MEANS SERVICE Great oiUburnlng, twin screw nd triple screw The Hall Mark For Cheese Of course you know the meaning of the Hall Mark on Silver Plate one of the oldest pled. es of quality in the world, ating from 1180 and used firimariiy by members of the amous Goldsmiths' Company of London. To the modern housewife the Kraft Trade Mark is the flail Mark for Cheese. She insists on Kraft Cheese because the Kraft Trade Mark is to her a firomise, a guarantee, of inim-table flavor, of quality beyond compare and a protection against the inevitable disappointment of imitations. steamers, heralding all that Vniw.?nd Pfogreisive in ship-building and equipment that it the Cunard Line-that, ply, the thoughtful, attentive service of specially trained employee. The Cunard-Canadian pas-senger accommodation are un.urpaued - wide pro- j . ' ,uPrb lounge and dining room, children' Dlav rnnma I,.....: uauiiuui iiaie bedroom., .om, STS co d running water cabin and private bathroom. Odmtoom de.igned by master hands. Add to the pleasure that uch luxurlou eaulo. mn the delight, of the trip down, th !oLyJilhfWrtnte r?m M"trealPor Qu Uc to the sea the ih. opportun ty to view tome f ro.t magnificent woMdland Keneryn ,he h li iy to understand why the Cunard-Canadian service it the choice of experienced trYvee, and "i,in dates, tee the Cunard Agtnt -."lte, in your town, or write to The Cunard Steam Ship Co., Limited 622 Hastings Sc., W. . VANCOUVER, B.C. For Pleasure and Luxurious Comfort v Travel CunardCanadian Route YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye 1 r picnic, ehoose "Rupert Hrand" .Salmon, w us in 'he f.antry arc always hardly, ili: 'K a ifKj.i Mint's u good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle October 7, 17, 28 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October o, 13, 24 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedafo, Swanion Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Fallt, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Llnf Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Oornercf 4th S rest and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruoert. B.fA. N.m. Aii,.;.. ( T The Man in the Moon ' SAYS:- I W'OXDKK if it iii? ability dance -well, lo riil indifferent -l' or to I k like onfl uf the ii-nt "f us, that tnaki-H Hn Canadian Kill fall fur prince. I'erliap il I" hi ability to fall. OM) Puriru-r John mil with his M-yUii! i jt going u mow down llmnn railway rale ami harvest Ihwn in tiie lt)terei of Jt.C. 'I'll KIlH i poind to he a linn! winlr. II in reported that the a Mermen arc already digging llieinncivRit in preparatory lo the midwinter election. 'IIIH latest . form of itHiiihlinir here Ih the arranging of w i-p -1 laki oil I lie HriliMh elections. i A I'KDKSTItlAN ha- right oi. j Hie highway, hut of wlcii ue an-i hey to liim when hi- urpe I recovered from the' cruh of yHi teles. HKl'Ollli marriage he f.ll..we, j hr; after Hrtrriag he follow-j liim with a club. HrItMacLarcn Cheese Co. Limited MONTnEAL Send me Fie Recipe Book. St Charles, as compared with ordinary milk, gives a new and delicious flavor not only to cakes but to all recipes and dishes that call for milk. Write for free Recioe Boob. Va:n'ouver. tt, O. ll-4 IIOMK I. the plane where ADlCTnTII? Tr yimiiK people clianxe their cIoIIk- and im-chu ion ally at. V SIML'I.ICITY-ia lo he admired !liuf not in a man. i IMll.NCK Hupert radio have lieen IfMteiiirig; In American political feecle. TheyVnay they are jul like Canadian peechns only rallier more to. I KNOW mora than one man who would feel flaJtrd if he were mIhi in mjatake for a bear AN opportunity i aboat the lal thing in the world tu heik waul to embrace. KVKHV THIMS come, to him who wail evii disappointment TIMBER SALE X 4725. s. ilMl Trnirr will be rmlirml by Uw I Muiiir i.l 1 4wl (i not tUrr j I lull ivmm mi llw Ui rtay uf ,Vterr. I ll f'T Ihr mrUM- i.f l.hutnri X mS. I. ot rH ar HMriiHii a s,,n,r.. mi it ,,f ). llh hon- of Aiirv Arm. rur mttrlrt T. it yr ill br (lluw'rd ror re- nxal uf lunlwr I'urllMT Mflirtttar uf I ha Chif Por- Ur Vl, ..rl. It c . itr