PAGE TWO CANADIANISM GYROSUBJECT W.E. Williams Deplores Lack of Confidence In Home Investments Addressing Gyro Club FOLLOW U.S. POLICY V. E. Williams aililrf-sspil tlie tiyro Club last evening on "Gan-pdiriliism." Showing' how IliO fioliiinlon had gradually evolved from the position of a crown colony twenty-five years ago to that f a near-nation today,-tlie speaker drew attention to some of the responsibilities restinp vclth Die nenf) i of Canada in (lie way of government and develop ment. -He. felt, that the means of educating immigrants from for eicn potintries in Canadian cus toms and ideals was not broad enough in srope. were, not taken was dancer that If this nvatter in hand, there in a lew years foreign rather tliaff"Anglo-Saxon principles might prevail. Canada which should he an independent nation hut always with an Anglo Sason sentiment, could best servo its own interests and those of Hie Empire by making good Can-1 Julians of all its citizens. This wns work that could effectively be Undertaken by all the. communities. The policy of Hip United Slates might be emulated in this regard. Drawing the great mass of ils population today from foreign countries, the United Slates had made 100 per cent Americans of these people. Similarly it should be dope in Canada. Invest at Home Tlie speaker deplored the lack of confidence that Canadians, through Iheir investments, had shown in their own country. To ftiake Cariada a great nation, population was required but to support this population it was necessary that there should be industrial development. . Too much attention, he thought, had been paid to agriculture. Trfte tills was Hie great basic industry of the Dominion biitit .also hail uhlimiled natural resources which should be turned into fin isliecl products through ihanu factufes in tlie country. Kivo men might take out million feet of logs in a year but it would take twenty men to turn that Unifier into furniture. Why export the timber and lose tlie work iff ihe fifteen men iri Canada? Tlie Speaker declared that Ciin-illa'tis had plenty of money to 'jtjvsf in manufacturing and oj)if;r development projects which woilld'o'rove profitable. It was a thy I many Canadians were In lie riund In executive positions wit It industrial concerns in the ' United Slates. Why not start manufacturing in Canada and kefcp these Canadians at liomfef Home Projects Localizing his theme, Mr. William's referred to projects that, with a small amount of cupilhl, might be stalled by Ihe people of I'rince Hiiperl themselves. He would hrive liked to have seen an elevator financed by Prince Flu-perl people. He fell that il could be done. Too niiicli nessimtsm hali deyehjpedj here In Ihe face of I no ract that i'rince llupert oiler ed nlore prospects than perhaps arty other oily of Canada. Co operation and friendship among tli(; citizens should be developed Ins; Jo it lri ead of actional strifes and . ... i i : ousy. If oho citizen of ce. Hubert prospered il could nol but have a on il beneficial effect ib others. If everybody was interested in the-other person a spirit