# Parent CBC Proud But Uncertain Ié Prince Rupert Daily News Sg oe US. Urges Britain To jp Canadian Television Seeks Popularity ,,yenturous Trio Meet In Aid. Program for Iray By OHN PATERSON } CBC network. Besides Ottawa, ; Television Manufacturers Assoc- a Canadian Press Staff Wri other stations are planned for iation of Canada. Of these Canada’s $8.000.000 television) Vancouver, Winnipeg, Windsor, |or 93 per cent are in youngster will make its fi , Hamilton, London, Ont., and Ontario. Including ficial bow Se! 6 in M Quebec City. Halifax has also per cent in nd initial program erpenditures WASHINGTON © -—United States ha ° og The loan is at five per cent and: S t N, h : he Anglo-American Emergency , ced Britain y u —" hopes to repay it from No pec res in a ann Iran to avert a possible Chasmiihien coe a but $15 nas been taeuitienaniae EDMONTON (CP )—Legends of death stalking Sec uae oe eta is reported to have gts and two days later in Toron been mentioned as a possible | Hamilton dis commercial sponsorship of s oe ie a a to keep Iran's vast oj] resoureys The parent CBC but Station site. 36,955 sets and t programs those W ae ’ : f lati but falling into ssia ands. Bnicertain of insula 17,934. In the same Sur | «pisTINCTIVELY CANADIAN” | Nahanni Valley may have had some foundation, Mavor Moor SS a a the type of programs} ;}e dangers are not from supernatural forces. the Toronto sets. The others are spread acros. Gritnths, GBLTs| (° C8N8' wile opie she TODAY AND SATURDAY no Ai aaa Canada @ radio talk previousiy ‘i Or, Said IN an in- + irom ho brave the wilderness of the far-northern Montreal and lave teievisi Regardin y about tf in the ever ’ i. c ung 2 cal t were ly 50 miles from cen an a j We're g scared. We , days a week. Both are ex- PRIVATE RADIO CLAMORS ; Siegen, ODA onc eareaaes Skt 7 vag 7 nginet hingto their é ont a~ . . _ py OO WwW aes . riginate one Private television interests are terms of the Mas- *°'S*" : panions—writ- a coasting Slash they decided GONGEH ROGERS - FRED ALLEN - VICTOR MOBEE we get o ] Ph aheweietese Ser “hance at what i oa im a . tn) He al mpanions—wWt : 1 ‘ they @ » és a) es clamoring for a chance at what are — iness to “ athe rman Thom-|to return to camp as fast as| <2 MARILYN MOWROE - DAVID WAYRE - EVE ANGER *s: ng out going as been called “‘the most power- m to Canada ar —s ; a egprrguns pare us est beit 1p of films and exchange tu a rine of scbeiait yn er or U S 1 evwetiiy will uquerque, N.M., and) possible. On the way back they) « PA DOUGLAS EDONE BRACKER- MTZ) CATA ] a P are u est being up of films and exchange|fyl engine of persuasion er U.S. networks w . in : : : . 1 ¢ r . R . f } Marti of Yal ; afts > ccasions, . a duced f rk and He Shows on Kinescope recordings conceived.” it will be distinctively a ed ainst te pire ee hte la er fed rl a a z > am ee + i . nit won out age S € ifered a splil 1 giacier-iec asiiisinniee aoc pera} ‘110 wood, where they've been at it/y -WAVE iKS leolm Neill of Frederic-| provide only a minority o -; Univ ae ee : - - = mead MICRO-WAVE LINKS D Malcolm Neill of Frederic-!f e only a ri y of ou elements in a gruelling explor-| waters and once were trapped | } r years er ton. chairman of the -d of | program ren . : : - Toronto expects to be linked| tm, chairman of the Board of : . ‘tion of the famed valley this} for two hours in a whirlpool Evening Shows j : Peo soon with Buffalo by means of Directors of the Canadian Assoc- 1 roa a _ summi They 9%, Ruck to bese