PAQI FOIK. Xrw Shipment of the well-known "CHUMS" Shoes Now arrived. All siren for CliiMren and Misses. QUALITY RIGHT PRICES RIGHT. "Small Profits and Quick Upturns." Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and ' Denmark at Current Rates -of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Olii Land early. For Ticketj, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Itrcad is your best food, Kat more of II. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Oistribuling. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Sleam Healed Hoi and Cold Water Rate!) by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phons 66. TH1 DAILT Thursday. February . i0 , BRINGING UP FATHER THOUGHT TKH-i I HOC,ON! Hlf r.a. .t- c-, 1n r HCLLO k HW' r,NC!X 'CAR woouo never S cot 7 L how cSvoToMr f L Q MW AK TE i1 rrzt SrtfnL s JilS ROYAL PULPWOOO COMMISSION IS HEARING EVIDENCE , TODAY MOSTLY AGAINST LOG EMBARGO. ; (continued from page one) hut fair to admit Unit the pro. iviiirial aulhOrilies in Hie mailer (of fire, protection had put forth ;evcry reasonable effort to com-' !bat Hie menace. Whilp Hie government etTnrls had in a large measure met with success, it jwas necessary that all eilizrn (should follow up. Hie suggestion for caution and do everything in their power In safeguard Hie forests. S. J. Mcl.eod. president of the Hoard of Trade, ."poke briefly t anil introduced Olof Hanson., vice-president of the Northern H.C. Tiiubermen'. Association. Olof Hanson with respect to Hie possibility of an cmnarpo iiemg- piareii on xjuaies, Mr. Hanson said Ilia! the Oriental market for squares had been practically the only market this district had last year anil l lie industry wouiu lie opposed lo such an embargo. Questioned as lo conservalion. Mr. Hanson said lhat Hie fores-Iry department wa improving year by year in this service Humph il niiplit not have reach- ed the highest' standard of efli Tonight- Tomorrow Alright NRTabtfts (top (ick hasabch, rtliava bilious attMk. f ami rtguUU ts limiadiv erf, man you (Ml !. 'UttM Tbaa PUs Fsr Uvsr Ms" from the Prince Hupert Hoard of Trade on the Has. of material in Mr. Hanson expressed hi be., iilt. di.trirt. An embargo he felt lier thai-the north had not yel Wmiid ,e a mistake fof this coiin-reached that slate of develop- jy P expressed satisfaction at nient wlwrc it could jnanufin-lure ,,.",,r(.enl system of the pro-il own limber -resources. 5IJ vincja government in granliiiK thought that Hie . district was Vxport privileges. He doubled if amply taken care of by the pre-lan embargo wfiuld have the effect sent provincial regulations. The'f owning up .more mills in Hie timber in the dislncl was to a iiuiriel. Mr. Nickerson then in- large extent overinatured and Nidged in a, discussion at some should have been logged, otf lonth with nienwVrs of Hie rom-years ago. The longer this con-jn,isjn on the xiinl of cirrum-tfllion continued, the more de-j,,tanci., attending Hie establish, triinenlal it would be In the mcnl of mills -here a romjiared liniber industry. It was neces-,wm, United Slates. Mr. sary that market be found for i.i(-UcrMi susnesled thai export this limber and he 'was opposed regulations- might be made eeu fyi an embargo that-would cut 'niore liberal by allowing more re. on foreign counlries a Ion? as rPn hiler-of timber- lands to the country was nol in a 'position lexport a well n the holders of to manufacture itself. Answer-Hunger standing. ing a question from Jir. .nsiie m p rtlcCafferv M. 1'. McCaffery -ould mil see how anyone with common sense could favor an embargo in Ihii district at thi time. The, matter of establishing a -paper industry here mipht le further