PAOR TWO. Two generation! have used Made from fruit juices and tonics to get rid of Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Skin Troubles. 2oc. .and 50c a box at all dealers. FRU1T.A-TIVES LIMITED. Ottawa, Ont. 04a nikarc. N.T, LaSa. Et Ckrlatrkarrfc. NX MMLY KDITION Build Elevator At This PorL II ii hoped every p?rson in The Daily News PRINCR nUI'EIlT - nillTISil COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exc?pt 'Sunday, the Prince Hupert Dailv News Limited, Third Avenue. II. 1 PULLK.V, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone, -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of -Circulations. 98 86 Saturday. Tehruary IB, 192 Prince It ii perl will read Ihe. Prince Rupert Will Oppose Brule Railway. . ' The supposition is that Prince Miiperl will, as far as poi-ble. otino.e Ihe Imililinc nf a branch line of railway from Hrul.-' SECURES MONEY FOR HOSPITAL Sum of $4,800 to bo Borrowed to Complete Payment For Finished Work FINISH UPPER STOREY Contract Let to John McKechnle For Third Floor Work at At llin meeting of Ihe directors of the Prince ltuKrl Hospital Association Iat night in the City HUll. President 1. G. Mrltae in Hie chair, it was derided on lite recommendation nf the finance mmipillee In borrow Ihe sum of t.Knn on mortgage to nay fori the romph'iion nf the Nurse 1 1 nine ami tentative arr.incenienl drive. The direclors also de- .interview giseii by J. II. Pillsbury MinF- puhli-hed elsewhere imriile.1 tn et uMde the sum of IOOj lots' issue, srf.lhnt he may he Avell posted .on Ihe local situation. Having read 'i I", the ne-xt thiiigHs.fnr--Micli person to make him self a live advertising centre, using every noMble endeavor lo have. ail clevainr erected I hi year. If lhi tiiiorliiiiily i mis?d we shall have losl valuable time in the. development nf Hie port. Nexf year will tint be ;in thing like as good, for in Ihe meantime the trade routes will have lieeome established el-ewhere. An elevator is the one thins- w need just now. AftT that we shall want two elevators. If this port is what we believe these ojevalors are hound lo eonie, but much will -depend upon Ihe i-n-rgy and ciithusi;tm of the eitizens tn ceing that they are obtained. a monin as a sinvm? mini to pay off Ihe mnrtjrajre anil interel thereon. The contract fur finishing Ihe third floor of the building- was let lo John McKechnie. the contract price being 1,176. the only ollier lender beinjr one from John Nelon at something oxer 1.500. The.rtotarj- liluh Is suaranleeinsr payi'ivnl of sl.nao of this amount anil the remainder will come out of general revenue. Extra Plumbing The cost of doins this work over. and above the original ten der, which was slishtly - under one . ' . . to the P"aco fliver, urging rather the building from some poinllhnuand dollars. U explained by in llrili-h Columbia. jthe addition of Ihe cot jjf pullinK. parimenl or the Lniled Slates wilhout .calling for tenders. It group miaht like lo was a naval reserve but the naval department doe have Jui'ii consulted. not seem to mom in the homo and it wa In ruliirn for the le.-?, the lessees had to construct tank- be acceptable age tor the naval department on Ihe eoal and also paid royally, but this royally was paid in nil certificates redeemable iii oil supplied lo ihe guvernineut. Use Old Furniture Speakinir of the furnishinir of Ihe home. II was slated thai much of the old furniture would have lo be used for Ihe 'present. Mr!?. Morrissey said he had discussed Ihe matter with Hie auxiliary, and it had been decided lo devole the energies of the auxiliary Ihi year lo Ihe linen of. Ihe ho.pilal which wa badly in need nf -replenishing. S. K. Campbell in this respect said Ihe linen need were serinu. II wa ug?eled by A. Maine society or furnish a THE DAILY NITW8 Saturday. patient per ilay during Jn. NeUon. Ilolierl Itrown, .Jrtliur Lewi. Ja. Lewi. Win. Lewi. Jacob Shaw, IWij. Wilson. Sidenn - Wm. JIiUloli. Jo. Shitw, Solomon. Ilrown Sr.. IIeNr lliddnMHi. ' Matthew Hill. Jav Jarkon. Albert Itbilry Cliiirch Warden .Mallhla Shaw. bfbon's vvunlen; SiL Uniwn Jcdieonle' wunlen: J no, Neliin. jwojle warden. IHeyateii lo SytiiMl I'.. J Can)ile. Jus. I.ewl. J. I. iMim- hre. Allrmalo IMfsale lo !ynod .Matthias Sbaw. Sol. Ilrown Jr, J no. XeNon. Tmiurvr -4tenj. Wilson. Veslry Clerk Jih. .elon. The finance nf Ihe eliiin-h art Hi jrufMl 1im with over 1,000 Li (i the huiklins fiowl for Ihe new church. The Sunday school and choir ... X . , - - - -- -have heen re.orpanUe.1 and nr lllitr wouiu lie iioiii. r.iiinr uicr inni i-iio - tinner I1 uir .-iii-i iiiii tin u v.i- nut . nun ui-i junction wilh Ihe (LNilL: uthors y it should be at Vandrhoof,',pla!ed in the nrisinal sehem while olhefs again would like In ee the line go In llazellon orjThe finishin? of this floor will some other western point, (.linking at th? map it would eem add five room In the nuildinj? and" rarrym? on iifcerullr. in? jrnod projrres toward covery and will oon lie out. Chief i: viil to ro- i January, Check For $100 . j A letter wn received from Ihei Hed i:m Society with a check" ffr a donation of too which wa' a contribution tow-ant connect Ins lie sterilizing plant. Thne present nt the meeting were Ii. Mrltae chairman. P. K. CamplU. K. II. Mortimer. J. III. TlimniMn , Haines. Mrs. Mnrney. Mr, ilrnning and eo- relary ItirHi KITKATLA CHURCH IN PROSPEROUS CONDITION Officers Elected at Annual Vestry Meeting There Recently Many Men Away Hunting KITKATLA. Feb. I. -. At the annual velry meelitis 'of it. Peler's t'linr.h heHl January ' ' " ' " " rm. have already been made lo se-ure . . , . ! the ffl I'rtVIH? a -O, that amount for five years at 8 V, , . UillPrli Coinmi iti -eleeleJ: 1'i.i.r i' i percent. , . n.. This . is ,, Ihe amount . .. ...... needed to pay for the nriainal ,"7 " ' 1 ' 1 1 1 twite. Injlili'l itiAttlilfl lilL. contracts in connection with Ihe ""-". - - Luildin? over and above the u mount subscribed during the I The weather for the pa.l week ha lieen very mild amf spriiijr-1 . . . r i It i l use. .v noncysurmr - nuu ai ine lptt t I tfiartkl.lA uTa it It is Claimed bv lhoe who Hefoml Ihe nelion nf Ihe ITn!l,l fee or Ihe roemher uere reilneed foIlowlnB cnubl have carried Olll Stales department that the oil under at leal a part nf ihe larid:frmn 5.nn 0 i..ri0 n year. Mr. Ml,h an "ininenlly successful uf was being sapped by olher neighboring wells ami there would Campbell urged that Ihi he done ra,r- a" h,'' wl,o enntri. have. been a irreal ,lo if th nil had not Keen lUori r,.ni,.i ..r.a. it n h..Hr i. i.v a inro billed in any way lo iU acconi Pinso Md by lk i ( LUX us it llazellon w not much farther from Ih? .Peace lliver than it wa poinled out would he money ,n bad no eay lak. lliere were mi n 1 1 romins- oui Prime- George. well spent. A letter from Hie ,' , m jn (iffrn,n, r..p, thal The matter is. expected to come up for consideration by the -ecretary of the llolary Club was ,j"uip yA",ri' ,iren- nnmt,r ' nt Ihe- men ' of Roani of Trade at an early dale. , read quoting the re.olulinn Fiiar-', .. ,.' In all there eipljl prue, and " " .anteein? Ihe sum of M.oon lo- J I nner were: Re-I cn.lnme. ; " Coming of Expert Iward finishing the work. 111 Mr. 11.1). f.utler. Valenline: 1 May Help Elevator. , ..w I The Hiird floor of the buildirt?, . , . j... .'. . .. senllrnuin. II. IL Crawford, eav- The rndin? of the elevalor expert lo thinorl' tn mae a is loe completed by March--'. " ' . .".l tihi,. Cliw "ir"" "': utAin.l charaelec. report may help influence the erection ir an elevator here. At and wrfrn ready' jrran.t openlnp jl.j ,. ' . " . .ite i j? '"''y A- M"r,f,. ra,'l" ,; any rate it will help give publirilv to the possibilities oT the will be held lo which the public.; ," f ' nl'lf aenlleman. J. Murdoch. Kentucky port. An elevalor or Ivvu nius.t bs built hre soon and anylhinp.will be invited and when Ihey willi, . ..T . "", L, , fiohmel; adverliinir lady. Mr F. that ran be done lo iuflueiiee.lheir coming must not he neglecled. jhave an opporlunily of inspeclinar President ilcLeod 01 the Hoard of Trade is In be congratulated. the finished huildin? on taking the initiative in Ihi mult?r. We cannot afford to sit anil wait Vancouver had a hard fight to get the business slarjed and we must expect lo devote some effort to the Teapot Dome Oil Scandals. The. Teapot Donre oil caudal ha I'niled Stales news features of recent been, one of the great wfek. An investigation i goinjf on and the public i being entertained to a lot of ooliti eal propaganda mixed up wilh a certain amount of irregularity in the conduct of public business The nearness. nf the presidential ideclion i accounting to a large extent for the prominence given the affair. llriefly the matter stands a follows: The Teapot Horn nil field were leased lo the Sinclair inlerels by Ihe interior de-,thal perhafi some the re-crves had been turned over lo the department of the in-. membership. 'Last year only four P'W'menl are entille.l lo congrat- dinner, ond Mr. Manzer. I'rinci uiiur iiy i-nsi(U'iii iiiniiing ny execiitiv" secret manner in which the ileal was mil mi jox ro CHASES order in 112I. Thehnernber through made it look lars. . lino. t-usiiiiy ii was a sieai iui mosi people would nok nn it nilher as a good business deal mi the part of the oil interests at Ih? expense ,uf tH. nennle nf Ihe Ifoited mio SgJtfVft ONE PfLLAMSE fKjf ; had paid the five ilol- Sterilizer Complete Tlie house committee reported Ihe sterilizer wa now coiuplele. Posibly more will lie heard of thi before the invesljgation now. filled wilh electric coil and was iio-ri-iiiiig is over. In Most Homes In these days of sedentary habits it becomes necessary for nearly all the members of the family to ;use i6ome treatment to arousethe sluggish liver and ensure regularity of the action of the bowels. 