew's Society. There will be a service under these auspices before his body is senl East. A. A." Cox, Vancouver acohl led, who has been in the city for Ihe pasl two days, returned. smith on (be Prince Rupert this n : talM 42k. The Latest In Restaurant. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Bent of Food flood Service. Private Boxes for Party Use. Government Intervention Stop Railway Strike in Britain is . Eagerly Awaited by the People LONDON, Jan. 25. Intervention by the government to end ,lhe railway strike is eagerly awailed. U is feared that oilier organization.) may come in. A meeting yesterday of officials of Ihe'striking union with the Amalgamated Engineering Union it is feared may presage the latter union joining. The newspapers say that lion. Thomas Shaw, minister of tabor, and Margaret Boufield have taken steps lo end the strike. The Amalgamated Engineering Union had ordered members I not to repair locomotives manned by strike breakers. The mails have been delayed and only about fifty per cent of the railway .services are functioning. : TREATY SIGNED TO EXCLUDE ROYALISTS GERMAN THRONE j f PARIS, Jan. 25. A treaty signed by both France and Czechoslovakia I provides a statement j from both countries not i to allow the return of the llohenzolleriis in Oer-inany or the Haps'Durgs in Hungary. i:f.,p'nn(TiiiPTrn ill Pin NORTH PASSES AWAY iTaken With Paralysis When Alone and Falls to Recover DAWSON. Jan. 25. A. M. Young. Ihe veteran postmaster al Nalion. a centre lor miners of his death under tragic cir-cuinslances was brought here by Percy Do Wolfe, mail carrier on the Eagle cily route. Young was laken ill wilh paT catilll. ills pugiu was uui uib- covered until the mail carriers arrived. For three days they nursed him in an effort to revive him but wilhout success. ni tiint ill I ADARCRC win.iumn "''"""'1,u VOTF TO STRIKE S !VmJ V W ar nwinrniTPlll vnni MAItUMtW IUftlV mmhMM n. M.int.o.ne. of Wav and Railway Shops Have Huge Majority For Walking Out NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Cana itiau members of Ihe United Brotherhood lit Maintenance of vvm- n.iil ll.iiluHv Shoo Laborers . ,,.. H ,n ,.. m n. n ...,. i,minion ' " .. ,, ,,,.,.Ilp,i ,,i iPlla. ..,,,,,,..,,.,,,.,.. TWO MORE MINISTERS macdonald cabinet LONDON, Jan. 25. Frank Hodges, secretary ot the miners' federation, has been appointed. civil lord of the admiralty. Harry Mosling, president of the Nu- tional Transport Workers' Asso - ciullon, has been made minister. of transport. BIRTHS A son was born at the Oeneral Hospital on January 25 to Mr. and Mrs. A. Saxlon, 220 Fourth Avenue East. A daughter was born at tho General Hospital on January 21 to Mr. and wrs. riper, izzv P I A c. ui Taka Her to The Boston." J PRICE FIVE GENTS. IN BRITAIN LENINE TO BE BURIED SUNDAY 'Thousands of Villagers and Fac tory Workers go to View the Body MOSCOW, Jan. 25. The fun eral of Premier Lenine has been postponed until Sunday. Down Ihe wide streets leading to th House of Unions,- where the body is lying in stale, thousands of villagers are trorJgjnjr to view ilfie lw7y, the" Crow'tttHl -dele-k gallons of. factory women sins-ins llicir communist songs. The dead premier received the homage of (be communists of foreign countries, may of whom are expecled lo attend the funeral. .Moscow Is. in deep mourning. The I heal res are closed and the newspapers are bordered in black. JOE GREER NEW FAIR PRESIDENT First Meeting of 1924 Director- ate was Held Yesterday-Committees Struck Joe (ireer was elected presi dent or the Northern B.C. Agricultural iV. Industrial Association at Ihe first organizing meeting ol the new executive which was. held yeslerday afternoon in thci Fair ollice. Other oflieers for Hie year wcru chosen as follows: Vice-President, Ben SelL Honorary Secretary, Frank Dibb. . Acting secretary, D. Mci. 1 1 tin I er. . 1 ( The president later appointed the following standing committees: Finance Frank Dibb (chairman ), Thomas McMcekin and Aid. Evitl. Building and grounds Fred Scudden and Aid. Perry. Sporls and attractions Ben Seir, Frank Dibb and H. M. Dag-gelt. Exhibits Thomas . McMeekin John Bulger and 0. Kerr. Prize list H. M. Daggett, D. J aboil r and 0. Kerr. Publicity President, Aid. Evitt and Ben Self. Bands and transportation- Aid. Perry, II. M. Daggett and D. Uabour. The president, vice-president and acting secretary will, ex-officio, bo members of all com- mittecs. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Fair Board will taka place on second Tuesdays. The dale of the 102 i Fair Is yet to be decided upon. There was. a full attendance of tno new directorate at yester- day't 'ui'elai