followed up tiy the government. H iWfered a good proposition. He could imiI see how an embargo would hasten the establishment of mills here. Mefore the commission ad journed at the noon hour, Dlof Hurtful i.fiillfnil mil I II 51 1 frolll ''Ito 30 per cent of the limber ciency yet. Certain pans oi uic Humding in the district was bal province might be willing lo aIll which was of no use for any . . t . . pay more Tor proiecnon jiui j olbers were already paying looj much he thought. R. E. Allen It. K. Allen gave evidence along the same line a Mr. Hanson. It was necessary that a nuirkct should be found for the over- matured Umber in the district. If il iing new mills any sooner. De velopment would come, in his opinion, more quickly through advertising the resources of the ijislrict by exporting. Mr. Allen was also opposed lo an embargo on squares and said It. Ibis con nection 1 lint squares were a fully nianufiu'luii'il and graded pro- duel anyway. Mr. Allen also said (here had been a great Improve ment in the mailer nf fire prolec Hon in tin past len years. thing else but pulp. Heside from 20 to 30 -per cent of the timber generally was vermalured und small and no good for anything else Jiul pulp. It should be man ufactured into pulp ami paper here or exported for that , pur pose. He would say (hat perhaps 75 per rent of Ihe timber stand whs not lo be a. loss it would of Northern H.O. was good for have to be disposed' of very soon. pulp and pulp alone. If Iheri' An embargo would "undoubtedly '.was. no market, Ihe Indus. handicap the timber Industry ilijlry, the province nod Ihe people this district. II would nol, he thought, have Ihe effeel of ypen- would be Hie sufferers. Under these riirumstuurcs bo fell that ian embargo would indeed be ill tdviei. . Visiting Mill Oh the conclusion of this nf lenuion's session, the commls sion will pay a visit lo Ihe sile of the present sawmill and pro- p..sei pulp mill III Seal Cove. Provincial , . Constable Harry Mai l in sailed last night on Die Prince Rupert for Slewarl. He will be back tomorrow morning H. V. Nickerson "presented to, Willi a prisoner who Ihe commission a memorandum committed for trial. For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Rne Cut has been MACDONALD'S Fine Cut BILLIARD PARLOR AND ST. ANDREWS PLAYED GOOD BILLIARD GAME The St. Andrew' (rave keen 'competition in the Prince Hupert Milliard l'arlnr in last niuhT riiy league billiard tournament and. in spile of I lie fact that they losl four out of the five. games, j I he aggregate sc. ire against Hieni was by the narrow margin of !993 lo 90. Itolli teams material-'ly raised Ihelr errenlage. Hie Milliard Parlor pom? into second , ,plaee in the standing. Individual score were: J. ltrown. 179 'SI. Andrew): ;ti. Mellnioyle, 'Prince Ruperl Milliard Parlor.. 200. J. Andrew. 200; F.. Hulch-inson. 193. S. I). Macdonald, IflH; .. Thompson, 200. M. M. McLnMilan, 170: A. Al.i-ridge, 2JIP. ' M. Andrew's 181; M. Jelirh, 200. I .en sue lows : O.W.VA. P.ll.II.P. firollo . S. or E. Klks Mainlin; to dale fol- Ylames. Tidal. Aver fTyJJ 2,. SI. Andrew's G30H 5216 0081 sxno U37 U0I 897 871 80U 829 Sport Ghat The I wo coil lenders for chain-pjoiiship in the Men's Section ol the- Fraternal. Vhil J.eagu Moose and Klk are scheduled o meet tonight.. If (he Ibey will - cinch the honors while a victory for I he Mooe will put them ahead subject lo Iheir meeting wilh the Sons ol England next week. All other teams are nut of the running for there are only two" more series of game to be played, Hesides the F.Iks. Mone game Hie following matches are set down for tonight: Knighl of FOR 'ylhias vs. (Ireal War Yrlernn Sou of Canada vs. Oddfellows; SI