with 7: - 9: Jal ve » a new form of trans. |iation of Broadcasters, said tl 600 an hour insu peetors| three meat bars, one pair of} + 9. Fs Pm é form of trans. A er i A rf trannp nd prospectors | t 1e€é s : t ha bhi inane nas _| private broadeas in 1 Montreal, a ACS er ee : : on | : erations in the U Sta atic-fre¢ elec h pha ee in both cases.) have failed to return from the| shoes among the three one! Matinee Saturday 2: P-™M.a FAMOUS PLAY ad Wiens for a year ail a tii! ud a anata 2 teen d i “spot” costs|valley it’s because they were| sieeping bag, a camera and film AYERS EYVATE ~arigees wae ne : Ss and $37.50.!not as fortunate as we were,”| The rest of their equipment had ~harge less because | s hamp. “There is good} been ruined by rain or lost in For at possiniy ce A vee = er sets reason for their failure to re-| raft upsets. All had lost a lot of Prk n AIR longer CBFT iz Montreal on|a co 7 Ps ani RT ” d _ ae eres eee ' It's the kind of country} weight—Shamp about 40 pounds, A ; wane a mi ; ¢ 4nd CBLT on channel 9 will be | #ror arg Rivers on the ¢ J oe : "a Gang peters applications where n saiiaine co aa and the pos about 20 pounds Ai WEL \ { f ; 7 aM the ly television staions in!Corny Ont 1 the wes he wait for Ottawa to give the gree for one of the 12 television “ : each 1% el iayS oa a = wy is . da. An O ) studios are in a downtown !} L | li necessary to enable this; channels made availabie under >) seed ees SU we he VIDA Ms, : » \ oo : oe acquired and remodelled by ths teh up with! a eompany allotment system | PICKED WILD PART eee pt ee et a att | * ¢ 8 Ls (e to ol Swabs stations will have to}CBC. worked out for tae whole con- They financed the trip by a} ae ce cine ‘tes sachin’ MARJORIE MAIN h PANS . wait for television licences at) Toronto, with a 500-foot t Nei me; tinuent are: Famous Players | ommission from the US. .De-|) tent before coming he ce * Vy ay «Yr least until the three CBC sta-|wi i oO in| Canadian Corporation and ,,. Department to test a new|,., il the a = AE lat f \' AK #8 tions ar erat m e- ‘CKEY, both Toronto; CFCF f ation pack, and an as- vO VEN tne SUI Fa Yj Yj / a One sp 1 I PI nd falo in and CKAC, Montreal; CKNW, at nt to write scientific re-| He do¢ ~ believe wea legend News f f H} Mead. tions, Harry Sedgwick various directions. Television recomm New Wetmbster, B.C., am@ | ports on some of their findings.|200Ut @ tropicai valley In i Selected {4 , 4. 4% ide of station CFRB in s are in a new five-s Massev CHML, Hamilton, r} rio motored from Wash- Nahanni, but says there are Sh . & o y pour Bukss is what some | ig adjoining the CBC r et Program edules so far an-|ington to Watson Lake in the|S°™e hot springs around which orts TODA Yicences wili be issued in abou m downtown nounced by parts of nati le 2 ee ane : ; They aiso found some mineral : . i yeal CFRB first applied for a na] hockey league { * Daiziel picked them u ‘ - 9: omen licence in 1938 and has repeated 0 eee ae Hee ee thai| deposits, but not enough to| — Evenings 7 - 9:00 — Saturday Matinees 2.4 casting ons be lice the Canadian Broadca a ee CBC include| Yukon, where northern aviator|S¥™mer growth is luxuriant TODAY AND SATURDAY ¢ U.S. network programs \ football, wrestling, box- 150-mile flight to their vis kin wae ben ; i nets oy =4 ‘ bother about the application severa] times available in Montreal has available na- ther sports: ~ variety | ; amp at Glacier Lake, : oe Montreal, with French: and ™icro-wave link is bu television programs