a a % y ad \ TH sy Aes 7 | { | | geal MONARCHS—The king and queen of freckles at the ibition at Port Arthur flash Barbara Harrison, 11, Caddo, 12, of Fort William ar ‘Distri [ Votes Williams Joins Staff ealth Unit as Nurse — Williams, RN, public health nurse, e Indian Health Services of the De- ional Health: and Welfare, at Port the staff of the Skeena’ Health Unit Rupert area today. iduate a regal, | of Port (CP Photo) jueen j j | incou : nurs R Timely | oi RECIPES NECTAR GRAPEFRUIT DRINK A refreshing delicious drink is 4 | | ie donks from Displaced Tope in CT. 5505 TORONTO (CP) — Three students in Toronto, 7, taught herseif |all from displaced persons |unable to speak English three years ago, compiled fine records in upper-scho The teen-agers, two girls and a boy, achieved marks that werc ail the more impressive because English is the only compulsory subject in the Ontario grade 13 burriculum Taisa Turkevich, 17. was born in Poland and left there four years ago, living in a displaced persons Camp in Austria before coming to Canada. She could speak French, Polish, Ukrainion Russian and German, but hachto Start learning English in an §1- monton ‘public school, later Studying higher grades | NINE “FIRSTS” | After moving to Toronto, Taisa went straight into grade 13 and she gained nine firsts in the nine | | departmental] subjects she took in June. She plans to enter 2 Rave [ 1), hin ialures | Painted by Wavian | LONDON @ Princess Anne, who has just celeberated her second birthday anniversary, at been meeting a new friend this Summer. She is Mrs. Stella} Marks, Australian-born artist | who painted a miniature of the| infant Princess which entailed | regular visits to Buckingham | Palace to study her subject. Princess Anne, being like any other little girl of her age. did not actually sit for her portrait She chatted and played wailk Mrs. Marks watched to capture her expression on the ivory which she paints in watercolors i ent’ what makes a torrid summer day are Marks painted Prince days | pearablc For such a day, we Charles in the same fashion last , recommend Nectar Grapefruit year, making eight visits to Drink.” All it takes is three in- | Clarence House before she was Ne, | gredients, and be sure to heiieris finished She thas also painted ar- | the mixture very, very cold. Keep miniatures of Queen Elizabeth Il Mani- | come whole fruit nectar in your and the Duke of Edinburgh An La-|refrigerator throughout the | 2/¢rt artist in her early 50s, Mrs in i: Oh eae 3 Marks began painting at the age summer; it will come in handy 4 itl for countless excellent beverages of 10 and spent 20 years in the | 2 cups apricot whole fruit United States before coming se nectar Britain | — 1 cup grapefruit juice 1 teaspoon lemon juice aS P, "| Blend fruit juices, chill thor- ya OF if al) oughly and serve Makes six small glasses TO Ta 1 on ances PRIMITIVE INK fathea Early types of ink were made , Oy miXing materials such as soot 44h Sticky solutions ora is ay) rin SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Friday and Saturday Onl y f be ' COTTON HOUSE DRESSES $4.00 ant £90 Sizes 1-6, Values to $2.95 rida | UQUSEStee end Gite’ 84.00 —— a rere Values to 82.95 vo cavan® 4 00 $4.50 5 0c ...°4-00 2 54.00 f\\V |THE STORK SHOPPE BOYS’ SUITS. Valnes to 82.95 — SUMMER HATS Values te SL.% COTTON and NYLON SOCKS E ISON WOLIVER Ef; eT (SSA THE HAIR STYLIST BEING HELD OVER } WV POPULAR DEMAND | |! The ladies who hav. attended have and thused by the demenstration been amazed en- DO NOT MISS this opportun- ity for individual attention for all textures of hair, styling, conditioning and groom ng. AdOr Day Sports ONS Hil} Nickerson. LOTHING ee COSMETICS. Dianne Sinclair's health treatment for the skin will also be shown, Be Sure to See Elissa SATURDAY NIGHT at the LEGION HALL—8:00 p.m, Listen to LeSley’s delightful piano music, LTT ' ‘ J hone lish and went on from there. camps in Europe and all) *£nglisn grammar is Persons Camps Miah | ve 4 iia Cng lish ui hl we easy,” Says Maija, “but you have too many words. I am buried in vo ol examinations here. cabwary.” Her amb {ion is to b a Statistician and she aims at : words every uay lor a Wek, like to become an engineer. “Du? it's time again to think of kiddies going back to school. Remember, the Variety Store has a complete stock of School Supplies. i et i i il il il i ill, all ye” en ee gg ™ Pea Ge aT 518 3rd Ave. : mathematics course at Univer- chemistry course in the Univer- sity of Toronto sity of Toronto, : ; : : ' Maija Svanks, 18, was born in The thira student is George Latvia and with her family went) Any 18, who alsy came fi to Germany when the Russians a displaced persons camp in G moved in. After five years IM) ony and started studying Eng Germany sie enine: to. Syeda lish theee years ago. Like Taisa, from a displaced persons camp |? © yomee st re in Oldenbuig. By learning 100 he gainei nine firsts. He would ig. ; g Winner ~ ae — BEST SELLER The Bible has been translated | about 260 of the 300 prin- basic Enc-| pal languages and dialects of | elevated highland system in hig | Oaee Saturday and Monday. é > | the world. Priced From DOM'S DEPT. STORE Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, August 22. 1952 readers @ Don't forget the food sale at the Independent Food Stores TOPMOST HIGHLANDS The Himalayas, Abode of snow,” meaning are the most world. (1t) LADIES FALL COATS JUST ARRIVED FROM EASTERN STYLE CENTRES $3295 to $6595 7 New and Exciting Styles shown for the First Time by 21 he ge Pe, te gis Siac eNO NR, 2 APM. ge ag NOR EE hash OO a ME 0 For the third consecutive year, the STAR OF EXCELLENCE, emblematic of the finest beer brewed in Canada, has been awarded LUCKY LAGER, in the : : International Food Institute Competitions for 1952, held at Antwerp, Belgium. An international panel of Masters of the Brewing Industry has judged LUCKY LAGER ..., the same LUCKY LAGER enjoyed by thousands of Canadians . . . . as the finest Canadian beer for taste, for bouquet and for purity. With the men who know beer best, LUCKY LAGER jis consistently the finest in Canada. Winner Antwerp, 1952 This advertisement is not puStishea or displayed by the Lievor Cemtrol Board or by the Government of British Columbie Ei ee ii a aes lia a a