rsday, Oclobcr 23, 1084. jului 9. ,,111, William .1. ..' it Mlljlll .... ,, ,n llllliv i. join 0 P A -V llililTl Mi Inhiii L. W T ,k TlMMKlnre Ii ,, - ) W A, M ::: J A II ISuVtlR i. Ilrr- I. r X Lam I'. Ii.mlil o. hi itr In- ii I II w I. V Ml kali i . : : I h. i: w .Hum f . .. ... , i .! Mrl'arUnr, ll',' ww; MIltfllT (ILACIIII-TIUM or ritOrEHTY. QUEEN CHARLOTTE TOWNtlTE UU II, 14, Itl.M k I ..... . Ul It, Blnrk JJ . . . 11 I, Ulurk II !!.. tt. Hhirk id ::::::: Ul I, JIUxk 1i , I...I to, llluek tt Ul It, ll lurk II SILVER CITY TOWNtlTE. PlAA ftfifl IM 3J, Work 13 tKEENA CITT TOWNtlTE. . . . . P'" Blork 70 Work III work ioo :.::::::::::: OVTM PRINCE RUPERT TOWNtlTE. lubdn. Lot Ml, Rongt 8, Plon 150. Ul 17. Illurk tt I0UTH PRINCE RUPERT TOWNtlTE. tubtn. Lot 642, Ronaa 6, Plan t64. Ul 1 In 6, llliirk I.iiln ' In II, Work u Lot 1, Work III STEWART TOWNtlTE. tubdn. PL Lst 48t Catalar, plan tit. Lul tu, llliirk I Ul IS. Hkxk 1 Ul io, llbirk Ul nil mi. Hlmk 10- Lult , 7, llbirk II Plan tltA UH 6. llbirk 11 I j, ItbH-k 17 tM ti. Hbirk 17 Uili II ti. BbMk 17 Ul 17. Work l STEWART TOWNtlTE. Plan SOS, tubdn. ef Part Lot 46t, Oroup 1, Caialar. UH tl tt. ItbH-k J Ut II, BliH-t Lot ft. Bbirk' La I. Ulurk t i.. Ut tl. Blark I Ul l. Bkwk 10 Ul II. Work It '. Mil 11. Work 13 STEWART TOWNtlTE. Plan 1017, tgbdn. o( Lot 3333, Caaalar. tttt i. Hindi It STEWART TOWNtlTE Plan ttl, liiMn, of Lot 46 Caaalar. tola 1 . HI'M'k i' Ul I. Blink Ul. I A 10. Hbk 41 TERRACE TOWNtlTE Pirn ST2. laMa. of Port Lot 3t1, Ranja B l.ut. f A A T Hl-wk I - T'RRACE TOWNtlTE Plan tT. tubdn. of Lot . Ranja B. Ul It. RbK-k I rtni' ! rrinrr iiui-rri. b .. itw mil ty t onuir. mi. The Daily News pniNuis HUPBiiT - unman columhia. I'uMinhed Every Afternoon, cxc?pt Sunday, the Prince lliiperl Dally News. Umitcrt, Thinl Avenue. II. P. PUU.KN. ManagiiiR Alitor. ' Adverllttng and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor nd Rtporttrt Telephone - - - 80 Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY r.DITIOJ mm mm. da I a a r n a -w nrin. vij iK TliuroUy. October 23, I'Jil The dentil of Arhlnliiii Do Wmel vn a tlWflnel o ttt . .. . . . n 1...1 eriniiiil u'ilh Ihe elievretll neililllllim an' wihi mio ii iiiii mil ns well known is Hint his groat aim in connerlion 1 . 11 la .1 '..II.. I.. .-..nal! 1 . 1 .1 I It . ...!.. ! 'til t& k iti a ftpn 11 1 n b 1 lutu-np in 1 ill ui 1 rot 1 niati 1 1 in 1, 11 111 1 11 w v i inr ft, 1 11 1 t j " ' or - iu.:j) could permeate swro and inflnenre hundreds how reus. iii Mils 111 nijnir 111111 iiiv mm, 'i - - world, !ved In Laws irninnn fxpvih nn. - 0 " n article wrilten Ihe work of the Archbishop in iiiritiii 'iii iiioi ttK.'iiiitiiirTiiui unrk wilt 11 11111 1 1 1 1 n i "im 'rrei linn in order thai there might he no mislRke ns to ins mis iimj objects. At Ihe end or Ihe nrlicle he wrote with nwii haiiils tliese nillier remarkable WOlils: lie holds slronulv IIihI the niril of fi'od 'work lliitMigh the : . . . . .. .., ..11...- 111111 m nil in iirron mire Wi ll isyi'lioiogirni laws, mu i.iun- The Arehbishon felt Unit the knowledge that mind iicled on ' would Jje n wonderful iliflueore for good. People would Hale In II, ink ,.vil Ihotichts if lliev were nssiireil Ihal llio-e "hoiighls were having 1111 evil influenco on nil nruunn mem espeeinlly 011 thoe Ihey loxed. An Admirer lenrl Berflton. The Al'i'liliivlinn vn 1111 111 Imirer of Henri Herirson who in book on "Ntind Energy" snys: "If telepnlhy be a real ran, 11 llpallll llf lntiiifT ,.ik..iiil.i.l ftlll 1 iro further: if tele- v lii r.M.i ii r. ....... 11. 1.. 11,,. 