PAUB BIX. Just Arrived A Shipment MOROCAIN CREPES These arc of excellent quality and in exrcpliunally be-I'uming shade-? as Cornelian Deer, Opal, Cowslip, Tangerine, Majolica and Ivory. Special $3.95 per yard Wc carry Pictorial Hevic.w and Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. Wc Prepay Mail Orders and (live Prompt Service. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Cor. Third Ave. and Fulton Street. Let Us Have Your First-of-lhr-Muiilh ORDER We are positive thai we eau sae you some money. Milk, any kind, case $5.60 Flour, any kind. l Hi. $1.85 Huller. per lb 45c No. 1 Tea, per lb. . . . . 60c No. 1 Tea, per 5 lbs. . . $2.80 Economy Coffee, per lb. 45c Sugar, per 100 lb. . $11.00 All Other Groceries at the Lowest Prices. ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. East. FiveRoses FLOUR When Jluying Flour ask your Grocer for "FIVE ROSES," The World's llesl John L Agent. Ghnslie ASK FOR Woodland "The Best Butter." There Is None Better At Qood Dealers. Shipment of Flannel Dresses just arrived from $11.00 "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Bon 327. ARRIVING THIS WEEK. Another Car of Flour and Feed ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR in Jute sacks, 'J8's, only $3.50. We offer this special price on the above, which is not in cotton sacks, bill which was cyntracled before I he nfarkcl advanced and we, having lakeu over a cancelled contract are thereby in a position to tiotc for delivery cx-rar at 3.50 per i sack. See Us For Prices on Feed. We carry in slock the following: Feed Wheat, I Iran, Shorts, Feed Oats, Oatehop, Scratch Feed, Screenings, Kgg Mash, liar-ley. Ground Harley, Iievel-"npi-r. 1 taby Chick, Whole IJnni, Cracked Corn, Fine Oatmeal, clc. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 211, 281 Spring Coats In Latest Styles and Materials. Just arrived from the Cast. Low Prices. Call In and See Them. BENT'S Dr. E. S: TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blood, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hour, lUt. Phone tM. Open Evenings Only Per tptolal Appointments. TH8 DAILY N&rVB. Thursday, February 28, PREVENT GUN GREAT PREPARATIONS TO ENTERTAIN NAVAL CARRYING U.S. VISITORS NEXT JUNE Phone 376 P hone Drastic BUI to Prohibit Importation of Revolvers and Putting Tan on Home Manufacture CHICAGO, FebT8.--A drastic bill to prohibit the importation of revolvers -and placing an excise las if ?luO each on those manufactured in the United Slates except for export, introduced in the United States Senate by Senator lloyal S. Cope-land of New York, has been endorsed by (ho Michigan Audubon Sociejy, Mrs. KiJilh Mini per. of Hart, Mich., the president, has announced. The bill, largely written by Chief Magistrate William Mc-Adoo of New York City, was rc-cumineniled to the Michigan society by ils crime prevention irommitlct chairman, Joe lleally Murtt. Is Endorsed In acknowledging the society action, .Magistrate McAdoo declared that the bill has been endorsed by two international SHAl.KIl TKltFliS a1ilH-M-ri In tlv. iiiiliri nmYfHil iiitw mul Undersigned a ltd rmlurM-d "TciHlrr for', , , in' public bniidiur. kimi.M, B.C. win be re- h 'he American IJar Association reived until 12 'clock noon, Thureday, .....n n ,-,. YnrV im!-f :imi " a 10rk Ju,Joe aml March 13, 1824, for I lie construction of a, public uuiiumj- at kaiutuop.a B.C. . 1 1 lie Iliavor. minion win al be accepted an M-curtir. or war bond and cheque. If required to uuke up an onj amount. By order, L. II. COLMAX. Secretary. liepartiiietii of Public Work, i'IIiwi, lebnury t. I9tl. CANCELLATION OF REItftVE. . .NOTICE IS IIEREtTv GIVEN that the reserve eiNiing over Lot ill, Queen Char- ne HUM uiMrlrt, ts cancelled. G. II. S.UiEN. Deputy Miniver of Lands Land Department. Victoria. BjC.. J8tb January. 1971. ! Those opposing it. he said, arei ?f ?.- :V"lh"r- TP"''.''". V .'. "an illo-omi ti.r- iic wuiii, tiruiria, n.u, ine cierg u - - "I Work, l.epartnienl of Public Work, common, that a lavv-abidillg Citi-Vaurouver, B.C.. aud the Caretaker. Pu.ti .... , . . orrire uuiidinr. laniioop, B.C. . ixen armed witb a pistol meets an Tender will not be con.lderrd unle' n,,.. i,i,,i. ....,., .,',,.., I,,, tnadc on Ihe form eupplied bv the I m-part- outlaw. Illgliwa) mail or burglar ..?-!!rr"rd"nr' "ul1 ih cwniitiou;0ii terms of equality. This is . Karli lender timet be arruiianled br an absolutely not so. In declared. iir iu hit iirorr m tij .-millMcr (l I'UDlic ' .-.-.-.y. - ..,..... Work, equal Ui I p.e. of tlie amount of!,...r,.'i ,niriiri I im he vii-llm in in Pdrl" urpris the lender. War Uian Bond of the Oo. Or outdoors and I challenge op ponent of the proposal to give the number f rases wilhin the last ten years where the arinel citizen has prevented the burglary, hol the burglar, or deter-; red the highwayman from carrying out his purpose. Common as Lead Pencils "Pistols are as common id the United Slales as lead pencils! Then are more people in tin' United Stales carrying pistols or. possessing them, outside the TENDERS WANTED. Tcfidi-r will Im- rn'c.e1 h III llltv of ' PrliM e liuperi for Itw pure ha- of lxt 1 1. Iilork J. M-rt D. i.oi 3, worn 3. sec tion 7. anj l.ot IU'm k i. section C. Tender to be In trw office of the i:ity ;i:ierk, markel "Tenders for l.ols" ihI later man PJH Mwnuy, Marrn 3, lJI. Tlie hlrfi"t or any tender not nece tarily acrrpted. E. K. JoES. Clly clerk. Unreserved Auction Sale March 1, 1924, at .'J p.m. sharp at our Auction Rooms On Third Avenue We will .sell as follows:- - Double lied and Single lied complete, Kitchen Tables. Hocking Chairs, Stoves and Manges, Morris Chairs, Cenlre Table, iHessers, Kll-c-Iii-m Cabinets, Ilahy Mug-gies ami Oo-Carts, Washing Machines, Cat pel Sweeper, trolling Hoards, Couches, Mugs and Cloth Driers. Prince Rupert Exchange Auctioneers P.O.Box 45. Phone 652. EGGS Slriclly Fresh, per doz, 40c 3 doz. for $1.15 Swift h- Premium Ham . . 3$o Swift s Premium Uncoil 43o FARMERS Marie Phone Blue 428. . I 1 I I in 620 Far lit tttraft tltut fiptt vitk rxttjt flttk fwth JistriiultJ. L9 tutt nil tUuic instntt lo-S, ftxiUt tkirU WHti or fink tiils ttut 22-36; SSJD0 A model rhit wid (rive you day. iatatt-dayHxit comfort. The tentle maWftiK action ol th StM-Reduciiur Str craduallr rliminatn cacm Hnh. ao that eventually the AW beaxnea per nuncoUir lifhtcr and smaller. Oac try 4 Stmt W yu'B mtvrr tknf." M Sold III 1'rlnrr rtui-rl rrlu ivrly by MBOUR mno. Mtd, r KOrS DROS.Limitrd,Toronto armed forces, than in all the rest of the world. There are mori' shootings ami Killings willi revolvers iu the United Slafes than, jn all the countries of hurope, Asia and Africa. I "After we have taxed the pis- . ..... ioi out or exisience as iar as possible in the United Slales. we il I then lie in a position to deal with crooks. SCORE OF ROBBERIES WINNIPEG TWO WEEKS WINNIPF.O, Feb. the last two weeks bandits have been for approximately 28. During thieves aud responsible a score of calls to ascertain if the occu pants of the cuites were at lionu'. If they gained entrance and w ere interrupted. I hey posed as canvassers foi; inagailnes or articles of various descriptions. LEFT FOR HONEYMOON WITH HIS FATHER NLW YOllK, Feb. 28. Theo dore Wulp, vice-president of the North Avenue Hank, New Moeh- elle. and Mrs. Sophie Lake of No. 27 Loreuz Strecl. were married recently in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, New llochelle. As they were leaving, the wedding procession was iillcrriiptrd by Franklin Pierce Wulp, son of the bridegroom, who drew his father aside and told him that three days previously he and Ida Sophie Lake, n- bride's daughter, had been married iu the same c lunch. Moth collides went to I lie .Wulp home, where a double reception was held, and they all four left jfor a honeymoon. ORDERED HER DOGS i TO BE CHLOROFORMED NF.W YOKK, Fell. 28. clause directing that several pet dogs be, choloroformeil is contained in the will of' Mrs. Olivia C Lakeland Dunn, tale of Stiiiiiiilll. NJ., which has been filed for iTrobatc ,tumP al i-.iizahelh, NJ. Mrs, Du who died on January 31, had several pet dogs on hep estate. Her will provided that they should not live lo run the risk of neglect or mis treatment. Her' husband, " Hailhnlomew Dunn, i left a monthly Income, from the eslalc. BIRTH A daughter was born this morniinr at the General Hospital o Mr. and Mrs. A. Haines, Fifth Ave., Wesl. Mr. and Mrs.V Joe" Brown, aro 'sailing by lb?-steamer Prince illupert tomorrow mornjinr for IVancouvtn- ui; a holiday tj-ip. Victoria Proposes to Spend Twelve Thousand Dollars In Giving Squadron Good Time YICTOltlA, Feb. 28. II Is ei- pectrtl lu spend the sum of l-.- 000. here in enterlaiuing the officers and men of the big naval squadron which is scheduled to arriv e lu-re on June 22. The I Nonunion government is lu be asked to provide one third of this amount, the Provincial government oiii- fourth, the city' of Victoria one fourth and the remainder vv-ill be apportioned aiming the adjacent municipalities. The entertainment will include, among other things, a big reception on tin day or arrival, Navy League luncheon, big bal. racing events at Colwood, naval and military field day. regatta ami sports, smoker and dance t ar. iiHiries. Indian races, aud drives around the district. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IWiliY ISLAND.- Dark, cloudy. light east wind; barometer 30.-00; temperature 3"; s(.tt smooth; I a.m. spoke steamer Prince llu-pert uIii-iimi Lucy l-lund northbound; Id p.m. out steamer ll'iinp- John southbound. DCAD TltKi: POINT. Cloudy; Calm; barometer 2'.. 75; tern- Iperalure 32: sea smooth. MILL IIAMIlOlt. - Cloudy: southwest wind; barometer. 30.-10; temperature 31; sea moderate: 7.15 ii.iu. steamer Camosuu left Alert Kay northbound. Noon DllillV ISLAND Overcast; light southeast wind; barometer 30.00; temperature" 37: sea smooth. D11D TMIir. POINT, -a Over cast; light soptheasl wind; O.iro hohj-iips and robberies in Win-;neler 2y.t.2; teiiiieralure 1; sivt nipeg and suburban districts, sinoolti. police records show today. Some' MI'LL IIAIIMOIl Overcast: of the bandits operate in motor'Halil easv wind; barometer 30.ui: er. wliile': others are of the leiitperulure 18: moderate swell; tedcstrian variety. A nundier of robberies have been committed by thieves wlio first smashed tlie windows of stores on the principal street of the city with bricks. I hed' reached in and grabbed whatever loot was available. The police have also received numerous complaints - of robberies in apartment (docks, the thieves making ' telephone lug Lome H.t'lQ n.uu abeain Oreen Island northbound. Rllharrlh fne H,a (lallr New. SYNOPSIS OF UNO ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreaerved. aufvejed Crown landa may b ir.ropid b; llrltlab aubjact over II yeara of as, and by aJlana on dtclarlnt Intention (o baeom llrltlah aubjecta, conJl clonal upon raaldenc. oecupauon and Improvamtnt tor atrlaultural porpoaaa. 4 l"u!l Information concarnlnc reju-allona racardlnc pra-emptlona a Ivan In Bulletin No. I, Land Herlaa. 