PA.UK two. Your Guarantee is the name "SALADA" It insures tea that fragrant and pure Transient Display Advertising... . .$1.10 per Transient Advertising fin Front Page Local Headers, per insertion Classified Advertising, per insertion. Legal Notices, each inertiou,. Contract Hates on Application. is fresh, Try it. . The Daily News pnixfiR ni'PKirr - diiitihh Columbia. v Published Every Afternoon, cxcspt Sunday, the Prince Hiipert iiailv News, hi mi led, Third Avenue! . II. PPULLKX, Managing Kditor. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mdntli $1.00 By mail In all parts of the British Umpire and the United Stales, in advance, per y?ar . . $0.00 To all other countries,!! advance, per year ?7.o0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - inch per insertion $2.X0 per inch 2.c per line 2c per word , ire per agate line 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day pr? ceding publication. All advertising received subject In approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday. Feb. 2, 1921. Canadian Flag Badly Needed. r There should be a hew distinctive Canadian flap. 'Phe red ensign with a partlv complete coat of arms in the corner is not sufficiently distinctive. It means nothing and is not recognized in the parts of the world where Canadian ship now travel. Much discussion has taken place at various times and among the suggestions is one that-the British red ensign should be still used but that instead of the iuconfplete coal of arms there shofild be a beaver, large enough to be clearly seMi, where the coat of arms now is placed. Another suggestion is thai the maple leaf .1 i.l i... n i:.... : n.i t. """"" "c ,,,t,C- rt mMU "'i5e"' s u-l i.m mr l....pir leu f(jI( MuU in,,rIfp, Hll l0 Hit' I ttia I ifjkt-t In tit til Ita I li u I... . i V;r.: ,v " . . -.principles or ropeci lor me)Mr .vihorlon',- v'w-.k Jposses.M , , ,.,, . While we favor the beaver as being typical of this country. ,,,., .roni imih nn.t it.e law . .''... ... vi II... m lo,.r i ,.ili;,. Hl..'.ori. ilL .r.rrw'...n ;..Zt ' . . . .'. . - . . . ' . . n unusual anymni ni lunmn vi how Ihe two could be used wjlhefcct. . ; "The coat of arms has nothing in it lo indicate that British Columbia is a part of the Dominion and for thai reason alone should not be tolerated. Olher provinces are also neglected in it. If anyone ever stopped to study it, they would gel the impression thai Ihe whole of Canada was east of the (ireal Lakes. Australia and New Zcakiml have distinctive flags and Canada should falf in line. ' . Now We Can Trade With Russia. ., Iliissia once again has real money and we- shall be able lo do business with her. It was Iho heed of foreign trade that made Die government of, that country turn its attention seriously to Ihe establishment of a new currency. (ierm.any will have lo do the same before she can return to a position where she will be able to trade in all parts of the world. There must be some medium of exchange and apparently silver add gold coins are slill considered the best by Russia. Apparently her paper money will be based on their value in redeeming gold or silver. Now that the country is back to the old method that her fathers used, she will again begin to pros- Seems Like Race , Between Countries. ' It seems as if there, is lo be n friendly race between Brilaiu and I'nited Stales for the honor of flying round Ihe world first. Ihe Brilisb gel off lo an early start in March and will go in the opMiiie direction from the t.'