Hl-lrlrl Fla tter. PriiK llii rt, H C. TIMBER SALE x 66:5. fwlrit Tinrti m mill be rrrriimi by Ihtr tn.irK't f, itui mm- Umm naoa aa I fx- lr! ! "f No. mli.r, IV94. fur Ihr (HirriMtf nr i.imir X f.r.i, KounUln iMkr kitimal Arm. lt I. , rul tjt.uuo rvl b.Pi. of Hi-mi. .rk. Hal4tu. t'"" ant r.niar si,.ri. Tw ram will Ik allimnl for n-iHiial ir lunlirr. I iirlhrr arliruUr "f Ihr Chin . nr trr. VirliMia. or ilic IH'Irlci lnrtrr Prince hupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 655G. Tlirre will Iw itTrrrrd ror ulc at PuMIr A ur i ion. al nuun ..ii Uk Slih du' r oclo-ir. ittl. in Ihe nrriif ir Ibr Piirral jnprniv.r at .smllnrn, H i .. Uw IICMm X n'.i'.. In nil jl.lioy iarkMIM TIM ! on ari'a itiiatrd alut I tanr noatlwa! nt ll.'inl.m. Kant i. I'.al ItlalrlrL Thrw il rar will l allowed for rramval nt liuiher. I'lotHlert ili.i any nM unable to al iriKl ihr aiirii4i in wrwm May miMbm a Mini i, ml.r In b uianl al Mm boar uf anrlloii ami '-Yattd K bid. I nrllirr i.irii. i lart of lb CMnf PAreii-trr Vii'lnria, B.C., or HHW. Fortr iTinc BuiM-rt. B.C s niiuiuiui nnu iiiw i..d lie said "Nil! ore make nothing without a pnrpn-e." Man ha been given and has taken a command over nature which on the whole ha been for the bene fit of the human racs lie ha not yet been able to find a bene ficial ue for every natural thing bul he has made,, wonderful pro-gre in subduing the earth and making modern life one of com parative ease and comfort. Pro bably the nioitl important factor in making our lives comfortable today is an inheritance from nature, namely. , coal. An And man omical in furnace, ruige or fireplace. ' This coal i obtainable ottly at Albert JV .McOafferj and the public will be well advined in order to make sure, they secure .unaiMio -. Wellington coal and not a substitute to phone their irder direct to this firm. Their phone numbers are 116 and i BERLIN ADOPTING RADIO IIF.lll.IN. tU:t. 2X lleduction of I lie fee for installing radio- receiving set from 60 gold marks tolw has resulted in an increase in the number of sets from 11,100 on April 1 lo more Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert October" 23, 1914 (ieoia. (iillam. aeeil 12 A NEW FLAVOR M,n",. vaiiinKion. jeliiii'Ke of the city polire lo The double richness of this yi-ar'A l-ixliUiftion. I lian 200,001) .oi September 1. 1 good druggist everywhere. Thi growth is record! in I he Berlin district alone. - HOTEL ARRIVALS Central J. Deellt prince Hupert; I.eo. J. JValker and '!'. ThUwril, Van couver; Frank Johnson, Inver- ntN; .InHfi Nelson and I'efe Itlaek, ciiy; K. Harris, Queen Charlotte llily: Y. S. Singer. Masselt. i liicki'.l up by Countable liailey llii morn i tip. According to I ti-hoy'x alory fie wa kidnappeil bv the olij man and forced lo hex for flu m a II iey travelled over the province. V. II. Sherman and W. Adams were prominent aiuon? the prize winner in file poultry nection at I i Many Iieavy fill are iecea'ry 'on ti firt mjile of the Kalen Island road. A few months ago a uri was made on Hie work near ;old ii ir view camp almost across fi'.in t lie Murine l)epdt. .So far, tin- iialit of way ha been clear-m) tr a mill- and grading is now Ji'-i M iiuni'. Hail and dump rar- w re sent out a few days ag". SHOWS WAY TO i BETTER HEALTH FATHER OF SCIENCE Dreco Proves True Friend to .Vancouver man. Surprising results from one bottle of famous herbal remedy and Mr. Underfill! continues treatment with confidence. "For a long time I have been in a badly run down-condition, but now I feel that I have found the way lo better health," i the statement made by Mr. Thoma Underbill, ofl03C I3lh Avenue Kant, Vancouver, H.C. What is the cause of this new-found optimism? Merely that he has discovered lireeo, the famous herbal remedy thai ha helped countless in his resile desire to discover other sufferers and earned their the be! has brought to the mar-1 heart felt gratitude. ket NanalnHi-WelliiiKton coali "I always felt weak and tired. which in now recognised to be I he best obtainable. Thi coal ha ome wonderful qualities Creedoni from clinkers and rock sniall and deptisi.anld