and pane] shows, full-’s 180 miles upstream from AS 1 SEE IT a English-language programs, Year between Toronto ll private stations be re- tramas, children’s pro- the mouth of the Nahanni Riv- (Cont A sais en aie, set and Toronto in English only d Montreal ed to serve as outlets for iramas, and educa-| er. The river is in the Northwest ee ™m + ' . *n>, ‘ na 7 sile will be television production There wer 103.454 televis ational ms “ ns ima = or re Territories and about 700 miles shade Mab ik Oe. bak ome , : : : ¢ ‘ in | ; . . ;| with schoo universities anc thwest of Edm ) ’ . a. : centres for what is planned sets in Canada in May, accc The gove rent Mas; waned) | . of 1 : a ve r 3 of Ec — plete plan to end the bottle or ae , Ria : + 20 teanenae . . . + +3} SOCial Ser e agencies The. starte I 3 ‘ler ; eventually as a _ nine-station a survey by the Radio 1 $8.000.000 t CBC for capital : : y arted ee a le necks such as still disgrace al- Ringtones es : aaa ities, : - ene ete Lake because much of the Nah- “rv great city th « SR CCR EPROP ERE most every greet city orth oF Valley had been covered by the border. Montreal, Toronto . . Pigs Are Pets prospectors and trappers, and| and Vancouver are still hope ; . ' the wanted to go through a re- lessly snarled up in their traffi S C) F S A Lf g less likely to have been | systen Bui. ihese cities down Says Professor ei prevanye here have already shown how to When they got going on foot,| end clip ' ~ lippings is equal to three pounds| miles through tortuous country,'land in 1587 ‘e ootwei STORE Legt once iby 2 —— a | ashton nose clippings i sensidiy in- vested, would pay di SSS P ERR SRE RRR RARER ERR Pe OS ee ee For Your School Supplies 4, | | NAD CA SEE 4 aad 7 _ 1980 DODGE SEDAN s o Pp : Good rubber, fair condition, bargain “price 125 1930 FORD PICKUP 3 ae Toda ‘Ss Stocks 1930 CHRYSLER SEDAN — . $ a 125 weegpessssssssssescosesses ; a 7 5 * e « a ; ort ; the worst of those narls i @} WINNIPEG >-Professor Rj} each arried a fo-pound pack and without going bankrupt ‘ @iA. Wardle of the U ersitv of | with a rifle and other equip-/| ejther a Manitoba says a ho the house | ment. Champ cracked a knee- Canada has never.had any would make a us pet cap and fractured a shoulder-| Lease Lend ‘or other types af ; a The Zoology department chair-j blade sogn after the start, but)/handouts) from Uncle Sam Buy one per of ladies’ shoes and we give + ] , mt } ; v + } > a , @i man told a veterinary associa- continued with the others Maybe Vancouver could borrow Bi tion meeting that the hog, for; A few days later one rifle] Portifind’s lady Mayor to show ONE PAIR ABSOLUTELY FREE ' ’ . one thing, would dispose of “those; was damaged on rocks beyond) how to end traffic road jams ( ‘ gh me, } lawn grass clippings you dump repair, and the two others were : ‘ ; @\ secretly at night on someone! put out of commission by con-| ARCTIC PIONEE All sales are final—no exchanges—no tel $ s| ’ ARCTIC PIONEER - _ P g| cise ok” tinual dampness. They saw the First of the great Arctic ex OS kA a. ie OO Ray g| Prof. Wardle said that he had’ sun only three days ; plorers Was John Davis of Brit DEPARTMENT or a a {1 that one pound of lawn” In 25 days they walked 150 ain who reached West Green a v z * 5 STAGE SHOW AND DANCE & DIXIE BELL HILTON and his (Courtesy & Db. Johnston Co. Lth) 1939 AUSTIN 8 *350 CALGARY RANGE RIDERS : 1948 THAMES VAN 650 at the CIVIC CENTRE VANCOUVER sii as Ra ee: bi iicud’ Withadand ‘ 49 