PAGE SIX. ' I BLANKETS SPECIAL THIS WEEK All Wool Blankets-English Make, Pink and Uluc Border. 7 lb. size $9.50 pair 8 lb. size $11.50 Pair ( lb. Whipped Singly $13.00 pair Grey, All Wool Blankets Full, 7 lb. size , $6.75 pair Grey Union Wool Blankets 7 lb. size . .. $4.75 pair Baby Crib Blankets-All Wool, Jaeger make, reg. $1,00 . $3.25 Baby Blankets All Wool, 30 and T.2, reg. Sale lrire, each $2.50 Baby's Colored Beacon Blankets Just a few left. Special 95c each H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Cor. Third Ave. A Fulton St. SATURDAY ONLY. Special Heinz Demonstration If you want to taste real oven. baked Heans walk down slain and sample free of charge. A is customary with us during a Heinz deiiionstra-lion, we will give our patrons a combination of Heinz Products at specially reduced prices. Lot 1. 7 small tins Heinz oven-baked Ilea its for .... $1.00 Lot 2. 3 large tiiis family size Heinz oven-baked Heans for $1.00 Lot 3. medium tins Heinz oven-baked Heans with tomato sauce; 1 medium tin Heinz baked Hed Kidney Heans; I medium tin Heinz Huston style Haked Heans; 1 medium tin Heinz Vegetarian Haked Heans fur $1.00 Lot 4. 1 large bottle Heinz Tomato Ketchup. 1 5 oz. bottle Heinz Worcestershire auce. 2 small tins Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup for .. $1.00 Lot 5. I large hid He Heinz Tomato Ketchup. 1 jar Heinz prepared Mustard. I Indite Heinz Chili Sauce for . $1.00 Lot 6. ( small tins Heinz Cooked Spaghetti for . . . . . $1.00 This is delicious on hot hullercd toast. Lot 7. 7 small tins Heinz Cream Tomalu Soup for.. $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Swift's. Premium Hams, per lb 38c Swift's Premium Hacon, per I ll Oo , A) rehire Itoll Mild Cured, per Hi. ... '. 30c Salt Pork, special, lb. 25c Slewing Veal, per lb. . . 6c lloast Veal, per lb. .. 12'tc Veal Chops, per lb. .... StOo Kidney 15c; -1 lbs. fur 25c Hoiling Heef. per lb. ... 6c Pot lloast. per lb. .. ..8c Itib Steaks, per III. . . 12't0 Fresh Halibut, per lb. 17'iC Smoked Mark Cod, lb. 17'2c Smoked Kippers, lb. 12!4c Fowl, per lb ,. . . 28c Spring Chicken, per lb. 35c Sausage, per Hi , 20c Hamburger, per lb, .... 15c Farmers' Special Tea, per lh 65c Farmers' Coffee, 3 lbs. for 11.35 Orders $5.00 and Over Delivered TIMBER SALE X S767. Sealed Tenders will be received, by tlie Minister or Land it Victoria not later than noon on the J 1st day or February, I for the purchase of Licence X 1767, to tut 3.1I0.OUO feel or sprtirr. Balsam. Hemlock and tilar, nu an arra situated on Channel Island. Gardner Cam I. lunre I, Coast District. Three 3 year will be allowed Tor removal of timber. Further parUrular or Hie Chief Fore-ler. Victoria. B.C.. or liutrlet Fures-ter. prince Unpen. B.C. TIMBER SALE X5SS1. 1 Sealed Tender will be received by the iuinrr vi unas ai virion not later than noon on the 7lh day of February, in, iur ue purrnasc 01 Licence .sil. to rut S 0.000 lineal reet or Poles and l'llinr. on an area situated three miles S.K-. of kitwamra. Casslar Imtrlct. Two (f yeara will be allowed for removal or timber. Further particular of the Chief Fure-ter, Victoria. B.C. or District Forester. mure unpen. H.r.. TIMBER SALE X 5763. sealed Tender will be received by the Mliiisler of Land at Victoria not later than noon on the tlst day or Februarr. for the purchase of Licence X , it, rut i.iw.t'vu ice. 01 epruce. thenar, I Hemlock and Half am. rroin an area flouted tat the bead or Tuck Inlet. VW. or Prince 'Itupert, Kanfre S. Coast District. 1 Two (Si year will be allowed for re 111MH1I or Umber. ' Further Particular fif live Chief Fores. ter, Victoria. Bjn ir District Forester. Prince Hupert, B.C. ' LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantion ta Apply to Laaaa Land. in Skrena Land District, Itecordinr District of Coast, and situate on Zaya Island. Taae .-Notice mat oeorire aerr. occun. tlon butcher, or prince Hupert, B.c Intend to apply for permission to leae the rollowinir described land: Commencing- it a twist planted about four chain north or Jacinto Point on Zaya Inland; thence r,I towiiir me sinuosities or the shore line at hlrb water mark around tlie Island and returning- to point of commencement, and contalnlnr 1,000 acres, more or lest. GEOitUE kEIIH. .Name or applicant. HOOMES W. FHEE.MAX. A rent. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRASSIERIE8, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Phone 84 Cash & Carry A Few of Our Bargains Hound Steak, per lb. ,. 25c Hib Steak, per lb, .. 15o Hoiling Heef, per lb. 10o Pork Chops, per lb. ... 35c Fresh Fggs, doz. 45c Pullet Kggs, per doz. 40c Creamery Hulter, per lb. 45c 1 i lb. box Huller, box $6.25 Kippers, 2 lb. for .... 25c Hlack Cod, per lb 16c We also carry a supply of Fresh MeaL All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. GITYDECIDES TO SELL BONDS Offer of 96 Accepted for Issue of Five Year Six Percent Debentures The offer of Spitzer-Ilorick Co., Toledo financial house, to purchase the issue of six per cent, five-year debentures covering cost of surfacing of Second ami Third Avenues was accepted by Hie city council last night on recommendation of the finance committee. Spilzer-i llorick tendered DC as against, the bid of 06.03 of A. K. Ames & Co. and a Portland firm. Tim former offer was accepted in view or the fad that the firm allowed the city the privilege of retiring aportion of the issue already covered by taxation in the year now expired since the work was completed. In moving the adoption of the report, Aid. Mc.Mordie explained that the offer of A. K. Ames & Co, if the $155,000 worth of bonds were sold, would mean IG.50 more for the city than the offer of Spitzcr-Horick. The latter offer, however, permitted of (lie retiring or 31,000 worth of the issue. In comparing bunk interest of 3 per cent with 6 per cent thai would have otherwise to he paid on this SJI,000 wortlr of bonds, there would be a saving of 1930 or a net saving of $883.50. Aid. Casey asked if the bonds were to sell at par or at a- dis- count ami was lolil dial Hie offer was. (J. He then wauled to know why I hey were not given an offer at par. Mayor Xewtmi was gratified at Hie bid offered by Spitzer-Ilorick. It showed that this firm, which had already handled so much of the city's stock, still had confi dence in Prince Hupert. While Hie bid was not as high as might have been expected, there would be uncertainly of benefitting if Hie city held out for a higher offer. The report accepting Uie offer of Spilzer-Horick was adooled on TONGUE COATED, BAD TASTE IN MOUTH, EYES TINGED WITH YELLOW Liver Trouble the Cause Mr. A. C. Drown, Orunorlo, Out., write: "I have been troubled with my liver ror 1 few year back, and we so bad 1 did not feel able to du my work. I had severe pain In my ttomarb, so bad I could hardly stand them at times; coaled tongue; bad lele in the lu'juth. especially In the looming;; white of eye tinned with yellow, and had a muddy and sallow completion. I had read 1 treat deal about Mllbuni' Laia-Llver Pill and decided I would try rial, and after laklnr two or three 1 round I wa rrratly Improved, and ran truthfully say that I felt more like living; and ran now do my own work without any trouble." Mllburn Ijia-IJier I'lll are tie a vial at all dealer, or will 1 mailed direct on receipt by Tho T. Mlibura Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. ESTATE OF ALFRED WVNDHAM CARTER 1 DECEASED. TAKE MlTICF r the ta.f will or tlie above named deceased wa duly lued out or the Victoria llerlslry or the supreme Court or British Columbia mi the 3rd day or January. ItX. to C.AItOUM- AO.KS HKI'l-KI. CAIITHt or, the Kiecutrlt ttierein named: ALL PKIlso.vs lutvlur claim aralntt Ihl estate are reoiie.4eH ti uetul In kneh claims ui writing duly veriried to the undersigned: AMi KLIITIiHI TAkK NOTICE that on and after the first day of March. IH. e- r.ieruini win priH-eea Vi ontritiuie Oil estate having- regard only to those claim or which the thail have been duly notified: DATtli thl 1th day or January, Itti. CHKAeE k CHEASK. Solicitors tor the Eiecutrli. ItO Central Building, Victoria. B.C. r Soft FinisP Thpif-T-Service 1 Wet Wash i Three Services, one of which will exactly fill your wah day needs. Phone