iJay February 1, 102 None Better Third Avenue. ALABA" GREEN TEA is the finest uncolored green tea procurable in the world. Superior to the best Japans. Try it. Be the 'Candy' Kid And Ouy a Dox of PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Ideal fop tho Home, the Party or the Theatre. A TOOTHSOME DELIGHT IN A BEAUTIFUL DOX. All Sixes - All Prices. V$r. a!- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sail from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30 J Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 tPASSENQER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. inn mow unpen tit pm fy ppisce ceop.ce. ttiMOMTo.n. vi.v .v:t - vu pnu utiirrn Canada, t'uivi tit, AOINCT ALL OCCAN STEAMSHIP LINES. OI TUlat 0ffk. SIS Tfilr At, Print Ruptru Pli JSfifc, CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, )v January IS; February 1, 15, 23. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. V' S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Bu'Udale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Naniu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. J Pull information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenU Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION. STEAMSH I P COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Stllinit from Prince llujwrt. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oeaan 'al', Swtn.on . Tu(H, B 'or VAMCOUVCR. VICTORIA, Atari Bar. a.id Swuinon Ba, E.turdt, Noon. Tr ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART. Wll.a Hlind, Sundl S P.M. tor pout Simpson ana nt m 'cwntriM, rnm a.. etl liirt Xvcnua. J. Bariir, Ajant. mum Hu-rl. R.C A LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL. AT YOUR GROCERS ALWAYS SELECT Electric Bread Shockley's fLMills Solo Agents for Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C :"mboJ J- Fyfe Smith Co Hardwood Fr-aser Mills Fir Veneor Dimension Lumber. Kir, Spruce mid fiednr. Spruce mill fieri nr HI Planking. Snsli, Doors, Mouldings. Gloss. Shingles. Fir Veneer. ficdnr Piling. Local and Personal Hayuers, Undertakers. Ptioue 351. . tf . Fresh shipment Naiioose-Wcl- lington coal Just arrived. I'iiil- pott, Kvitt & Co. If, We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince. Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf Aid. S. !. Mr.Mordie. sailed Ibis morning hy the steamer Prince llupert for Vancouver on a brief business trip. i During lie montli of January the fin- department rosponded lo f'Vf rails, li.tmage totalled 173 fully covered hy insurnace. Tin- Hcasido Lunch Counter, Cow Day. iff fur iwtlo. Tor infor mal ion ilnnie Iteil ion or apply V M. McLean, Cow Hay. 27 At i lie Notary Club luncheon yesterday a number of guests were present including A. V. Warren, It. llniininKlon, T. Hearne. V.. C. Cihbous, J-'. I' Cole. J. H. Pillsbury, ami J. II MrMullin. II. Shepherd, who ha been in 111- employ nf (Ik- Canadian Fish A Cold ISurage Co. an an elec trician for the pat several year , Kaib-iJ this morning on 1 lie Prince ltuHrt for Vancouver where he plan to locate. Mayor Newton ami member of the Hoard of W ork- are lo mate a trip on Sunday to, Smith (eland where they will tiiiert Ibe luarry and equipment with a view' to olilainiiift further rock from there' for lr1 surfac iiik work. . Mr. C. vVoodworlh 'addressed the Canadian tiirl in Training of the Metluxlisl Church last nigil on nursing training at it is. eomlueted in the Vancouver Central Hospital. Mr-i. Wood-worth is a irold medallist gradu- ale of lliul institution. - Lli P. Colo. PurUajid grain ex porter, Ulio hat W-ea in the rity Tor the pal few day with a vtww to elediiiK an elevator site here, left on lat nipbl .' (rain for Jvliaiuitiiii ami other prairie point where he will make fur-Ihjrr arrangement for the pro ject. ' .1. W. Allen, pan Imat cn-Kiuecr for the Dominion Fih-erien itepartnicnt, returned lo Vancouver on Hi Prince Itupcrt Hi in iMorninp.. Mr. Allen lias lieen hen" for .everul tlays in "oiineftioii with the installation of engines in th deirartineul's new c-uters at the dry dock. Al U.5(? this inoriiiiiir .'l lie fire depart nieiil n-ponilef to n call from Hie corner of Second Ave nue ami 1-iMirih Mf?el where llayrter Ilns. limousiuu taxi lo- came afire on account of over heated iyuilion wires. T.Up Idate whs peed My put out wllli a rheiiiical evtiiipuiflier ami the dauiHce was sliefit. A. IC. Warren, veneral mana ger of C.N. It. wnslcrii lines, and THE DAILY NEWB. PAGE TIinKB. Is vow time worth 250 annoui? U It U, th pric you r pyin 'lo doing your own laundry it xtra vacant. Fof our Wat Wath rrica will uk all tbia worry and work out of tba boua and return your family bundla awtat-I y cUan, ready to ittrcb and iron or bang on tba lint. juat pbona ourrapraaanutira will call. Wet Wash gc a pound Minimum Charge, 75c. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. 1 2 t B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Aid. C. V. Kvitt sailed thi morning on the Prince llupert for Vancouver. He, will be. away a week on husinv's.s. Afx-lii Walt, divisional master iiiechuiiie for the Canadian N?i lional . IlaUway'wrelurmil ,lo I'rince Oetirgc olilast ecniiig train. .Majjir J. F. Ilraudt. who has been in Hie city for the past few days on business..- rrlurned to Vancouver on the Prince llupert this morning, k" CP.lt. sleaim-r Princess Mary, Capl. Oriuiston, southbound from southeastern Alaska porls to Vancouver, is due here earlv lo- 4 morrow morning. C. A. Hanks, manager of llic H.C. Silver mine, and Mrs. Hanks passed through Hie city on the Prince llupert (his morning hound from Stewart lo F.nuvst Hlue. formerly of this city ami now located al llyder. reached the cily from the north on tho Priure llupert this morn ing and is registered al llio Prince Jltiperl Hotel. Chief Conslaldc W. Spiller of Hie provincial police sailed this 111 l l-t 1 1 1 1 LT mi. LI If- I l-i 11 ci llnni-rl Mrs. Warren, It. W. llalmiiigl 'HI. Will lltSS .1 III III IlllVlllie a-llf.l.a company solicitor at Vancouver, 'j.,,,,,. Meitae of Smllhers who is and Mrs. Hannington, J. rt.'i,, iu-.. r- i.. n, v... Cameron, assistant general man, Westminster penilculinry. Chie ager for Hrilish Columbia, and lWvr win aM, llk( n ,xuek-. o.i.er inenmers 01 uie ouicial holiday while in the south. ....-I.. l.ln. 1,.. I....... ' .11 I'Hiij "nil il iii, lirru el.'lllllll L II.- ....l I..... I.... ;.. II... ..li :i ii ' f uir iiu?i i-ii U.1J n in mi-1:11) riiiirii .t, , - .. . ... i Mr. Jacolts of the Indian Ai;enl' oilice is ill in the General Hospital. Miss Hazel Cunningham was passenger going through on the Camosun Uiis afternoon bound from Port Kssinglon to Vancouver. .. Rev. J. J. Srnilhson returned lo the city on the Camosun this afternoon. He has been attend in? the llaplisl Church confer uce in Calgary. Union freighter Chilliwack, Capt. C. IJ. Smith, arrived from Vancouver at 1:15 this aflcr noon with a general cargo for here and other northern porls .1. H. Pillshury. manager of the Canadian National dry dock here. iiiled this morning on I lie 'riuce llupert for Vancouver in rompany Willi .. r.. v arrcii, ireneral manager of western lines, and his parly. w John Flewin passed tliroiigh on the steamer Camosun this afternoon reluming lo his. home in Port Simpson after havin spent the past three months in .ongbeach, California. .Mrs Klewin is still in the south and expects lo return north after hc has fully recovered from a re cent illness. NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, sofi, while light, even belter than gas or electricity, has been Jesled by the U.S. Government and 35 leadin universities and found to be su penor lo 10 ordinary oil lamps It burn without odor, smoke or noise no puniinng up, is simple, clean, safe. Hums 91 air am 0 common kerosene (coal oil1 The inventor. O. A. Johnson 595 McDermot Ave., Wjnnipeg, is offering to send a lamp on 10 lays' FltKK trial, or even lo give one FIIKE to the first user each locality who will help him introduce il. Write him today for full particulars, Also ask him lo explain how you can gel the agency, and without experience or money make $250 lo ?500 per month. NOTICE All persons owing accounts lo the Prince Rupert Dairy are requested to make settlement forthwith in order that their J"luismes may he closed oul. 29 HIS SLUGGISH LIVER MADE HIM FEEL DROWSY AND TIRED ALL THE TIME Ylx-ii J"wur llvrr t-ermie tlurdsb auJ inacilve your who's braltb sufrir, iimI I lie only y J on ran rvt bark to feilln-" rlgtit It tu make your liver rlrbt. Tlii you ran lu by tlie ii"c of Mil buru't l.au-l.lvrr Pills as they will tlui ulair tli luritlli Ihrr. rh-an awty all waslr and i-oImukhi matter from tlie y- tdii, ami irrVf!it, a wrll n relieve, ill nmii-llratloiis arbliif from a liter that ba Dert.ine uufiive. Mr. K. Hurl, :al KlorrlirFVIIIe. Mil., wrllrit: "I bad been Imubletl with in liter ami felt tlrowy ami tired all the lime, iml ) unable lo tlu niy work wilb any n.in fnrt. I took your Milburn't Lata-1.1 ver rills and today I am I dirrereut man, and would not tm wltliout Ihem In the liou." Milburn't l.t I.lvtr rill are lie a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of prlr bj- Tlie T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Out. . ' ' i r.x-.viii. a. ii. ixi-iiy siiiieo nils' A a "1 II.s morning by ,. the, sleamer ...f, A I ,i-4VlA . . Prince Itupcrl for Vancouver. i for the south. He will spend a few days on business iu Kelso,'f- . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY .Washiiiuton. and will (hen nro-i I rll"! TO xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a 1 ceed In l.fw .tii;ilis ulii-i'K ln a. LOST. Onr g .ld drop earring 'pIui,s 0,1 loeahig: Mrs. Kelly ln twei'M tilH Fiflh Avenue Hast iaiul family will be leaving (he and liosinial. Finder i.lcas.vc'" 'ot" Califonila iu the sum itu! ni to Daily News Olllce. Hew ai d. If iner. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. Marrs. North Pacific Cannery; A. C. Knight, X. Mackay Siuilli, J. M. llockin; N. N. Murcliie and A. (i. Young, Vancouver: (He S. lljerke, Sealllo; Sol Itubiii, l'Minonlon; A. K. Kin-Cald, Hevolstoke; Mr. and Mrs. Slas Kruncois Lake; J. 11, Lambert, lluyspxirl; F. Montgomery, Snillhcrs; Frank lligglus, Spokane; l'rnest'lllue, llyder. I I 1), lluwaid, Central Seattle; 11. Pound, Winnipeg:; J.Uiquhart uud A. iMackie. cily; Oeorge Knulson, B.C. In our correspondence vve notice a decided increase in tlie nuniber of women who say Ihey are insisting upon made-in-Hritish Columbia prodirls. It has given us an idea to have a woman go around visiUng homes here and there lo get a kind of sketchy survey of the proportion who ask for local goods. We speak your Indulgence should she call on you. Pacific Milk Go. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. Capital , $ 8,000,000 Reserve and- Undivided Profits 2,067,074 Total Assets 128,299,679 The Bank's Annual Statement has just been Issued and copies thereof arcHvailable for anyone, on application, at any branch of the bank. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager 2-Goldfish -2 and Bowl FREE with Every $1.00 worth of Rexall Goods and One Package of Fish Food purchased ORMES LTD. The pexall Store. The Pioneer DruoglsL 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted . .J .. . Ag" liiujl 18 tu 45. Youug men from 10 to 18 can join with parents consent. Commencing Wednesday, January 0th, a comprehensive six weeks' course of military (raining will, be conducted under a regular army instructor loaned to the negimenl for this purpose. Physical training and boxing under o.iialifbil instructors. Recruits will be examlned'Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend Hie following a being suTe, .saleable uud uf fair return: City of Vernon oVt due loth June, 1138, at 8.0i. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan (idue I8II1 May, iO.VI, at $IIM.2D. Yield 5.707e City of Prince Rupert (i due ilM I lo 1H50, at 10 !.:. Yield 5.90 Oitlers. may be wired ut our expeno, interest accrued to date of payment must l; added. Wo pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. Tel. 3. HEATER BARGAIN No. 21!) Sunbeam Healer, reg. price $17.50, Special this month only $14.00 No. 215 Sunbeam Heater, reg. price $22.00. Special this month only $18.00 Buy now and save money. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. P.O. Drawer 1646 REED CHAIRS & ROCKERS Upholstered In Attractive Cretonnes add charm to your Living Room. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings