IF A Request Places You Under No Obligation. t C.P.R. Paying C.N.R. Deficit. It is stated that the C.P.R, through its taxes has to pay a quarter of a million dollars a year on the deficit of its competitor, (he Canadian .National. That seems hardly fair. It would seem as if the fact should make the C.1ML anxious to help the CN.R. to a financial condition where there would be no .deficit so they would not be called upon to pay any part of it. Care Should Be Taken - In Making Investments. Peole who have not much money should be careful how they invest. Yet those are the ones who usually squander their small savings in such a way that they bring no returns. The big investor has experience and invests i that he gets results. " Many people with small means invest their rash just because some clever canvasser talks them into it. In ninety-hide cases out of a hundred the slock they buy is worth just the paper it is printed on. They never get any dividends and they never get their money back. It is a good policy to refuse to bus- stock from any outfit that is hawking it around the country. If U were really good they would nut have to do thai. There have been many canvassers come to Prince Rupert at different limes but, so far as we have heard, the people who paid out their good money have never got anything in the way of dividends and the stock is not saleable. Take Good Advice . ' Before Buying Stock. . ' Most people are not competent lo invest their own money. Kven men who have made money in business usually fritter away 'their earnings and seldom make wise investments. The safe thing to do is for a man to go to his banker and ask his advice. It is his business (o keep in touch with business affairs and he usually knows whether a stock is likely lo be worth buying. Most bank managers are quite willing to advise their clients and their advice is worth a great deal. Difference Between Investment And Speculation. - . Most new companies are speculative in character. It might be said that practically all new companies are speculative. Mining ventures are speculative. All these should be .entered into only by those who can afford to lose the money. Those who have little should be more careful than those who have plenty but the opposite is usually the case. Victory bonds and good stocks thai are now paying dividends are usually safe. These can be nnr-' chased through any local dealer and can be sold again if the money is needed. Cash put into ventures in which travelling salesmen ore implicated can never be sold unless the company gets iiibj a position where it pays good .dividends. '.Companies Mini hm ri,, .l.wl ;.. Il.ol ...... 1- -!! :'..!' . v. , "- uj iie iu nay jargenwrnra $ioiisiior. . niv ntu..n aim mc nuiiunappea irum ine neginnlng by this iaci. Rupert People " Looked On As Easy. ' 1 .1 , . . Some Prince Rupert people have made their money, easily and they pari with il Ui the same way. They are 'looked' oh as easy murks for the salesmen. Some local people have b.eeji practically ruined by the wily salesmen who have come here from the outside and loaded ,on them their useless certificate. Some have, failed lo pay (heir local bills because they poured their money into the coffers of the sharpers from the south. We know of many cases where this Irue. was Because of il we warn local people who have made a few dollars lo invest il wisely and 1.0 lei themselves , ge, ,,y exr,erl sa1esrn.e( whose one ajm is to sell the stuck and draw the big commissions for doing so. TIIK most object ionable Ihinjr about many homes is (he color of the sofa cushions. THKHK are cushions for use Ami cushions for show, But the ones (hat I hate Are all stuck in a row. JUlXll.xn by the sort of men girls marry, il is quite evident that love is hlimi. vacation. J. 1). Halloway and It. S. Sargent of Hazelton were business visitors in town the fore pail of this week. Mrs. M. K. Lynch, a former resident of Smilhers has return ed afler residing in soul hern climes for t lie past year or so and again intends to make her home .Here. ..Mrs. Lynch is al present staying with Mr. and Mrs. YV. J. O'Neill. Again the prosjiecls of a pleas ant varation has appealed lo , couple of Prince Iluprl citizens, and with this in view Mr. and Mrs. Harry Birch arrived on Wednesday morning's train lo spend a few days with friends in Ihe lowh and district. Farm produce from Ihe farms around Smilhers seems to be in good demand at present, as there is a steady stream of teams hauling hay, potatoes and other products to the railway yards for shipment to outside points. Archie B. Mclnnes of Norlh Bulkley, was a business visitor in lown on Monday and at Ihe same time renewed acquainl ances with his daughter Ivy who s slaying in Smilhers and at tending, high school. There was born at the Smil h- Crs hoipilal on Tuesday, Octo ber tVa daugtai1rv -.In Mr. and X!iay . tr' f !mi!llif Ilr.nulkn , James K. Kirby, mining re corder ami Registrar of the Sjupreme and County Courts, is again al work in his ollice this week after a vacation of Ihree wevks spent in the coast cities of Vancouver, Vicloria and The Terrace lumber king, (leorge Little, made one' of his periodical trips to Smilhers on Tuesday lo confer with his local manager T. A. McMarlin regarding business interests here. II is reported from Ihe local Oovernrnent nfllres that a tax YOU WANT THE LATE8T INFORMATION THE LATEST AND THE BEST PRICE ON German Bonds and Marks Write VANCOUVER SALE8 CO. 618-817 8tandard Bank Building, MO Hastings Street West, Vancouver, Canada. l.f Friday. Or lulu I 1 i PAGE TWO THE DAILY IHTTTS --------n I . J , , 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1.1 il ll 1.1 The Daily News j The Man in the Moon PRINCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. 'I a. : ST IO '1 J Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince THKHK are two big elections Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. going on, one in Britain and t lie H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. other in the Slates. Hut what do we care? We don't have to lis-d L ' AZS ii did Advertising and Circulation Telephone 3 ti'ti to 4he speeches. Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - M III just as soon live at a SUBSCRIPTION RATE81 hoarding house as dig the stuff out of cans myself, City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month fi.00 By mail to all parts of th? British Empire and the United States, in advance, per ysar $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year 17.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ' 15c per agate line All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. -. . . . . .!!!' DAILY EDITION B$P Friday. October 7. 1924. .,f. I AM about to move a vole of censiye on the editor. He has nol yet advise) the people of Printe llupert lo do their Christ mas shopping early. SAYS the gossip: Oil for a thousand tongues lo I el I Of blackest dcMs of lowest hell C. V. liinghatn who has been relieving Mr. Mitchell Tor the past five or six weeks ut the local Government telegraph office has moved to Telegraph Creek where he has accepted a permanent position in the service. V. P. Dunn who was relieving at Burns Lake this summer Is now installed in the office here and will be in charge until ahoul the end of the month when Mr. Mitchell s expected back from Ms ' I l fflllii I III S 1 Ml If l&ipEpi , , i J Jllll .': ' j J:l- SMITHERS f I I I j j I II m jf if '"IP 1 j ! 1 !'!; , P! !; ,:r,i J r ? ! ' 11 11 11 1 inn iMiiiinny 11 11111 i-n irii ihi irf. niiii iiiiniiiu 11 iiiiy 1 mini io'I'v'1' 'i!l ; '' ' 1 sale will be held next month ltolh for mineral claims and innd. Lois in Snii!lirs village are to' he fncltvled in Hie saliOhis year' and there is likely to October 17, 1914. ENVOY TO TURKEY TOKIO. 'Oct. I,',. Japan will establish an .emhaxsy io Turkey vllli)n- Hit next year.'fiw that Ihe treaty of Lausanhe has come Into effect through ratification of three of Ihij four allied signa-lories, Jnpan. Italy and Oreat Britain. The Krnbassy probably will be located Hi Angora and is expected Ut advance Japans' Interest not In Turkey alone, but also In Persia, Arabia and Central Asia. Special Showing of "BILLIE BURKE" DRESSES In TWILL, FLANNEL and SILVER SHEEN Tastefully designed in latest styles. Prtfces range from $8.50 to $22.50 DEMERS' hone 27 P. 1. Box 37 TERRACE NOTES lir. tirant of Prince Huperi tie very "pent a few days of this week a 'ecn bidding for some of the ''Is summer home here, parcels. i ' j .rws iius jusi rc.iriirii iifrr in 1 - .. n the death of Itoiiald Kllwood, j m ir agpl five, from infantile puraly 1 ell YearS AgO j sis. Mr. and Mrs. Friti Kllwood. 1 in Piince Rupert I t lit pareQls oT Ihe child, are Wi ll . , left recently .-1 H known, having just The federal govern men I is about to start Ihe construction of a large lighthouse on Bouilln Island. Conlracl for Its erec-jon has been let lo W'eldon & Talbot of New Westminster. It is said that a high powered light will also be put on Triple Island where the Prince Albert recently stranded. II is already being anticipated what will happen to Oermany's possessions in case of the Allies heing successful in Ihe flreal War. Alsace-Lorraine will undoubtedly be relumed to France; 'he Herman colonies in Africa will be taken by England and France and Ihe German concessions, ii China will b returned lo Japan. Furious storms have been raging Ihe past day or so in the city and district. All telegraph wires are down. after a couple of years residence here. Thet are al present on the prairies near Wainwright, Fred Bishop has inslnlled another engine at Ids lighi plant and the light capacity is now doubled. The station has recently been wired ' and Terrace should make a heller impression on those passing through. - ft. L. Mcintosh who ha been in Terrace for a few days relumed lo Prince lluperl on Wednesday. Br. Wrinch who accompanied Premier hlng and his parly to lluperl, on Sunday, spent a couple of days in Terracv.on bis way back. Mr. Pros! on Monday.. left 1 for Smilhers llev. Mural I lean Marsh held service in Pacific Tuesday even ing. Chas. IL (iilherl left for Prince fieorge Tuesday on business. - Fred McOregor of Ottawa, Mr. Mackenzie King's private secretary, spenr (lieVeek end in Terrace as Ihe guest of Mr. ' artd Mrs. Frank Boss. - M m. Danhauer, Miss Klsio Dauhauer and Miss Dewar of Copper City were in town on Wednesday. II. Harlow, roadmasler, was In lown on Wednesday. The, bridge is now connected and safe though it. will still be some weeks before passengers can cross. COURT ORDERS WIFE MAKE ROOM FOR NEXT VIF.XXA, Oct. 10, Vienna still struggles with problems arising rfoin housing shortage, and every now and then tonne new phase of Ihe situation draws public at tention. Just now il is Ihe question of accomnichclions for divorced perjons. Apartments are so scarce that In a great many cases divorced couples are compelled lo go on living under Ihe' same! roof. A man in such circuin-! stances recently went to court to compel his former wife In movo ' away as he wanted In marry again. The judge ruled she should go. fT T m I I I I I t I T I T 1 I 1 1 1 ! I j I H II I fTTTTTTTTTTTTT h fspj I Ali h Mum I E M I j3ft . jP 1 I P I " I m'mmmmmmmmmmmmT I Less Time and sweeter, cleaner clothes one wtnts to spend sn unncceitary minute at waihini clothes, so wise women will uto Sunliht Sosp. It has a sure, fentle wsy of domd the waih that no ordinary soap can equal. The blend of Nature's Finest Oils 4. in Sunlifht caute St to lather richly In even hard water and jive it wonderful cleansinf power without hurtinf hands or clothes. It is a pleasure to use Sunlight the purest laundry soap in Canada. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TOnONTO mmmm Despair from Eczema I ronr far. or hody dlifiruml by tlcml.h. I tt Are you tuCtninf Hit Itchlnj tormral Urn II tmtnwnt )ulck, arrt, prrmancnt a powerful, yrt mild and aooUjina liquid. The formula la raibliilied your phyrktan Ul recosniie tlie hralint atrnta abora all thf rare Imldo T.U.U.M.H.C. To hare the akin cooled and refreshed 4 liave tlie eruptl na dluppeu. Thla asrnt, beantlful In color, aoft, of pleatant odor, imoulUa and clean Uia moat linslihlly skin.' (IIiil Sil.JCiilftliri4i tn-laife 1 1 1 1 e W. linuiH D. D. P. The Sni bottla r-lMT.aary.araiOB.ybuk. $1.00 a bottla. tny d. d. d aoAr too ORMIS LIMITED LAND ACT. Qu.n Ch.rleu. i.li, land Dl.trlst. Omrlct of Print. Hup.fl Tki' .iin, dml I, - ,ni'"-l -ip M!WU. III,. , , niMt,,,!! .l , Iriul. in aiilt ri,r 1.111, ii, 11 1. Iiillnttinr (tfrr1t(l lnml.4 I nlliim ! l"itl rl.lllfrt iw.l IImi ..iillllM.I nM-u i.i.iui. ami tiirn, . t .in" 1IT llialk; llH-lnr f.,,,Vljt I. i nurk in a in.rOicirh ttirn-ii laiicr or mi i ImIm. , Hnittl; nmi rly 5 i'lialii; Uiiiht i.uiTwri -'I miln in i ,,r innm'fv'i'i '(iilainii( t:. a. ir. n- i i SVMI Kl, IMI'SiM MH NOTICE. Triidrra aro Ii.tiI.v iHit '' . tnr eit.rli r i.r iii i n...r, i .. , 1.1 . two mat. lad ami oil in .iirv, Ti'ndiT. li,, iiui lie addri il 1" " rrmv ami uill im-imU l Wiliii'div, orturw yjmi ii V. WII.KIS TrliM-r -ltii . TIMDER SALE x C655. Seili. TmuliTK will bo'fvrvrtl b OKlrlrt turcBii r nol lairr Unn n- .1 , Um Snl day r Niivwhiht, IDiIrt ' . IMirrhaw i.r l.irriira x rtr.r. r. Ktinnlaln I.U kllliual Arm, r,u, 4, (,, ,n iy,u.' i'.j";. "J. 1l.Tt.lm k. nal.1.1, si" : 1 .ZU," i., y,,"r w"l "W' ' " r mom of timiwr .t',,t,,.l,,p l'Mlnilrii or Urn . in. ' f . , r.r, Vlr',",'. r Urn lilHli-K I V red". iTIma lluperl, II.C.