U8.forparliculars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. THE DAILY N(rvV8. Friday, January 25, 1021. ir od home.nrBB one food that every L il and that agrees with incanadaI motion of Aid. Mi-.Monlie and Aid. Collart. - - - 'ENTERTAINMENT AT THE RIDLEY HOME Children Celebrate With Concert Anniversary of Opening of Institution It is jtij.1 a year yesterday ainre 1 he Itiiiley Home wa.4 opened in the city, ami there are now I children .fit tin Home , 8 Jirl.H and 1 boy.H ranging in age from 2 to 15 years, (vhili a great number of applicant are awaiting admission. To celebrate the occasion the rhihlreii liebl a concert in the home last niglit. which wa a great success, lliere nit being a 'lull moment all evening. The slogan of Hie home is "The Itidley Home the Happiest I loin; in Itupert" ami judging by the countenances of Uie children one can readily believe this to lie so. At the conclusion of Hie concert the children gave three ringing cheers for Misses Wesl and Havies through whose efforts the home has been instituted in Itupert. The matrons Misses (iil. lot I and Thomas were given a great ovation by the children. The following composed (be pro gram: Chorus "d'Canada." Mediation "Our Flu jr." Jen Johnston. . Iteeilatioii "Kaisles," William F.lsworlh. " Chorus "Jleauliftil Land of Nod." Song "There Wits n Little Man." Vieno Leblo. Iti'citatiou "S o 111 e hod y ' s Mollier." Cloiislon Johnston. Itecilathni 'Dad'f Hot The Itheiimaliz," In'ne Sagar. Mediation Tlline to Count One Uillioii," Leo Lehto. IteciUtiou '"Dad (ids the Hroom' Stick." Krhie' Sagar. Song "One Fiday Morn," Irene Sagar. Song "The Cliiuaipan," Vera Hounie. Ileritalion "Hed in Sumjiier." May Sagar. . Ilecilation" m llie It e a o 11 Why," Jenny Johnston. Chorus "Tlie Waggoner." Ilecilation "Where go Hie Hoals," firace Hedore. Song "Sweet and Low," Irene Sagar. I)iiel "The , Drunimer," Jenny Johnston and Vieno Lelilo. Hedtatin-rr"Hold The Hight Hand t p." Vera Hourne. Ilecilation "My Shadow," Dorothy KI.worh. Ilecilalion "Two Little Hands." Norjnaii Delmonico. Ilecilation ?'T,lie Whity Pinky Pig.-' Verne Lelilo. Otiarlet ofour . Little Can- dies,' Vera, firace. Jenny and May. C.N.ll. sli"jinerfPrinee Hupert, Cajil. John Mvfverilah, returned from Slewurt and Anyox at 11.30 thi moriiin(f and cleared for Vancouver and way porla at 2 o'clock this afternoon. W. H. MeAfe.e 'and Hugh Hos-will arrived In (lie city yesler-day aflernoon from Georgetown and nailed this aflernoon by Hie t'rhi in IPioerf f6r,vau'.,"U4'',r. ALBERTA STANDS WITH B.C. ON RAILWAY RATES Alberta Is with Hritish Colum bia "to the last ditch" in the fight for the reduction of high Western freight rale, Premier Oliver declared when he 1 Pturned after again Varrying the rate bat. tie into the prairies. ' "Alberta is not only with u to the last ditcli on the freight rale cases, but enthusiastically wilh us and prepared to go Hie limit, " said the Premier at Victoria. Premier Oliver slated that he hail Hie assurance of Premier Oreenfield of Alberta that the Rioeriiinenl of the prairie pro. iiice would give every possible assistance and support to the Hritish Columbia representatives in the eontfnuatioii of the fluid Tor reduced rales, ami that the Progressive members of (he Fed. oral House who were at the United Fanners' convention in Kdmonlon were told in 110 uncertain manner that Iheir people expected them also to give whatever sup-port was necessary to gel an equalization or rates fir Western (auada. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. DKillY ISLAND. - Itainlng. fr!Mi southeast wind; barometer -"J :.'; teniperalure, 12; liglit swell. DK.M) THF.K POINT. Paining strung southeast wind; barometer. 2l.7; temperature, 3H; sea (rough: 7:15 p.m. spoke steamer j Princess Maquinna leaving Port (.Mice southbound; 7.30 p.m. I "poke steamer Prince John leaving False Hay northbound; 8 I p.m. spoke steamer Curacao 301 inijles from Ketchikan tinrlli. hound. Noon DKiHY ISia.ND. Haluiug. fresh southeast wind; barometer, 2U.85; temperature. 12; light swell. DKAD THF.F. POINT. llaiii-ing, southeast Ktrotig; barometer. 2:50; temperature. 