WkM Vm Win! A COMMISSION IS NOW ADJOURNEDj P.O.E. Enquiry Will Resume Next Thursday Formsr Prince Rupert"Man Takes Stand DENIES KNOWLEDGE Commissioner Oalllher Not Ready to Clear Bowser and Sloan Yet VU.TOlllA. Feb. ?K. Hie Ulltrr,t SILVER MONEY New Coinage for Russia Issued Yesterday for First Time MOSCOW. Feb. 28- Husstun jctenlay ellnked hard money for be firsl lime ince (be war wilh lie Issuance of Ihe new Soirt filrr coinage. Simultaneously be ( io ei niniMit of lhat eounliy I'ed the price of nearly all stable rommodllies In order In inainlalii narlly belweeu siher and gold. ew small (colli value mpcr wan also IkmiimI and Ihe bank Wen) orib'i'i'il lo ueeenl Ihese al bar CREW OF TATJANA ARE SAFE ASHORE SI.ATTl.K, Feb, "7 of Ihe oiweuiau ml. lie expressed (be hope, however, that l!iee negotiation would be surcolully coiirune and thai the establish- al rmiunis.ion inquiring into mrt f ?raln shipping through l' : ifie Oreal Ksitern affair, at. prtici. Hurrt would be brought if. a brief session ltd morning ,uUt u a result In the very urn only one willies wn heard. rar ftsl urc Mr. Cole reaf- j'lurtieil until next Thursday fjrir, hi previoii staleinenl as v, .if it the rhargc uf Ihe provm- 0 K. Mitabilily or thl port for a Parly of dUhoiict ailudiil-1 yrain tupping mid rxprevcd .ion of rnilv,niyjmliie will be ,, ronfni.nre thai it would soon 1 Irr taken up. !t,c UM., for flint purtoe. Ihnald MrLeod, associate of, . - t iry. Web b A StewnrL on llie a hI today, denied any know-ge of campaign fund pay- U :t. lie mild be bad been em-k 'I 'd lii llie eoulraelor' office! ' some lime ami, difriog tliei W.1 bail managed OenVrAl J, W.I s wurl" affair when the latter wa .ervtng in France. The request of Kriiesl Miller, -: el for W. J. Dowser, tlnul I: Amuiisiiiiier make an in-in report clearing bi client R I Hon. William Sloan of .. e of having received bribes jii.unu faeb .wa dented, Mr. -' ire OitlHhcr iirtaiiiiK I I'll lie v bl make hi report on alt .:nige simultaneously SOVIET CLINKS PARLIAMENT IS OPENED TODAY Usual Formality Marks Com' mencement of Third Session of Fourteenth Parliament OTTAWA, Feb. '.'8. To Ihe boomiiix uf sun iim wilh the eusloinary eereinonial. Ilaron llyiii.'. jroernor-aeiieral or Canada, today formally opened the I Id i-il Mon of Canada' four- leenlli parliameul. Few rbanpes from Jal session are noted in the House of Com moil. On Hie i:o eminent side there is missing the veleraq minisler of finance, HI. Hon. W S. Fieldiuif, Mho i loo ill to attend. There i also inlin(f llie face of Sir Lumer (iouin. former minister of Justice, who i away In the West Indie seeking lo re cover lil strcnsin. me eucei of by-oleclion cbanne in Ihe re ce is seen in Ihe row of Pro nrelve who have moved down Ihe House a couple of seal lo make room for Iwo uddilional Conservatives. Afler heumiir llie speech from tln throne read in llie senate member of Hie Common re turned lo Ihe House. Afler new member! bad been introduced Premier Kin brought In the frl bill of Ihe session Unit respecting the adininilrallon of M... nath of olllce. There vere other preliminary business nfle which adjournment wa made unlit Monday when llie dcbaln on Hie address will open. ihe ciTw'nimrci fUAIp-MAM aljana, which yeslerday ' drove lo I he rocks' near Pachena I'oiul while trying lo make the entrance lu the Slrall of Juan (Id KllPfk Id f.... ...... aitflt sleainiT rUfAVLLiii viiniiuuniv OF TRADES CONGRESS inviMiV. Feb. 28. A. A. l'ur ralor moinl)cr Tor Govern ry n.i elected chairman of the v wuuy accuruiug io who- , ta.