of Coltimhd On arounl of Ihe Hoy Scouts lance on Friday, lonighl will be baskelball night instead of In morrow. The games will not bo so exciting a I hose on Monday I .... I r.... .... .I...i.iilnfi.lilii. ..MA l. in nr no i:nuiii " I. inirni ifffltrox involved. The Knlens will play LAUltO WHIM Ihe Teachers in Ihe Ladies League, Ihe Coll and Teachers wil be heiilor League conlenders while the trolls and Mine Minis will slave Ihe. Junior League fracas. . trk tMhi ill IbbM tinouT in iw Az Lb 15 Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrrtlmnt Tkn for Lmm ihnn ROe WANTVB MOI.KH llAHHKIl COI.LKOB wants men and women . to learn the Ilarber Trade. Paid while learning. This Is your opportunity to learn a trade and set Into steady employ. tnefit. Graduates earn from $10.00 to $30.00 -per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hasting Iv. Vancouver. FOR SALE Ff)H SAI.i:. Oak dining suite. ejghl pieces, bullet table, six genuine leather scaled chairs, gemHne leather rocker, oak rocker,, leather, seal; oak library table; Hamilton lleach vacuum sweeper, lw 8 x 12 rug; set Nippon rlilna dinhes; four ' "piece walnut bedrixim diile, Sealy nialre, roil spring; linoleuu kitchen chairs. aluminium rooking Utensils, and two canaries. Phone 7 to. 51 FOR SA1.K. Power boats of every description ' Including pleasure, trolling and work bonis, at reasonable prices. Apply X. M. McLean, Cow Hay. FOR, 8AI.B Sixteen room board iiur liouw)-Ht.J store,, JurnUh-ed. Apply 929 .itiibrose FOR SAI.K. New and Ue. machinery. Hon Is and rn gines. Northern Kxchange. FOR SAI.K. Small four roomed lioue and lot on Itordrn St Apply P.O. Hot 77fi. CHy. 5: FOR RENT Modern four room flat for rent. Also office, wilh modern, tiv Ing quarters. Weslernbaver Hros. tf RENT. Furnished house. keeping rooms, 110 Sixth Ave East. Phono lihie 2H. tf Andrew's Socelty vs. Knighl LTEAM Heated Flat for rent Meaner apartments. Stephens. M. M he ring. Similar bouts will he out on al the churrli eery two week, it was aiiuouurcil. CHAMPIONSHIP NOW DECIDED The Daughters of England have iiiiw captured Ihe championship Seven l.oilinr conlesls formed Hie Ladle Whist League, to Hie feu I lire of n combination nasi nifui s giiiovs uo-y woo in iontei.-..r.iv..e loeellnir nl the III" Moosehear Legion by 0 lo Merrill Mcinorinl Metliodisl I RebekllllS defeated til" Py- rttilll'ftn 'If Itotlt'nH flAuf'tilti III A thiaii Sisters 5 to t und the ...t. it i, .i!,. ..... i i.. i... n,n Orange Ladle were uwfinil rirsl lory lime incVlesiaslical over Ihe St. Andrew's by a similar Hint a church has pul on "Pore boxing inalrlii'H immedialely af ter devotional exelciSes. There were seven bouls. voung tor- bell. former world's featherweight champion, was Hie I hint man in League standing lo dale; W. L. I), of I'. .., 8 Pylhlau Sisters .... 5 Orange Ladies I Rebeknlis I Sl.i Andrew's 3 Moosehearl v.-- 3 I I 5 5 0 0 AN UNFILLED PROGRAM I.Ms. 8 During the course of a colored I festival in a southern fowl) Miss Mainly Johnson, a guesJT from a rural rommituily near by, lo whom such n f unci bin was a novelly,. was iipprpurhrd by a Mr. Spenrer, who inquired wili sauvily, "Miss Johpson, am igrnil yo' jirogram full?" "Lonly, no. Mr. Spi'iicer;" said (lie Jily; VII lake mo' dan a san'wicli an' I I -Harpers. wo olives lo fill mah program!" AGENTS WANTED OENT8 wanted lo sell marie le measure raincoat direct lb! wearer, flood pay. Send at once Tor particular, liood-wear Hniiicoal Co.. 332, Hleury'. Montreal. Dept. 52. BOAHO. BOAKD. The Second Avenue. LOST li)ST. One gold drop earring between 018 Fifth Avenue Fast and hospital. Finder pleae ','"k reiilrn to Ii.nlv Niw DMlce. From Vancouver Inlander, 830 Phone 137. tf AUOTION SALES. Ooods Iloughl. Sold or Exchanged M. H. HEMMINGS, Auctlonttr. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Mlack 130 and Red MS. TAXI Taxi 87 Phona. (Call Oeorgs or Oust) Ross Brother. Prompt Service and Comfort 0y or Nljhl Stand: Boston Grill Third Avsnus MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesday and Frl. days, sloses at 5.30 p.m. From the East Mondays, Thursday and Saturdays, l.3n p.m. Sundays P. M. Wednesday I P.M. Fridays A.M. C.P.R. February II and 25. To Vancouver- Tuesday, Mail closes at 4 P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays A.M. C.P.R. February 15 and 29. To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier i Wednesdays . 10 P.M. From Anyos, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Fridays .A.M. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Sundays 7 P.M. From Port Simpson, Alloa Ami Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Tuesday .. a;M. To Alaska Points Februm y 1 1 and 25. From Alaska Points- February 15 and 29. To Queen Charlotte Island Points February 13 and 27. Closes 0.30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Points February II and 25, To Naas River Points and fort , 10 P.M. From Naas River Point Saturdays PRINCE RUPERT TIDE! 20:57 p.m. 10.2 ''' 1:10 u.fli. Hit 11:20 p.m. ,5.H Friday, February 29 High 9:0.1 n.m. 1 0.1 22:15 p.m. Irt.O I.fw 2:28 a.m. 8.0 ' 15:11 p.m, 5.1 WHIST LEAGUE Feb. 28 K. of P t Moose vs. F.Iks, S ad a vs. I.O.O.F vs. K. of C. March h--K. of R Son of llnglan i Sons nf Canada. March 13Sons of O.W.V.. LVagtie standing , : Mooe lleward. lftN'n" "r K. nf P. MR. TRAPPER STOPI jli.VV.V than elsewhere with your furs. you. me first and last. It will pay W. GOLDBLOOM, The Trapper Friend, Second Avenue. ,0-ldfellows K. of C ' ) 8 8 ' ! V A i f i tf it t I K n .. . ' j r BASKETBALL SCHEDULE HAS BEEN REVISED Chahgss Made Owing to Intee- I mediate Team Dropping Out of Competition ' ""V ' Owing lo the ! i ale iwfm 7'iropin g lea rile the Pruni- II ball Asftoeijtiiou Iweij revle I a f-Feb. 28. Jinn, i v. leaetier. i er. I March 3.- Jmnf V Leaf .V. Katen. S.O.fL Marrlr 7. Adame - er, High Srlin-i v. Coll. March 10. Wli ' School. Tearlo'i M ls. trills v- T. l I I. Ju" v. Ada mi' . S.Oil. ' 'Tk next gni"s t f ; u . e oii'Thnrsduy ow 1 Seoul s'danee 'ii F ' r SECOND HALF OF BILLIARD SERlu February (2U Sons of Knglan I i Marcn 3Sons of l'.ni - ,l Y. m ul a .1 .....' m lif ri. .vii'iii " i- - - 7F.lks vs. I'rin- e Hard Parlor. JO Sons of. l.nglnrit v Hupert Milliard Ifa l"r 12 St. Andrew' 1 jtdrotio vs. tii'i.if erans. 17 (M. Andrew s vs land. Ift-Ivlks vs Oroltn tl' li-onl U'nr V luiml litrimry 4 1 1- j li in Prince lluperl l(Pra l LAND ACT, . I ,. I Nellc at lnlntln 10 sppir.'". r if I L ll"- lii Oii.i Mud lUMM.'i, u , hi i.ii iiu iiorlll l.iai S r tiltnr liir llrrllllr liSllli Tui" Nnlirs that I, t n", "n KlirliilHT. inlrii.ln In. H'W I 1 . I m lli folios "if ; ' .,', mrt niilhsrlv H.liil n tiv. I'KiW' L If. . hi . a.m. MMsriri rninmin v ......niru' Thursday, February 2 Hiffli 7:H1 a.m. 19.0 fl. lnire liiw lo "ini i "TT" ,, ronuiiuiiv ill) rrf.'..''"' u." - nil' iiif 1 l Ml - Vuvi. aMN.iAND oisTmeT-o; l i. QUlI" Ili.l'T l'W.a3.l T.t. ,.llr -Vrthtll fori rt ciMiM-nts. linildi imiJ,1nr K mini: Ply for t li-sss Mf T. ,i d lIliK.! lnn.l.i UmiiiiM s' .nl ..... .i,i..i i .i . . ii.. .....ih.i ori ifl a. I cmih , . ' i) . : " Hi,:, . i.i.n.1 linrill roam ii ui"'"'" rhillM WPMKII.V; IIM'Urr i'", tnwKt I"' lliei-lv. lo low Wlr Wf"'- iir': .rf. niln MiMly si""... !!,",,. H"' Ihriirn flvi. rlmln wiuHii'i" Su i'n n...i,i mil l llMIT J'"'-' mni nr ' . ' t. j.r,lf.l Ji'r.v in1 BTSO"