'Becsme Dr. Chsse's'Kidpey-Liver Pills can be depended upon to .produce the desired results under all .conditions -they are the most popular of family regu-lators'-and are found in the grest msjority -of homes si a safeguard agstnit the scores of silments which have their beginning in constipation, biliousneas and a deranged digestive system. You will notice that while-the price of Dr. Chaae's Kidney. Uver.PilU has been Increased to 3& rents, the box now contains 86 pills Instead of 26 as'f ormerly. .Likewise Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is CO cents a box of 60 pills, instead of (0 cents. a box rof 60 pills. Kdmanson, Bstes A Co. Ltd., Toronto. :iing jrooil ervlce. Hy installing been eljniinated. The new X-ray equipment, which had been purchased at a cost of l,5oo, had also been dc-j livered hut was snt set uti yet as. Centre of Shopping HI and Business District JO (In ZV0 ROOMS 9 too i edMH Bki)i H til IlitUl;AAl OI A KM en 191 ''" 0 -J ' gMWOOOOaOOHSWt3BiBSjBj I jw, Vinceul. N'ldun' Jnrunal; Isreiilleman, It. O. Culler. Van Mier world: comic character. i 1 .,i 1. 1. . .,; iany. .ur. if. i. irwyer. oin-ian-J. iianiide i paying '. . , . , 11. .... n... . iione.l school teacher: iieulleuuii I ii.i itiiiri . ANYOX MASQUERADE WONDERFUL DISPLAY ANYOX, Feb. I ft masquerade ppontored Mr. Pliuiinier. hobo. The Judne were Mr. J. Haell and Mers, Harvey and Ilo. Those Responsible The officer nf the Parent Teacher' Association reponi- Dlfflcult to Choose Prize Winner f"r ,,M' "ece.-.f Ihe evenirur Prom Such an Array of Fine Costumes nre: Pre.idenl. Mr. Jetikinon: viee-preideid. Mrs. (f. K. Irwjer: secrelary. Mr. Mc.VUUIer; trea- nrer Mr. I lrknv Mr VV V Ihe Valentine .... .. .,....... Anynx Parent TearherH Associa tion, and by the amj j, Kyan nnd Mis Owen were re.rionvlhle far II. rnn1;i,iF nt Him held in Itecrealion Hall 1i(.mii ...i i.ii. lintimaled that Ihi would .alwuyn ' f nine and two m,w rIal,orft, ',, , rnu,. r j ... Monuay ia. musi frn uowti in, lnufn f,v,,rahe comment II was decided to try lo fhcrease ,rt(al "al bitry as one nf It Ihe membership in the HopilaI,rr" p,,pr my an or- Aoeiniino .in.t lo II. 1. enrf ihe pamiaiioii wiui an eniniiianc .lnllA II :.. . - t , ll part of dancer DieanTMiNT or lamos. the Ihe larfie gntberfn? of ntlending. The band played for the grand marrh and n.itci Hie on heslrn In several numbers, which wb a feature much appreciated. 'Mr. Jenkin. son distributed Ihe prize lo Ihe Ill til till! 11 I HMII 111 II 111 H I I l.-l 1 I . . . ... . . ,. ,, - : .. .. . ,ai .vnyox niBii rvnooi, nn- nc or oi necrcauoii uau na nonced ihe winners, never been so crowded a it was. on this iH-casion nor presented' INDIQE8TION more animaled and rolorful pic-j ,n ,wo ,,,, wjh lure than hoe made by the JO-TO conlniilly chandlnii combinn-l. rj-, ft-M K.t thl, of the hud fire riks had V" or '"ney-cnstumed dancer. nc, nil quickly reliev'ed wilh Jn- .... . ..inn. ....... in iii.-ii boo women rr0, .n rni Klorcs nerr reii-esenien, pieretie, haughty l.idie., girl of Ihe western harerns, Iramp in rnsr. clown of nil decree, soldier. NOTICt. Appllctllofl For Ortilni .Ptrmlti ,rp Th aMn Off 17 they were awaiting the arrival .t" "n, ebiiraclers galore. In .XtT IZJITS: ,.Th tin PXUPri tn iln t tvork inilollinsr IliP pri7, f jlllltrOH fr",nr 'rtrl ff lit JTt.rtner nf Hrllli i 1 . "IAeif V weil a eve I - - 1). C. Mediae reported the insll- lution of a rol syntem in the keeping of hnspilal accnunls by which II cnubl he shown jusl what the iiislilulion was ensling per I day or per patient. Fnr the month 1 "of January some of the rosls Ii ml j I lieen: 11 Medical and surgical $387.2.1, Nursing ... ., 735.00 Adininislralion ..; ...309.27 Stores ... ..... ..... .... RRfl.50 Kitchen and hnusehobl .. 