powerful, lasting heat equally econ hail no appetite 'and could not leep," says Mr. Underhill. "Have only taken one bottle of Dreco, but my appetite is better already, my nerve are steadier and I sleep much better. Dreco is the fir I medicine fo help me and I feel sure that if I continue (be I rent men t tor a couple of week mare, I will he my old self ain.", lji Dreco correct those 'ail ment lhal make life so miser able. They arq generanlly traceable lo a disordered digestive system and Hie fact that llreco tones and regulates the stomach, liver, bowels and kidney and purifies the blood, means J-lial they are chewed right al their source. Dreco is purely herbal and con tain no mercury, potash r.nubil forming drug. Dreco Is being specially Intro duced in Prince Rupert by W. J McCutcheon, and Is sold by a TIMBER SALE x 6677. Seali-il Trmlcr will I wHus! by lh .(Wirr of at Virlorla, wit lalt-r tiiMi ihhiii mi Uw ilh day of oili.txr. IBtl, fur Km urrliar r Llrenrc X 6JT. Id rul HO.Oiiii Jaikplm Tlrs mi an arra kltUaleO mi nxill :rerk, ela-ht miles tal nt jKiiilllinnc luinV. 1. Cnatl l!-lrli'l. TriW' --yi'r wilt be allowed for rriiiuval or timber. Further parttriilara of the Chief Fores ter. Vlrliiria. B.i :.. or Dlxlrlrl Kurester. Prince Unpen, B.i:. FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate Points, each WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m., each SATURDAY 12.00 jnuImpliL S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, 10.00 p. in. Fur all rl QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 midnight. Nov. 1st, ISlh. PASSENQtP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert &.00 PJivTor PRl.NCE GEORGE, EDMOMTON, WIN-.NirKO. all potul. Eastern C.anaila, llmieil l.ite. S0KN0V ALL OCEAN ITESMSHIP LINIS. Oil, Tlct.t on B2S Third A, Prlnca Rupart. Phon. ISO. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF ff.C, LTD. SaiUng-s from rnoce nuport. or VSNCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Swanaoi Bay,,and Alart Bay, TMdijl B P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, 8TEWART, Sunday, S P.M. ANYOX, PORT SIMP80N and Naaa Rlr Cannarlaa,. Friday A.M. S23 2nd Aanua. J. Barnatay, AoanL Prlnca Rupart, B.O. mill vy Nyk and htivesnmffS REAL Ce For every w'& it M JJLL-, 'mm, m wash-day method RINSO is ideal for any wash-day method you use. You do not bare to change any of your usual steps just use Rinse where you used to use ordinary soap. If you like to boil your white cottons, Rinso will give you just the safe cleansing suds you need in the boiler. If you use a washing machine, follow the advice of the big washing machine manufacturers-use Rinso. Just soaking with this new kind of soap loosens all the dirt until a single rinsing leaves the clothes .dean and spotless. However you do your wash, make it easy by using Rinso. Rinso is told by all grocen and department storet If $oa toe a W ashing Machine, soas; your clothe in the Rtnso suds as usual. In the morning add more Rinso solution and Tvork the machine. Then rinse and dry you tiill have a clean sveel mv - ntule It ash. , LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO s-i-rr "Eczema AH Over Arms Suffered for 12 Years" Mrs. Murray Hough, Wiarton, OnL, writes: "1 had eczema for twelve years. Every once in a while it would break out end spread all over my arms. I tried all kinds of treatments to relieve it, but without success. One Spring it broke out and nothing gave me relief, rfl even the salve I got from the doctor did no good. At last I tried Dr. Chase's Ointment and it healed the eczema in a short time. That is over a year ago, and I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. Chase's Ointment 60 . a box. all dcnlers or Frtmanson. Tlate A Co.. Ltd.. Toronto FRESH CHOCOLATES AT 60c PER POUND. HAIDA HAND ROLLS and WILLARQS ASSORTED. A large variely of centres with" a good chocolate coating. We will sell nny quantity lut il will pay you lu buy these in Die five pound box ut this price. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. & Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200