a FOR FEW DAYS. Ladles' Velvet SLIPPERS All sizes, $2.50 Chlldrens' Patent Mary Jane Slippers. Sizes t In 7 Vi . . $1.60 Sizes 8 to (Hi, . $2.25 Size. II lo 3 , . $2.50 - Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your .reservations for llial Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread 'llread is your hest food. Kat more of il. Kept hy the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone 580. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 133 2nd Avenue. j LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers' Club Situate in the old Empress Hotel Huilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. Jamea Zarelll - Proprietor. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa SPECIAL ' 2 Tells Interesting Incident Regard to Registration of Own iiienl made hy Milton 4(inzales 11 was at that lime, Mr. Onn. zali-s said, llial he determined llial if no one else would start a Canadian ualionalily he would do so . If he could not Jiave registered as lliiiisb he would have refused lo regisler at .all and wiiihl have paid (he fine instead. The lime was coming when Cainj ada would ln known as a sovereign nation ami when the Canadian flag would be known on every sea. Then there would be no need In 'worry over the Hrilish Kmpire for Canada would bo Hrilish. The tiermaus loxed their falherlaml, but no more than Canadian should love (heirs. He would drink .lo "Canada, ami here's lo the day." In the Early Days in opening his address, Mr. (ioit.ales went back to llio year 1H1-' when Canada had a population of around half million and I'nili'd Slates a population of around eight millions. The Sl.,tes was al I lint lime a new country, fighting for her existence. Lincoln had spoken of the l nil oil Slates as a new 'nation in Iwbii-h all were cwalcd free ami eipial ntid Ibis helped to make the country develop. Today the I'liil- cil Stales had a population of alioul iin.nno.noo while Canada, had y.OOO.OOO. Why was Can ada such a small country. Ilei said I here were probably manyj reasons bill one was because! Canada bail mil controlled lierj own destiny. She did mil slepi out ami fight her own baltlesl hul clung lo the mother's apron strings. Land of Liberty Canada remained a small nation because the nations of 1 Europe looked lo the Unilcd Slates a Hie land of opportunity and liberty. The Canadian government was worrying over immigration ami then Ihe immi. grauls, when they came here, formed themselves into cliques ahd colonies ami societies. The societies, hindered rulllvnliiiK 100 per eenl Cauadianism, loyal to Ihe rounlry wl ere llley earned their' bread and butter. Sir Henry Thornlon had snhl that as long as a man was heallhy and willing In work lie should 1)0 admitted into the BOY'S BAD COLD TURNED TO' BRONCHITIS Thi freqiiMiry with whlrti ImmrhUU l4V.l..I lflfA Dli4Hillti.ailA Id hv1' Milton Gonzales Would Have theory rr mmiM-rn. itw .lunarr uwu. iwhen juMi-ruay lo mo notary i.uiii ai.ranm.l pral ll niouirh.' jits, luncheon when he addressed j members on "Canada as a Na-llion Wilhin the Hrilish Kmpire." He .aiil the .time would come (when Canada would he known as a nation within the llritish Km pire. He did not know how the older men fell, hut he assured them that the younger men felt very strongly on (his matter, and if Iherc was not a change things would begin to boil. He told bow bf wauled to register his daughter as a Canadian but could not do so and registered her as British. There was a printed notice on the form saying not to regis-ler as of the Canadian rare as there was no -such lliingl He found llial he was expected" to register either as Kngli.-h, Scotch, Irish or.fome ualionalily oilier than Camuliaii. country. He agreed with Ibis except to add llial he should lake, an obligation lo love, cherish nt war, Canada was at war. if Canada said so. II was Ihe laller part of Ihe sentence to which objection was laken. Sir Wil- i frid l.aurer was Iheu telling the on i inn usucrics nuns. lion chiefly atTeeled I In Italiltitt on this coast ami a Canadian hajl gone lo Washington ami signed it. There was mi reason why Britain should sign our treaties am lay down nolicie in many rases Ihey know Canadian Flag on Every Sea l""M,, v. - hinKtm.i.i ft.ijiin uhoul ihe mailer. uui im inarm iimuihts iiki mm ntiiMii-' ..i ...... . kr.1l.rn thai ...ark ,.f bnm. " ,,M 0,i"" lUC- A SOVEREIGN NATION rMti frequently u u, u,u iianrr-Mus '' " l"f Hk members at OU . di-w. ( Inwa Jdid mil. understand its ! W ..nM a.tvl... all iiH.itHTi i (rtvnr'!f"llHe, how could iorilA their rhililrrn I'r. WiskI's .Wwiy I'liie living ill l.oililuil he I-Xjiorfcij u Syrup the Tint Iin.imiit they kIm.w an) Understand II. Ili said it with I Daughter waugnver ,,.,.... ... . ,r ,n,. .v ,rfomi,.,, i.i i... (v.n.i.li. B,inl.. uni iwj inijr nave um rinm an mark of , ,, ,. , . . .... bnmrhliU or rm-mnmiU. I'FHaill III Control Die iIim- r, Oanaila is lie.l to ll.e Mother-; n4 fllP , r,,,.,.,,, r,.!,,,!...,. Ihlml only hy senlimenl. If Can- -!. u,rk' were .oor,.iMn1f ri iihi, ..1 ana ha.i In r own. f aff ami. was at, lar.lnl r(M whrh irnw, o ,,. , , oriiure.., f Canada ....t,h muiun,, in.- i is iir-gtrird fvrytmnit I ihonrht won 1,1 w it ami oT'the . Kmpire an a whole I ween them would he stronper;fof It. km iiu m.i Mm iniiiiif mr rriiuaila was onlv lie. I in n. in. 111 vrr. i uui was a siaie-;" " - ,,:.. . . i.inrwiy nn synip, aim after rmnir him ' sentiment MUSICAL EVENING AT ami if flag ami i was a sovereign nnlloii the bond m?e Jie a tmllle; Ur family lif w"'d be stronger than ever. 0r: irtit up by u T. Mllbtirn Co., Urn- 1 Itoil, Toronto. Ont. BAPTIST CHURCH WAS A SUCCESSFUL EVENT and honor Canada and be for -Canada all the lime. j t'nder Ihe aDspjros of the The Wonderman ladies aid sociely of the Haplisl Mr, (iotuales said he did not Church there was held last nighl know whether everybody had a'in Ihe church parlors a mol wonderman. He had such when enjoyable musical evening, the be was small ami took, an inter- parlors being well filled by an esi in him. At that lime he did enthusiastic audience. Solo not know; Ihe ditTerence between were given by Miss Jones, Mrs. l.iberaj ami .Conservative because WoodworMi, II. C. Ilig'gins and he hafj not learned in appreciate Mrs. Algie lfunter. " a distincliim wilhoul a difference. ' Mi'is Marjorie I.anensler gave Away back Jn I'JOG he h.wl seen a piano .-olo and a piano duel by a picture of Ibis wonderman in Misses Jean tirieve and Mary the Vancouver Province drawn Walker was well executed! Head-with a woman's chillies and ings were given by Miss Vierick, hanging linen on Ihe line. There Mrs. Thiirber and Mrs. Hibberl. were spots on Ihe clolhes which' Al Ihe close refreshment were the suh-litle of the piclure said served by the ladies and all would not. come out. Voted the affair a'liiosl success. Later Ibis wond.'rman went fill one. p. I.inzcy made on In llrilain and he tried lo digest elticient chairman. what hrv said in his speeches, . When there was a war scare on he had heard .hiiii criticized. rhe papers, said' one of his speeches was the greatest bill for one flaw. II was in I'JOll, when, he said thai Knglaml was JOINT COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES MATTERS Four Groups to Form Permanent Organization for Furthering Interests of Port There is lo be country Hint Canada was nolorganiatiou lo further prrmaucnl Ihe in- longer an infaul. TJiere was nojleresls, or Ihe. fishing industry doubt where Canada sloml. bill It of Ibis port. This, organization was the underlying principle ;is lo tie composed of delegates llial was al slake. Al any limn from Ihe Clly Council, Hoard of Ihey would be willing lo fight, Trade, Ihe leep Sea Fishermen's, alongside the mother ' cotinlry il'iiion ami Hit- Dual Owners' because Ihey could tin so of their Association. This will unite all own free wilf. Fisheries Treaty III connection wilb Ihe fisber- tbe 'interests 'and fetid lo bring about unity of action iu connection wilb many mailers which ies Mackenzie King had made the heretofore have been allowed to slalemeni ihijl Canada had oul-'drifl or have been dealt Willi grown her infancy. The colonies only by1 one of Ihe cly interests, no longer existed but there had A meeting of Ihe comniillecs taken I heir places a unily of look place lasl liighl In "Ihe Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Aitrtlamnt Talon lor L.. lhn'Ko WANTCD MOI.EII ItAUIlHU COI.UWK wanlM men and women lo learn Ihn Ilarh-r Tradn, I'aid while learning. Thin is your opportunity lo learn a trade and gel into steady employ ment. Wrile for free catalogue. Hastings 1 Vancouver. 30 I i-.n, n purr base small Iiousp on one or two loi on easy lerms. Apply wild pur Oculars in nm i.y, iaily .ews iMIlce. y HA.vil.li.-A conk Immediately Apply hnox Hotel. f FOR SALE FOl .SAI.F. Hftlibiil gurdy price HCiium. Seining winch. iSj.uo. 35 II. I', jludehaker engine, with propeller and sbafl. I 25.00. Apply Xorlh em hxchauge. f FOIl SAI.I-:. The Seaside l.tincli foninler, For informal ion phone lied ton ,.r apply X. M. Mr Lean, Cow Hay. j FOIl SA1.K Sixteen room board Ing bouse and store, furnish ed. Apply U29 Ambrose Ave nue. "OR RENT IIOOM for Itent in private house Suitable for two fishermen Apply 7.T2- I raser Street. -30 STF.A.M Healed Flat for rent Hesner aiiartments. M. M, Stephens. IIOI'SK for Henl. Furniture for sale. Apply' 1 1.11 Second Ave. council chamber al Ihe reiptesl of Mayor .New Ion, when Ihe plan for forming Hie organization was approved and adjournment w as laken mil it Friday of ncxf week lo enable delegates lo he named from Ihe representative Interest. s. Alderman Cacy was chosen as temporary chairman of Ihe commillee. FRED STORK RETURNS FROM VISITING CAMPS Will Leave for Ottawa About February 11 to Take up Sessional Duties Fred Stork returned lhl morn ing from n visit to Alice Arm and Auyox where he looked into several . governmental mailers prior lo leaving, lo lake up his sessional duties in Ottawa, lie says there seems lo be general activity, especially al Anyot. There was plenty of snow at both places. , i Mr. Stork leaves for Ottawa ion February 1 1 ami will be away until summer. NATIVE COUPLE WERE MARRIED LAST EVENING The wedding look place lal evening at Hie Melhodisl. parsonage, Itev. O. (I. Hacker olllcial-ing, between F.lberl Young' of Yauarsdol ami Kate l.adak -of Orcnvillc, II.C. The witnesses to Ihe evenl were Allied O. .Nelson And Herbert H. Hoolun of Kin- rollh. Mr. ami Mrs. Young will remain in Ihe clly for a few days berorp leaving for Kiucolllh where I hoy will reside, When you buy u'tvertlsliiK yi, buy CUUHJI.ATI0N, and see (hat on get ll tt BOARD. ItOAHl). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. I'lione J 37. tf FURS GOINQ UP. The I'ur Ma-kol m 'otninjr haek Mtrontr. S m fii-.l nn.l "'""'" vrn irom wi I vmir rnl.-l. vuril ,.l. tin. .a . . . n I - ..n viu.ijm iu '011.111.' per wee more money. W. GOLDBL00M, The Trapper's Frltnd, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. floods llousbl. Sold Kxehanged From Vancouvtir Sundays Weilned4js Fridayi PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, January 31 "'" 0:21 n.m. or H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furnllurn nml Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlnck 13(5 and fled US. TAXI Tszl S7 Phone. (Call (leorgs or Oust) Rosa Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or .Night Stand; Bovton Grill Third Avinuc MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl-days, closes at 5.30 n.m. From the East Mondays, Thursday and Hal-urdays, 1.30 p.m. ' .P. M P.M. C.IMI. January li an.l 28. To Vancouver 8:2t P.hi.: 17.3 '' 2:52 n.m. 7.0 Ifi.OI p.m. 4.7 Friday, February 1 "'Kli 10:20 a.m. 20.0 23:28 p.m. 18.2 '"w l:o.i a.m. 8.1 17:0 p.m. 3.0 Saturday, February 2 11:23 n.i.i, 21.5 ''' 5:0 a.m. 7.5 17:59 p.m. 2.1 Sunday, February 3. 0:21 a.m. 10.1 AJ4. Tuesdays, Mall closes al I P.M. I'rhlnys 8.15 A.M. Saturdays . A.M. C.P.H. January IH To Anyoz, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Wednesdays () From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier- Fridays to port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 ii i From Port Simpson. Allea Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier ! i uesimys 4 y To Alaska Points- January 1 1 ami ZH, From Alaska Points lanuary 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Point January 2, 10, 30. Clones i.3o p.m. ' From Queen Charlotte anit. January tl ami 28. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays in p m From Naas nivor Points sturrty Ajm fl .. ! " 1 n. M ( 12:15 p.m. 22.1 " 'nw f:0H " a.m. 0.8 HMO p.m. ,5 Monday, February 4 "W' !:!. a.ni. 20.0 fl, 13:03 p.m. 22.5 " '"w 7:0 " (i.m. 0.1 10:35 p.m. 0.0 " I T fl. r SCHEDULE OF February 1. Orollo. C.on Alaf.;? Adnnacs; S.O.C . C Ifn H. hnlens, lenrljrv. iign .tiiiioi; .ll.'! i ll. Lous, neg(x Ml haiens; leachers. sn URGES CANADA BE A NATION I mlJ.,1. I 1 .... . rn fill , . . ... wn. a nm. . . l ftui i. l i in is. Adahars, jtltJt't lj cnoot, tiroito, .iu vr; t IH. Colli, High jifij Tencners, .Maple l.sf a reochers. 2S.--Knlens. Alrtni: i; lj tlrolto; .Teachers. .v.C. ra. uroiio, y:fyi lei l.ef, Adnnacs; Kir.il,: March I. Kalens, Trai sr It High School; Colls. T r-VAtl, Itettt; .Mat UA Kaiens; Teachers. SIM &. Adanars. Tea h Srmd. Orollo; S.O.t ( 11- Colts, titli S a rrs. Maple lafs I I i 1 15 Kaien, Ada i ; M :..ii... 'ik.h..i..., c.ti WHIST LEAGUE Vb. 7 - SI. Anlr.".v ' v I.O.O.F. vs O V V Canada vs K of P M K. of C. Feb. U- Pons or . jf:u-of r..; K. of P vs !.!.. vs. I.O.O.F.; O W.V Andrew's. Feb. 2 Moose vs'f. H ada; HI. Andrew s v - IM 1 K. nt P. vs. K of S, -i Hunland vs. I :i k Feb. 28K. of P Moose vs. F.lks: S ada vs. I.O.O.F.; s vs. k nf r. yM iMarrli (I K. of P vs 1.0 Sops of Fnglnn vs M1" Sons of (inada v K March 13-Sons of I a: l I.W.V-. vf Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. -ft-1 BILLIARD LEAGUE v ISSU$:SCI Feb. . P.H. HllUrd r vs S.O.H. Feb, fl. inks vs SI Ar ' 8, fl.W.VJU.V '' 1 1 . 8.0.K vs S A ' 13. Orotto f T' 15. p.H. Jflllot mI 1 vs. O.W.V.A. League slamlings v t low: Oaine;, fl.V.V.A. , 3 S. of M 3, Orollo ; P.II.H.V. ? 20.2 fl. F.lkft ? SI. Andrew's ... 3 s T.ital , u; o 1 I I i 1.4' tv a ' J NOTICE Adverllscrs are 'reminded llial copy, for ndvff liscnienlR shoyd.Ji In Dally News nlTlce h''"re 1 p.m. today lo ensure I" serllon In lollorron, sue. . " sHmSssmM aa via vi i nil CATsnn. I SaVslLVP .sm-JrL