1 ii u mr!iliiiir ill everv moment . it, MIlV llllll 11 1" ' everwhere, but wllli Ion lillle iiilensity to be noticed, or '" ui h n wuy Hint 11 rerelirnl inechanism'slops effect for 'Client ul, the very monienl It "I""'1 ,'',"r ,,IC "";,,s" "use iiisne v h-.Iiii .i ci irv at every moment, mc- isiiiwui.k i 11 11.. .1.. . . r ... .,11,1 uit iniivi iiiiiiinif uiiiki- ...n; n lllllllllllllliy flfl ll llll-ll Mini " ' ' rMiik . ....I r.... .1 . ..r . .nii nil iiiiiix ill iiuniiiii ins let inr iiiiiiisiiniis 111 iiiiii Ks lived wlio never siisi.eeleil the exigence of eleclrifily. We ' " 'ins is now our ease willi lelepatny. Ai't'lil.islmii D11 Vernel nroved what HergsiMi suspected, ne Harted a..e:n.di lul.. ii.. 1 inn. nf mind which will e ear- 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.S0 7.00 7.00 7.00 ftjOO 4 AO 7.30 4.04 4. HO 0 4.04) 10 .t lt.M Ml It.M II.04 11.4 l.iJ 7.41 i t.t IIKHt It.M I 71 I t .tt n.ti ! 1 1 ' H 5- kf a I. OS I.UJ 1,0 J I. It I -"I I .ni 1.0 J .0 .7 .7 l.3 .8 2 1.47 .tt IJtJ ,l :ji i .t (.71 IM Ma .: 1.41 I. II (M 1,41 .TI 1.71 1 7 At I.M U.7I 1.7S l.7t l.7t tut n.n tt.n ti.n l.7S U.7S lt.7t l.7 11.7 l.7t !. Il.Tt 11.71 tt.Tt lt. ti,7 si Tt Tt 71, It.Tt It.Tl 1 1.7 If. It It.ft If.Tt It.Tl in It.Tt 17 O H iO.HO JO. HI 11.71 70.10 !. W. . KlJilltll. I'nirliirlol OMb-cUir WANTED--A wDr'.il. lie vu a ureal man. oiittaudiiig in Ihe C.liun'li and ; amount ID.0I 18.01 17.11 1 11.11 l.9 17.41 iO.H IM7 Ttjt n.t 7IA7 tite 44.77 0, 13.17 It.M til lt.t4 16.41 141.1 ft.ll I.I7 II.K3 tt.ll 147 TRADE REVIVAL The nleaily gfiwHi of Itrili Columbia has depended In the pal mill will iIom-ih m the fulur upou the fair irogres of its premier industry. IXery thinking eilicen of the Province should realise to what an extent the tleMiny of liritish Otlumhia is enlwittiHl with Itwl of its forest industries Ax an in Malice I be taxes that the lumbermen of Jtritish Coluttt lua oaiil into the public treasury in IVZ3 more than .-ell led our total education bill (including I lie n rant to the University) and in addition covered the whole approiiriHlwl for the rir: ;,:ieul n mi iidva'nrml thinker, tlieohiKian and iliilo4ipher.!niaintenanee of the public works ,)ct were as broMl a the worlil. A mart of ympthetilif the Province. t-- sf r.ilinir he sIihhI out Hear alnive ln Wllmvs anil yet was me lirltisti uuiumoia foreel ' o:)p of them. In that lay his grfatneM. (industries may be capable of Tlt i-c who knew Ihe .irhbihot w4l and roalizei liiivtwiuip iln unique reeonl in the '; le he wn -onielinie- find it difficult In roalite that he was, furl hern nee of Ihe prosperity of ' :i::nl furiire. Yel n they rat their mind lk they will I .1 . I . II... I!....-.- II. al LI Il,..i,lil iiiiii ivu iar iiihiii1 lilt" ,tmiiiHi. uifii iii"m m 11 1 r. ....I. .....I ... ll...: o...l .riun itf wiirl.l limuirliilirp i, n.JMiiiini ill mi ii i "rr m, ..tiii ... -.. - k L .. I - UIL.I ti - Like many other great men he had a hobby anil it is from ,i in, t.-.ii i.m I .... , l ...ti'ii imp, ill nun, iif" wns n ii-iiiif- .. .. .i. i...ii . I. l.- ... A ii or noie nini iii ihe emirse oi ins Miwies ne mM-niiir nn.-i- il hi Ihiinirlil Irinisferenee or nwnUI romniiiiiiciilion. Ills Ihe Province but an Increase' of taxation must he ha -eil uH)n a more solid output uimoi a free 'expansion of activities, upon lar ger mark els. and more stabilised values. An unembarrassed lunnVr industry is Ihe keyto llritisd Columbia's prosperity. The uncertainly now existing regard in? Ihe unamended Timber (loyally Act of IIU t is without doiild the main cause of Ihe existent depression no I only in the lumber industry but in Ihe many groups dependent iihmi lis vast purchasing power. I A settlement of Ibis vexed) iiie.siiou sansiaeiory noiu 10 inc industry mid to Ihe puhlie sluniM bring nboul the trade revival Ilia' llrilish Columbia is so anxiously awaiting. This series ot amdes communicated by-the Timber Industries Council of llrilish Columbia. V V44 ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill 00 Chapter I.O.D.K. Hal-lowe.'c" Tea and Sale Or'obcr25 41 !losrtul Annua nap, Oct 31. Anglican Church Ilaznnr, Nov. C "Sun Flower Serenade in the Methodist Church, Nov. fi and 7. Queen Mary Chapter Whist Drive and Dance, Nov. 