Prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry u Market Phone 671 VOI XIV NO, 125, cu'...ju feauiruay ihi iio iju.iifr ijirk." nr Ill -il eainlldale liejnjr run- b no aniMUHeeiiien? jet ireti made and II HMiy ha Victorians Choose Parson and Undertaker on Their Ticket ' V TOIUA. May -H. t-ui-nhves at their convention I 11 u 111 ehoe Hew Canon I , . ! ..l:rl.. II... illtij.. iria iiiiiriirinir, un- khimi. I ll. I.I II.. ..... ..! Illl- .i;. llllirr. lli'Kllluiil imjMin". mi- li:iaker and mayor of Victoria; ! panl Twigg. lawyer and in- iirame agent: and Major Cus byiuis an officer who served "Ve i-seas. IMPROVED DEMAND FOR LABOR NOTED List of Job Seekers In the City Has Decreased Considerably Laborers and Carpenters Wanted There has been a much Im-prmeil demand for labor lately, 'he lorn 4mpoynienl office reports, and (he list of unemployed, im n consequence. I down considerably. The total number "f Job seekers regMcrcd now is 1,1 ami it s umlersl I lluil 'oiKe of these have obtained work ,.i i ii . . . . . ... "i hit man nirmign ine oince. mis week :i(i loggers were "'"I to Buckley Bay through, the. "Mium or Mm labor bureau. To-'"y 2D laborers for secllonl and '"Ira gang work on (be railway '"'id Hireo bridge, carpenters for v- x V wanfe'd. A,,'.. i(fr Uauadiaii National Itailvvavs from Kuropc und headquarter 1 a 1 i . A itt In t-yMcm 111 Miinion, r.ugiauu: .- "Tim King and Ourcii of Kuglaud, aceourpaiiicd hy the l : g tid lueei of ImI. Prince- .Marialda, and the rrince oi Pi: Jiuonl Vi IimI I he building of the Canadian National Itailw'av 11 Wembley loilay. They wore recHvetl hy the II""- C Iurkiu, ai (ii).iur'-i 'iirr for Canada. J. K. Dalrviuple. vice-president jn ehurge uf tralllr and Win. LIBERALS ARE COMING HERE Phillip. Luroiean manager of the Canadian National llailway. "Iiiiiiii-Jiiilflv.ini enlrriii!; the 'building where Mr. J. K. Dal. ! ryinid. Mrs. l. i:. Wood and 'Mr. It. H. Takte were present, 1 In- Ou'n of P.uglaud and the Psttullo to rrle Saturday and o,,,.,.,, r iBy rd u, M. manson on Monday, rossioiy !,,.,. H(. .a.r Park model. . A Joint Meeting luelv dicuton look place 1 a round lb" Jasper Park revolving NOMINATIONS FRIDAY hWb1. nil remarking mi the - - beauty and nUtr rlTrets. Tin 1 p. I'atuiiio. i.merai uir imi,,i, wi. WH il.Ju r for Hio roust itueiwy. nn -sled I" arrive from the present w4 greatly interested a lie staled lie knew every hnch of Maii.on. who waV recently HW- nZtuttiir. the Mii Minorca at Fort Fraer. I due l4H11, lrfl1 -....i.,,..-,.! m,p iiai. a; it u .-Momiay ami n 1,wij, klo flM IIIHfMUt,( ,1Hriieular .o Miai aji.tnl puhlic meet- MH iu ,P ltinst arrom- itiif wi 1 lie arraiiizeti. : 1..1. .. 1.. n... i . t he Ailoruey JW.erl ha- tod . ,,,..,.. . .11ill.l , n,..!. in, r. ill n iniiiiiiui i-i-m 1 1. i 1 1 ..... 1 .... I ... I ,,,, t. llfflr u! tielilliinHitli"' Will he - I 1 1 ... i lllJ i ln it I ii iii 1 n . . i MHiir ..Ue ".e i a wnir.- . kJ .. (.xp( of (1 " ' uananiau .wionai iiauvay aim will m the route followed by Irani, eonlinenlal Iraiiin aero the iminr "Mi J ' Hljf HUfl Hirn n , . ;,.,.. .i..r , u.iuii. ' k mA l- tun as-iidk nt i ii i 'Iif'ltl. tVllllf 111 I' II" iittai' i J j ... yiirrn u ii ruiiwn" of n Mnilili , f,i -ui. ..... l.