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1650 9:00 p.m. Zipper Binders , : e New Paint, air conditioned, nT bt 100's to choose from. Priced— Bralorn 6.15 Oe BR X ; 034 ONE TRUCK—AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY $9.95 t $4().75 — re = 1945—1500 Cwt. 4-wheel drive s * vongress vs Licensed, good condition 9795 me ; Cronin Babine 36 Giant Mascot 93 | © . Indian Mines 14% S aan “| Supertor Auto Service \\ Friday and Saturday, Aug, 2a Pencils, Scribblers, Pencil Boxes, Erasers, Scrap Books, Paste, Ink, eae snl “4 : rida an qd ur d ' ug. q din ta he 05! Avenue W LIMITED Ph G 217 Pens, Pen and Pencil Sets, Zi eaeentoes a e ; one Green 21 CNS, , Lipper Binders, Water Colors, Rul \y, aad i ors, Kulers, Reno mine < 2 - renee Admission: Adults $1.00 Children 3 Ledger Paper, Typing Paper, Scotch Tape, Pencil Sharpeners lates Secaiian 45 , Le | Taku River 07! ahh Vananda 02 % 1 | PP ea eee anateatete ee ae ae eine Why not do some of your pre-scheol she r bef. i i celmen, ene 02% y : : ee ‘ 2 "shopping before the rush begins. Avoid the | Spud Valley 05 ¢ ~X ‘ General Flectric big rush and bustle on scheol opening day and get your main school supplies ost age tae Have Ou ; 6 uppiies Western Uranium 4.80 X 5 beforehand, Oils .. e 4 W. h ‘ Anglo Canadian 8.25 ‘ as ers | Ses : Captain Morgan | Calmont 1,55 I Jalm ié Central Leduc 4.69 & Model M@ Standard 2 Home Oil 16.00 “ Mercury 23 “ Okalta 3 80 3 Model M 9P with Pump Royal Canadian 25 i$ | » a on ° : TORONTO 1$ Model M 9PT with Pump and Timer | Athona 16 |S ar Aumaque 18 lé ee eZ ARISTOCRAT Bufalo Canadian 22 3 ; The viti i R iy ee eae icon ae : ? aM > Se Whiskiew — full bedioas Consol Gaeiters 36.00 It’s richer, robust, full-bodied... $ SPECIAL TERA 4 ll-fla d. Conwest 3.81 . 7 | + 8 YEARS OU Donalda ‘52 blended to satisfy the taste is ON ALL APPLIANCES wks unmer. Serve Eldona 20% of British Columbians. Try it! : ase |° East Sullivan 8.05 5 ¥ 1 iv ey ‘ c ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ £ Giant Yellowknife 10.00 You'll like Captain Morgan er 0 lt God's Lake + 55 Black Label Rum. t B = ' Hardrock » i a or ern ome ow ain Harricana 09% Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks Resner Block — Phone © gtewatt Heva 08% 4 Prince Rupert, B.C, Duvex 72 ° a | ap.no.nepPanartotes | Joliet Quebec 42 Ca tain Mor an | ata MMMM aaa teMaae oa" e i) ieee OT | Little Long Lac 7 | ' } ff ss LONDON CLUB DRY GIN | Aristocrat || — 13 Lhiack Label Ww Distilled from grein Fiye Whisky il) c Madsen Red Lake 1.80 i R “s ae ond rectified over ae ar emia Red Lake 1 R U M } h ' i inest quality imported egus 30 | Anot ¢ ieals. i ‘ : | 1 Sor coaalin, ition, a ® i oe 81.90 pee : ae | Your Roof May Not Last Throug! o-t00 e suvicour 221, rom Carefully Selected } ‘ . : n ren ; | Pickle Crow 17k Rare Old Rums We will give your free estimates © et “ | Petrol Oil & Gas 1.02 , wales J 00 Qe & | Senator Royn 15 | with asphalt and cedar shing RTT od, Ot, GOH 2 we Sherrit Gordon 5.40 ; ] 4 | . td : Sea ae 36 Steep Rock 690 |p aa Cr B dd : This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquog | Silver Miller 210 | Cr | reer ri en 7.0.98 . ard.er by the Govesment of Bitch Cobrnhi Golden anit a ee ee di ii 5S Jes : Control Board or by the Govesmment of British Colurabia, cate os pd 6.10 yiiS ADVERTISEMENT 15 NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL | Phone 909 115 Ist Ave. West 4 3 * i BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA | iaiennees