should be developed that would be beneficial to all. Gill zehs sliouldlrust and heln each older and thus, co-operating, do their jiart towards building up tlie city which meant building up Canada. If the proper spirit pre vailed, he fell that an era of growlli would ensue iri tfie city lliat would relatively exceed that of any oilier cily In Canada for I'rlh'ce Hiipert was abundantly endowed with all the hecenSary hhiiiral attributes. Musical Program llesldes Mr. Williams' address, the ehib's program for tlie even Ing included selections by an orchestra consisting of Miss St Cyr; A. A. Kassoti and George Jtorie, Jr. Master William Miir ray played a violin solo aecbm phriled by W. Vaugluin Davles. CominUnily singing was led by flvro Lionel Holtby. fiuests of the club Included Nnrman Up II and L. H. Cook of VrtficoUver: Waller dale, Jack Edwards and W. O. Fulton. I r.lark. W. II. Mrkemle. Mann u. i-iu, noundy. Frank n. North Coast Land Company Flew III k Sons, Ltd. .................. J. A. Wood, li. D. MrArthur. C. flenard. John Mri.ean. ann 11. .nMrmur Doyle. Henry Iiaron. F. a. Hevaii, Arrh A Cornell, r W Hevaii, Areh.A luth. CeorRe Irvine, John Thornhlll Iiovle. Franna t. I.enhardt, II. D F.llacott. C. II :lark. J. D Ilockwe'll, Martin Tallerday, Walter L. Seoll. .mis fc. i. Srott, Mis k. S Moore, 1-raiiK vaiion..W. Iildirway Ilauke, knuie l Lvnoh. W. J Fluninierfelt, A. C f Fliunmerfelt, A. C Flmniiierfelt, A. C, llitliel, K. r. Hllhet, H.V. Fliunnierrelt, Flummerfelt, Fiummerfelt, Cray, John II. A. C. A. C. A. C. Oray, Gladys R. K. Ttiorwler, Maxlme North Coal Land Company, North Coast Land Company, v,..ih r,.a,l land r.ofofi!inv. Slater, Anion ,u Llmllfd Limited Llinlleit .North "Coast Land Colnpanj, Limited North Coast Land Company, Limited .North Coast Land Company, Limited r.i.,h , lnd ltniuanv. LlmlteJ Norlli Coast Land Company, Limited oiih Coaat Land Cunipmy. Llni ted North Coast Land Company, North -Coast l-and Ounpany v..h r,.,j, l and f'jtiiifianv. Limited LlniiU.I Llmiled lurin land Investment jxnpauy. Limited North Coast l-and Compauy, Limited North Coast l-aiid (U.mpany, umneu North Coast Land Company, Limited North Coast l-and Company, 1. mltrd North Coast Land Company, Llm led North Coast Land Ciuopany, Llm ted North Coast Land Company, Limited North Coaat Land Ctimpany, Llmiled North Coast Land Compaliy, Llmlti'd Schnur, Philip P sehniir. rhllii. ,P. ;;--,;:y Norm i.oi i-auu Itunkle, JiJin C luinkle, John C Miller, Charlea Howe, J, A Keith. Jamea Coojier (Estate) r.asileman. S. J i:aiUemaii, S. J, ,. Casllenian, Si J.',;.. , Keith, J. c. tcsiaiiy Yonnr, V. il. (EMalf), llarire. J. I. Taylor, Fredk. f.eore Jenkins, Florenee L. E $orenf m, h. . . . 4 ' Humphrey, Frederick Ward, II. T. . . I'eera, Dohald Arthur Iloirovd. Jamea F. i . Araenuarn,: J. ,.i.. . .rklnum. Tltomas-n.. Mictiiii K and Esther Srolson filNea, U. J lliilicr. Phillip JamM' -.?. Clark. T.. F. Plumb, fleiirfe F Sewal. Saimiel I Kimball, .fleorjre .' Davidson, John c Oombr,,Fred. Michael Singer, Joseph . . . . Viririwputtf, FiiJI V Mrpmoyl. 