-i.. ... ll. 1 1 in in. llefnre I lie) lefl the huildiutf Mary rotuuiauileil Mr. lo forward lo lluekiu- Iiiiiii Palare a -dlier and sold miMlet of one of the mountain . . . "lle iiaseiiKer train eiivim-. the . . .ilarae! ,ilaiei naKM'iise paxM'nxer ' "" lucoiiiolives in r i i iwit;i III!' IIIIIIIHT 111 laHII' Ullll I lie mayor Ueriee in t'.itlu tu . fftNWRVATIVF; !MA?FilL5i!!?.. WllkJiilal fill I i-u I HIS HlraM Kill. I IllIM APPMOMIMATFn PLANT AT EDMONTON niu l vifiiiin i uu S. S. Mnvollin. well known con- Iraelor, who i moving his head quarters from Hie Pacific coasl lo a site he purchased from Hie city if I'Vlumutoii Mime uioiillis atro. Inl no time in ;ioiug over the new- lifnlion for his plant, sii'k the Kilinonloii Journal. The xile 'oruied is a lrat-1 of land III I he w -enl end of the city. jul off the SI. Alhert Itoad opposite the Norlhwesl Lumber company Already a Hue has been laid for trackaue and before next week is out it Is 'expected work will have coinmeuced on a switch that will run into the property from the Cuimilinn National rail ttiiv tracks lo make room for slrinjfs of huife steam shovels, locomotives, scores of cars, be sides wagons, repair outfits and all I he general equipment that (roes to make up a very extensive railway and general construction outfit. There will he an amount of building also, as Mr. Magoffin ourposes making the site a per inaneul base for his operations He is very much pleaded with the nronerty as it affords generous space and has easy grades for extension of trackage of which he requires considerable LAWN BOWLERS SAIL MONTIlKAI.. May i'H. The Canadian lawn bowling team which Is to lour Hreal Britain and play u ta:!iid Unlay. series of matches mm BROKERS OF NEW YORK INDICTED Xi:V VOIIK. May :'H. W illiam Silkworth. former ireileul of I he lioiiMili-daled Kschaiipe; l,uis (liltMiuyli, ineinlier of the hoard, and een other looker hae Im-imi iudirted by I he federal lii and jury on charge of having ured the mail (o oefraud. FORTY-FIVE DEAD RESULT OF TORNADO Over 100 Injured and Property Damage Over MllUon Dollars ATLANTA, Georgia. May 28 The total number of dead as a result of the series of tornadoes which swept the south yesterday and Monday night has mounted to 45 today. Approximately one hundred are known to have been Injured and scores are homeless, while property Is damaged to the extent of more than a million dollars. This Is the second series of tornadoes within the month. NEWSPAPERMEN ARE ENJOYING HOSPITALITY OF PRAIRIE PEOPLE WINNH'Lti. May :'H. After an interesting day -pent in visiting Hie Manitoba Agricultural Col lege, driving around the city and dayiug golf, member f the Catiadhin Press and Canadian Oaily Newspapers Association left mi the Canadian National Continental Limited last night for Saskalooii. There Hie parly will he wel comed by Hie Board of Trade and entertained for the afternoon leaving for I'jlmonton by the northern line or the Cantnlian National Hallways touching North Ballleford. Thursday will be spent in Kdmnutnn and Friday at Jasper Park, where the news pacr parly will be guests at Jasper Park Lodge, bebtre going on lo Prince Itupert and Vancou ver. BANK TELLER AND CASH IS MISSING SAN FHANcisCo", May 28. Bale llovvan, aged -t. head paying teller of I lie Bank or Ituly, has been missing since Saturday night ami 17,000 or the bank's runjils has also disappeared. CANADIAN FOOTBALL TEAM PLAYS TO DRAW CKSSNOCK, May The louring all-star fool bull learn here played a one goal draw with Multlaud eleven yesterday'. piiiNci: nui'Enr, u.n, avkdnksuay, may 2h, 1021, ALICL AllM. May 28. Plati num has been added lo the long list of minerals round in Hie Alice Arm district. The dis covery was mailt by Archie Mc- I'hail, who sent samples ot tire south Tor assaying. The samples were taken from tins Ilex proper ly, and Hie values obtained were platinum. l.m. and gold I0.HU per ton. Previous assays for gold having given I7.00 per Kin. The ore also carries 07.1 silica. This is. as far as is known, the only ore sample in the district to be assayed for platinum, and the results obtained will undoubtedly encourage prospectors lo have similar assays taken. Tho Hex property Joins the Bavid Coppci-rirld'ou the south, which joins the Bolly Varden. The ore vein from which the samples