.S. aviators who do not leave until about April 1. Many of the United Slates i taper? refer to this as a race ami lo some extent it will be thai. Holh flights will he of THE DAIi;Y pWV8. Tturdy Friiruitr. Eloquent Address by Judge Young at Gyro Club Dinner Dealt with Needs of the Youth ! delivering an elotpteitl address last uiclil before Hie Prince iltupert iyrt Club, Judge h Young cmphaiied Ihe necessity of extending every effort toward promoting the welfare of the jtiiith and insuring it progress in llie rigid tlireetioti sti Dial Ttlit future well being of the world might be realized. While peaking along broad lines. Judge oung eited many instances when the members of (tyro individually or severally misht bring tltout these results, lie referred especially to the necessity fur proper Home me ami cieau imnir environment ana urgcii tnai resjieel for all laws of Hip lami: ' hould he sternly buj mercifully on their playground canvassinc inculcated. To Hie laller cml lie irm tiles showed dial I lit fun. I lerlared (hat no means was morels crowtus very satisfactorily ami effective than that of example. mi Hie bench. Ill Honor submit le.l Ids deduction that the fault fur youthful criminals lay in l'.iof ym at Ihe'.meeluifi and Ihe ses out of Kill from wrotip ex- troiinwiiur werp juiesi: jinnee ample rather than natural in clination. and: Tipcratie . Dial the projeet Is ineelimr with From his own Ion? experience jibe public support that warr rants. There was a .lanre attendance Notour, II. s. Iliinif Walter itale. !H. K. lUuou, Joint Don. Dr. W. Human Asset i. Kerjnn. t. H;.rnnM. .mo. i.. . In oneniiiK his address. JiidgclKvill ami J. C. "Davey. l'rinee lln- 1 . . . ' i . t .. I I.. . i Yoiitijr eouj:ratUlalrl yie uyr.t iti . n. jni ami inmiu-. . :iub of Prince lluperl on its for-;or Vancouver; Mr. .eisnn oi uuilion and sni.l thai, in its en-i.vnyox: ami .Mr. iiimiis.hi . ... leaxor for service, it would have . I orontn. his prayer. I he war hail proven Ibat loo much attention had been paid lo the natural al the expense d Ihe human asset, iiennxtnir this, Uie Ited Cross. Soeiely-aflM achieving 'great success in war activities, hail directed it effort ulonu this Hue. Other service organization such as the Htdury. Lions. Kivvani ami Uyro i:ityi liad enlisted m similar emieaor be urged that the BLACK OXEN FOR WEEK END SHOW AT THEATRE Book From Which It Was Taken Was Popular Novel of Last Year Kver since fiertrmle Alherlon' novel. "Itlack Oxen,' etahlislied itr elf a the most popular olume action of all these oryaiiiiatinus iof fj(.jon of'.j (n(.r( ,a -en be in nil uinwuoii. OOIlsiloril,,. wofl'lermenl nnd dis-Seven years of peace. Ill Honor rusuiu JH , ,(W lUf, ,0(,k mislil derlareil, had found the world m . visualized perhaps no belter a condition, ..... . t . , ... , morally Ihan it was wlnle4he w hojllw xhealrc. it will b seen for whs in progress. The -preserva- fjr;,, tjmp ,,Kaly Iini ie lion of civilization, as many writ-!f uri,m wi Mrn. ,,w lnlM., n ers had. stated, wouhl rie or fall - , ,.,.irv innv (,ni1-lw.1i j o. in the home. It wn ahsoliilely'IllHHriinU,n al)(, wfa, p)H, necessary thai ine youui ni no- ,,r0,,Priy .hrecicd irteans lo worm, uierei.ire, i.e ico in .o.- erof.n entertainment, proper direction. Three re.piis-; Splendid Plcturlzatlon lies in ine noun- werr, ..afk Oxeli. as a screen who worked, a mother who wiini , . , ,iPll. xood ami a child to be taught. It pjcfiirization 0f a uoinl. un- was a " rigid ' necessity that the usul ,lPmi.t jt a 4asi.'ical piece, of cinema entertainment . of Hie lanil. Mils leaching miouui erPB, i,i jt fr,ul, no ,ut he not alone be earned out in1 the fftn,ersalioiial l and considerably home mil in purine. t.xanipie wniesprj.jih,.. ri transferring the the greatest means of doing it. 51(ry lo 'ihe screen .Mr. Lloyd Obey all Laws has snapped up tfie action, addeil His Honor dealt al some length a touch here, a touch there and with the necessity for observing with the asislanrp of a rni of even the most minor of the laws (unusiial brilliance has given the o that Ihe whole moral structure screen version a reavUm that of the world might not be under- makes the eight reel fairly hum mined. Laws, he declared, were with excitement and human in. effective or otherwise as they terest. ware supitorted by the people! "Itlack Oxen'" lia s been pro- themselves. As long as laws were duced on an elaborate cale with on the statute books, popular or beautiful sellings and an nhno- not as Ihey mi?lil be, it was Ihe. phcre of the elite throughout duty of all lo assist in their en. yet there is nothing overdone, nw forcement. thing added for-rffec! Ihe film. Speaking of his experience with