7, Elks Home. If Moose Ha.aar, Nov. 18 and 10. tf Presbyterian Ha.aar, Nov. 20. Lutheran llataar, December ?. TIIE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIMER Local and Personal ! LI.C. Undertakers. Pliuno it. llayiierj, Undertaker, I'tiuuo 35 1 TAXI and Messenger Service. IMi'one 078. ..t tf Kit for a king "St l'HKMi;" Colfcis save the coupon. If Hallowe'en Hall. October 31. I'lbu' llnniA Nilinliar nf Iii'Li-Ik in' limited. Get youre now! 250 Mr. K. S. Tait it nailing to night on the l'finev Humeri for Victoria. I,. V. I'jUrnore i failing on Ike l'rince Hujierl tonight for Vancouver. . ' Tug Lome hound to Thurston Harbor was stormbound at Grifr fiih Harbor laal night. i. Auction Sale tonighl, Norfolk Hoonis, at, 7.30. I.ol of room for everybody. Two auctioneers. - T. (i. McManaipon, the well known C.N. It. cection foreman, sails lo-nisrfU on ' the l'rince Huperl for Vancouver. Mr. I.. Wurko of 'IVrrace, who has toen visitfntr la t)ie city shire Sunday, will return to Terrace on this a (term ion' train. Notice! till November 6. and 7 when the colored folks come lo Ihe Metbodiat Church, the street lamps will have to be lighted an hour earlier. t- SI. Andrew's Society. A aoeial and musical evening will be held on Friday, Oct. tl, at H.30 p.m. iiind program. Everybody wel emiie. Admission 50c. -4 Mr. and Mrs. 11. K. I.ea arrived from lluekley on lbs Prince Jplin last nigiil and will proceed south this evening on a holiday trip Mr. I.ea is connected with the Masselt Timber Co.' Hugh liajllie, asahntant in-pw- tor of the Canadian Dank of Commerce, arrived from Vancou vr on the Prince Iiuert yster- uay anemoon. ne v nere on official business. Hill SO Chapter aolieil palrnnaae of their lea ami sale in aid or a Children's Ward, on Saturday afternoon in St. Andrew's Hoonis. , Huperl Hifle Mange, Arcade and Pet store, Steele Hloek, opens tomorrow night wilh free dance. Kverybody welcome. ?ood time for all. An article by J. A. Shanks, Ihe barber, telling of Hyder and Slewnrl' and Ihe friendly relations existing between the two places, appears in Ihe special section of last Saturday's Van couver Province. Under the auspires of the Daughters ami Sm,s of Kngland. infiirmal dance ai the Hostnn Hall on Friday. October 21. Daui'in;? V in Miss S!. (".yr's nirliesi 1 a. Ai;ms? ."in 75e. f 1 Phone 27 CHAM'S Pi ELLS the Sfoinach Special Showing of "BILL1E BURKE" DRESSES In TWILL, FLANNEL and SILVER SHEEN Tastefully designed in latest styles. Prtets range from $8.50 to $22.50 'DEMERS' P. 1. Box 327 FUNERAL NOTICE The funeral of the late Moat llev. F. II. Uu Verncl, D.D., 'Archbishop of Cale-donia, will be held in St. Andrew's Church, on Saturday, Oct. 25th, at 2 p.m. Friends are kindly requested not to send flowers. V. lilack, accountant at Lagoon Jiay cannery, and Mrs. Itlack arrivcil from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John last night and will proceed ftnulh this evening. H. Hubbard of Portland, Oregon, who has been inspecting limber stands on the Queen Charlotte Islands for American inter- cats, reached the city on the Prince John lan nigra ana win proceed south this evening. J. C. K. Sealy, prominent Smither rancher and business man and part owner of Ihe Prince Huperl Hotel here, arrived from Ihe interior on last night's train and will spend a few days in the city on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. James ar rived from the Queen Chariot le Islands on Ihe Prince John last night and will sail (his evening for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Mr. James is proprietor of the Queens Hotel at Massed. Miss II. I.. Ilaine. who has been leaching school at Skidegate, ar rived from Hie Queen Charlotle, Islands last night and will sail; litis evening for Vancouver. Shcj has given up her position at Skidegate. . - W. S. Singer, fisheries patrol olliecr at Massett, arrived Ial 'iahl on I lie Prinee John