were taken is about eight feet wide. It Is practically touching the Bully Varden rail. way tracks, tuus ensuring easy transportation of supplies and PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia! Newspaper rttrdr' Circulitlen 1637 (in ln arrival at Melbourne, Australia, (ieneral Bramwell Booth, world leader of the Salvation Army, was welcomed by Commissioner Whatmore. who lias charge of the New-South AN ales branch of the arm v.. British Budget Passes Without Division Following Speech of Commendation from Asquith Strt Salt 383 A definite split in the Conser Tha Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. Private Boies for Parly Use. Take Her to The Boston' vative ranks in Ksquimall riding f i ... ,i . i . . j . ,i . PRICE FIVE CENTS. JAPAN PROTESTS U.S. IMMIGRATION LAW BRITISH LABOR BUDGET PASSES WITHOUT DIVISION SUPPORTED BY LIBERALS Kings and Queens Take Lively Interest in Jasper Park at ' British Empire Exhibition MONTIIKAI., May The following ralrin va received ! f: morning Iiy h. h. MhIhiimmi, general pansenger tratfic mini- Japan Sends Protest ' United States Action Barring the Japanese TOKIO, M.iy 8, lieep regret Uiat the United Slates had enaeted the inimignilioii hill including u clause, hurritjg Japanese from entering that country is voiced in an official statement issued lale toduy hy the foreign office. Foreign minister MalMii today asked and obtined the as I sent of the Prince to the forwarding of Japan's Protest against the American enactment of the immigration hilbuarriug Japan- Tl ... :.. i - i: ' ;.-i i i ee. This proceeding is extraordinaryvami is interpreted as an iJion of the unusual importance altachecT to the -document. Tlie protest has. been cabled to Washington.- DEFINITE SPLIT IN CW UEF f) ID CONSERVATIVE MNKS , (F.eeve Lockley at Esqulmalt Says Me is in the Field to Stay BANKWITHA BABY IN ARMS !d' acinar., wiicii uur huiiui 6ol Ay, w,ln $10)0 from a-.,,,ie, asseinuieu in ine manors TeJIeCs Window; Forced L.IUU, iioiiunaieu ueere .viexaiuieri Taxlekb tn DMwa Man uockiey io eoniesi ine nuini under the Conservative banner against R. 11. I'ooley, Liberal- (kuiservative candulate, says the Victoria Times. tu a rrrtthTSs-ieAh ltiir I.ocklry taunted It. II. I'ooley, Liberal-Conservative candidate, with timidity itj facing an open LONDON, May 2X. The finance bill embodying the budget convention together proposal paed its seroml reading in the House of Uouuiioiis; Mr. Poojey's nomination, 1.-11 llirlll Willlllllt 21 lllV'illlll. It I IT ll I llllll II II A-mimIIi l:,ili.r II,- ui.i'jLhi1 I.j.I oi.nw. duced rruui t,i:Ht.i(KJ,X)00 in 1121 to lo'.IO.OdO.OiMI. If the safe, this in contradict ion lo the words sound lines of the present monetary policy was continued there or the Provincial Liberal-Conser-was no reasuu why Loudon should not retain supremacy iu the.vative organizer, Mr. Merririebl, fiuaui'ial markets of the world. PLATINUM ORE AT ALICE ARM Considerable Value Found Along With Cold In Rex Property PLOllLV, May 258. Norma Anderson, -vighteen years of age, - vtfTio with a baby In anus held lip I lie St Steenburg Baiik yesterday 3nenKhnX was. . arreslpd 'Tli night afler , forcingf-a' Jaticab driver at the point . of a hurry tier away.,. Over $t,00o'lii cash which ht '!grabbe.,from a teller's window of the Liberal, said he fully agreed with the general lines of before a hand-picked meeting! recm ered tho budget, pointing out that Britain s floating debt had been re- with nre-selected officers. ahd; ore shipment. With a 30 foot tunnel, a depth of 75 feel can be obtained. Not much development work has been done on the property, but il is the intention of Mr. McPhail lo do considerable work Ibis year, which will ronsjsl chiefly of surface strip'plng of Hip vein, and open cuts. GERMAN GOVERNMENT . BliHI.IN, Mily 28.- Chancellor Marx has accepted President Kb'crt's commission to form a nw Oo v;n)nlcut. WOULD SPEND MUCH MONEY ON SHIPPING Schemes For Improving Port Facilities of Britain Recommended LONDON, May 28 Schemes for Improving the port facilities of the United Kingdom at an estimated cost of 20,-000,000 Is recommended by the commission appointed by the Shipping Association, the Chamber of Commsrce, and the Federation of British Industries after a searching INVESTIGATION INTO U.S. LIQUOR LAWS Committee at Washington De cides That all Phases of Booze Situation Will be I Probed WASHINGTON, May 28. A brand new congressional investigation directed at prohibition en forcement wiis delermlni'd upon Joday hy a house comniittee. It will go into all phases of the liquor law situation. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Philadelphia t-C, Boston 5-10. Pillsburg 5, Chicago . Cincinnati 3-J, SI. Louis t-t. Brooklyn-New York", rain. American League Chicago 2, Cleveland 7. St. Louis t, Detroit 5. Others rain who said such conventions were I to be open. None were admitted to the Pooley meeting, charged llcevc Lockley. unless they were willin? to "sigi "'' pledge", lo support (hat candidate. The Speaker challenged W. J. Bowser, K.C.. leader of the Liberal - Conservative Party, to come lo Ksquimult and say the Pooley fair and above board. For hint-Hf. couHnued I lie j reeve, he was definitely in thej fight .and was it to stay. He, looked for no favors and would stand on his record as six years a public officer tif the lowmship of the B.C. Union. jihairnuin KING AND QUEEN OF ITALY ENTERTAIN AT EMBASSY IN LONDON Labor Premier Was Guest of Honor Along With Britain's King and Queen LONDON. May 28. The King and Oueen of Italy last night gave a dinner at Hie Italian embassy at which were present nrty-five guc including the King and Oueen of I'.ngland, the Prince oT Wales, the Duchess or York "anil Premier Jlumsay Mardoniild. The Hoyal party lunched at the (iuildhall where the Lord (Mayor oT Loudon w-as the host. DimrrT dccai iitiaiic SOCKEYE SEASON OPENS JUNE 20 Active Summer Is Anticipated With Most of Canneries Operating Again All thfe isabmui canneries in lislrir,l,vNo. 2, which operated convention wasi'8''! y"ar l'uck again this season with the exception or Port Kdward and Mill Bay it is anticipated and the pcospects indicate that the season will be a very active one. Balmoral can nery has already started packing springs but the remainder or the land head or sixty-two British jplauts are not expected to open Columbia muuiciralities, asj!P until June 20 when the sock- eye season will be open. On the Skeena Hiver all plants but Oceanic, Port Edward and Alexander will puck and, on the Naas. all but Mill Bay will run. The two seaplane from Jericho Beach, Vancouver, which will be engaged in fisheries patrol work during the salmon season, are expected to arrive from the south some time in June. They will be commanded by Flight Lieutenant Karl MacLeod and Flying OfHcer Hull. BURDEN NOMINATED BY CONSERVATIVES FOR PRINCE GEORGE Will Contest Seat Against H. G. Perry, Liberal, and l. A. Shearer, Provincial DU1AJL1 ACOULUlIUnj Special to Dully News, PASSED BY C0MM0NSi-1,;,",:sS.':S':- OTTAWA, May 28. maiuiug budget resolutions pass. ed the House of Common last (here last night nominated F. p. The re-, Burden, land surveyor, lo contest me riding In their interesl at the forthcoming ele-lion, His night Including the reduction of ioppoti'enli will be 11. O. Perry, the, sales tax from six to five perjthe sitting member, and J. ! cent and the infrease of Ine in-.Shearer, representing the Pro-como tax exemption for eaeh.vincial Party. All reside at child from $30 to 6500. TriuCto Oeiuv. i