I 1 r.nn four TEE D.tL,Y VKWS DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMi -1 1 - I 1 t TELL "VOO wmkt WHMb X$ MATTER HELLO JtqCVI JUtT I 1 WlH I uio'u ue OTOMC Pi MONET t HO GOT HER ELS OOOAN Aj-4 Birch Wood ;cxjlo HrERCQTTEN Nil ilS WELL PT TQWIM HE'S bMOKlN Hfa CUf its -bp FORCT HtM-I THAT aeT mow rot? A&taHNTJ THIRD DOLLAR THE OUCiAN . fL COT A BET v To c Ktc 1-4 ri v. k.Ki i t r-j o. cr r ul c nirKj'r ' WITH Mir" IN CAVb rV WHILE HE t SMOKIN" 1 CUreV rPcC INEANt FOR SMALL HEATERS, KNOW ME'YOU THA.J HPt-L PLrvCE.' cb I'LL DROP T A.N' CLAW Rt-MgMQCR HIM OOMT , - 71J 50c Per Sack Mi BET HERe t FWC ee.rORE i DO' HydeTransfer 133 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. lo LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage I Phone 6t. Cartage, Warehousing, and of distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. MUAI SPAR" 111 We have just been 111 appointed exclusive agents for this fumous III linn nf Varnishes, Slains and Enamels. III if Test its wonderful II wearing qualities. (u a ran teed not to turn while. Urush Special, 2Vi", rubber pot, regular 75c, for BOo Kaien Hardware Co. Sterling Furnace GOAL Dallvarad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This It t very luperlor furnare coal. It slvea t clean hoi flra and U entirely free rrom oot, clinkers, lick and dirt. Soma or the largest heating planta In the city are now ualnr It wltb entirely aatlifaiiory resulti. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In sacki. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Afenti for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. SU'n Off IcX I Mai il O.nlral. rhoas IS TIMBER SALE X 6644 Braird Tender will he rerelvod by the Mlnltrr or. una, ai viriona, nui uwi than non on the lt day ur Nuvj-iiilM-r, IVil. fur tho purfliae of Licence X((ll i.. ciii in nun fft-t of Snruce. Ileinlock cm Ion wkk1 anil HaUam anil &0.000 fett of llll and Hurked Sruce, on an area at th lii-ad of Alice Ann, Caaslar hl irld, Two ( year will be allowed for re Fiirthrr particular of the Chief rorea ter Vlrlnr a. H.O.. or onirics rureiu- Iriuce Itupert, U.C, BASEBALL BOXINQ WHIST SPORT NEWS OF THE RAILWAY WINS IN IK EXPROPRIATION CASEI Vendor of Property Gets Only $4,000 Whereas He Was Offered S7.C00 t WINNIPEG, Oct. 23. Word was received uere iai nigiu 10 the effect lliat the awanl had of been made in the expropriation ... ., .. .( . I v n:in ni iho i:;innninn .Miiionai " .--v. - Railways versus Chagan at l'ort William, Onl., by Judge McKay, the arbitrator. The case was one in which the railways sought expropriate thirty acres of gravel land near Fori William, offering in its notice of expropriation $1,000 as payment. Prior to the hearing, the rail ways offered without prejudice $7,000 in settlement which, be ing rejected, was withdrawn and tie case proceeded with. The hearing of a large number. witnesses including half a dozen experts in regard to. the iiuality of gravi. and a market for it, occupied three days of lacit Xlm utKllplni trwlnv i ,..oi.i ii. r.nar ii.o ordinal I offer of ?i,000 made by the rail- ways, the owner to pay all costs. a HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Mary Mochaluk, L. H. Cook, II. Haillie, E. L.. Eraser, F. V. Del-" court, T. J. Stephens, J. M. Ark-ley, H. L. Whiltaker, C. II. Eraser, H. L. Raine, J. A. Cryderman, ert Molina and Charles T. Cab rera, Vancouver; u. r. nyies, Ocean Falls; A. J. Butlimer. Hal- moral; J. C; K. Sealy, Smilhers; W. T. Hunter, Summerland; orma A. Oliver and .Josephine Oliver,' San Francisco; T. fl. McManamon, Telegraph Point; en Olsen, Sealtle; Lee R. Hub bard, Portland, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. James, Massell; D. K. entity and J. H. liooth, Vic- oria; Mr. and Mrs. u v. I'ooio ami daughter and Mr. and Mrs H. F. Lea. Huckley Hay; O. L. Kelly, H. .1. Hrown, T. Scott, .1 Newey. P. MacHinrot and Mr. an Mrs. Ike Thompson, Lagoon Hay; K. Cameron, Thurston Har: bor; Mrs. A. Oarcin, Naden lnf- lor; Mrs. O, F. Van Valkenburg, Watun River; Mrs. L. O. Harris. Islelon, Cal.j H. Skorfold, Prince Rupert. vr PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, October 23 High 10:08 a.m. 17.C 22:10 p.m. 17.5 Low 3:29 a.m. 7.1 10:08 p.m. 9.0 Friday, October 24 High ...... 10:.r)0 a.m. 18.6 ft, 23:07 p.m. 18.5 Low 1:28 a.m. 6.8 17:02 p.m. 7.6 DAY I HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat j The second meeting of i lie men's section of the Fraternal Whist League will lake place in lie St.-Regis Cafe this evening with the following teams scheduled lo play: Loyal Orange Lodge vs. Moose; St. Andrew's vs. Sons Canada; Knights of I'ytllias Oddfellows; Ureal War Vet- . . . . i -. - i i e i t aiubiii.h oi uiuumiius, feons of wiKlantl vs. KlKs. J lie Sons nf Canada, Sons of Kiifr-iand, Oddfellows, Moose and Klk each have a victory lo their credit now. . The Knight of Pythias, Kni jilts of Columbus, Great War Veterans, ril. An- drew's and Loyal Orange Lodge lost their first trailing. IHrd hunters say that the weather in the north so far this season lias nut been cold enough to make for the best results in this district. Until sueli a lime as a cold nap conies, the birds (will not be in local bays and coves in their usual number and MS 1' not be expeclwj. Many of the most ardent nimrods have been making their regular week end trips in quest of game I mot t since the starling of the season hut they have not had much luck. However, they will keep at it in the hope, that the feathery beauties will soon be winging Ibeir way southward in arger numbers. I he idea of establishing u gymnasium or athlctjc hall in the city has hern under discus sion by local community service organizations for soTne lilth lime. II. was brought up em phatically at a recent meeting of the Rotary and Oyro Clubs and since Iho members of both clubs' have been giving the matter some cogitation. I he (iyro Cluh, in considering its program for the coming year, has not yet ueciueu whether it will proceed with playground work or enlist its activities towards the gymnas ium. lo establish such a gym nasium as the city really need several thousand dollars will b required.' nc .boijy may . start tin; thing ioirig hut, to put it over successfully, the assistance of all organizations and the citi zens at large will be required. II will be worthy project entitled to every support that can be given it. A real good gymnasium is a thing that the young people o the cily need worse than any thing. BUYS MILITARY PLANES AMSTERDAM, Oct. 23 Tho government of the Nelherland has ordered 12 high speed scout planes, and lOlwo sealer planes for artillery observation. This niilitary equipment is lo he delivered in 1925. BRIER FOOTBALL BILLIARDS HUNTING WHIST LEAGUE I Official Schedule, Season 1924-25 GENTS SECTION October 23. Loyal Orangi; vs, Moose. St. Andrew s vs. Sons of Canada K. of 1'. vs. J.O.O.F. (i.W.V.A. vs. K. Of C. Sons of Knglaml vs. Klks. October 30. Sons of England v. Moo ti.WA,. vs. HIV. Loyal Orange vs. Sons of Omind SI. Andrew's vs?I.O.O.F. K. of I. vs. K. of C. November 6 Sons of Kng. vs. Sons of Canada Layanl Orange vs. I.O.O.F. SI. Andrew's s. K. of C. K. or I. vs. Klks. (i.W.V.A. vs. Moose. November 13 U.W.V.A. vs. Sons of CnaJa, K of P. vs. Moose Andrew's vs. Elks. oyal Orange vs. K. of 0. Sons of England vs. I.O.O.F. November 20. O.O.F. vs. Mooso. K. nf C. vs. Elks. oyal Orange vs. Sons of Hng St. Andrew's vs. (i.W.V.A. November 27 ons or uanaiia vs. .Moose .O.O.F. vs. Elks. .oyal Orango vs. 0.'.V.A. St. Andrews vs. K.-of P. December 4 .oyal Orange vs. K. of P. Sons of Canada vs i;iks. C. of C. vs. I.O.O.F j.W-V.A. vs. Sons of England December 11 .Moose vs. Elks. x K. a j f C. vs. Sons of Canada K. of P. vs. Sons of England. I.oyal Orange vs. St. Andrew's December 18 I.O.O.F. vs. Sons of Canada. K. of P, vs. O.W.V.A. St. Andrew's vs. Sons of England K. of C. vs. Mooso LADIES October 28 Pythian Sis. vs. Oranxe I.nlic Moose Ladies vs. SI. Andrews. November 10 D.M. of Eng. vs. Moose Ladles. Orango Ladies, vs. St. Andrew's. November 24 . v IJ.M. of Eng. ysi Orange' Ladies. I'ythlans Sis. vr. St. Andrew's. December 9. D.M. of Eng. vs. St. Andrew's. Pythian Sisters vs. Moose Ladies January 13 Pythian Sisters vs. D.M. of Ene Moose Ladies vs. Orange Ladies. January 27 Orange Ladies Vs. Pythian Sis. St. Andrew's vs Mooso Ladles February 10 Moose Ladies vs. D.M. nf F.ng St. Andrew's vs. Oran Ladles February 24. Orange Ladies vs. D.M. of Eng. St. Andrews vs. Pythian Sisters. March 10. Moose Ladles vs. Pythian Sisters. St. Andrew's vs. D.M. of Eng. C 1" lT - FtAfUM Sf RVtCl. Im Ci ti.n.ii. ii.nu iMitJ oQ3 Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WOKO IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlMmenl Taken for Laa than BO WANTED lilt I'IuiiiImiik and Healing, Phone Itlue 5 1 A, tf WAITItKSS Wanted. Central Hotel. '252 WANTRlh irt for houwwork. Mm. Munro, 310 Fifth Avenue Ktuit. If WANTKO. Ctunlleiiran wants furnished or unfurnished room in warm house for Hie winter. Write Ilox SI 3 Daily News. 219 WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phone C52. WANTED. Energetic salesman for house lo houiM work Steady employment to right party. Apply, staling experience to Itox 2ft Daily News olllre. 1 SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED stenographer and Istok-keeper wants work.Nov-ember I. Write ltox 200 Daily News. tf BOARD AND ROOM RIDLEY HOME.- Hoarding Home for school children. Terms moderate. Apply Superintend ent. P.O. Ilox 57i!, Prince Rupert. H.C. HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf FOR RENT TO RENT- "Small -house, partly furnished. Phone Red 623. 219 FOR RENT.--Kour living room. one suitable for business, or office., ground floor; $25.00: Also Clapp Hal. WeaUsuhaver Proa. , FIVE Room flu! for reni, on Staomf Avenue; modern. Ap ply Joe (iaron, .Rupert Ilakrry If WINTER HARHOR for small boats. Caretaker in attend-Apply nnco. Northern Va- change, I FOR RENT. Furnished house keeping rooms. Phone Jlliie 217 or 18. 410 Slxlh Avenue East. - If I-OR RENT. Palmer House h cheap rales and homo com forls. tf FOR RENT- Four room, modern healed apartments. Apply Smith & Mailed. Ltd. tf BOAT REPAIRS FISHKIIMEN. The close season will soon he here. You can get your boats overhauled by con tract or day work, at a moder ate price. V c build anything up lo 200 tons. Marino ways Gall or write Eriksen liros boat build' i, North Vancouvor, 11.1.1 DRY WOOD CEDAR, HEMLOCK OR FIR Cul and split to any size. $6.50 Per Load A. ISAACSON, Seal Covn Woodyard, Phono Hlack 461 ADDRESSES WANTED WILL J. H, McCormlck and J. Allison pleaso communicate their addresses lo II. D. Oa zanolT, Ink, U.C. POIl HEAL HOME MADE Hill '.AD, j Cakes and Pastry, leave ynir order at 9 lit Amhrose Aveiim-.J Phone Itlun t:i. (flFor the East FOR SALE FOIl SALE. One Sonora Phonograph at tl2 off (only slmp-wurnj $12 per iiumth. WIU-pr's Musir Slre. 250 FOR SALE- Rooming House, furnished; and store premises Apply 'J2'J Amhrooe Avenue. AUCTION SALE AUCTK1N SALE will be bald in lh Norfolk Room. Sixth Ave. ami Fulton, Oct. 23 ami 25 at 2.30 A 7.30 p.m. each dav The en I ire furnishings of Hie liousn wtll be sold, cmmislin of: large quantity of blanket , tied linen, bureaux, bed single, three-quarters and double, carpets, - oak nickers, oak davenport, pictures, lanre heater, MtClary Kooleimy range, lino, eoiialns. vacuum cleaner, club bag, waan stands, toilet sets, tables, hand washing machine and wringer chiffoniere, mirrors, tc, etc. Philpolt. Evil A Co. Ltd. and Prince Rupert Exrhana-e, Auctioneers. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Oraduale of (he National College of Chiropractic. Chicago, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 2: 2 lo 5; 7 lo H Saturday afternoons and Sunday by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. v DON'T BE SHOCKED Ride nn GOODYEAR BALLOON TIRES For all Cars Ford Tires, $8.60 to $16.00 Fit Goodyear Tires and i - " r Avoid the Shocks MODERN WRECKINQ EQUIPMENT Day and Night Service. Phone 52. KAIEN GARAQE. PIANOS TUNED. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RE PAIRED AND ADJUSTED J. B. MacKAY Phno Orcn 454. P.O. Hox 425 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand FurnU lure Store. We Huy. 8cll and Exchange New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPAD0PULI8. 830 Third Ave, Phono 516. TAXI Taxi 6,7 Phone (Call George 1'aql or (lusl) Prompt Service and Comfort pay or Nlg'.l' J. Blond: aOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotol, Ufti MAIL SCHEDULE Mondays, Wcdne-dsyi tr' days. From thb East M.niluys. I'liur' unlays, t p in. To Vancouver- Tuesdays Mail l Welneiln:A. Saturday- C.I'. II. Oc l.'li. r v From Vancouver Sundays fc Wedneda Fridays t Salurdav- t CP. It. Oi I .Im : To Anyox. Alice Arm, S and Premier Vdne.ii I Sunday From Anyox, Allck, Arm-Tuesdays Saturday- To Port Simpson Sunday-Thurs'loyi From Port Simpson Tuendays To Alaska. Points firlnhi-r i. I From Alaska Points I Ii IoImT "lis; To Massotl, Port Cttm Buckley Cay O. ti.li. i t r ! ! From Mattett. Port c- Buckley Bay "Vucen unarioue pmsno r- (Hlnli.l .... To Naas River Points Simpson-Thursdays ' From Naas liver Polnts- "aturdays LOX COLLE0TI0R (irnuam A Atlm A 1st Ave. A KigMh 6th Ave. ,v l ull' nth Ave. .. Thi'J.ii si Ilth Ave. A Slierh) . Av I lilt Avii. & C."M .1 I 0th Ave, A lltiy-i I ; Avo flth Ave. ,V Ha Circle Bl la Av. A Ciiltim ' 5th Ave. Mi Hrnli' ' Pro. (iov. HIiIks Prov. flov. V li-irf . U.T.P. Wharf 2nd Ave. .V 2nd K 3rd Ave. . 1 (IF in 3rd Ave. A. 6th St 4 NOTICE Advertisers nra rf ' 4 I I lit, I Antiv fi :? I" ii i- ! ' 4 lisemciun nii'"" - 4 Dolly News offlo 4 4 p.m. today In c":::rt 4 serllon In loin " ' ( 4 sue. 4 4444 4 4 44 4 Catalar Land ... .. .. . f r lirrormnr 'r"..i,. " it ....i .iiii.i,, in Ainn l.an lulls ilue "f A".1.. , C TAKK NOTIIT IMI ' Atlln, in the ci.ivis: ' ) Ma. orriiimllim Ji'Wi" ., ' c rn,- iniiiiiin i'i ilMM..i.llkjt(1 landi. . . ..nlr rnniiiicnrlnr at a !'l,.'i,jP k iha Until R ml llaml in Aljm .'"j alv( ihmirr norih'. . ,. n thin line iniaiiu rnn iinn'i - : . ,nl I hlr nr miniii,-i',?',.V W" acrr- nmr or V Srt, Srrt, lH I i'Atlf'