-.k,. Ti -dt 'oe, ' She GREAT FIGHT WITH OCTOPUS Seven Men Aboard Venus had Thrilling Experience FOUGHT THIRTEEN HOURS A thirteen hour tussle with u. frraul octopu. in Hie wurse or. which a member or her crew wa; twice dragged overboard and re covered only aricr strenuous ef fort, was the experience of the American schooner Venus, Caid. John llatiim, while fishiiijf 80 mile orf Seward. The Venu arrived In purl thin morning with a 23,000 pound halibut catch. Tell ing uf the experience l'.a4. Hamuif lated II was the biggest octopus be bad even, seen and that, during- the fight to .free, Ihe bual troui-il.i:luWh;t3tfwa atnaUcrj df touch aiid'BAi1''"- whether vr . i mTt v , . . a . . j i no I me era 1 1 wuuiu ic urageu under. The. first inlimatioir that any- tlilug wa wrong was when the engine suddenly slopped and the feelers of Ihe giant mjunsler lung over the side of llie craft. was iiniiieUfalely seen Ihiil a tight wa lo ensue o the skipper mid crew grabbed for knive, iie or any weapons dial lay nearby. Some of Ihe feelers of Ihe marine monster measured two feel in Hileknes and roved very hard lo sever. Dur ing the Hglil (tick larcn, one or Ihe crew,' was twice dragged over- oii n J and wa recovered only wilh great iliffictilly and nt much risk to hi reseuers. Capl. Ilainm was high in praise of the way his'rrew Murk lo Ihe right and highly commended them for Ihe heroism displayed. Afler the af-I acker hud been driven off il look several hours lo tree Ihe pro- ellor from remaining (cubicle However, this vvn finally accoinT plisbed and Ihe schooner 'arrived in pmt looking lillle Ihe worse for her experience. CUP TIE AND OTHER SCORES Football Games In England and Scotland Played Yesterday LONDON, Feb. 28, In llie third round of Ihe Cup lie series the following scores wer made: English Cup Tie Liverpool 2, Southampton 0. West llroinich 2, Wolverhamp ton W'Hiiderer.s 0. Scottish Cup Ties Partiek 2,- Hamilton 1. Falkirk 2, (JUeen's Park 0. Ennllsh League, Dlv. 1. Huddi'i'sfiebl t. Newcastle I. liirmingliam 2, Burnley I. English League, Dlv. 2. Ued 2. South Shields t. Derby , Hury 2. Scottish League, Dlv. 1. Hibernians 3, Kilmarnock I. Ayr United 2, Clyde I. Aiiilrleonliins I, Dundee 2. Hailh Hovers I, Molherwell I. Morion I, Aberdeen I. Scottish League, Dlv. 2." Klng'nl'uik I, St. Bernard's 0 AdVerlls la the Daily News. 'Or, The Latest In Restaurant. TAXI QQ BOSTON GRILL hi a hurry 1 Third Avenue. Phone J J Best of Food Good Service. H Mt Care and Bait Service PRINCE, RUPERT Private Boxes for Party Use. In tha City. Ratea Reasonable "Take Her to The Boston." L Northern and Centra) British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. XIV., NO, 50, PltlNCR HUPKIIT, 11.(1, TIIUHHbAY, FKHHL'AHY 28, 1021. rtrdtr't ClrcnUtlwi 146 Strwt ! MO. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WHEAT "'"PMENT THIS WAY SEEMS LIKELY i LAW MAKERS COMMENCE BUSINESS AT OTTAWA; FIRST BILL INTRODUCED Grain Man Has Two Experts Here in Regard to Proposed Elevator for Prince Rupert The fuel thai Charles P. Coles, of llie firm of Kerr-liiffoinJ Co.. gruln rxjMjrlerh or Portland, Oregon, following u trip Jo the irmrie lu interview grain dealers lliere. ha relumed lo Prince: lliipcrl wilh Iwo Porlluiid pluiit superintendent for llie purpose i of further investigating Ihe rUtiuliuti al Ihi orl with u view lo establishing u grain clc.vnlor here i perhaps more significant! I II LI 1 1 any Diuicineill li vis i'ioh-- m mnni inmi .n. tnc when he wn tnlerviewed Ibis tnoruiug by Ihe Daily New. Mr. (.olc arrived from Vancouver on Ihe Prince llupcrt yesterday afternoon am) the two expert" accuiiipanyintr him on- Ihi visit are C. C. Paged and J. F. Shank." of Port land. They were oul luiglil and early Ihi morning going oer Hie ground and expect lo return south tomorrow morning. Mr. tholes explained that there' were many arrangement and negotiation yet to be carried out before he would be in a position to male any definite statement on Hi" Intention of llie Interest wlileli be represent a far a (lit porl was concern- ' BLOCKING THE WHEELS. .V fHflUW ML V?K TO HAVWf TOCUW ) Time and nergy devoled lo meeting Ihe Third Party charges would be valuable just now in helping British Columbia tu gmw. Royal Pulpwood Commission A is mining hvidence today Mostly Against Log Embargo The commission opened il and adjourned al noon until, Iwo o'cloek Ihi afternoon. , The com missioner al tending were W. A. Auslie of Vancouver, vice-chair man, ami J. C. Sutherland of Clyde. Nova Scolia. K. II. Fitt- layson. acting director or forestry for Cauada, is secretary and O. II. Playle or Toronto is oflicial reporter, (tlieul Davis, son and partner of. II. P. Davis, K .('.., Vancouver, is alleinling the sessions representing limber interests ot Hie south who are op posed lo Ihe. placing or an em bargo. The witnesses nl Ihi session were (Mop Hanson, Women Riot in Chicago During Garment Workers Strike as Shops Raided CIIICAOO, Feb. 28. Slugging", slabbiugs, rioting, and loriiiiug of shoo-, marked llie opening of the strike of the dress makers' secliou of llie International (iarmeut Worker Union yelerduy. The employees walked out lo try to enforce Hie demand for higher wages and shorter hours uud unemployment insurance. Slrike sympathizer raided five establishments, which attempted lo operate, anil in Ihe resultant encounter two em-plojers were stabbed, Iwo slugged and a score of girl were k based to Ihe fire escape from whence they were rescued by the police with drawn pistols. Many of Ihe rioters were arrested. NEW MINISTER AT OTTAWA ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION MONTItliAL, Feb. 28. lion. M. I. J. Canliii, miii-isler of marine and fisli-erie. was re-elected y acclamation yesterday in the constituency ol Iticbe-lieu, Tollowing hi recent appointment a a jncin- btr ijUceleriiL.caUiiici, succeeding lion. Krnesl I.a.ointe in thai position. Mr. Lapoinle wa made minister ot Justice. THIEPVAL GOES ALASKAN TRIP Will Take Colonel Broome Establish Supply Stationa for British Airmen to VANCOUVER, Feb. 28. His I Majesty's Canadian ship Tbiep-val sail on Saturday morning w 1 1 u- vHHrtm j n too meTn A cC" of Hie Iraus-Canaiji and' transpacific lap ot the British round Ihe world flight on board. The object ot the voyage is lo estab- liyli witnril v ami nrrivi uinri iltwil u Taking as their ground lhat Ihe lumber industry r Ibis Ihi .Alaska and the Aleutian Is- diliicl in il preenl condilion for vuriuu reasons would be 7 ilands. stopping al uumhabiled injured by such a. nieauie, all the wilnees at Ihe Prince Ilu- SLU 1 1 ibli WAd NUl place. idong the route from perl session of Ihe lloyal Pnlpwood Commission this morning ixtninrn DV ronilMniMf ",aI,a"- expressed iimjualiTied di.apiroval of mi embargo being placed j IflJUKtU DI uKUUnllIlU Colonel llroomc reported that on the export or unniaiiurarliired timber. This mailer, similar; Uoday he had received a letler Id llie case of olhcr pouils in Ihe province where llie coiiiniissitjii Even Paint of Hull Was Not from IniUed .Male Secretary of has been in session, was the main topic under dicusini. I Scratched It Was Found It. I'.. Allen, (5. W. .Nickerson and . P. McCarrcry.vAOIhcr local ciliteii present ' wen Mayor Newton, who welcomed Ihe commission to the city. S, .1. Me- l.eod, president of. the Hoard of Trade. Kx-Abl. John Currie. J. W. Seolt. A. Itrooksbank, S. K. Campbell, 11. H. Rochester. I.. W. Pul more and O. Fulton. Objects of Inquiry lu opening the session of (he $riU,(M)(l or uuy other sum. Both Bowser and Sloan, lesli fled yeslerday afternoon thai they had received ' no . money whatever. Adjournment will be laken today iintil MarVli C. session shortly afler ten o'clock commission, Chairman Auslie rc- When She Docked The Canadian Scottish, Capl. li.iml. He exnree.l til oiiinion ILiimvu i viv uurtt that Hie natural resources ofi the eounlry should be used to build up it industries