PAOt TWO. The Fine Qualities I! Of SALADA- GREEN TEA c&nnot be adequately described but they can be appreciated in the teacup. FIE SAMPLE ( 6IEEI TEA UPM REQUEST. "SAUC V TOROTO The Daily News IMIINCK RUI'KIIT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Kvcry Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Ittipert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Iy mail or carrier, per month 11.00 By in nil to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stale, in advance, per y;ar ffl.OO To all other countries, In advance, per year ?7.B0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion 2&c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion Ific per agate line Contract Hates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication.. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION- Wednesday. May 28. 1921. Are We Being Left In Lurch7 Conrvati.sin" may be all right up to a certain (mint but being loo conservative will leave us either . individual- or a" a nation far behind in,thc jmlh of progress Take as an instance our syslern of weights and measures. Year; ago there wa an agitation lo iutrobji-c the metric lt:m in Canada and initial step were taken ui.tbe matter of education. Then we flopped and front all appearances we shall go on forever using the an-ti'piated ?- kIimu, just as in Britain t tcy continue the antiquated sterling monetary system. Japan, ou Ihe other hand, is showing progress along thee lines. That iialinri instituting the metric system of weights and measures. The change rpmmeiires Ihi umniT and works gradually until within five years the old system will have been totally eliminated. Sometimes we think ourselves' progressive, yet we shy at innovalious and fear lo lake n bold step, 'bur year we thought we never would be able to keep lo the riglil in driving on Ihe slre'l, yel the change ha taken place without much discomfort r' - i . .... ... mm we iiuu oursenes among me mooem in uiai respcri. orne people thoughl women would never jcnt their hair, yel they are doing it today. Some day we may wake up and decide lo adopt a modern system of weight and measure lo con form wjth the monetary system of Ihe country. Methodists Are ... " Seeing The Light. In the days of enlightenment even the MethodM are seeing lie great light of modernism and adapting themselves lo condition as they find, them. The despatches yesterday told of one -eclioii of Ihe church in the I'uiled Slate following the Canadian lead and allowing their member to take part in co-railed wordly amusement. The Canadian Church did that some year ago without any apparent harmful effect. Now .Metho dist will e able lo dance, attend theatre, and even take nart in game of chance without being in danger of expuljoii from the church or being severely reprimanded bv thoe in charire of uiHir sjuruuai wenare. no me world grow hi inlelligencp. Manson Seems To Be Popular As Ever. An insidious: slory came to lown recenlly to the effect that Hon. A.M. Mnii-on had lost hi grip on the affection of the people of Omineca and that" lie would be defeated in (he coming campaign. .Ml Hie indications are opined to Ihi view. ,The .iuorne ueuerai is ioo good a ninu Tor the people of Omineca to give uii. They know that, arid we are (old thai he wa nominated amid Ihe utmost enlhu -....... . . aiii, . ,llp HI- wn cheered . , , by hundreds , of people. Thu one more hope of'the II"i-iimiii in iiiiii(-ii, j Rushing Silk To New York. A day or Iwo ago a Japanese Meamshjp look about ten million dollars' worth of silk lo Seattle .and Vancouver ami niU.o.i ll through lo New York. The captain jf the vessel received-a " ""K" n.s.Mig iimii to speeu up in esn M, as 0j lo delay the delivery of the valuable Perhaps it is opportune lo suggest to the Japanese people .... . ' . llifil (In; r.Hl ...1.1 I... .......l. . .... i....-, ,,ull ,,r ihiiuii more convenient ror the huinet I ban Seattle and thai by landing Ihe cargo here and ruhing it through over the Canudinii ul ionnl nincli tnli if. 1. 1.. I : . ..:-i.i :: ; nine ntiKiii i, i .... . .. be .acd. I here is all the equipment neresarv at Ihi port and very soon it is expected an elevator will be added lo the lrir.rinir When Damp Grass turns the toes of your brown shoes white, just apply "Nugget" Dark Brown, until you have restored the color. Shoes won't discolor if you use "Nugget." It is water-proof too. TiQQQET Shoe Polish BLACK - TAN - TONEY BED DARK BROWN. ALSO WHIT n DrtalnaUakt)anj Whit Cleantr IimJ PACOFI PLANT BEING OPENED Fish Mtal and Oil Mill Establish-ed by Qeemsn Capitalist to Operate this Year The liie meal and fish oil plant, erected twelve year sum at Pacofi, .Moresby l-lan.l. by Alvo von AhendelMn at a cost of between "t.' and flon.nnn, I lo m reoponH Ity. itie .Sea Pro duct, a new anconer concern. Ten men, tinder J. '.raham. who will manage Ihe plant, arrived at Pacofi on the Prince John Ihi I rip. The e- laMi-Jimenl i in .rood renair and can be operated almost jnirne.ll alely, it i laed. For nme time pal a small gan? nf men ha Ien einplnyp.l renins Hie niill in liape after it iwri"l of idlens. . large iafT will lie put on there later. The location nf the plant on .Moresby lanl i one of the n ile on Ihe Pacifie. arcordinii to fihin? exiieris, who slate that large runs of pilchard, dojr- flti and other fih which can le u -ei for fish meal and fi-h oil iiiriwi-ps ia close In the island whieh will he the eenlre of itir new industry. Arranjremenl are Iwinjr mad tentatively wilh the irovinrial oxernmenl lo h if rtime nf the lletirideans it I promised to lr!n? lo British Columbia can- nol he loealed somewhere near the plant, which, when in opera-lion, would inure Ihem employ, rnent at an industry for which they are well soiled. Only Beginning "This is only the beRinning, said It. J. MeUhern, the manag ing direelnr nf Ihe new concern. Hie scope for Ihe kind of plant we are Jipening I enorrnnu. In addition lo -olvinsr the unemploy- nient silualion lo a large i-xleni. it will revivify Ihe fihin? in. lutry of Brilish Columbia. We intend In handle Ihe Industry with the most tip-lo-ilale plant ioihle In procure, and a the plant wa specially deipne.l for Ihi particular businej we are slartimr out under very favor able circumlances. ".Meal that can he fe, In hogs and callle with very Ix-nefirial results and nil that ha valuable properties and ran lie used widely will he manufactur ed at Ihe plant.' Clouds of Prince Rupert 1 I By Audrey Bushhy I ilnn't think anyone should really feel sorry because Hie rain i darkening the sky. ihink tallhoiiKh you won f believe. m0 that we should alrnnt feel sorry for Ihe rain. After all. the rain clouds are Just naturally cranky. and if I hey see It 1 a sunny day they don't believe it should last, so 11 fro the skv a 2rev eloml perhaps may l i-n-n, I hen anorner and anoitier, until the blue sky is rornnlelelv obscured by dark cJnud, ominously hover ing over a disappointed (own, letting fall the rain Hint dnmnenx alino ihe most cheerful per son s soul 011 earth. Thn mountain are soon cover ed with a Ihick mist, the irem how their head in senl disappointment of such a downpour. 1 "e Mi-ds.husU Ihelr songs, only Ilia seagulls utter now and azain a dreary cry, aiul llie only sound niuerwise in be heard is Ihe palter, paller nn the leaden sea. The heavens are rrylnjr rry-iiut for nothing, crying for everything, -The dky does nol knnw whal it wants, if it does, 11 can not be conlenled when it jfets it. So the rnof i, the wnrld will always weep, It whs Ood"s will lliat it should do mo, when he (old Nnah In huihl Ihe Ark. The rain clouds merely cense Ihelr restless laineulalioiis, when II red out from exhaustion, they fall asleep, So why should we worry ahoil liie clouds? They cannot help Iheir nature! It Is a lillle palh. elic, don't you Ihink? Too much so lo cry over ourselves, because when we sloriu a I Ihe rain, it only makes Ihe sky weep a Irille harder from pure sympathy for llself. Ho If we decide not n notice Ihe lorrenls, ihe clouds will hrt so astonished that Ihey will probably turn Prince Iluperl in-lo a veritable Sahara, When you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and see that you get it. h i I THE bAtU 5RWB. The Man in the Mood j SAYS- NOW that the political earn-paiRii i 011, what about a talk on Umr wonderful' 'natural reMo.nre with winch iwitiir- has endowe, ' ' k u. SliltK sp,, ,elop. Some turn into eaiieer andriher inlrt m-Ii 1 1... 111. urai riH-iiitii. THK reaiitxs"' l-e1de are nol a nrreT fn iHilies t lw- - ' r - - . - cause they arn notf perl n tlie eprei)ij,il nseaHiiijries platitudes. ' ' TALK i cheap.- If Ihi campaign lat lohtriymi witl he aide la buy sieches at Ihe rate of a penny a yard. , . far a we have heard, there never was an nlal inveMlsa-tlon into the iTanlen nf Lden caudal. It mjjhl be well to briny the maltef Hp during Ihe pre-enl raiiipai-n1'. TUB iiioern way lo Mcrttlfy a girl i to MUHt her imA as Hie one wilh the IioWhI hair. BKWAIIH (iHnglng lh family skeleton lo lixhL Ii may pul on a balhing still. AX alieiilf is nn who tell you when you are rraiy. In that reet he resemble a wife. .THK most elastic thing ill the wortd i the Iqilh. II- ran l trelrhed indefinitely. WOMKX houM cultivate a sense of humor in order to enjoy the Jokes Ihey marry. Ten Years Ago in Prince Kuprt j May 2S, 1914. "Chuck" Avenll of Ihe Hank of Brilish North America -la(T is for his home in Ho a land. - - An 'inlerele, moiher" writes to Ihe Daily Xws, criticising Ihe school board u adopting a set salary schedule. Teacher should be paid according to abilily it is suggested. The (Jueeu Charlolle Islands are bad oh for road and ll is charged Ilia! the provincial gov. ej-nmeul is not giving the assistance 'due in profiling iln-m. VICTORIA PAPER IN PRAISE OF PATTULLO Says the Victoria Times: "A newspaper slory headed "Big Order Cheering lo lj:. Lumbermen." Icl how the flrl lumber order of any size In come In Ihi province in several weeks has been placed by a company for Ihree million' feel of railway lies for Porl Sudan. The nrrhal of the order alonir with one for four million feel of lumber for Aus tralia, is the best news mill men hae had for months. . "Because the Japanese Irade ha fallen off nd orders from Ihe l.'nited Slates are low through the business disturbance caused by the presidential campaign. B.C. mills were down In Iheir last two weeks run when Ihese or ders from distant parls of the QVQP ftecipp calls for fhUli ltTCiC-14 Mk. ll Will jinfuovg oca H i to rich end oetmy. bconemkal btcatiM lwi rich m tJiiwjf Bulk, fauriuri. Will (or 9t. Chaiki Rtc'p liook. TbBordcoCo.LlmJtl VANCOUVIIt I 1 BfJrt,S(.aiaiU m world came In. y1 big milk chocolate bar full of tasty peanuts! 5c. buys it "Let ii think now. who were the- people In Ihe legislature who tried In make lion. T. I. Paltullo look ridiculous and nothing bet. ter than- a Joy-rider at the public expense when he campaigned in Kurope on behalf of B.C. lumber products and worked lo open .up Cgypt a a marvel for B.C. nil railway lies?" YANDERHOOF The Vanderhoof Board of Trade ha received a report froni V. II. William. reronnainiifS'j engineer. Indicating that Ihe het railway route into Ihe l'eari itiver district from Ihe Canadian National Hallway i llial coiim menclng at Vanderhoof. Paul Boor ha returned to I.I lihy nfler spending the winter in Ihe- western stale. - . .Mr. I A. Oranl of Marten Lake ha left for New York. There have been forty bush fires in Ihi district since lh? season opened and Ihey have rost rt.oort in exl(ngnlh. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. MrOirkell of Vancouver are here visiting their on and daiihlerin-laMr, Mr. and .Mr. It. C. McCorkcll. Mi Hull) Naoiiii idlon and Kdwin Krancl Kngslrom were married Ial week at llulalt. Rnberlbn for thn Dnlly Nows. N O T I 0 I. Niflftkt Wtttrt Prltlos( Aal, H.S.C. cntpitr 110. Tlw Mlnhlrr nr l-ulilie -Worki. Uotrrn. nirni of tin- I'ruvliH-i- r Brlil.h Columbia, lirrttbr rlr iMilIrn llial m In, umli-r S-tllrti 7 ur tlie Art, rt-iN..n wild Hi Minitirr -f I-iiUIii- Wurk 11 oius, nj In Um nftirr of Uk lltrc H-rllrtr 1 rrinre iioperi. 11.1: , a iirMpiinn of Uie Wl ami tlan tit llitliway llrlrtr. finiHl-ll ill ur iiiitii rr IIMI nirrtia iiitrr ai irrrarr n.i.. And Take .Xollrn Dial aflrr the riplra lldli nf Mifi timnih Insn Ih nam of the nri nuiiraiioii in iiik n-nirf, uh) Minister of I'liblic Wnrk, I'romirp (r lirlinh rj.lmnlia, IIL umlrr ! nn 7 i.r uw aid Afl apfily lo Hie MIol'tT nf -u,ir Work at liH (ifflcp In I ho CIIV of lilim fur amval of th aaid ll and iilan and ror uttr to coii'iriiri lm aid lllthttay BrldrF. nalrd llil tsiti day i,l April. I9tl. W. II. si iliKni.Mi. Mlnl'trr if I'utillr Wnrka. l-r-Huf fif Hflinh Ci.limihla LAN J ACT. Atlln Land Olalrlct. Olttrlct f Oaaalar. Tak dlrr llial ItrtlnjM llrimk, of AU111, ihtiiiiIom tniiirr. Inlrmli to apply fi.r rnilloii la rnirrlias did rullowlnir drwritM-d landi rmirnrnrinf at a imii plaiilcd -rw hnndrnl yard lo I lie rati of tin- month of luirrl c.rerk, on, mil rail of Oolilcii ial on TarKh l.akr llionrn miiiiii iwrmy rnfllllK, inrnrp pn n Mmfr llnr, tlsnre alonv liorr lln to point nf r-miiii-iirrrii-nt, ""' . ., , -,,. n o t 1 0 1. 1 THK MATIMl of an applirailnn for . ... . .... ... ItiM I ml IS a llHilf aln..l .... -.- .11 1 ... ii'iim. t riinraiP or Till for .i fniirlmii (II . HkHk iiii. ii-rii :i.. invirii-- 10 iifiaanii, lart loll Salltfartorv tiroof or I In- i,m ,,f u,; Crtlflrai of Till" rovrlnf th alnitii land in. ..ip I" rii iii.iri . m, y , Mniioti to ion arti-r tli tiiriii'-n i.r on ii-iiiiii mini 111 iitri iiiiiiiraiii-fi hi-ririf a I'riivl.loiial Orilflrat of Tlilo to iliJ Ikiv hint In lw natn of ni Androa. iirmiiMii vi. a ...m.i ..:. ?'.' 'I.r. "'r,Mrr f,mr'- rrlnee niiprrl. H ' C i flh trhf nary, l. 11, r. Mrttnf), nciuirar ot Titles. Have vou ever longed for a peanut bar that'y had tnouih peanuts in It Here it Is A generous bar of Neihons finest rr ik chocolate. Jut chock full of delicious peanuts. The tastiest 5c. worth of nuts and chocolate you tan buy anywhere Ntilon's VirginU Peanut liar. Chocolate Bars Over Forty Delightful Kinds For every occasion Third Avsnue. a box:of Purdys Candy The Autocrat 4ofjthe 1 Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome Drlight in a Beautiful lb v ALL 8IZE8 ALL PRICES. Sole Agents:- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES- . YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Hills r Underwood London Dry Gin Th Cln you will ik for again the standard of purity for over 160 years. $3.25 per bottle TJ1I1 advertisement nol published or dlsplnyt'i by Lbpior C.onlrol Hoard or by th noveriimenl or Brilish Columbia. V Selected Skeena Sockeye For idcnics, choose "Iluperl Brand'' Salmon, A few tins in Ihe pantry are always hnndv .Slock n supply on ynur boat- that's a good ules-80LD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C.