'How to Pro-ampt Land," coplta of eblcb can ba obtaln4 fraa of chart 1 addreaalnc the Department of Unda. Victoria. H.C, or to any (lot -rnment Aunt. Haeorda will ba framed coverlnt tny land aultabl for agricultural purpoaaa, and which la not tlmbr-land, la, earrylnj over I.OOt board feat par aero waat of the Coaat Rant and I.O&o faat par aero eaat of that Rant. Applleatlona for proemptlona are 10 ho addreaaed to th Land Com-mluloner of th Iand Raeordlnc t vlalon. In which th laM applied for la altuated, and aro mau on print! forma, eoploa of whlrh can b obtained from th Land Commlioner, rro-emptlon muat be orrupletl for flro yara and Improromentt mado to value of 110 per acr, Including cteartnc and cultlratlnr at laaat Ave 1 acr, before a .Crown Orant ean ba racalved. Tor mora dotaltad Information Ih Hullatln "How 10 Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applleatlona ar roeelvad for pur-thaa of vacant and unreaerrod Crown landa, not bain tlmbartand. (or agricultural purpoaea; minimum prlc of flrat-elaaa (arable) land I It par arro, and aecond-etaaa (grating) land 12.10 per acr. 'urthr Information regarding pureheae or laaa of Crown landa la given In Hullatln No. It, Land Sarlao, "Purohaae and Leaa of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or lnduatrlal altaa on limber land, not aieeadlm 4 acre, mar ba purchased or loaaad, the condition Including payment of HOMESITE LEASES l.naurvoyed araaa, not oiraadtng it acrea, may b letaed aa homaaltai, conditional upon a dwelling belnz erected In the flrat year, title being obtainable after rtaldenc and Improvement condition ar fulfilled and land ha bn aiirvyd. LEASES for graalng and lnduatrlal pur-poata araa not iedlng I4t aero may bo laaaed by on paraon or company. QRAZINQ Under th Orailng Act th Prov. Inc la divided Into (raxlnr dlatrletg end th rang admlnlatrd undr Orating Commlaalonar, Annual grailnr parmlta aro lud baled on number ranged, priority being given lo eatabllahed ownara. fUoog-ownera may form aaaocUtlona for rang management. Free, or partially free. I'trmlte ar available for ttlr .ampr and trtvellera, up to te bead. The House 376 of Quality Evening Slippers Our new stock ol KvniniK -Slippers h,,, arrivei? Ask til sfti tig i"roio ." STYLE PLUS REAL VALUE. This seiisonN newesl footwear. KeinniU' turn,, with full covered Spanish or French hee, Clmi' C of in K suliii with black uetle trim; Idark kid with k trim; Krey sued' willi jfrt'y kid Iriui; alo Hit! n, A- .g Cabin Huck with kid Iruniiiing to uiuli-li: all sizes .,inj f tings lo assure u pi'rfect fit. Price Per Pair $6.75 to $12.00 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Shoe Department. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 "ThrNth Commandment" An addition lo the unKinai ten A storv : ' shop girl eager for a good tune, a llashy lining, anxious lo give il (o her and the hoy thai rr.iih Pretty, hard working, a deiartmeiit slort ninth Couldn't Maine her if her heart rfavl gaiely .. : craved jazz. Horn lo lie loved. sweHiOHnl lni and jazz- stun k, see what hc did under her -n, intense heart t heart pholo-ptay. James MorrUon, Colleen Moore and strong ul FOX NEWS-QA2ETTE. Admlitlon 35c and l&c Bath Room Fittings Towel liars. Soai Dohe. Tiimliler ui.l T " Holders, -Soap ami .Sponge Holders, Tooth Hi" " 'i H ;r Hooks for Hie Hath Untie. Mot Uter HotKe u . J r. f Slrop, Whik mid Hrosh Holders. el-. Kvery pierc guarante d. how on displ 'v in w KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box It is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival o( our Spring Millinery These new .Sprintf Hals embody the very Newest Ideas and Styles Tlie latest shades aro also lo lie seen m Uiee lri"t Models. And tfie prices are its usual very rt'itsoiuible. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone G45. Corner Third and Stit