~ ! a CLASSIFIED ADS — PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREVIOUS DEADLINE i Classified Rates Ulosure tir vious to Classified insertion cents Birth Notices, 50 cents; of Thanks Death 4:30 Dm ation. ents public Display double price ANNOUNCEMENTS Nov. 7 BIRTH NOTICE MOORE Born to Mr. and Mrs. E T. S. Moore, in the IN MEMORIAM DENNING—In loving memory 199-ne) ET LTD ed roofer jth As and a Py i «t ~ - © UW om ESSIONAL PERATORS ROSE HENDRY CL SMAI TYLES Phone 855 TOr Opf ntment 200 ~ HELP WANTED—MALE_ preferred. Apply | house by couple with girl, 9. ne . u ae - ner, ib. But Mr. Fusty was able to = uiblevon, then take 10 tricks. He ducked the achinieratectnieit ; g rick three e i + but won the con- FOR SALE—Roll-top desk, 08%/3;:33 Rec Int. #8 © Ja low diam i. The ace - Sieger gefliyes : ining set, ehesterfis 11-4 rae nd 10 tinuation. He then cashed all chairs, pictures, comt PA ; ian ssi the diamonds and the ace of +i ; x ; . — > Fite Ai . : ion rfadio-recordplayer, tri-| 12 Mid-1 : : ~~ is pades. Mr. Champion's last light, lot of cut glass, vapor 12:5 Program . Mr. Mr Fusty knew this play inrée cards wert the high club = bath, — hall #2 so = was against the percentages. In nq the king and one heart. Hi 5 7 § sds easer E - s ee : : tools a ie 784, 198p) 1:30 Saturday Serenade other words, if he led the jack was thrown in with the club ant O0Is, ele ue (I96P) | 5:00 Ballet Cut ot diamonds next, he could Set had to lead into the ace-queen FOR SALE—Paris white v the suit if the nine were double- + pearts ice box, oak a hr 1h Ue I walnut hd bed. . three long. Two to one, then, in —_ eel Phone Red 928 n favor of leading + » jack ove oN > . ic on ted 928. _ 97p) WANTED favor of leading the jac NEW CHENILLE BARGAINS FOR SALE enamel ice- —_ —— Mr. Champion won the sec- | FROM FACTORY TO YOU box. Excel condition. CASH for serap brass r,/ ond diamond and fir red another Our nationally famous fully Phone Blue 393 198p batteries and radiators. Phone | ————— m2 teen vens e as » showing ; 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, ia eee ee ee ee ee staan — sn NICKEL BONANZA baby cheniile bedspreads still BOATS FOR SALz - The richest nickel deposits in J at omly $5.25 each. Also, ‘new ws ACCOUNTANTS goa the world were found in the luxurious corduroy chenille BI ACCOUNTANTS, 2 Ss y, Ont ¢ wher | begspreads, thousands of fax spe 5 G Ce r we small velvety tufts at only S Bu t j Zui» ¢ $7.50 each. Both spreads come oe in all colors, single or double able for trolling. Phon REAL ESTATE ize with either multi-col- 183 after 5 197 San sane Semana Fe eae . nter -% :< . ij lid sculptured center FOR SALI N 2 p | ored Or § r FOR SALE—]3 ft. rowboat with) house, full « aper invites patterns First quality. Sent 14, H.P. Lawson. Phone Red| Immed Cc ib ° COD plus post nediate agtp)| fred Bt Ontributions | | poney-back guarantee. TOWN . , & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, FOR SALE—16 ft. clinker boat,, FOR SALE Of S i i N Ww wes 8 sts on 5 H.P. inboard motor, i oa) 2 lots! garage nt ocia ews Place D’Armes, Montreal, Que- ondition, $235. At Wilford ce, electric The Daily News endeavor bec. (HP) Electric. Phone between 9 and od floor give al! possible ve if = —- 6, Blue 391 199p tubs. Blue 784 cial and pet al news of town = | FOR SALE : residence,| 2nd district and will appre CARS FOR SALE 44] } Three bed. centributior i suc P _ a i Regge rooms. full concrete basement. | po! i club activities. \ FOR SALE A-40 — = Hot ting. Copper! tea ap i mn station wagor New ee > } . “. ‘a d | ings, bearing hocks, p: Ph : ' ae a , : an | job. Can be scen at 1546 8th ri phone } 7; — — : : : HEA ING ° 7S 1947 Willys Jeep— ‘is REAL ESTATE ‘ ig ~ t oe 5 . : duck boat, all in 5. |FOR SALE—Six roomed resi- The Reliable and good chanical te aa ' dence, partly furnished. Cen- j Good rubber on jeep and ¢" 1, trally located. Price $6500, half Prompt Service trailer. Will sell or trade for ) 4.7 cash, balance $75.00 monthly You Know * boat. 900 ist Ave., next to ‘Price easy terms For further information Carol Court Sip) | awed : ree phone Nelson Bros., Port Ed- Ph 174 idaiatidibiaiie HANUYMAN’S SPECIAL ward, between 8 and 9 pm, one BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES |New four room house, partly Md ask for Mr. Hill 199) Tor Repairs and Alterations : : finished. Pembroke bakhroom i gies . As >} : 2 FOR SALE —Fuel business in $1000 cash handles. LAND REGISTRY ACT B.C. coast town. Turnover last ‘ies Ltd sien mi ins year $40,000. Can be bought Armstr ong Agencies Ltd. Re: Certificate of Title No. 21551- with one, two or three trueks. Phone 342 Black 197 evening t One Block Thi ree | P.O. Box 274 This business can be enlarged mix (39 ction One (1). Map Other interest reason for sell- FOR SALE—Revenue home, at- 923 ing. Contact Box 262, White ‘tractive bedroom} WHEREAS satisfactory proof of ae * ‘ bungalow stvle, on double | ess o! 1 above Certificate of Title) : +2 AWES es Bs i FB commer igt full:eorcreteageae- | igsued in the name of Joka gurvicn | ee tee FOR RENT ' ~) ment, Hot water furnace: Two | 35 ane aoe eet | mg nia i? AUCTIONEER “ ’ ea y is hereby. given at shall. at t ~ : : furnished apartments, private |cxpiration of One month from the} Meme Black 846 and Red 127 FOR RENT—Sleeping room. 801 entrance 176 Ambrose. date of the first publi¢ation hercdi > Borden St (199) Phone Black 186 (201) issue 4 Provisional Certificate of is ae am s — - ——« | Title in lieu of said lost Certificate FOR RENT 2-room log cabin! FOR SALE—On beautiful Gai-| unies the meantime valid ob- J f K Phone Red iano Island. Four room house tare sane ” or = I WRA THALL ‘S 1 19 2) weres ‘ IA J at the Lan 2egi Of- GET YOUR school sewing done| ® Abundan ater. day of July, 1962. AD. Photo Finishing : $4,800. Also i0t i wi t upert itor ‘ y. Rent a Singer Portable o Rupert Fulton ; a. monet lots, aboul a 2800 Acting Deputy Regis f Titles. | I tri Sewing Machine— 2 o} 198 © t . i Bo +i Lia S (,99 Be} ir delivery—phones864. (207) witthlceictsgiireiinas sani lnsiadslliyiliieiaitsaaetianiennatmang onli ee a DEVELOPING, PRINTING FOR RENT—Room to share, es aged eparate beds. Red 471. (199) , } li ; EXPOSURE METERS - i : i II Ppl tre FOR RENT —Furnished suite i i ut * Ww sky. qua ity 1_ SAT EUR SUPPLIES Septem! lv. Phone Gree j September only. Phone ry || Phone Green 136 Box 478 219 (196) } | WANTED TO RENT \ ital fiding high WANTED TO RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house or suite ee — je for working couple. Box 468 j Daily News. (198p) |} WANTED TO RENT — Unfur- ' nished suite or house. Urgent Phone Les Reekie at Imperial j Oil, 532 (202p) | WANTED TO RENT — Young couple with one child require room suite, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Mr. J. two BES! OF FOOD ~ wy } Nasechuk, C.N. Express Dept. \ 2 (198p) ; ; WANTED TO RENT — 3-room 3 Whiskies — r unfurnished suite by couple no children Phone Red 554. e Special Selected (198p) @ Royal Reserve | WANTED TO RENT — Suite or ..with typing and some know-| Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| ° ledge of bookkeeping. Apply | couver, B.C. Phone PAcific| This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Northland Dairy. (197) | 6357 (tf) Centrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 4 For the MEAL ‘that REFRESHES FINES OF COOKING FORK TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE —_ Tw Daily News Want Ads || 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, heater, Seat Cover SPECIAL! One Only— 1950 MONARCH Convertible Every extra, *2975 a dream car SPECIAL! | When shopping for a GOOD USED CAR—try Te “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Ltd. | Phone 93 WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT 1295 iN My art (All Times Daylight VANCOUVE and VICTO ALICE ARM, ST PORT SIM Friday, Camosut FOR NORTH| CITY OR DEPOT CHARLOTTE 4 OFFICE Aug. 27, Sept i RINCE RUPERT. | ; Cog oe ag “FOR souml | CHARLOTTE 8 8S ¢ Aug. 20, Sepbd FRANK J.3 Prigce Rupes Third Avenue c ‘| inese Chop Suey - Open 6 pam 4 s HOLLYWOO For Outside ordes JOHN BULG | Optom John Bulgt phird AM BLONDIE ' : abe : | ca eEeae Te ous to ANO WEVE HAD SUCH A TOUGH “4 DAY--WE'VE BEEN WORKING ro Are GALLEY SLAVES iS en Are Deceiving naa Te. DOGS Qui et) SO IT WiLL BE RESTFUL f im ge “py CHICM