3J; sea rough. ' r IIUI.I. HAltHOIt. Overcast, strong southeast wind; barometer, 2J.C8; temperature, 38; sea rough. SYNOPSIS OF LAND nCT AMENDMENTS PBE.EMPTIONS Vacant. unresensl. urveyi Crown land may b pr-raptd b ElrlUsh aubjeeta over It yeara ef at, nd by alien on daelarlnt Inteotlon to becom British aukjaeta, cundi Uonal upon realdenca, occupation, and Improvement for atrtcultural purposa. FiU Information concerning recu-tlona rttardlnr preemption la tivan in Bulletin No. 1, Land Merle. How to Pr.mpt Land." eoplea of hlch ran bo obtalnad fraa of chart y addreaalnc Uia Department of 'noa. Victoria, B.C, or to any Uov-rnment ActnL Record will bo trained covering nly land aultabio for atrtcultural purpose, and which la not timber lajid, l.e, carrylnc over !. board feet per aero weat of th Coaat TUnf a nd MOO feet per act east of that Rant. AppIIcatlona for pr-mplloD ar o b addraaaed to the Land Com-rnlsalontr of th Land Record in in .lalon. In which the land applied for la altuated. and ara mau on print! form, eoplet of which can b obtained from the Land Comtn!elonr, Pre-emption nuit b occupied fot flvo yeara and Improvement mad to value of lit per acre, Includlnt eleaiint and cultlrallnf at leaat flvo acre, before a Crown Grant can be received. Tor mora detailed Information tb BulIeUn "How to lr-empt Land." PURCHASE Application ara received for pur-chaa of vacant and unrtrvd Crown landa. not belnt tlmberland. for atrlcultural purpoi minimum price of flrt-e!a (arable) land la II per arra, and eecondclae (trailnt) land t: 10 per acr. Further tnfor matlon retarding purchaae or lea a of Crown landa 1 tlven In Bulletin No. It, Land Rerlea, "Purchaae and Leas of Crown Landa." ' Mill, factory, or Industrial alls on timber land, not oteeadlnr terea, may be purchased or leaied, th condition Includlnt payment of atumpate, HOMESITE LEASES t'naurveyed area a, not eieeedlnt It aere, may be leaaad a homealtea, conditional upon a dwelllnt belnt erected In the firat year, title belnt obtainable after reldnc and Improvement condition are fulfilled and land ha been aurveyed. LEASES - For tratlnt and Induatrtal pur poaea area not oictedlnt I4t tcr may be ld by on paraon or a company, GRAZING l.'ndr the Qratlnt Act the Prov-Inr la dirlded Into aratlnt dittrlcl and the rant admlnlaterei under 1 Oratlnt Commlaeloner. Annual trailng parmlta aro laaued baad en numbera ranted, priority belnt tlven 'o ettabllahed owner. Rtoek-ovntri may form aaaoclatlona for rani nanatement. Troe, or partially free lermJla ar available for eettlers' amr and travollera, up to ti Phone 376 The House Watch Your Feet Ba.'f 9&. a aV The Ideal Boot" UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "The Flirt" A draiiializjliun ui Hoi 'Mi T 'i-ktoghni vvid v -novel of that name A rv in 1 o druiiiatir . d; resistabl" hornir aiol eiu igb pathtis ( arouse '.lie t'r emolions mii e in 11 while. A gi npho uly written 1 t proves that ulthotigh still waters run deep a Mar : can swamp u rnan-o'-war. The .1 ventures uf i flirt. rec,enerat"d at lat h true love, who H)es l hndher of Ihe pct age. a w;ilkmg do taphone w"' makes you hrtek with laughter K'leeo I'eriv ill 'r role ablv asttd tiv Edward nuaoy meitenger ana oi-imguiMieij all tur cast aaaaaaaiaaaajsaiiiiiiiajiaaaaa STAR COMEDY "BUM SLICKERS." Fox Ntwi-GutUt Admliilon STOCKTAKING Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent WINTER STEVE KING Men' R UBBER Boots Specials This Week Only KNEE RUBBER BOOTS, White Sole-i. H'g ".- HI'KCIAi. WHITE KNEE RUBBER BOOTS Iteg. 7.0ll HI'KUIAI. $5.50 BLACK KNEE RUBBER BOOT8, Red Sole . Meg, Jro.oO SI'ritllAI. ALL WHITE, 0" TOP, RUBBER BOOTS Iteg. ftl.UH. . of Quality We have just rtctitti c line of new Spring toc, :a. -lading oil ihe latest lastt, ii the (arroit SlaterShoes for Men from $7.50 to $12,011 Hearn. Helen J aroma Eddil SOc and 25c Ditcount on all OVERCOATS Phone Green 83 Third Avenue lKCIAh $4-50 THREE QUARTER. RUBBER BOOTS, Red Sola llsg. 7.S(l. Hl'KCIAI. $-5fl .y... 0" RUBBER BOOT8, Red Sole Heg. HC.or. MI'HtilM' Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third Ave. and Seventh St.