0rr Wood. William Henderson; fitex Utacey. OeorKe Vayama. Katsnzn k Nmla, Tamylro Keate, I'au-li h 0. .. ., MrClnnir. Herliert Hobert Wakefield, Thomas Alex , . . stocks. F. M Tiawson, William Jamea Martin, James tiawson. Mrs. Jane Irvlnlr, James nobert trvlnir, James Hobert MrOy,. Lena , nnimers, s. II summers. R. II len'en. Jen.. nirhart, Jonathan Mome, W. C ..,. Holmes, Oeorre . McCoy. I.ena Westman, John anmmers. S. II. mlth. Alice M. .'. . . n.. Mrs. V. 1 Thlslleihwalle. Charlee. (Estate) Sirlllh. Alice M sinllh. Allce'i M.i , , Hurt. F.lhol S. Eslatai lames. Mrs, V. H. . lensen. Jen lertsen. Jen. ...... .u ... '. nsiH. Mrs. Josephine A,..., aottitners, B II..,.,,..,,..,, Thl.t(.-ihwBlte, EMate of Chas. . . . Peld. B. M rmriilf V, rnra , , no'iivsnl. l. James . . , Haider, Donald MctnllTe Alee h, . . WnnnVtiller. Oustave Sklilen, W B, TAX SALES RANOE 2, C0A8T DISTRICT. Lot lilt. ISO acres RANGE 3, COAST DISTRICT. Lot lit. AKd. Lot il, .45 arres Lot 11. Her. No. iSI87c Victoria .70 arres Lot t, '"'Vi. :il& an-ea .NWW (,r -NW Yt See. 30, Township I, O.I0 arre of Fr. Eli of SWVi SeelKui 4, Township . 4 acres of .SF.V4 Section 4, Township , t acre or .. v. . .., v miinr i. COAST DISTRIOT Lot 30, Part ur Northerly I'orllon, 31.78 acres-. RANOE B, COAST DISTRICT. Section . Hlock I, 35 acres section 3, Pluck l, lo acre , Lot . Assd. Ijit II 9.0S acrea . , Lot 19. Soiitherly.iMiitiou, 9 acres or .. Lot 9. I'nd. A Interest In I Se acre . . . Lot 104. I nd. M Interest In it.i aries ., Lot il. 79 arrea or Lot 197, 155 acrea j. . . Lot !99, 360 acres Ixit 314. 160 acre Lot 13 iw. 100 acres Lot 3I! F. Portion. 71.2 arrea ot 131 W Portion, ,luo acres Lot IMS, I.S5.3 acres V , Lot 1S(i, I71.S0 acres It 1948, 136. acres .ot 9J35, 144 arres ... Uil 73, t'nsiibdlvlded , portion let nithl-or-way. it.u acres Lot J9. 100.06 acres Lot 444, 130 acres Lot i740, 1 til 'acres j,t 3070, 74.4 acres l.ot aui, 34iarres , Ixit S09. 507 acre ' Ixt 4000. 161.40 arres Lot 4 4S7, 10S acres I Ml 4779, 70. acres t tfii i?an 4 17 acres ......... ....w. EH of SWW Assd. Uil i. Section Townsnin 1. la i-j -rei ......... ... WW of SW" Assd. Lot i. Section Township 1, 13 1,-3 .acre NE14 Asd. Uit S. Section 15, Townsnip II. il. I, -.! acres , NWVi Section 16, Township. I. 37 acres.. NEi section lK ioiiim l. l.rrr'.i EVj or .NEtf Assd. I jul .. Seelton 91 Tfivcnsnm i. u 1-1 M're ........ SWV5 Assd. Lot 4. Section il. Township i, io z-a seres . . . SF.V, Asd. Ut 6, Section 9. Township I 9 A 9.1 acres SWVS. I- Interest. Section 99. Township 1, in ill acres CABSIAR DISTRICT Lot 46 I'nd. V- Interest In Wttnf Assd Bloea n. .936 acres Im 534, 1 18. acres , Lot 390 acres Ijnl lim. 30 acres . . .r. Lot 1903. 390 acres . T. Lot 1901. 4rt acres Lot 1905, C4A acre Ixit 1906. 640 acres m 1907. 390 acres Lot I90S, 640 acres Uit 1909. H40 lores 'n 1919. 640 arres l ot 1913. 694 acres '.ot 19I3A. SI acres ot 1394, 940 acres tot 3?. 640 acres t 1199. so acrea i.nt I33. 3o acres l.ot 1135., T90 acres lot 1 337.' 60 acres Lot Hi". 4 so acres Uit 1330. 0 acres l.nt 9199. 10 acres 1.01 9lo. 160 acres fit 9419. 640 acres lot 4o. 640 acres- .fit 9937. 30.3 acre it 3409. S iwl'ori. 160 arjgs lot 1403. S".. W.aeres Lot una. 515 array I j.l 3410. 693 arrest lot 3411. 14 acres "fiuetN charlotte' islands. (.ot 15, nhifk 3. . acrea ijnt 15, Block 4, 6.05 acres Ixit 15. Block 9. .95 acres Uit 15. Block .10. f.65 acres Lot ISA. 904 acrea. Ex. .3 acrea shown Plan attached tit C. of. T. No. 4 5611 Lot 99, l- Int. In 46 acres Lot 30a, 4 acrea ,. , Lot 401, rKll, 160 acres . Uit 410, Block A. 160 acres Lot 417, WVi of SW4. 8 acres Lot 55 4, 160 acres IM 561, SWVJ.lio acres , Lot 759. M4, 160 acres Lot 779A.- ft I. n ft acres Lot 6.3, nKV,. 190 acres 1A S67A. SEU. 160 acres Lot 999. SEW f.r JIWH, 40 acres .. Lot ldt3. kw'4. 10 Lot 1011 .W4w 155 acres A1 1913 ItQ acres ...i UArt 15. 1 57crrt Lot 1353 197 acres Lot 1364. 79 acres i r. wtt r,A acres XtA 1517 Sthly. 99 acres aa per plan al tarJied pi r.ertiricale No, 83981 ... Lot 1680. NWW or SWW 39.6 acres l 158. 8 WW f SKV4. rr U,l 1588, S4 li NEW. s7A7' Lot 1639. N or 4 or SWV4 k SH vt .r ai.'f. sn acres of Lot 1639. S14 or SU r SW4. 39.5 acres Uit 163 N fr NWy,. 79. acre MX H33, 638 .aeres Uit 1616, 71 acres Uit 1666 io acre Uit 1668. 160 acres Uit 1740, 640 arres Lot 1767, SEW. 160 acrea Uit 1793 NEW 160 acres Uit 197. 639 acres I .M 1973, 630, acres Uit 9064, Block- A. 6 acres- NU ind. V. Int. in 30 acres, See. 34, Twp. 5 9V-. I'nd. V. Int. In 30 acres. Twp. . , Plan 401. siibdn, of .Paet Sctlona32; 33, and 34. Township 1, Rang o. Lots 19 and 90.. Block A. fit Lot 1 . . . Lots 4, 6. Block H of Uit 9 Uits I,, 9. Block B' or Irfit 3 I.ol 9. Block A of Uil Lois 1 lo , Block A' of I.M ... Lot 1, Block H of Lot IS ., Uit . Block II of Lot 13 Uil 9. in. Block C .or XM 13 .... 1l 6. Block, B of Uit 15 Lot 1, 9. Block C of-Uit 15 Lft 1, Block C of Lot 17 Uit 9. Block C of Lot 18 I.OIS 3, 4. Block C or Uiti)8 jnx 9, Blnrk,A)f Lot 19 Lots . 6. Block B of Ud 19 Lot 1. Block C. of l.ot 19 1. . II I. Block n or Ui 0 1 ot 1. ninrk C of Lot 99 lls 19. 0. Illorlc.n.or 1.01 93 ... lots 8, 9, 10. Block A of I.nt 4 . . . Lfits 4. 5, Block C or lot 94 ...... Lots 8. (t. 10. Block C or Lot 1 . Uil 5 Brk II of 1)1 4 , . . , lots 9. 10. Block n of t.ot 5 Ul 5. Block C of lot 97 , . Uit 6. Block A or l.ot 48 See. 3, Men TSU. S"MUIlfi t Sl4 , and , Ff a 8. HfVi Ssrtlen 4, Township 1, Rang B I oi a. B'nck g Uit li. Block II TSIS DATLY ITEWS Sales of Land for Unpaid Delinquent Taxes in the Pnne Rupert Assessment District I IIHIFHY C.IVE .otlf.E ttiat. Wednesday, the If ID .Nuvi-mbvr, A.U. . the hour jf 10 a.m.. at Ilia hfi oaif Ilia Prov n' la I Culli-tl'7 In, tho I'll r I'Mnre lliip. il. B.C.. I will Sell al 1'ubllc the land Ml the 111 lierclnarier set out, r il person" lu " ald list hereinafter set for delinquent lae uiij.aul by said Persons on be 30lh .lay or turn. ;-and o sale. It total amount due for the, .lerlod for mieresl ji'iially. cists and esinsc, including the cost for advertising said Ihe r,uUnIJV.lJ. .J,( , .reile'i ,v inr,r,.,.n,, r.,neninir the n.Uowlnr 111 where the owner was a member of the Allied Forces and entitled lo Ihe benrnts or Secilwi 151 of Ihe "Taction Art," 19. LI8T OF PROPERTIES! NINE OF PERSON ASSESSED. -M-ai.-.l-l. Orirrin, Arthur Edwards, E. Horace . . Ualllene,' V. E. cimkey, hblierl Arthur Morrison, J. H Conkfy, John A. "'.'.'. . . Laurltsoh. Peler Iloblnoon, Oe'irRe hiidlav, Durham k Rrodle Flndlav, Durham k HriHlle LnrkerbT. Onrdun SHOUT DESCHIPTION OF I'HOPFHTY. 98.00 8.00 4I.H ll.90 44.00 (04. 9.00 3.00 oVo !. 6.t 98.00 68.00 8.75 I58.UU IC4.95 360.00 80.00 8.00 16.49 I7.5U 97.94 30.09 91.45 144.00 ,11.07 16U.9U .; 71.00 95 8, 00 380.30 I6M.M XV.ii S7.0O 98. U.90 17.50 30.9 38.93 163.10 11.30 (88 18.18 i7.0O 10.50 349 4 o.oo 156.00 496.00 4i.0 488.00 9 40.00 lu, All 49.'IO 468.00 3.0 193.94 519.00 64.00 58J 387.89 517.18 438.48 517.19 18.00 18.00 -73t.pO 736.00 4.5 1110.00 900.00 353.75 39J0 i 15.00 17.55 IIA.0 19.99 78.43 1I1.(I lo.oo 4.7 98.00 44.11 14.00 31,45 41.06 IV.tlO 01.60 ; 9.oo 11,00 40, oO 98.00 97.38 98.00 Vi.$31 ' 17.30 597.84 365.00 89.60 39.70 651.10 80.00 49.95 89.60 717.75 71.00 140.00 140.00 30.00 98.00 98.00 559.15 531.95 55.00 160. 00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5 00 oo 6 tlfl 8.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 li on 6..U0 6 on 6 PO 6.00 . a 5.91 1.47 40.13 7.4 18.98 1.48 5.41 3J9 :9.UI 1078 U.65 11.56 1.46 96.68 7. 61.10 13,60 &.( .98 3.9 5.07 S.60 ' 4.17 94.48 .1.91 97.90 ,!. 48. 00 19.74 49.0 7.l 97.36 93.87 18.30 53.01 9.57 3.40 S.84 . 6wtW 8.3 " 4.90 4.90 tit 1.73 5.C.8 47.36 45.60 47.36 .06 9.94 09.08 45.60 tiji 99.15 9.9 88.9 4.36 34.00 94.7 11.84 47.48 71.19 94.97 79.90 94.98 (1.6 3.68 141.40 14. 40 4.45 18. 0 36.40 44.36 71.41 44.36 ..U 46.09 7.7 11.71 155.08 1.59 .71 5.14 9.9 9.4 5.41 7.77 . I 8.11 ;i0.17 4.0 9.(0' ,4.80 .14 5.16 41 , l.uO 1 '4.f4 ' 3.44 131.79 66.4 6.74 6.76 .139.08 11.60 8.98 15.85 141.16 19.07 4.0 94.90 54.40 5.94 5.94 104.69 103.14 9.34 . 7.0 I 97.90 1.14 1.14 .87 1.14 1.14 1.1 t.14 .87 1.16 .87 1.14 .98 1.14 .87 .87 1.14 1.14 :1V i.i .87 .87 1.14 1.14 l.4 1. 14 6 00 1 16 6.00 I 14 4.00 .69 M -Cut 13.75 ft.7 11.75 13.7ft 11.78 13.75 11.75 13.75 11.75 13.7t 11.75 11.71 13.71 11.75 13.75 13.75 13.71 13.75 13.75 13.75 11.75 11.75 13.75 13.75 11.75 11.75 13.75 11.75 13.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 (3.75 (3.75 (3.73 (3.75 (3.75 (1.75 13.73 13.75 11.75 (1.73 (1.75 (1.75 (1.75 13.75 (1.73 (3.76 (3.75 (3.75 (3.73 (3.75 13.75 13.75 11.75 13.75 IJ 15 13.75 11.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 (3.76 11.76 13.75 13.75 13.75 (3.75 13.75 13,75 11.75 13.76 11.75 13.75 13.75 13.75 (3.75 (9.76 19.75 (9.75 (9.75 - (9.75 19.75 19.73 (.75 19.75 19.75 19.75 I. 75. 19.76 11.75 i.7S 175 19 75 ,1 73 19.76 , 19.76 V1.75 19.75 19.75 19 76 1 73 l.75 1 76 175 HI 13.71 46.91 13.76 93 to 13.75 (6.0, 13.71 lt. 13.75 Ct.ll (3.7 136.8. 13.71 14.. 61.1 17.1 17.7 87.( 198.4 93.3 . 91.9 198.4 903.9 414.8 (07.3 46.9 33.9 34.6 46.0 49.4 41.5 (89.9 7.S oo.g 40.: lot.' 101.4 ito.: 466.4 0.l l8 189.0 165.4 11.9 14 S7.I 49. 04.l K.r 47.S 47.'. 11.7 lie 6(.s 1(7.1 199. :i 1(7.1 609.7 391.8 19.3 393.9 696.f 409.7 170.1- 41 690. 