PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY at 7 p.m. VAUDEVILLE at S.4S p.m. "The Marriage Cheat" Fox News-Gazette. m "The Bostonian Joy Babes" In complete new program of High-class Vaudeville. Vaudeville Program Wednesday and Thursday lDoodlc-dou-du May and Phyllis Keith 2 Mnrcheta , ,KlheJ Hrydle a Kspaiiitu v, Marion Millman i Your Mamma's Guana to .Slow You Down. , . Uode Urown b What Does the Pussy Cat Mean when She says Meow? :. Phyllis Keith l The Snowdrop P.illelte .. . ... .... Lottie Matthew 7 The Mobbed Head . . . F.lhel Hrydle and tfie Flappers S 11 Haciu . ( .''.'.. . . i May Keith 0 Jazzaiclic ; .Marion Millman 10 The Party in Oddfellows Hall ; . Phyllis Keith 11 Louisville Lou .. Dode Hruwu 12 The Hunt , Lottie Matthew i:J Derby Day in Dixie Ethel and Dode I I The Hare t Ensemble Admission 50c and 25c hMm Our work speaks for itself as lo our painstaking expert care. We never send an article hack until we are satisfied that the customer is satisfied. Hut our work is promptly done and the cordial relations between us and lhefolks wo work, for is a guarantee of the genuineness of our service. PHONE 8 VSnr? BOX392 PRINCEr- RUPERT 11 BARGAINS ON JAMS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. The biggest bargains ever ottered on Empress Hrand Jams. Empress Strawberry Jam, Vs, per tin 85o Empivss Raspberry, i's, per tin 85c Hlack Currant and Loganberry, i s, per tin .. 85c (ireengage, Gooseberry, Plum and all other varieties in i's, per tin .... 75c Fancy Mcintosh Apples, per box $2.75 Mcintosh Apples, second grade, per box .... $2.35 No. 1 Jonathan Apples, per box $2-75 E CIO! STORE 417 Fifth Avonue East. Phono 84 Or Write P.O. Hox D75. Prince RuDort, B.C. LAND ACT. Quean Charloita Itland Land District. Dlatrlct of Prlnca Rupart Take Notice that I, Samuel Simpson, of Ma'tt, B.C., oci'iipatlou Nulieiiiian, Intends to apply for permlHslon to lease the followi iik described land: Cominenclnif at a ihikI planted near Hie miutheast collier or Maseru Island, and thence chains to low water mark: thence rollowinir low water mark In a northwesterly direction a distance or n chains M nillm; thence wet-orlv chains; thence southerly 0 chnlns f t mile to post or commencement and contaliilni- 15 acres -inore or less SAMUEL SIMPSON Applicant. Peter Km; Arcnt S'itQ fc'TleUiter 194. APPLES APPLESl APPLESI This is Apple Week at the Farmers' Market. Fancy Mcintosh's, reg. $3.00 for $2.50 Jumble Kings, extra good, reg. S2.50 for .. .. $2.00 Don't forget our Big Pumpkin deal is good for Hallow'een. One pumpkin Free for One Farmers' Tea Hag. MEAT the choicest in town and the lowest in price. Compare them with others. Farmers Market Phone Blue 42S NOTIOt .Notice la hereby ffltren that applleatl'i tvlll be made tu the Le relative A4enbl or the Province ut Columbia at Hie nett SpmIoii thereof, for in Art maklni provlflun for the veMlnir or general property of the I'resbylerlin Church In Canada, the MethcxIlM Church and the Con trefratlonal Churrhea or Canada, In the Tinted Church or Canada: for the holdinr, ue and administration of the property of ronrreratlon enterlnir the union of the ald rhurrhen to rorm the fnlted Church or Canada, and for the hnldlnir of the pro perty of congregation votlnr not to concui therein: ror the truata relatlnto Keneral nwl ronrre rational property; and a-cner ally ror the carrying; of the raid union Int' effect. listed at Victoria. British Columbia, tills 9th day or September, A.D. I9JI. CLEARIHirC k 9TIUITH, til 8 Laiivlev Street, Victoria, B.C On tiehair or the applicants. WATER NOTICE (Dlvaralon and Us) TAKE NUTICK that Andrew Sontad. Xirent ror Knirlneer Oold Mines. Ltd.. Inr.. whose address Is 0(8-1 to Broadway. New torn. .N.V.. will apply ror a licence to take and ue 30 ruble reet tier second or water out the Wann Illver. which r ows Westerly and drains Into Taku Arm about two and a hair miles, south or Knrlneer Mine. The water win be diverted rrotn the stream at a point about one mile up tream from Taku Arm, and will be used for lsiwer purtose upon the "F.nalneer Mine," described as Kleven Crown-aranted Mineral Claims, surveyed as tola N'os. 19. 0, 0. JOT. 0V. till, f,7; ta- 970; 07. and 1H Croup I. Casslar District. This notice was posted on the around on the Jith day or June, 91. A ropy or this notice and an application pursuant inereio aim ii ine -water An, ivii will be riled In the office or the Water lleoirder at Atlln. n.c. Oblecilons to the aopllrallon may le riled with the said Water Ilecorder or with tlie O'tontroller rr W'aler IllirtiU. parliament Bulldlnrs. Victoria. B.C., within thirty days after the Urst appearance or this notice In a local newspaper. The date or the rirst pub licsiion or this- notice la October toth. Ifl. ENGI.NF.F.B. flOl.n MINKS, LIMITED. INC.. applicant. Bv Andrew ftn.lad. Aaent, F. S. Clemenls, former cily en gineer here, arrived in Hie cily on 1 lie Prince John last night from Queen Charlotte City where he has been doing surveying Ibis summer. He will go south tonight on his way to Victoria w!i -r lit: no' in ah- 1 ; - ti m. BULKLEY VALLEY BEEF Wc are overstocked with No-. 1 Steer Heef ami Veal Veal from the Interior. In addition to our regular supply, we received 1.000 lbs., which must be sold. Hump lloasts, lb. .. 17Vic Prime llib Itoasls, lb. 19o T-Hone lloast, lb 25o Hlade Itib lloast, lb. .. 15o Chuck lloast. lb 12'ic Honeless Stewing Heef, Hi. 10o llib Hoiling Heef, I lbs. 25c Fresh Around Hamburg Steak, lb 12',c Heef Hearts, Liver and Tongues, all good fresh slock. BULKLEY VALLEY VEAL. Meaty Roast, lb 18c Loin lloast, lb 25c Thick Hreasl, 3 lb. for 25c PORK Whole Shoulder, lb. 17'4o Shoulder lloast as cut. lb, 20o Legs of pork, lb 30o Pork Spare nibs lb. .. 15c Pork HoritS, lb. . . . . 12" jc liU.'Ti'ix of rueeials await mr many customers Has W' -enil- Hnng y o u r friends or phone your order. T!r-ec phones, no wailing. Ileiuty '-til Macaroni, 3 lbs. for 40c Waffle Syrup, l-t'-gall. tins, bolter than Maple Srup for hotcakes. Ileg. l .25. Special $1.00 White Hock Imported Ain-g r Ale. The best line we have seen yet. 25c bottle. Per do. $2.50 Pure Apple Cider for Mince Meat, pints 35c Ouai t bottles GOc Kippered Snacks, per tin 5c Hern nrt in Inmaloe sauce. per tin 5c Del Mon'e Tonvatoe Sauce. per tin 10c Van Crimp's Pork and Deans in Tomaloe Sauce, medium size, lpc fin, 7 for $1.00 Our sales on K!in have trebled in the past month. We guarantee satisfaction. o : ni a solution of the milk ' roblem with Klim. Del Monte Peas, extra fine siDed. reg. 35c tin. Special 3()c. 3 tins for. . 85c COMBINATION SPECIALS. Assorted Canned Fruits 1 Tin eacli of following: Sliced Pineapple, 2's Clone Hrand Pears, 2's Del Monte Peaches, sliced, ts (ireengage Plum, 2's Del Monte Apricols, i's Special. 5 Tins for $1.00 TaUle Sail, 3 sacks for 25c Lobster, H lb. tin . . . 25c Lobster, lb. tin ... 45c Pure Loganberry Jain, 4 lb. pails ... 65c New Orleans Molasses, 5 lb. I in 40o 10 lb. tin 75c EXTRA SPECIAL Crimes' Colden Apples, I lbs. fur ... 25o it l! , . ... 50o Per box $1.95 We assure you that Crimes' Aolden Apple is Hie best ipialily eating apple it is possible to buy now. California Oranges, 2 doz, fur 35o Thanksgiving Turkeys place your order now. as our stock will be all fresh killed birds, and will be sold tip before RupertTableSupply Three Phones; Qio,lii,2i2 I Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and praotloal knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max HeiH ronei Diamond Specialist rtETCHIKAN IS WORRIED OVER HALISUT DUTY continued from page one advantage and they .should now tut forth every elfort to prevent j locality uc i.auauian move. i tic at einpt is not lo assist the Anieri-an fisherman or fishing boat but to help build uj and sustain .anadian industry.' And that is another question, "sustaining industry." Kehi-Kuu has been building up on the fisheries for a number of years. Many thereby have come lo the I'onclusion lhal Ketchikan must be the center of the fisheries. Such is not the ease. To keep what wc have the people of Ket chikan must be alive. They must fight all the lime In retain what'.!. C. ,1 have gone for protection it nevertheless was a step in the right direction, an advance which must not be repulsed. Friday's Special JAP SILK, per yard ... 65 o All Colors. CLASSIC (Unlflex) SHOES Unlflex is a trade name of a new process of shoeniak-ing, exclusive to Messrs. Aelly it ScOll, nuikers of Ihe CLASSIC SIIOK. They are designed (o combine Ihe HkIiIiicss, flexibility and smart appearance 'of the Classic Shoe. Se the latest slyles in our window. Corne in and lei us explain. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone G45. Cor. 3rd & 7th. I MINERS FORM i ASSOCIATION Massett Organization to Known as Graham Island Miners Association be The gold, miners ami residents of Masset and district have recently formed a Miners' Association thte object of which are explained in a letter Just received from the secretary as follows: Hdilor Daily .News. I You are probably aware that 'experimental mining operations hae been carried on for the last few months for the recovery of gold and other minerals from the sand and gravel deposits on Ara- ham (slant). The I'.H.C. Mine Co., who have been making these experiments now claim thai (hey are able to recover the gold and thai in large areas it is in good pay nig quantity; on Ibis account some fifty of the inhabitants of Massed and district deci.led In form a Miners' Association whose, purpose it is lo further the in-lerests or Aratiam Island, by Issuing aul heul ic report on Hie conditions here, contradicting as far as possible uulrue ami exaggerated stalemenls which may be sent out by irresponsible persons and by supplying lo inquirers reliable Information in regard (o mineral conditions. o f recorded claims. freights, transport, labor, etc.. which might assist any individuals or corporations Intending lo conduct mining operations here. Officers Chosen On October 7, the (iraham Island Miners Association was formed for the above purpose, bylaws were passed and the following olllcers and committee elected: President. C T. Cabrera. Vice-Presidenl, C. AV. Haker, J. P. Secretary and S. Dunn. hey have anil to build, for there Conunillee II arc other places just as anxious, Lane, C. Spence. Treasurer, Dr. Carpenter, J. for business as are we and llieyl It was also decided In publish arc going to leave no alone un-la quarterly report, the first turned to get it. iuumher will shortly be issued All Join Hands land a copy forwarded lo you. We must go forward or wo go On October 15, a well attended backward. Wr cannot stand still, ipuhlic meeting was held in Mas- for lo stand still is lo go back- sell, when lite purposes ot. the as- ward, as hasoften been said. In socialion were clearly placed be. this attempted repeal of I he duly) fore those present and many on fish everyone in Alaska should joined as active or associate join hands lo overcome any ar- members. gumenls that may be presented This Association is not form-to the treasury department or to ed for gain but purely for giving President Coolidge. This is the assistance, it has no intention more necessary as some of the of dealing with claims of shares, dealers in Chicago thai are re- it docs not inlend lo own or presenting Canadian interests operate mines or even In advise are doing everything possible to have that two cents a pound wiped out. And being advantageously located, politically speaking, these Chicago and other eastern inlerests will be able lo bring much pressure to bear -not to help American in- duslry, but to aid their own with a stamped addressed en- pocket-books, velope enclosed lo Hie Secretary. Let everyone in Ketchikan who the Araltam Island Miners' As. has a five cent piece invested in sociallnn, Massed, ,C. a little home or buslnss be alive i We do not advise anyone ex- to the situation. Let everyone in peeling employment lo come here Alaska realize thai Canada is, at present and it is unlikely any eying to do everything possible ; operations will be commmenced o wipe out the first piece of at this lime of year. legislation which was ever pass ed and designed to assist in the upbuilding of Ihe Alaskan halibut fisheries as against the competition of those of a foreign stale. And while that legislation did not go as far as it Should iuquires in regard lo Ihese mailers but hopes to assist Ihe Interests of Araham Island and all likely lo become interested In mining here by Issuing as far a possible reliable information ami answering genuine Inquiries. All inquiries should h? sent J. CKC1I. S. Dl'N.V, Sec. A.I.M.A QUIET WEDDING Anyox Man Married to Olrl from Gallcla Last Evening at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Qamula John Maxam and Miss Wasy Lynn I'ylypiuk were quietly married by llev. A. A, Hacker at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Camilla, Sixth Avenue West, at -o'clock yesterday afternoon. The witnesses were Mrs. L. Wurko of Terrace and Nicholsu Hidoczko and only a few Intimate friends were present. The groom Is from Anyox and Ihe bride recently arrived from Aalleia, They pro ceeded on Ihe evening steamer for Anyox where Ihey will make their home. PAINTING LIBRARY Contract Let to Joe Flllon at Special Meeting of Board . Yesterday Afternoon I At a special meeting of the library board yesterday after noon, Ihe contract for the paint-lug of the building was let lo Joe Killon whose bid for the Job was 58, L, O, Larsen's. tender w. - 1 10, ThurJdsy, October 23, jj Cash & Carry Specials M. B. JELLY POWDERS 6 pkg. for. . 35c WLKINSI BEST M. B. TEA 2 lbs. for $1.2$ Spring Clothes Pius. II duz. f,r 25c (inundated Sugar, SO Ihs. or 51.75 (Limit 20 lbs. to each customer,. DRY GOODS DEPT. Values extraordinary ff sl'PI'tf who rare to com- ... town during ihe wet weather. Wnsliwell (iinghams, guaranteed. pecil, .'I yard $1.25 'Hloomer Satinetle. Wiin. Speriat, per juitl 60c Velveteens in nil wauled shades, per yard $1.00 Lingerie Crepes, per yard 40c Alt Wool Serge, 5 tin. wide, per yard 51.10 French Flat Crepe, per rtl 52.45 Falriipie Haronelte. per yard 52.25 Fiieroiine Crepe, Hrocailed. per vard 52.25 Pure Wool Tweeds, splendid designs, yard 51.85 Nottingham Lace Curtains, SV yard Hoik, pair 51.95 Scutch Madras Curtain, t yards 51.25 MEN'S AND BOY8' DEPT. Men's Fine Fur Felt Hats, $2.05 each. Color Hniwn. Hlai k. An y and Fawn. Sue- 0 8' 7 H-X. Ileg. :i."0. Spvmil, each ... $2.85 Men's 100 per cent. Pure Wool Socks, 2 pair for 85c Med pi in Veighl. Ilddied. Colors Hciilher. Orr Hlack. Heg. 7rc pair. Special. 2 pair fur 85 Boys' Jerseys, 100 per cent Pure Wool. In Plain and Combination Odors. Medium i f Pullover and lluilon Shoulder. Sizes '.'0 to at It ? values to $:t.00. Spennl . .' $1.95 Boys' Tweed Knickers, 05c pair. Color (iqey and Hruwu Sue- 20 tti 28, H " special, pair 85c Universal Trading Co. Friday & Saturday SPECIALS a FOUR BIG LEADERS FOR FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY Flannelette Sheets, III ie. White or Arey. pet- pair v Ladles' White Voile Waists, values to 2.U5 . $1.50 Monarch Down, 2 oz. ball, per ball . . 35 Pure Silk Hose, vulties to if 1.75. Special, per pair $1.00 These Prices good for Friday and Salnrday onlv H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton SL Wc stock Pictorial Patterns. GET IT AT! Phom I -GROCERS PHONE 586 Everything in Halloween Specialties nuvcruse in i ne Uailv yew THT PAPTR THA'r PETS l'!CK rj?Sl!t S