instead of being exported lo foreign countries for manufacture. Touching on the matter of forest conservation, Hi Worship said it wa continued on page four) McPhillips Withdraws from the Investigating Commission and Bowser and Sloan Deny Charges VICTOIUA, Feb. 28. The withdrawal uf I.. 15. McPhillips, senior counsel for, the Provincial Parly fro in llie proceedings, was llie. chief incident of today s session or Ihe P.U.h. commis sion. Mr. McPhillips und oilier counsel or the Provincial Parly regard Ihe document which gave the commissioner instruction as luo narrow, lo cover all charges. They Imped tu inquire into campaign funds. Mr. Justice (ialliher, however, held them down lo llie question .whether Messrs. Bowser and .Sloan got HOCKEY SCORES Calgary, 7; Victoria, 1. Edmonton, 3; llegliin, 0, Ottawa, ?: Hamilton, I. Montreal 0: Toronto, t. ON NAVAL COMMITTEE LEAGUE OF NATIONS (JKNKVA. Feb. 28. - Portugal and Hiimania have petitioned the State Hughe assuring him or every possible assistance being given Ihe British fliers when passing through United Slates fcrrcd briefly lo Ihe objects and arrj, which arrived in port yes-'territory in Alaska and the Aleu- scope or llie inquiry, llie com- jeny urieruouu docked sooiiltian Island. mission was charged with three unt.r her arrival and it was' The flight will slarl from particular mailers first, to r0Uiid thai as a result of ground-Crojdon, England, on March 23. make a forest inventory not only mK j Yokohama Harbor during I of B.C. but or Ihe whole or Can- ., IvoIhmiii he badT a scraleb on ada, second, tu consider Ihe pro- (he hull and she came off llie dock ponl of an embargo on export ii.u iiinruing and i now being. of unmaiiufactureil limber from loaded with baby squares for, Canada, and third, to study for- Japan. esl eon-ervalion in all il a- 'jhe Scottish had a stormy trip oecls. one of the inol important Hip 1'i.i'ifir. She uude the' LABOR REFUSES INFORMATION of which wa fire protection. A ru iK,i in ic day. While iuAgalnst Public Interest to Have full expression of Ihe views ot il, P dock she was examined by In the people of Prince llupcrt dis-',iclor Farrow tor Hie deparl- Iriel would be appreciated. nient ot marine and by W. A. Mayor Newton then welcomed Wallace tor the underwriters. Ihe euiiiiiiiinn touching in a eueral way on the problems al DCTITIflN FOR FAT Details of New War Vessels Discussed LONDON. Feb. 28. A question in the House of Commons regarding the displacement, speed, armament and cost of the proposed new cruisers for the navy brought the answer from the under secretary of the ailmii ally that it wa contrary to practieu and the public interest lo announce details now. The cruiser. would of courfe conform to the League or .aiions lor a seal on, , , , .. ... . ,..,. Ihe naval committee which i M-" re,,,P",",,tw "rot'i lV reeled by Ihe council or the' V il. w.a x endn feague ami Willi the help ot ll.e nd f :i-000'000- Si So " t,,500'00 South American countries they !are expecled lo continue the cr- I fort begun in Home to extend PC lfuf IrTlniI IN 'the principle of the Washington IL1U V 1 IvllU 111 Treaty. PROTEST TO TURKEY TARIFF COMING AGAINST OPPOSITION Ottawa Hears That Agricultural TO FOREIGN SCHOOLS Mach,n7n Vu.J ta Put PAHIS. Feb. 28. A collective' o'lTAWA, Feb. 28. Tariff ha been bunded to the duclions we reported, (n political Turkllt aulltorilies proiesling circles today to be on the govern-againsl Ihe vexatious measure ment's program for the session, recently Oik en against the, He'ductions In agricultural Im-roreign school in Turkey und plemenls are undcrslood to be declared contrary to the. Treaty proposed ami in some quarters It of Lausanne. Several French, is aserted lhat agricultural school have been closed in con-'machinery will even be put on sequence of the measures. the free list.