89.: 119.1 479. 695.9 531.4 696.9 (66.4 (65.4 89. ( 899.1 4.4 131.1 60.1 431.9 477.6 301.! 17.4 173.8 40.7 11.9 1501.0 .J 18.7 46.9 66.9 30.3 60.6 63.6 60.9 95.1 J9.8 67.1 60.1 46.0, 46. 46.9 56.3 40.1 14.6 74!.r 445.1 60.0 60.9 803.9 (07.9 7(.9 119. 87. 96.9 179.9 179.9 388.1- 46.9' 46.9- 677.6 668.1 78.0' 00.9 900.9 19.9 19.0 19.6' 19.9 19.0 10 0 19.0 l.r.' 19.9 18 6-l. 18.7? 19:9' 1 a. f.r 18.6 10.91 19.9' 18.6' 1.6' 10.9' I8.6 18,6 lu hi 19 19 9) 19.91 19i 19 91 Sklllrn, tklllen, Skllleii. .name of ri:wavTf; v. w. w. lUVle. TlWHItS Jnyre, J ilray, Jainea M. Ford. Ella 8M, Hrllina, ViM ,JlVi V. fcv . vi. 6Jv Moore t.nanes wu , Anderson, Airmi v Clew In & 4" . 1 ...... twin twil uaw swoiiwuj, ortn r.wisi Land iTominny, or lb coast Land i.umnaiiy, or in Coast land I'.owpany, m l h Coa-t I and 1 miapanv. orlli i:iwt Land Company, orth Owl Land iiiv. uilli Cim-l Land i'.gtaiwu. urlh Coast land ".oejmy. orth CimM Land CoaHMliy. rib Coait land nonipwiy, irth Coast land i ianpaay, .rib CoaM Land oHftvtny. .rib Cu4 Uind lAimprjiy. nli cM una company rth Coast Land Lumpany. j-(li 1.04444 Land Cnnian.v. .rth i'.oat (.and ' :omtaiiy. rth U3-x Laml 1 unmanv, rth r,.j ijind Conmaiiv. yes. Fill. . . . sab. Joaepblne etvHl. E. ft. uu. U41 n. 1 555?: I: ::::::::::?::: tea, bdwafd MW arce. HilHam F. . .-. -rw'an Spmt Lumber 1. .rie. Oeorirr (TrosiesJI . . . nsty. E. J ixx. Ilaiel k IIIM4 Wand oWejr,..rrank aal'ia 1 1 - TXi'.sH eanta Ompany, -audio, fietwire . ulko, John ...... heido, JM . . . . irher. It. O iitram, Frederltk Paiorsoa J 1 I , . UrnlMni . ,rlh fJoaal Land Crpany, .rth Coast LMd Uifiy. nth Coast LanxJ tMimuxt, rth Coast una :' ,rtu Cai Und (Mipaey. m-iii KfMti Laid cwajiaay, aib Coast Land MNptir. arth (Mat Uad Cttmaay. .rth coast Und Coifrfiany. .rlh coast land company. ,rth coast und ciaopany, .rlli iumsI Und (hallway, .rili I'Jtast Land Company, trrls. E. S. l-en, OeoTke hnson, Alfred .. eg, I red ...11n lerandee. Mrv II. T I'Nelll, Kiillicrlne Lily "swle F H Hawie. V II "swle f? II, irr. W J . . Plan 73, Subdivision t', Lot SO, Ranga B T I (7 44 uis il to is, morn o (1.75 LtswIIOd Ltnilted I inmed l.luirted Limited I. inn led Limited Limited i.imitod 1 ittnind I. United I mnirii Limited IJIIIIleil l.lMllK-d 1 iBllrd lllled imind LtmlUHl Limiifl th Omim Land Couipauy. wnnira . ,nh r.Ma4 Land Company. Umiied th 4:m4 Linrt Ciitninny. LMiiiied .rlh Coast Und Coinpaiiv. Llmiled . irth Cimim land i.ofni-any. l imited . rth Coaft lnd 1 .ompati.v. Llmiled . riti Coi Und tkimpaii). Lieal ,rlh C04M Und (..iny. .rth Wast l and Cutapanir. Llmiled .rth Coasi Und CMemn. Llanlteal irlh coaiM Land unntiaiiy. I.linlli'd ,rth C lml Coropnnr. l.(iMiied ,rlb Coa4 l-and rootpauiy. Llmiled tb CutM IMHX Ciiinity. Lloilled rth Coam Und Coiinr. l imited irth CoM Uftd Crmspanv. Lintied irth cit Und Company. Lliiillnl trtb ca4 land ComiMiiv, I.iiiiiimI .rth 1:1am Und company . Llmiled .mJi CM Und innpany. willed -th CoM (Jinrt company. LHnitnJ .rth Co4 Land Rampany. Umii.d ,rlh Coast Land Urtninany. Limited ,rth coast Und Company, I willed .rth Coain Und nmiany, inrtted .rth cotM Uud Company. Limned-' tlfa-JkaU .r I- irra 11, Joaafin hotnpaon. Ltd. W. LIBilled Uipiled LhWIUHl. I. Wll led Limited Limited Lirullrd Ltorilad UfSiied - nson, c. '.- : .'..r4.. . .". ijwvrf i M-ker, J. ...... avea. Iir. ti. A. ilterfom, T. I, . nliorr, Lillian ,. Daldlnr. Aljlrcw anson, T. 8. . . . aurl. Annwt 'nrphjv urphy, latacv. Albert Omttf Albert CaorM I4tt iJIPOIn lirrniy. Aioeri iieorye 'itiiois, JOPTin Miiiiila, Anna Hirtihy. Albert Oeorw cKike, Kenneth ...... . ii "f . . . . irhardson, Charles P. . . . leanaa Cfiinnnny. I UnlnM leania CViiniiany, l.iiirtted enney, Ftate h. II. lartlell, ,V. J. ........ VakabayAshl, Tbfaklfbl leriomrnjnre. Jean . anew, A. W . . "irlfftii. Aiennmler ' aiiew, A. W ' anew. A, W. . , . , . mew, A, W r SMtrnt pwcmi'TirtM p rit'iriHTY. Ltd IH I" 99. tot IK I" Plan Lot 3, Plan it lurk , Riot 8, Mock llltrrk Block Hiotk Mlork B It Sloe 11 lor Block I 1006, llHM-I 4. It lllm k 56. 1 0.1 Hbirk 44. It lltork 67. It Murk 68, BKm-i Mlork 6t. 9.9 It kirk Block 17 m o i sr.. 97. 39. I". 5. J3.60.0J iii.i UHS 98. - LuU 64, 55 i Plan S15, Subdlvlalon oi pari Lot 0T, Rang S RkMk (3, 1.31 acres Block 96, S.33 arres as. Suba-lvlalon .of Cot Ai Sll Sso. 16. Townahlp'1, Rang 81 B4iMk 7. arres Plan 1002, Sgbdlvlaloo of Lot 11 of ),l nang , SubdMslon Rang 6 Tihxk, 6, 9.0 ( acres .... Plan 1012, Subdivision Caisiar lu acre ...... I u arres ....... y, to acrea to, u acre 16. 10 arrea f6. 10 aero 18, lu acre 4, 111 acres L 10 m 96, III aCM ... 7. IU arre Is. IS arrea . . . Hludfc S, ( arroa . . . tilock 3u, (0 seraa . . . ttiork 31. InSfrva ... alAH'i 3. 141 SUM v. , rtkiri 31. It SWro .. . iihHk 34. IS acres . . Block Ul. IS aere . . . Bki.'k 36. s.s saras . . ttwck 17. S.S Irrsaa .. .ii-iot a. nmmm ... iilM-k 40. to arrea . ,. 1, Im k 49. 10 arm . . , Block 11, 10 arrra .. uhnrk 41. S,s aw( .. tibjrk 43. 9.9 flfja . , lik.ik la. ttt 1 ilhHk Li. 10 ,iior i, 10 arnsa . . .IKA I. 10 ftt . ibM l io. to arrssT . . tr.c4; il. IS) arrea . BKHk 58. .s Blork 63. S.S arres a. in acres a. I, IS arrea Psrt it Lot t74. of Ul 1 moek SI. . actrs .. , . itinri 4. It acrra rtloek S3, la aiT . Plan 1034. Swbdlflslon of Lot Plan 1213, Block . t i Dan 1222, lA 11. Bl"-k I Uil 19. BBh-8 I Ul I. BliH-k I Lots I Lola I Lots I Lot I t ots t Rant S tfl I. Jk acres Mr ji. i acres f:t-r Plan 1061, SuMliUkm of 11 410 Qyn ChaclslU Ulan Ot J I. HHMk I lora IS. .! rrr Plan IOCS. Subdlslslon, Part Lot 1791, Rang a Pluck 4 Ml S . 4 i aeres Plan 1071, Subaifltlon Part Lot MM, Rang t. Lots 5. 0, Block 37 . Plan 1079, Subdivision Part Lot 740, Qusa Cnarloll ll. Lola I. 1. 0. Blork 31 Uits i. ft, 7. 8, III In 14. Hbirk 18 XM 4. Block, 4 , l.ot 8. 9. in. Block 4 1.01 a. SW l.i.l 9. Sla. Bkirk Urts I to 7 II. It, lilurk 46 lot 7. Assd. Uil B. bowk l Lot I lo 6. 8 9. Hlork 17 . . Mils 1, 1. mora aa , U.( 4. ntort 56 1 . SukdlilslM of Rang S, to 36. Block 9 lo IS. Block 1 lo 34. Blork to IS. BbM-k to 96. Blork Lois I lo 10. UU I m 30, U4 uls ! ols '.ot Lots I Hilar k Hlofk 60 3. BhK k lo 91, BU-r 10 lo 91, Block 11 lo 91. Blork 19 . lo 90, Blork II . 44 COPPIR CITV.TOWNSITI Plan S33. U.I 1, llkark 1 Lola 8 A 9. Block 4 DCL8ATLAH TOWN jiTS. Plan 1032. Lot 5. Block 7 XM 6. Hlork 17 Lol 6, Block 14 . . . . , net? i, , itfll.9, F.tfcpV U.I-4-Ol'llUal .Plan 1032. lot to, Block 31 Lots 14. 16. Block 14 Lol 17, 18, Block 44 . . . . Lot (. Lot 1. Lot t. ESSINOTON TOWNlITt, Plan 637A. Block 19 Blin k 19 Block 17 440S, 'Plsn 1117, SubsllfUlan Sy af Lot 174. Rang t. Block I. 1 74 arrea a- . Lot 143. SutXHtlaioa of part Lot 1074,1 cattiar. Plan 1283, Suklliton Lol 64, Cooolae 1.0I :., 9 acre Plan 17SS, Sublilln Lol 44 Lot 4S1, Rang 9.1 CLAXTON TOWNSITt. Plan 899. Lots I to 36. Block I ::::;;?! ORANBV BAY TOWNSITt Plan 1007, Lol 0, Block 4 HAY SPORT TOWPliiTi. Plan S4S. U.1S 96 In 39. Block 9 Uill 40 lo 63. Block 10 Uts 73 to 76. Block 40 Lota 4 lb 49. lo 7, Wmk II Lots 31, 6. 50, 60, 61. Block j .. Lots 56. 56. Illurk II I.0I8 I li 93 Block II Ul 16, Block 14 KITSIUAS TOWNSifc. Plan STB. Block I Lola ( lo 6. Jllock tints 1 A 4, fllck 3 and l.ot 10, Ft. N Hen""., inn-, nines n Ul S WW. Hlock 4 MASSETT TOWNSITt. Plan B4S. lvots 3 A 4. BI'M'k 4 Ul 3, BlfMk 18 PORT EDWARD. TOWNSITt Plan 1033. Ul 90. Block 14 UiUVn A 99. Block 17 11 , 4, 7 Wrick t ' U.IS I, 9. Block 1 J iils 4. 5 40 to 4. Block II .!, '! Lots 7 In, 10, Block 109 . ."; PORT SIMPSON TOWNSlft. ' Plan 41S. lil 3, Bloclf 6 t.ot 4. wrwk i8 ..."!!";;..';;;; Rlan 443. I, il. 918 Block A I.nt I Block B I.oli- '.. 6. Block C Lot 8. Block C il 4. 0 J.iu 4,00 a.oo S.uo uy,' 10.00 1 1 .00 'll, ji;? I ri s5. If. I (11.11 iu.n 10.11 1n.11 10,11 lu.u la.ll I.I1 I ".Il 10.(3 (0.11 (0.(1 lo.ll w 10.11 lu. 1 1 ii',il 10.14 l II liull 10.(1 I3-.U 1u.11 I a. 1 4 10.11 iti; 19.14 16.II 10.11 10.1J 4W 3 if 14 10.11 l. 4 10.13 IJ.14 10.11 10.11 10.11 U.IS lt.l 'iii 19.98 .4.) Si! ! 4I.94-111.71 707.94 14.11 6.U t.7t 17, 4.71 i.a 1.1 1 7. asi S.iWi 1,4) t.40 I7.A6 tJ. 91.10 (0.40 lt.0 !! 11.10 19.10 , ia.o 9 00 ao .8.04 7.00 6,19 1 6ft til 4.00 If. 10 11.14 81 10 (.4l 14.00 4 00 1,00 4 00 t8 4.00 Im a 4 00 4.(0 I 80 4 on -4 Ofl 4.00 6 04 5.50 6 04 5 no 6 no A.OO h sk t 3 t .4 .86 if .40 I'.' . 4.80 It 1. 10 l 1. 10 If ( (,86 If . 13.90 II Ml I t.ot it tp 1.71 It? lib (.lu II (.71 I.' I.M (f 1.71 (. ' 1.70 ( 1.71 (f 70 u- .11 .70 1.71 1.70 1.71 I. to 1.71 v 7 1.70 ' 1 1 1.71 X ! 1 1.91 1 1.71 19 : 1.70 1.71 It 1.70 171 1.70 1 1 171 1.70 (.( (.70 171 1 1 ' J .70 XI 171 I to I r : 1.71 1.70 1.71 U : 1.70 If Xi 1.70 It : I. to 1 .70 1.71 it : . 1.78 11 - IT : 7.U xi ' (. it : 1.14 i" 3.44 It "X"4 A iMI ' I.' : lata 1 ; .!. 1 1 ; I it ' ( 91.8 16 ti 0.49 lit 1 : 6.1 1 -4.;. ! :ftf t 4 46 1 o 1 .11 iM I If I ..aj ' If: - I. IS 19? ' I i.a't It " 1 ' 1.14 It' 19 ft'f l 4 99 It l 49 4 99 4.19 !'' M 1 ( ' ( 1.71 19 V 1.7 .8 1.71 1.44 11; 00 .47 It T OOBi .47 li 111 lt-it ..ll' ; '- 1.16 !l 1.31 Xi- 1.6 I if 1.04 I 1 'J 1 1 (.44 I 1 v I i 3 II ...1 '8 (.19 u . 1.9 lT .-II .41 It 1.1ft I grit , ll ' 11.18 75 itS If us O.Rt :21 1.1.1 1.0ft ! W i .85 1 Itr .68 1 00-8.00 1,14 If T "5 t:i4 It'- ,.i .8 .48 M 9 ;94 ,44 j 7 lit lit 11 " f 14 ,84 ,98 (14 r f. I 91 (9 9 It. t