with fipecial emphasis on the "work hard." IF this mild weal her lasts we hall have to ret nut nur mnlnr. hbats anil to for a inin to th'o salt lakes and Inspect the, newly acquired provincial property. r Ten Years Ago In Pilnce Rupert February 1, 1914. Hev. "Falhee" it died at 1 1 .o'clock this morning in 1 ne mission house at Massed, He was a striking character of great physical and moral force and labored for over twenfv years, in the service of Ihe Ang lican uiiurch In this dislricl. A redistribution hill eyimlnir UP ill III!) lloilSO of flnmmmi this week will illvlile ClIIIIOT-AI. i THE DAILY NEWS. .rn.lny, February i, 1 92 1. The Daily News PR1NGK IUJPKIIT - RIUTISII COLUMNA. Published Every Afternoon, excpl Sunday, the Prince Huporl liaily News, Limited, Third Avcnirr. H. F. IHJLLHX, Mnnaffirif? K.Hlor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery, I'S' 'nail r carrier, per moiilh SLOP. ny mail in an paris 01 me nrilisii umpire nntl the United niaies, in nilvancc, per year Sfl.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year $7. ."in Transient Display Advertising $ MO per inch per Insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page... 4 $2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion , ....2."o per line Classified Advertising, per insertion k 2c per word i.hui iiuiH-r?., r.ini m-criMiM ,..uc per again lint Contract Hales on Application. Advertising and 'Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day prs. o i ........ i" i iimf, rri-ritni Minjeri io approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Rate Of Growth Similar To U.S. Friday, February 1, 1921. In an interesting address given at the Notary Chili Juncheon elenlay Millon (ioiualc incidentally" drew atlenlion to tin fact (hat in 1812 Canada had a population uf approximately half u minimi wiiue i ui nraies nan a imputation of eight million-. lie deplored the fact that while. United .Stales now had a population of one hundred and len million Canada had a population of ony nim millions. What he did not draw atlenlion i is ihe fact that the rale of increase in Canada has been greater during that time than in Ihe United Stales. In Canada population, according lo Ar. fioiizalc' figures, has increased cveneen hundred per cent whereas the increase in Iho Slates was for Ihe same lime only lluiieeii hundred and evenly per rent,' According to umse ngiires i.nuaua nas made greater progress in the same ,time limn Ihe tinned Slal?. Recent Drain Canada To California. What has drawn narlicnlar nilenl 1 11 II li t rid mi I n I Inn n it.t rI n'n aim nn- gratiou recently has been the movement to California and other stale?, recently from Canada I'OllSeilOI'll I nil n liainn In II. ..-n places and on the demand for men and moiiev there. Another I ...... 1 1 . . I ! II . . " . ..nooioiog i-riu is ine recommencement or an immigration movement lo tin conn! which has i:aued people lo look at immigration ' problems and try lo solve them. The California boom seems lo have broken and many of those? who went smith would like to be back if thev had the price. Usually, however, we hear more of thne who do well than of those who fail. Pretty nOn we are likelv to see a move.- ui' in in i.iiiiiioa. Is it impossible to Mop these migratory movements. WhiW .. ... . ..... IU iii.mj tjiiiiuiiMuis iii me i unco male as m Cnnaii.i. II miil llltn lin poiiinii.l.on.l llml ll...... i , ' " i'"wiiu-ivu."i'ii iucir.ui-, iii iiiiu)a a laiuc number of Americans so that lo n certain extent the move- oie-iii across ine noruer either way is reciprocal, The difficult) is IhJil the customs duties and (he immigration r'strirUmis on both sides prevent a natural flow of population am) trade be- ivurt-n iiir iwii rnilinriCS. Free Travelling All Over Country. Owing to the abundance of motor vehicles on Ihe, road (,r Hill I ! . All I I lin.n n II. . .. ...I . . T I . . .. ...i. niuiiiirui, int-rv.tirt' iiiimsiiiHi. oi people wio heat their way (in pwuTc iu i.uut-. .Many men never llnnk of paying railway inn-, mil ui-i riut-s ill vans nun nrivnie imp, ii i n thing lo see. a man stand in Ihe road, hailing one car after an- "" ' ""in nit"' oe wiai win pick him up and giye. him a lift, lie may then ride Tor a mile or two or for fifty miles, a n... mji- iiiiij iic, unu mfiinuniy ne racnes we place for which lie. et out. This niovement of Ihe ruiorpr n.ir! i( Iho rn....ln on a well as that of lhoe. who have money temK to bring people In any place that has a Inmiu In take hem from the place thai js .p.ie. t i cw phase of in ) n.H nuw in-fiopnieins win lake iilace along Ibis linn i Hill o 1 . . 1 nk.i I I. ..III.,. .t . . . C ..n...i, ui i mr wnoie worm seem- lo be moving a it never moved before and this, along with Ihe facilities for dis.Mniua-lion of iirws, taues llml feeling of rellesnes which come over us all. That Feeling Of Excluslveness. We arc a handful of people in Canada living in an-im mouse country and yet we persuade ourselves thai we own Ihi '"l "mans were Horn in Ihe country and nre Ihe ..... .n.iM.naus mi wc (i. mil recognize t.al they had anv pro. pnelory rights, exie-l over a small portion. Living in the cor. ner of a ,muie..e territory does not give the right of owner-u !h !'." ,;e,(y,,f,r- ' -Wp may claim it and get awa W III I III! ll llff .1 lnnrr .w. ,... : mi. . . c. . j ", - , T 1 couniry ne ongs to i l mniikiiM ns a henlage ad we have no right, except ' ifie doub ful one of in in il.1i. lu.l.l n n...i ..,., i r ' "r ""l navn peop e Tbe Man in the Moon 8AYS. n-.-ioi us resources. WHO SAYS Ihe loleiu polo has 'lare.( . . I.. a. i ii eaiifriii a fliwei on the. very firsl nighl. worry lha d..ers nn alTlict u Ii .. ijlieie. e io nol hav (o gel f jJ anil (five our seal (o women i m'm iii- hi reel earn or else Mil . I 1 1 1 1 .... I I . - . 11111 mill lii irnian .t-ill. icy MOIIIKIi's one nel l.inili m. Iiiillv aeiuv in. I s I... i.i..i. iiii.M.i.' .... . . i . ' "-" ' I'lm-n iii. ui. ,ue u iev people, sneep. around town lo lake exrepiion nj , everyll.lng. It is expecle.l .al I.F-P year so fur seems l be lliey will be foiiml ,wii a he a failura, The parson's fees are mleni enrnne 'ipnrninr. ...:n. .mi . . H'iiii nidi .me. ,""i .ui i.iner i iinn lasi year. Ml' i ilnun s. NO woman can ever lie of (he tlnfleil Stales because III) woman will mee fl.ln.il Unit she Is. forty years of hup. ! WIIK.V n gir proposes and the couple gel marrieil. wiileh u suppnei n pay ll.n parson and earn Ihe living. and thai is necessary mnler ,e TUM lalesl cure for fatly de, conslilnllnri. generalion is stand ojl la ,,.,, . H'',,nl tolem l five o'clock ",,, 'nrm nni-n do not i, (he morning facing , orlh and agree One may be hea'ullful how two hmiiUl e" eu!li and Ihe plher like , boiled lob- ti,,,., lelllng l, l.u.wU toucl. the " . iuround or sidewalk and mur iTT. ,i "'"ring genlly all the limfl, " tii ivr TttA,NK heaven l.ero U one will work hard and got thin" Dance Records All on 10-inch douhle-sldeil 75c. 19207 19209 19211 Irish Melodies Mcdlev VitUz The Troulia.l. 191 77j Songs of Yesterday Medlev Fax Troi Na. 1 : rtJC ir " iliHiid came down on tmnw shoes, .through Ihe Kalurn Valley, Inking six days lo make the Irio. I hey ' were on Ihelr ' way ' In Ml lipase .- x . "i rt ii 1 1 u I Manhattan Merrymaker fIVIamnu Goes Where Papa Goes.Fcw Trot 1919S 'Mean Blues Fox Trot David H. Silverman and His Orchestra (Wonder If She's Lonely Too- 'ox Trot I Charles Dornlxrijer and His Orchestra lgj9(. I I Never Had a Mamma Fox Trot I The Manhattan Merrymakers fYou Fox Trot 191QJDo You. Don't You, Will You, Won't You j Love Me Too Fox Trot 1 v The Uenson.Orchestra of Chicago (Dream Daddy Fox Trot' The Only Girl Fox Trot Jack Chapman and His Drake Hotel Orchestra (Tweet, Tweet Fox Trot 19203 Ie Been a Fool Fox Trot I The Manhattan Merrymakers Take, Oh Take Those Lips Away Fox Trot 19204 Brooke Johns and His Oi chest ra A Love Song The Manhattan Merrymakers fTherc are Some. Tilings You Never Forget 1 fox 1 rot Your Lips Waltz The International Novelty Orchestra Roamin! to Wyomin Fox Trot Paul W hiteman and His Orchestra That's My Baby Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylvanians Linger Awhile Fox Trot Paul Whittman and His Orchestra Hollywood Fox Trot Joe Raymond and His Orchestra (Winter Will Come Fox Trot 216447 Lil' Old Granny Mine Fox Trot Capt. PI unkett's Overseas Orchestra Covered Wagon Days Fox Trot 2 1 6448 j Bahama Fox Trot Melody Kings Dance Orchestra Vocal Records 10-inch double-sided 75c. ,0,-,The West, a Nest and You Lewis James "'llndiana Moon Claire Brookhurst-Lewis James 19193Sittin' in the Corner Elliott Shaw (Lou'siana , Lewis James-Elliott Shaw JDear Old Lady Sterling Trio 191Q Lindy Lady Peerless Quartet Little Butterfly 19219An Orange Grove in California John Steel m derson, Lever and Dover. 3S731 263170 978 member (0 Iho north and one to series of services. Hach Indian the south. will stay wilh Kllwanga member ' 'of the crest o which he belongs. A new parcel post rale isj " about lo come I11I0 elfecl giving! Mr. and .Mrs. Sundnl gave a reduced rales lo deliveries wilh- dunce Tuesday night in honor of in a Iwejily-iniM zone. Miss Inez No, Excellent mtisln . , - was provided by various music-: TFRRAfP NOTPQ !tnnM J,r!- ""rnell, Miss Fnwler llAitL lt I CJ jnnd Miss (ihnlyx Kenny taking - part. Ieliclou refreshinints Jack I.lllle arrived last week were served about 1 midnight ami from Ihe. prairie lo visit his ihe dance hrnke up in the early mother, Mrs. LiHle, sr., who has hours, of Iho morning. Among been ipille ill recently. jlhnse present were .Mesilnmes Ihenney. MeKinnon, llalcron, OU Last Saturday n number of, son, lluriiell. Hover, Itoss, Misses I n 1 1 1 II 1 1 A frnln llm nnner' N'nns 1 llnuu IIum.iI.I Iw.i.i. i.'...i... ,-.' --' .'"ii ...ii, .'iFiir, ruwirr II 1 1 1 1 belonging to Ihe Church Army Waldron. The masculine elo-held service In Urn fdallon Jinrc'menl was represented by Messrs. Just be f urn the Kaslboiind lrnini:, Ilrookn, Corry, K, Kenny, II. I.' was due. The sin I Ion was filled Kemiey, Donald, MeKinnon, 0. lo Ihe limit of its eapaclly. The son, llurnelt, llnrkVr, Ilnss. An- 4 The CS.W.V.A. ore nlannlntr for Ibeir annual HI. Valenllne's ilnnee I ............... 1. .1.111 llir n 1111111' lln Inl,. I ,, , , . lin into two dislricU, giving one wanga wluro they wll hold a and it Is expected lo be as norm Vocal llrcoul$ Continued (When It's Night-Thne in Italy It s Wednesday 19205 Over Here iLovey Came Back I Lou lloltc 12-inch double-sided, $1.50 Gems from "Faust" Gems from "Rigoletto" Victor Light 0ra",CoinjKiny Instrumental Itectmla 10-inch double-sided 75c . .Souvenir (Saxophone Solo) ,VI 7 Saxarella (Saxophone Solo) Rudy Winloc ft 1010,The Boy and the Birds myThe Lion Qiase Arthur Pryor'a Han.l (Mighty Lak'a Rose (Violin Solo with Orrhcit w) ,9202arry Me Back To Old Virginny I (Violin Solo wilh Orchestra) Michel GuiikofT 12-inch double-sided, $1.50 35730 263169 Funeral March of a Marionette Spring Morning Serenade , (Aubade printanitrrc) Victcr Symphony On li. French Records 10-inch double-sided 75c. Le vieux ruban Promenade a mule (Tenor avrc piano) Jo-4 Delaqut friere dc la (laielc. Pari fVeronique Duo de l'escarpolette Mireille Duo de magali (l)unavrrorrhstre) Mile. Ruby Gictn ct Jote Drlaqumiire AVir Doublf tided RED SEAL RECORDS 10-inrh double-sided 51 .75 f Colleen o' Mine iTho Shadows Fall ....Grand Adagio 9'Hebrew Lullaly JWaltz in A Flat n. 9,2Waltz in B Minor lar an event us ever. Edward Johnson Jasdia Hciffti Sergei Rachmaninoff 12-inch double-sided $2.50 Rigoletto Tutte lc feste al ternio Puritani Polonaise Son vergln vezzosa Amclita Calli-Curd Love Divine (. Love Excelling) Andante Cantabile Miscba Elman and String Quartet Waltz (From "Serenade") Tales from the Vienna Woods Wall: New York Philharmonic Orchestra A at lil mi Hip i.rlh iil or lri ', llnmi iHiim at ttv frinii v ! I. trn run. 1.1 vv.ll, l.m 4n, A new lenn eniiiinnnoA hri imiiriivminii, iml imr J. .1 ... tiiriuily (r. lir roil mtin I" " 1 SCIioril I'elirmirv I nn. , i. .Lih. ,ii.n. , .. :l ... rl Of beainneps nr.. .ni...i n ' .V' Is liiruirrU 1 " iii.-H, iMirrnrriiiiii., f i ..... . . .... ... ik lUA.A .-'-'mi. ni-nriim ill itiiii"" " i . nvcrei in your home. it im.irukin tim w,ik i.m.i m - LAND QT, Ml Willi li Mini RAM JOHNSON, "'S'rtTiB!r Jih. tin. A0,,t' OORRATION OF TMt CITV Or PHINCI TAKi: NfiTICF imTt-- il,r : nVi iV.'! "I Cnrixiritlon (if Jiruct i rin.iV. T. .""I"" intetirt in rnn- iwmrp uii am iuy nr xnrrn. i-t. .i i r " fft 'Bfvnilll. ;i7n.im, ttt ,r ttlilrli inch (H7.S1 I. lulu Ii, I 1m. ..j, w I I tf ii you rind . , you cannot irel I lie "w. :ei irsuisi. ami iih iimiut " dally Nqwh reirnlnrlu rnffiiUrl.. ' "iwltl rmr iwr Iimi taiiiUFi' i I regularly, n"M., vi.ii call n ii anuni iiiiuiii ' .iwiii win i..r..n.rnt wnirni l m Hi i I P pm-i :1 ll ii i k 'ftlimial Intliliiiftiiia - subscrlbfl , for It nnd have It de. ""J"".1, I"'UI"'V"-. :. .f int.u ;;i, u urn i.nUru",-,I;"-JlMjl1',l,f"rT k r.,'i't " i ,1 ; i " ''". H- CO-9TIOII Of TMf CITt. Of P'"NC, i niiiuuiiif ii. i lnir ii a , V.?','',' iT,,,1,,:i T, V " ''.'T "r . ,,.r,nr''. ""'"I ,"",'vH Ills. i, i Ji . I;"11! "U'lire fnll'iln rrom I. Www l'lin li W.lM- ' rum nr rimiiiii.iii........ r. " m..ii. I ... ... i ... I . ' " .1.1 ..'"mill' IIIHIII 11 fl 1:111.1 lilillllil. iIInii' V . Ml -T. M,f,i,rf. In. I.... ... I -1.1 III V rli uri'M tiiili iMirliisi .f IIik ii lllnr.1 .ih..i i m .1 I ill. .,. fir .,'iiiri. v"lra Bin lin I. 11. i 11. i" lull. ..' ,V" V i. ' v.: l.n l i I" III ..-..-...i hip MiiiHiniiiin, nu I lin f-1 iitn 1" "'."JJ i" iii mr iwr roil rronuiri' i i.ii"' "V Hie fiierml a..m.llp,i , ,, tf CMl'l ID ' limilil lii.Uliiii'iil. , 9 lv...it. . i .1.. ... .ii.UI.I -' ir.iriii.r f irii.ii", iinilnlikihir tin. ,ik iiium i'i eM " iirmr' in" iirn imv iii vnrni, ir ... i my ciMjj, piled Hilt diy Unuor,