from h Islands. He is on his way lo Nova Scolia lo spend a holiday wilh lvis parents at Halifax. William Trotter, manager of the Lagoon Hay cannery, and several members of his staff and crew arrived from the Islands on Ihe Prinee John last night and, will sail this evening on the I Prince Iluiert for the south. The' Lagoon Hay cannery is now clos-, ed for the winter. j ' Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Thompson of Jed way readied the city last 11 i sill on Ihe Prince John from Ihe Queen Charlotte Islands and will go south Ibis evening. It is their first visit to Prince Huperl j n ten years. Mr. Thompson isi .nining recorder and postmaster al Jedway. Mr. and .Mrs. C. W. Poole and daughter arrived from lluekley Hay on Hie Prince John last night and will spend (en days visiting in the city. Mr. Poole, who was formerly located her, is now with the Massed Timber Co. at Duck-ley Day. Duncan Kennedy and A. Watson of Victoria, who have been doing wharf repair work for t lie federal department of public works on the Queen Charlotle Islands, arrived in the city on the Prince John last ni"bt am' will proceed south Ihisceveniti) (FORMER LOCAL GIRL I MARRIED IN SOUTH Miss Mary Hancq Becomes Brldo of Roy Henry Pollock at Glenwood Many friends in this city ol Hie liriile. who with her parents lived here until recently and was employed in W. W. Wrathall's stationary store, will be interested in the following from the Vancouver Province: ! A prelly cerenuuiy took place till October 15 at the homo of the brides' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Km i I llauci, Fern Hidge, when their elder daughter, Mary Madeline, became Ihe bride of Hoy Henry pollock of fllenwood. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in while satin with overdress of silver radium lace. Her veil of net was fashion ami d orange blossoms.' She carried while carnations and lily of the valley. Miss Frances Hancq was bridesmaid and wore a frock of There's a Difference in Diamonds BEES A GOOD DIAMOND should be sparkling and clear like the purest water. f Our Diamond Engagement Hings arc chosen yilh the care of long experience in the 'and are good color, perfectly cut and free from flaws. They will always keep their value, because we arc able to buy in the best markets. We have Hings at ioi. sino, ioo. oo). We like lo show them. aiVAU" I MM Following Ihe ceremony a re-1 king blue Canton and silver lace ceplion was held, and later Mr. ami n coronet of rhineslnues in and Mrs. Pollock left on a motor her hair Her bouquet was of, lour to Seattle and other south- Meironoh) Hall. H'v- inihi numis. Mrs. C. P" The brute 1 1 Itvelle.l U : iid in v hii-li l.H liini-f'f ni ' e I $30, BULGER & CAMERON Enter our Nov. 15. LIMITED. Ad. Competition before SfetlEN WATCH E! OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY 77Z MMMM a This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columhia. . m is? fin its Field Superlatively the Best Noted for its great ace and mellow maturity. "Avalcens old memories." 2S oz. bottle No. 30 22 oz. bottlo t& 1 the Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englneert, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38P T. Howard, us matron of honor, .in a dress of king blue Canton was in dove grey satin roniaino with fawn wrap and hat. On Wilh black picture Itat ami she their return they will reside al carried pink carnations. The j Glenwood. groom was supported by Dennis! Vaughatj. The wedding service, which look place under an archway of autumn leaves and flowers, was read by llev. Mr. Peacock. The arranged in Juliette' ;y''l,,ivVm'"ic xras ',ayea ,by held in place withl'' the 1N,elot" W. '"! during signing of the register Miss Dorothy Vaughan sang 'l )ve's Coronation." XMAS PHOTOS Sittings Any Time by Appointment Desl 'Work, Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and 0th St. Phone lied C9. 4 4