100.85 Mainlenance and repairs, Ineludiuif coal, light, wafer and telephone . ... Laundry .... . ., X-ray , Ambulance 730.20 2H0.0O '. ' 8.00 1. 50 There are at present 22 on the hospital staff. The cost for each ac wiiuMBnoa nnejiw attniirHaav :.IiiiiiM. ltlill te riM Willi IM MOrlrl . l'iiir ! i:riiitrtk, r'nrt Ornrr. km-5""l'i .Vi-hi, frhir.. li,rl, Vinnivrr. 'Vrrmiii. tiwl WltlUin likr. f.r with Hw i:oiiuiii...H.r r (iraiins, 'HmhlMM. VlrinrU, H.i;., im T iH-forr Marrh I III.. ISf I. HUnk rirn iirn shlrh In nyliinlt t rilirailoni. mar tm dlilalnr.1 fnii Uh ii. Irlri iirrr at III ihme naiiMj iltn. r rn,n iiaruH.ii nr iJirt.l. tl Vie i-.rin. n. r; n. n. ,xnr.x. . . Iwi'iilr MinlMrr .r l.aml. liriMriniriii nr lan.1. Vlrb.rla. li.i... Jnnury Hiti, tH. jeamcs aveiwT Hantaan wt .oistrict .MiTirr Ii Itrrrtijr Kn. In iarrnntarn nn in Manors, ail a.w.wii u,. iimlrr ihr "Tmihm ,ri" and Uw "I'ul.llr rlHiU rt" rm n.i ilnr awl l ,1,1. for tiw year Hfi. VII latrs rnllrrtiblr rir llw Prtnrr ,".i-r, Awpimrm iiifiiiri rr nun ailli p.alilr at m- errirs. tliiiair m 1I pro Jlnrlal C.ll.rlnr'a Offlrr. In Ihe City nf I'rlnrr h.irrrt. t Thl itiirr. m wan of law. Ii rnulu. (Jwil in a rrM4ial ilrn.aml by inr niH.n ' alt 1 Prrn IKMr r.r I4ira. illalwl 1 tPrlurr lie i.i. ..... Jfly nr lhrwar. mil, , . . w. . rMiira, rilbror lr,r Ihn rrlnr Iuiiii AiHfnl Iilitrlci, Use enough onUiUktidlM r. iMhdhi,, lk t.4, mm. f r , k iw M. With Rinso snowy' white clothes just by soaking SIMPLY soaking in Rinto eudt looen diit. to that it timet right out. The old wearing method of lulling oap on the clothe and then rubbing the clothee it done way with. Theie it no need of it wilh Rinto. Only the dirtiett placet wheie diit wat actually ground in will need jut a light nibbing. Where this it necessary, use a little diy Rinso. Rinto it made by the maltut of LUX ihelargett soap makers in the world. It dors the family wash at wonderfully at Lux does fine things. Soak does the whole job with it you need no other soap PULFORD'S J U4 CREAM of OLIVES 50c Cures Chapped or Cracked Hand. Lb f Itching, lloiigbnes. Itedne and all irr.i.tlo I'or after sbftiing and for keeping III- ' I condition it is uneipialled. FREE TO ADULTS ONLY. Call in nnd get a loo bottle fre. n ih.! ' it mil yourself. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. Cllf TIckM OffUt, The Pioneer Dru99 COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service . PRINCE RUPERT .Salle from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, InltrmeditW Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 pjn- S.8. PRINCE JOHN. VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOj M-For Feb. 13, 27J March 12." PA8SENQER TRAlU, DAILY EXCEPT 3UN0V ta Frtnr nsprri i.ti rm. for rnncr. crnnoc rb' t fiirco. sit poioit Raurra rantda. .iiiinst huim, SHOT ALL OCCAM TKASUMlr LINIS. TMre At, rrlnta Rwprl. f MM 1 Phone 109. Heloerson Bleck Dn F. Po KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours; II a.m. lo rt p.m. Open KveningH iiy Special Appoinlmenl If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We Lave Hardwood, Kir and Cedar Ibml Lumber If imi ate lir-'d of Kalsoniine null 'Pnner. Iry 'l:ip Yen''' I'aiielling, I., f yon are lliitiking; nftli'iiildlnR n hotic, we have any ,lin11 yon require, also Hash. Iloorir rdasn. SHnrin fyq pnno Milk - 'wami Mu ftss m "f '