play is alt enlrrlaiumeul. and youthful offenders, the judge superb iir its general perfection, stressed' the value of mercy amlj Tha Story Mm rriiiurr nf rtnrtlln.i .i:inrn an. I t!nrllinn. flriffilli fi lnilfitnn healthy develorunent of Diet watched wilh much iuleresl by Prince Hiipert people, especiallyiyoulh. He referred to such rmlve us mis is mie ui xue poiuis oi can lor noiii ingots. While it smeuis as tne naval iirigaiie am not exactly a race, each country is anxious In be Iho first to at-boy scouts ami. pointing out that lam ine goal. . . Prince Ituperl boy srinils needed perhaps more than anything else Labor Following . . sujjahle accomodation, urged the Along Old Lines. - , " Oyro Club to extend efforts lo- The Labor (loverntnenl in Crcal Britain seems (o be follow- ward providing il. iug iirc(ty much along Ihe did lines. They realize as well as Besides Ihe address of Judge others, thai changes must come slowly, According to despatches Young, olher features -of the il would seem as .if the greatest difficulties. the government will Oyro program, were olo by find will be in curbing the impetuous .spirit of the mote -radical Charles V. F.vill and J. F.. Davey members of Iho party, me.n who caniiot see Why things caiinol and a rccilalion in French Can-bo done. It is being realized as never before thai a Utile ediica-'adian by Oym Harold McP.wcn. lion is dangerous and thai 6 will take some lime before the new Oyro W. Vauglian Davies' was' ac. found jMiwer of the mass of Ihe people becomes an intelligent companisl of the evening. l"WfP. 1 HeiMirls submitted by members Qptft CUT PLUG TOBACCO change or heart regarding the flapperish Janet, l decidedly well played. BOAT ARRIVALS Capl. Harry Nedden, arrived from the aoulh al 1.15 veslerdav iif- lertioon wilh a gooil .sized it of passengers aiming whom were many bouml for' Buckley liny per Die sleatuer Prince John from here. Tim lisf of arrivals were as follows: '' For Prince ltuierl. Dan ,es. hilt, C. O. Coles, A. D. Sykes, J. F. Shanks. C. C. Pagell, F. W. Paskins, (. c, Mfixham, P. Carr 'Burns Lake , ,, p. Wheeler 'Telkwai. Miss 0, noodle, II. McMulrle fWinnipeg), K. R. I.timl, J. Currle, ' Ledgen. A. M. Ilewlll. Song Yip (Norlh Pacific), K. J Spear, II. Martin, l tJainpliell. I,. Jessen, A. W. ftibsiin, F. Kadie, K. Forrest, Misx Cameron. II. Deplon, H. II. Flnlayson, J. ('....Sutherland, W. A. Anslle. Doug Wong, Mr. and Mr. 11. P. Ponder, Mr. and Mm. Long, Miss A M. Itaibeau, J. I'. Morris. Cliai b - M. . Iliisconilic. D. Harris. Mr. Pluyle. Miss A. Iloiri-rs. Miss L. lingers. O. Davis, ; Mrs. lieorge Little ami Misn A. Dawson, O. II. Almond. T. J. Proiise, A. NVimmI. O. llauoii, .Mr. ; Mcllale, Itev. T. D. I'nwlor (Kil-i ....... i vvauga; ami M. i.einon. I For Buckley Bay It. Topham, J Thorley, J. Ilobten. J. Walsh. I'. Davidson. F. Murks. A. L. 1 You. Mr. Keiiworlliy. Mr. Iloherls, liaison, A. .1. MrCullough, lien Martin. A. MeHarhrrn. It. M. Urifllllts, D. Mullen. K. herliek. W. .MrCullough. Mr. and Mbh, H. A. Murray. F. (Ulruml, B. Ilan sou, N. Pawn. P. Laporler, 0. Itebturher. W. K. Hodgson, II. Bull. Ld. Hose. S. Anderson. A.' MrCullough. J. Jorgeuseu, J. p. Flores, II. Little and .1. Slier inaml. I For Massetl II. II. lleynol.U. Waller W. Brown, S. II.' Miller.' Herman Brown. For Anyox C. F. Swurtz. N. F. Nelson. Mrs. Mrllugh. Mr. Mr. Dermotl. Morley Shier, It. Shaw. J. J. Thompson ami Mr. Itelyea. j For Stewarl Kd. Fernald,! Miss K. (iraliam, Mr. ami Mrs. F.. ' D. lliuMon, Mr. and Mrs. F.. Muslard, t. Johnson ami J. D. ' Watson. YOU CANNOT JUDGE BY APPEARANCE It is impossible to let) Ihe juality of le by Hie upiarunce of Ihe leaf. A rough, coarse. uii-J evenly rolleil (ea may lale much belter in the rup than a closely rolled, well lipped lea that LOOKS) much finer. The only way lo he sure of gelling leu of lelialili-quality is to buy it tea like1 "SALADA.'' whose goodness and expressed his opinion and pracZatianny, the woman of 5H who "'rity nr, gnarniUeed. lice accordingly that a jail xenwho is rejuvenuled by a marvel. tence should be ihe last resort ,ous glandular irealmeiit nnd ap- AN AWfUL iirrill AITALK iTT kPV with the young, because of u pears lo be. a womatfof 30, gives damaging effect on the future of.a splendid interpretalimi lo the Hie offender. irole. Her characler male. up in .Healthy Development lhc fm" where Zatinnny ap- In closing his address. Judge "V1:. ''-"mi'usnc.i au OF PIMPLES ALL OYER HIS FACE f'lnifile ttrrtklny out on lb lie ma im Young urged that M.pport be , l;" u,m,",, r 'Wr WlMfui M, 1,7 .i,, iur given to all efforts along the line '"' nPM 11,0 'J revelallon. and a Ihe lh4, Ih tlll0, ,,, , ,(r)p,r ttui. i-jiMi'iiuit-ii woman uer .oeauiy IS While th kln U Itm i4Jrl fit ltw il- tirk Ihe rul ! i.f Uie iliwnr i In ut 11ms rullre clrru- .ii,i,iMup, I'liwii U'UI M', I'll " " fealured wlllrMNe Crirfllb, plays!" the IjImkI "Tl "n m irrnunl .rf"u".' 1 ' lid,!,- ... . ? liln slw.niL rt the part of Cbivcnng, n cynical i num.wk bi.x.i ii'illL' newso.'iner cnliimnl.t .1 4 ... nLl ...til. il I. f r,.n '.rri.,.ii ............ ...... i..n..h. .. . . Ultlera atilrklr and I n ....... i ... . i - r.1111 ,.1........v.iJ -firr 'IIIIrH .IH l .ll.rr I ' dom and understanding and li !" diseases n 11 Mihi ta the tw.i , f.f the IriiiiMe liy rleinslnv iimI enrlrlilni Iho IiIotmI. Mr. ConriKl An.lrrsi.n, KrlfkM, Sk wrllf:-"A ynr if. i I ha.l an awrut al lark t I'lmplm. Thfy tirok mil all over my fare ami I rmilil not jrrt rlt lit llirin In any ay. One ilay a ftkinl told tne . V i. . ... .. . i"""t iir iiurnitci hi'mhi niiier ami lei t....ll. sleainer Prince riunerl.'n.. tut. . i-.i.u t- t.. , ii'Oir II I mitlrrtl a rhanite. m I Ixuiatil three nmre Ix.llle. anil now I rton'l know there la mrh a Ihlni at plmplea." Ii.n.n. la imiiuUMurf d nly hy The T Mlthiirn Co.. Mnilleil, Tnrntitn, Ont. NOTICI. MlTH'K 14 twrirby liven llwt enler will te rerelted H In ihjoii isi llw rirti-eiillt itay r viarrh, 11, at Urn nfrire r the iiiKirrnimieii, in lite i:nr .r rrinre Hutwrt, I'nrllnre i,t Mrill-h cnlnmlila. tur llie mr rha.e Ihe bnlUliiir titualeil mi Inu ) ami l, libit k "r." City of erlnre luirrt. i.. ., mid imihii r.iH'r rianmr mii, tn-reiher with liaiever ntaierul there may lie mi the preiiiliwa. Karti leiklee imi.t he arritHitmiileit t.v a cheque fir n,e aiiHUIUl of the ti-tiiler. the rieiH- u( Uie tniiM'resriil u-nilerers lll lie rcliirneil Immediately llie tiilklni I. illsi.ed l.f. I inter the rm.llloii fit this .ale il I. tiereanary that the tin IM In ar .e rriii.ivnl i nun na preM'ni sue urrnr June Jinn. UK. the Inn lo be left In a Hire ami anltary rnnrlllMi. all il. lirl to lie removed nnd all exravaili4is l lie rilled in Tlie hlthed ir any lendrr not here arlly ariepted, lllllMS w iikhxi;. (internment Aenl. rrlort Hu.rt, is.C CORBY'S W your St jfie !mm 76e Quality Whisky of Qnada Wmmxt Tin adverlisemenl is not published or displayed by Uie Lbpinr Control Hoard or (iovernment of British Columbia. Always : Welcome Sole Agent: A BOX OF Purdys Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toolhsonie IHivhl lu 9 Beautiful Box All Hues, All Prices. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Jhlrd Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUEV ANNOUNCING ' The Biggest Event of the Season MARCH SALE OF FURNITURE at - BARRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS. 3rrf Avenue and 1st StreeL Our enlire slock al greatly redto eil prices, lines for lite bargain tinnier. , SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY, MARCH 1t. BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend lh following being safe. -ntr:thl nnd of fair relurn: City of Vernon 6W due inih June, I0.1S, nl ?0S.0L Yield 5.70 City of Duncan . ilne 18th May, 10R:i, nl $101.20. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert due 0- o 0."i0, nl $I0I.:H. Ylld 5.30 n Orders may be wired nl our expense. Interest norm to dale of payment niilil l9 Jidded. We pny tlelivery rhnrge. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, XX d Head Office t VICTORIA, B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News' THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULT