I October 17. 1024. Who Can Write A Good Ad? We will give 11 prize ut a I. aily or i'iilloimiifs Watch ml, nlioiit our business. Yoii don't hovt Id buy anything, nd, tiiusl lie suitable to use in Uii itinl handed in before. November 15. Vim iiiny writ iiImiuI one nrtiele, ';,-- of guinl, or Hie whole s, k. lore, or why our tiuv i Hie bcl i Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Comn of Canada Limited any Jewelled 1 1 1 - best Iml (he spare, ne .in. or any uuier unug oii wiIi. ll need delmls . ail or price-, m anv In,, or one if (lie lace to v., BULGER& CAMERON Lid. ladies! SMS Ladies! Dress Goods WONDCnrUL RANGE of materials and patterns AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES at West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. lO 25 !' Local and Personal Hayners, Undertakers, Phono 351 - -'-H.C Undertakers. Phono 41. TAXI and Messenger Service. Phone C78. tf Drink and Ins merry but drink "blJPItKMF." ColTee. If Annual Mooseheari Hall. Au ' dlUirium, October 28. L'iO - Joe Greer left last iiiglit on the Prince John for Stewart on a business trip. Don't forget Colts' Invitation Danco on Friday, October 17 In Elks' Home. 215 . Fifty boxen fancy ( ti inn s Golden apples, $2.20 per box. F. W. !oereh. Mr. and .Mm. Alex H.y (ailing thin afternoon on Princes Mary for Victoria. Mr. and Mr. H. Mo.-l.iila sailing tomorrow' night on Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Hl'l' till- a the K. L. Mcintosh fa leaving in ai lay or mi for Toronto on a bus- mess trip He expect lo be bark before Christmas. Jack Prince of (be trawler G. K. Foster is Mailing (bin after- liiooii on the Princes Mary for Toronto on a holiday trip. . .- Mis. It. J. Malheson, who went "iitli recently lo attend the funeral of Im-i father, William Vol'. at Victoria, is expected i home tomorrow evening. Dominion Constable K. (i. N-wnliam returned on (he Ven ture last night lo Kincollth after 'hating "pent a couple of days in 1 lie city. 1 liati-ayer Association bTHiUal ; . .MHTal meeting, Council chain- Iimt tonight at 8 p.m. All pto , piTiy owner invited to attend. jKlectiou of oftleers etc. i Mr-. R. W. tunnell of Smith li-r It-nv on tonight's Irabi for Monin-iil wlipn; , she wijl spend Mi- winter. She Nll return Ir lo r ranch at Stnilhers in thf -l.ru.K. . - I'iixi'iik'ts iMHiked to sail h: j tin- -iintti on Hie Princess Mary I tin- a 1 1. -r aeon include Mrs. C. ft. ' Kirn. A. ii. Thrower and lr. M. ll". Lucas for Vancouver; G. W. I.I ln -ionc and Mrs. W. liilehrist: to return lo tor Iti-M-Ninkc; Mr. Prince for I.., -mi... Mrs. Mill for Seattle: Mr .i 1 1 . Mrs. ,. Roy for Victoria. .1 X.SHnaHasVlMrBHIHnUH'IrrV fSV I sH fW m K3H3A IM I I m i for 15 35 fill IHW' "WMM".'lm,s7'T I THE DAILY NEWS PAOE TimEfc SUCCESS in "balling" is assured. when oi ttsc It contains no alum and leaves tio bWter i asf e Mrs. W. Gilchrist sails (his afternoon on the Princess Mary for Hevelstoke where she will re present the loral Pythian Sisters l(dgc at a convention lo I," held in that city. (i. W. Jolostone is sailing (his afternoon ou (he Princes Mary-bound for Hevelstoke where he srill represent the local Knights of Pythias Lodaw at a provincial omentum to be held then. George W. B. Fletcher of Phil adelphia, president, of the P.II.C. Junes i.ia., arrived from Masselt last night and 'registered at the Prince Huneft UqJcL He will go south on the Prince Huper tomorrow night. Mrs. Mills of Rookiinc, who has been here visiting her son and riangt.:er-in-taw. Mr. rind Mrs. C, C. Mills, Waldron Apanments, "js sailing mis auernoon on Prinress Mary for Seattle on her return home. Mrs. M. E. Fulton', who Was been visiting in' the elty with her son and daughler-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton, is booked hrr li'ime in (he south on Iho Prince Mupert lo-morrow nigbt. Motorshlp Bellingham, Capl. ln William, was in port lasl nlgbl unloading 1200 cases of salmon and 135 boxes of frozen fish from Ketchikan for trans shipment East over the Canadian) National Railways. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hutchinson md family, Allin Avenue, are leaving by tonight's train for i Montreal where, on October 21 IMiflg will embark on I he learner ' Montcalm bound 'for Hnfrtand IMr. Hntehinson will he back in the course of a few months 1ml ,I.iiBrnn Haiaar, December 2. MUropoK llnll. " , -. - iff mtt (10 dia pter I.O.D.H. Hallowe'en Ten and Sale Odobcr25 "un )lmv Serenade in Ib'efer, .Mcinotinu uiiurjeii, Nov. 0 and 7. M00S14 Hazaar, Nov. 18 and 19. BAZAAR WAS BIG SUCCESS Catholic Ladles Realized $2,000 at Annual Affair Winners of Many Raffles The proceeiJs of the annual Catholic Itazaar which came to a close last evening are estimated at 12,000 il was announced this morning. The alTair, concluded with an informal musical program. The drawings for the various prizes and raffles were the featrue of the evening. Father McGrath, in a brief address, thanked all those who had contributed towards making (be alTair such a splendid success. The grand drawing was presided over by Hen Self, (be numbers being drawn by little Miss lleale. The winners were as follows; First prize, $50 Victory Ilond, donated by Richard Council of Shames, won by II. Iloss of Port Clements, ticket 385. Second prize 435 in value, donated by John Dore, won by Makaha Tokio, ticket 205. Third prize $25 in value. donated by Iliuh MeEacheron, won by Mrs. II. (iillis. 2CG .Ninth Avenue Fast, tickel 33. Fourth prize $25 in value. donated by W. Hearst' of (he Canada Itailway .News, won by Master Krichella Antonclli. tickel 1173. Fifth prize 20 in value donated by S. O. Ouinn, won by Miss C. I.. Pollard of Vancouver. tockel U08. .Sixth prize $15 in value donaleil by Wilfrid Kelly, won by Krnes( Jabouz, P.O. box H55 lickel 7CI. Sevenlli prize "$10 in value donated by P. (Ilaizola, won by Miss hvelyn Vickers, tickel 150. Raffle Winners Fruil rake, donated by F. Van ia(el, won by J. M. Atherly. Fruil cake, donated by Huper! Hakery, won by Miss Norma llogers. Hox of apples, donated by II. Letoumeau, won by Mrs. M. Mc-Arthur. Teakwotnl ehiffonier, donated by A. lveque, won by Mrs. Jar- vis McI.wmI. Ikx of Spies, donated by Mrs j. ii.- .Mta sner. won ov .miss FliHima Itesiier. ' Sack of sugar, donated tiv Mrs IMra, Hulehinsons visit in Uie'sniHti. Old Uounlry will be more extend ed. ' A surprise parly on llalpli Mac touald look jdaee last night al his home on Sixth Ave. West Alien some ffflecn young people 1 ook complete piwse-sion of the liouse without the siistiteel op. I'osiiioii. -',. evening was de-liaht fully !ienl in music, dane-mg and game. A, lieleclublc liiueli was served al ll" o'clock .after which the enjovin"iit eon-liuued until I lie early hours. V V ANNOUNCEMENTS llosp,ii, Anrual Hr" Oct 31. Anglienn Ohurrh Hazanr, -Nov. ft If I). Mundiy, won bv Mrs. (. A. Hunter. Night gown, donated by Mrs. P Dorreen. won by Mrs. (S. I.aiulde Half ton of coal, donated by Ihonias 1 roller, won by Mrs. Dr.: F. P. Kenny, lfain. donated hy Frizzcll wort by J. II. Meagher. Aluminum boiler, donated by J. Me.Nully, won by Mrs. M. Mc Arthur. Cut glass IhiwI, donated by Jack (iiuis, won by .Mrs S. Hatcher. Pair of mocassins, donated hy . J. Phillipson. won by Miss ' vonne Itoberge. Jar. donated by J. C. (iaxigan, won by James Me.Nully. (JuiH. donated by Mrs. J. II. Meagher, won by S. Halclter. Pair of pillowslips, donated by- Mrs. P. Ilyrne, won by Mrs, 1 Hyrne. Hal and sweater, donated by- Mrs. K. Heiming.i won bv J. F Hath towels, donaled by Mrs. II. F. (ilassey, won by Miss A. M. Harbeau. .Tea cloth, donated by Sister l.idwiua, won by Mrs. II. F. (ilassey. Tea clolh, donaled by Mrs. K. A. Wakefield, won by Mrs. A. I). Gillies. Library scarf, donaled by Mrs. F. W. Iloersch, won by Mrs. F. W. Hurt. Pillow cases won by Miss Violet Taylor. Luncheon sets and serviettes, donaled by Mrs. S. Hatcher, won by F. W. Moerscli. lied spread and shams, donated by Mrs. 1. Murphy, won hy Miss A. M. Harbeau. mil In HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. .1. Jefferson, and II. II. Jefferson. Somerville; ll. W. Sinclair, Inverness; T. Dyde,. Win- Jnlpeg; Mrs. T. Hall. Salvus East; Hubert llewill, Calgary; Mrs. C. H. Joeekel, Herkeley, Cal.: M. Schuss. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. uji, city; George W. H. Fletch- riuiaueipuia. Central 11. Wright, pity; .1. A. llol-lingshead. C.N. II.: G. II. Tycho, The Aroma "SALaBA" H429 betokens the perfect blend. Superb in flavor Try it today. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38.e FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate Point-, each WEDNESDAY 8.00 p.m., each SATURDAY 12.0U ni id nigh L S.S. PRINCE JOHN for ANYOX and STEWART, Wednesday, IO.00 p.m. For all ports QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, 12.00 midnight Oet. 18lh, Nov. 1st, 18lh. PASSENGLP TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. le Prince Rupert 1.00 pjn. for PRINCE GEORGE, EDMOXTO.t Wl .ni , if iuiua casirru .uan. ifiiwi smea. A0CNCV ALL OCEAN tTCAMCHIS LINES. Clin THkH Offk. E2S Third Ait, rrlnet RupwU Pn. 1V Serve Mustard with all meats 1 rc faf dlftf nnd assimilate S 100 food which We otherwise organS. wo fould burueu butitmastheCoImans YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "llupert UnuiU" Salmon. A few lins in Hie pantry arc always handy. Slock a supply on your boat Mat's a good iuca. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE x 6677. SMlrd Triiiler- villi bo ri punl li tl" Mlnltlri- or (.lull at Vlt-tnria. iml lo. , IhHil ihmii m iho tlh f Oi'tuhf! rr the purvh.iw of I n-inv X aK. I nit ao.noil Jarkpiiw Ti.' n an an-a lnl)Ml (hi iuishi r.rrrk. firm nulr East or Sniltlirr. lutiirr S. r.iial hl-tili i Thrw (Si yar Mill be allovt.-d t..i irmiival tf tlmlirr. Klirlhr nnrtli.ili ..f ih. t hi..r , I lT. Vlrlorfa. B.C . .ir h'-ii .1 i iiiu: 11 ,itrt, V mi linPa v I . a" infln MA 3 . i rl B fJBV fur H TOaik I. KiWrc CATARRH tit tha BLADDER EKhCinttila finrM bcari luunr tTS !