WkM Vh Waal A WOODKf ft,; ..I. I I i . ..1 ..II . I .. I .l I .. , Kill. I.ICIII. llissril Piuii-u iv- day The pigeon have been of-fi rnl hv the Canadian air ser vice, mid arc to be used on H'Ci firnf leg of Ihe Journey lo Prince ii... i . i , . i... i...Mi. i.. unpen, I lie nun nying uat u their homes Ui Victoria. LOCAL COMPANY IS INCORPORATED TODAY A pre despatch from Victoria loday announced Ihe Incnrpora-llon of Ihe M.C. Butcher A. Grocers, Ltd., n private company capilaliied ul 925,000 wllh head ollice nt Prince lluperl. Hurry Atkins and Murruy Fuller are ln-leictcd in llil concern. MINING COMPANY AT STEWART INCORPORATED Tender for Ihe new pleauier which the Cu nullum Nallonal llailways plan on placing in the Alakii service nest year are lo he in by. March I It l announced. F.arh bidder will Mibmit plans beoiden clioiule of coil. There will be Icmlers from C iada and (ireal llrllain and possibly other (.Iiipl.intdin? counlries, it Is expecled. The Canadian National shipyurd here will lender. FISH ARRIVALS Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Bought Fares of Eight Boats In Today The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Cu. bought all die halibut offering at Ihe Fish F.xchanpe this morning. Seven American boats sold 78,.V)0 pounds and one Canadian, 3.000 pounds a total 'of 81,500 pounds. The price for Ameiiean fish was l7Jie and 9c Jand for Canadian, 17.5c and He. VICTORIA, Feb. 1. '"'i8,T,e. arrivals were Gony, Fldsvold, week s provincial incorporations jij.ho, Cape Clear, June, 1UU Include the Independence Uom ,.. Fremont and Gibson, the Mining Co., Lid. a public non- 1(lHl ,Ptjoncd being the. only personal liability company with head ollice al Stewart and capilaliied al (1,5110,000. ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAYS WASHINGTON, Feb. I-,H reported iu ofllclal circles' lhal Canada has replied lo the Unit ed ISales Goverumenl's proposal for a licaly or convention pro vitling for the construction be SI. Lawrence deep water ways, BISHOP DIES NKWHAVF.N, Feb. 1. Right Hevereiui Frederlo William Keator of Tacoma. Wash., a bishop of the. proleslanl episco pal dloceffo of Olyinnln. Canadian boat. JANUARY WEATHER Temperature Reached Balmy Level of S3 In Mld-Wlnter: No Snow Recorded The following weather report for the month of January was of issued Ibis morning by H. O. It.iiiilnl.itl f lllllllliJiliriul UIT ".Mil" i ' . I.. . Mean temperature, 38.2. Maximum temperature, 53. Minimum lemperalure, 15. Rainfall, 18.82. MEXICAN REBELLION MF.XICO CITY, Feb, I. The rant urn of OrUaba by federal lied troops 1 oltlclaliy cpunrmeu anil hero yesterday of heart discasollho evacuation" of Morolia by tho When on, n,Viit lo his !on. rebel '3 aiso aimounccu. She MANY TOURISTS TO VISIT CITY Several Large Parties are Already Lined up to Come This Way Saya District Passenger Agent Several large 'tourist parties) are already lined up to travel vial Prince lluperl in the coumc of, western Canada tours this season states It. F. Mc.N'aughlon, C.N.It.i district passenger asent, who re-i turned lo Ihe city last iiiht after attending a conference of passenger and freight traffic of-: ffcial al Toronto. Plans for the coming year's business were discussed at Ihe conference ami all the officials in attendance were very opliiiiis-lic as to prospects. There is no doubt that the tourist business In lUSt will greatly exceed lhatl of Mr. McNauxIiton says. I There were I0 officials pre-! sent al Ihe conference from all! parls of Ihe United States and Canada. J. H. Iialrymple. vice' president iu Hiarge of traffic' presided over Ihe joint meetings i while It. H. j.Mplansini. general, passengjsrajjj 1 1 cd1 hpp! s itgcj.ses s Ioih an d " II. Martin, geiuraf frefphlMrflifio manager, wh iu charge of the freight gnlhcrings. Mr. Dalyruiplr came west a far as I'jlmontoii on Ihe same train a Mr. MeNaugh-lou and then went on to Vancou ver. Mr. MeNaughloii wn aw-ay a' Utile over Iwo weeks. Harold McKweu. division freight iipenl. who wu -also Fasl. is expected hark this afternoon. CANDIDATE CHOSEN BY COVYICHAN PEOPLE CONSERVATIVE CAUSE litNCAN. Feb. I C. F. Davie. son of ii former Premier of liril- i.h Columbia and a native son of (lie province was the unanimous choice of Conservatives to con lest the newly created riding of Ncwraslle-Cowichun Iu the pro vlncial elections. QUEBEC WILL AID TWO MERGING BANKS Lealslature Passes, Bill Grant ing Firteen Million DolUrj to Concern OL'F.BKC. Feb. I. The thiid reading was given yesterday In a hill granting aid lo the eKlen of 1 5,000,000 'in bonus to I ho iiiirirei of Hie National and Hochelaga banks. FRANCOIS LAKE COUPLE ARE HONEYMOONING HERE Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Slas Register ed at Prince Rupert Hotel Were Married at Smlthers Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Sia of Francois Lake are spending their honeymoon iu the city and are I ..I II. ,. Ilniunn lt.knl ECONOMIES BY NEW MINISTERS!: Number of Employees at White hall and In Pensions Department tc go LONDON. Feb. I. Tim new ministers of slate are mlroiiuu-j Ing economies in their depart- incuts. There is '.o be a leduo- lion in the temporary "lalT nl Whilehall and with this end 10, view a month's nolle4! ha been RUSSIAN PROTEST AT UNITED STATES ACTION regisiereu hi mc i i..hu ,lU-I'1"1 Russian , uorls (,rt ii-i.i 't l. ,.op mni-p .! nil lllliui. iiiiv ..v.. .... Wednesday evening this week at the homo of Mr. -and Mrs. James Calhrae, Smilhers, Rev. M. . Lees officiating. Ihe bride was formerly Miss Violet Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smilh of Francois Lake. Mr. and MOSCOW. Feh. 1. - The Rus sian government has sent a pro- sion. GF.NKVA. Feb. 1. Former The Latest In Restaurants. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 99 in a hurry Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. fPhene Beet Car and Best tarvloa In Ihi City. PUtea Reasonable VOL. XIV., NO, 27. . PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PI1INCB HUPKllT, B.C., ITUDAY, EEBIIULVIIV 1, 1U2L BBBBBBK0w BBBBBKarr t??' &f'jn : 'Lrt vBBBBBBBBBBBil TH Pfr f ' A.'.'aBBB bW i ' '!r'4BaBaBaBaBaH BaBaBaBaLVBM' -A&F Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaH. ''''' jaaaaHaBBaaaaaaaaaaaV BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aHaaaaaaaaaaW aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH MBHafc.,BBB aaaaaaaaaaaaVaaavBiavflBBaaaaaB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai IflBHit- V f fliBMBaaaaaaH Woodrow Wilson, Kx-president of L'uiled Stales to be dying loday at Washington, O.C Schooner Maid of Scotland YMUrdiy't ClrcuUtlon 162 8trt ttltt S4e. s&id is Sunk in Collision with Norwegian Steamer Peruvian ST. JOHN, Feb. I. The Norwegian steamer Peruvian collided Ibis morning wilh the schooner Maid or Scotland below Partridge Island. The schooner sank and eight of h?r crew are missing. 11 is also thought Hint several men from the sleamer may be losl. , Later news received i lo Ihe effect lhal it is feared th? chief officer and three men of the sleamer Peruvian were lost when trying to save Ihe crew of the sunken schooner in a small boat. given lo 119 admiralty cm-t ployces and 700 persons in the . pension ueparuneni nave received warning of dismissal. DAYLIGHT ROBBERY OF BANK MANAGER AT SEATTLE YESTERDAY SF.ATTLF.. Feb. I. Three daylight automobile bandits held up T. i. Toby, president of the Rainier Valley slate bank in the east section of the city and robbed him of SI, 000 in currency v. They bound and blindfolded him iu his own auto before escaping. LAND DEAL IS OFF ! WITH DOUKHABORS VICTOIUA, Feb. I. Samples of Seolrti cured British Coluin- Mrs. Slas will reside nt Francois Crown Prince George of Saxony 'Ida herring aro U bo displayed Lake where the groom is engaged.has decided to lake holy ordersjat the British Kmpire- exhibition in the slngo business. and has entered the monastry of, in London this year, it is. an St. Pierre at Friebousg SwUzcr-lnounced by the department of Bubsorlbe for the Dally Newa. land. .industries. Mr. Mrs. Dalgarno sailed on the. Prince Rupert fur Seattle. They will visit in Lverett and San Private Boxes for Party Use. g "Take Her to Tha Boaton." PRICE FIVE CENTS. WILSON THOUGHT TO BE DYING RUSSIA WILL STOP PROPAGANDA IN BRITAIN RETURN FOR RECOGNITION Woodrow Wilson Said Dying at Washington Declares he is Ready WASHINGTON. Feh. I. Former President WiUon was ul iji Ah iloor lliis ufleruoon mid lie is believed by physicians to e righting Ins Iut buttle. He had been ill for several days with digestive trouble. Hi attendants see lilile hope and the end c annul long be delayed. "Yoil have done Ihe best you coubl," said Mr. Wilson to the phvician just before he fell aleep, but I'm u broken machine," He th'ii added with a rally of bin waning strength, "but I'm 1 ' 1 ready." MORE VISITORS i J$sriT , - lliviiu f ivivw Kornu r President Woodrow Wil- CAD AMrAinfCD ," ,ake" Jcbled lurn t fUl YAllLUUYLli w'r anJ l'0ician stale lliat lie passed a very Will Oe There From Prairie Pro vlnctt Advancing Cause of Western Route restless night and lot strength. "I regard hi condition a very serious." Mie said. Three physician are allcnd- ing Mr. Wilson and .Mrs. Wilson VANCOt VF.H, Feb. I. A large has summoned member of the z r of businessmen will visit family. Tlie crisis will probably HiitTC western provinces In 1 reached today. An operation, A s' advaurmg the cause of it is said, may be necessary, tii clcrn grain route and the Mr. Wilson bad rallied slighl-.Vi'iMfht of the port of Van- y at noon but there was no. ,sKri M was Announced by W: material change. He talks falnt-l. I'sinf secretary of the board y wllh those al the bedside. i:f rado here. VICTORIA PIGEONS TO BE LIBERATED DURING mm iu imb uii j SrAITLIl. Krli. I Carrier; I g'un and wireless are to be ucd by the four lulled States army aviator who leave Seattle Tor Prince lluperl on or about, April I on n globe encircling TENDERS FOR MEW SHIP MARCH FIRST Russia Promises to Stop all Propaganda in Britain and ils Government will be Recognized LONDON, Feb. I. The soviet of all Russia at Moscow- has, given assurances lo the Macdonald cabinet that it will cease spreading Bolshevist propaganda in (Ireal Uriluiiu In vjew of this and with a desire to establish friendly relations with tliat country and a a result of pressure from the labor people of Britain the British government will recognize the government of Htissia, and this recognition it is authoritatively staled will lake place before the reassembling of parliament. Ilamsay Macdonald and his ministers have been impor- tuned by the representatives of Mexico staling that they ure f A M AH A DC A TC willing lo pay the British claims UifljiHi DEAll) ror damage in me revolutions of the past fourteen years if Ihe British (iovernmcnt will recognize Ihe present Government of Mexico. INTERESTING WEDDING WAS SOLEMNIZD TODAY Leave for California to Reside Helen Donaldson .became the bride of George D. Dalgarno. The ceremony was a quiet one and there were present only the attendants and relatives of the the couple. The bride, who wore a becoming guwii of blue georgette and carried a shower bouquet of while chrysanthemums, freetias and carnations, was at- ... I. I I... I M Unr GREAT BRITAIN Tlnals to be Played Sunday Be tween U.S. and This Country' C11AMONIX. Feb. t. The Canadian hockey team, won its way lo the finals by defeating -Great Mrs. Helen Donaldson and George .Britain today 19 lo 2. This is Daloarno Are Married f'rl Bame of ll,c serie which any team has scored at an against Ihe successful Canadians. United Stales defeated Sweden 20 to 0. A wedding of much interest Thc jnal gatnc wj he ,)la).eij 16 nrfe nnany frt(ndrc.nbe con- on Suh,aW Cahada- and the trading couple took place at Ihe Uljlej ga(e, wiII mcci on lHe Presbyterian Manse this morn- jce u H expected that Canada ing at 9 o'clock, Rev. Dr. H. R. wjn Grant officiating, when Mrs. 7 " r "?: cars, artillery and every possible Macdonald. in a handsome suit ,' . of gray gabardine with white salin hat and carrying a bou-nuet of nink carnations. Little REPORT OF ARMING BY FREE STATE ON THE ULSTER BORDER DENIED j DUBLIN. Feb. I.- An orrieial of the Ulster government declare til that Ihe Free Stale had lined Ihe Ulster border with armored engine of war. This arming of Ihe bonier i-ij'i categorically denied by Free ; Miss Gwendolyn Macdonald. with q embara!(, a dainty dress of white organdie boUUUary 0ummis!iIon. ami ii.isM.-i ui jiiiin uiiu ctiiiiv, flower girl. J. carnations, was ornuiiJV IC mDVIlir II. Kelly supported the groom. .ULKlTlrf PII 10 tUrllllU Sailed South fAMATkA'C DI AM TAD .vuer ine ii-n-inuiij, ,, and. ,i iinimun u i uru i mix HANDLING RAILROADS RLIU.IN, Feb. 'the cabinet Francisco ami then proceed to . . ,. i u Lo AiiKcles lo take up their , I Ii n ii t lit-ii ra ttat u mill fnlit siif tin luiiim.'i tv7 v v. I rwi.Kncf Tim hl'illt! iruVellOU . I. . i t.,.1. I "'i tuiiin iu iinu-iH-inif iik rim-i- i.. i i : r.. i . f imiikA ma f ... jm u iieuuiiiui iu.ii ui ....- J)Pjses order to put tlie system eiui ciuui iui iii......tu "" on a paving oasis, iney win re-black velvet hat trimmed wilh Inaill ,,a. ,iro,,erly of the Reich, feathers. Ithoush conducted on busines.-( Both Mr. and Mrs. Dalgarno ineSi t are well known and very popu- lar in the city, the bride, who is a graduate nurse of Ihe Glas gow Royal Infirmary, has been following her profession of nursing here for several years and for some time ucled as lady LOTTERY TICKETS TO FINANCE FRANCE IS ONE OF PROPOSALS superintendent of tl o Pr ince A ib Genera Hospital. 1 Rupert B1,;enilliei,(l, lo pllincare's tax. groom, berore locating in Call- mw M ,hft cIaillbl.r fomia. was in the contracting , a ,an fop nalion(lf business nere. lottery tickets amounting to three RF.G1NA, Feb. I. Negotiations! Nieces Baptized Ibillion francs with prizes total, at Kamsack between the l)ouk- A Her the wedding ceremony ling a billion. habors and Chicago . capitalists this morning, the christenings I J,ve been called otf. The Douk-I.ook place of Ihe . bride's io gDJJM ffift liabors ' wanieu an acre iur nmv iuu"i . -i test to Washinglou against Ihe $30 o(Tert)1 b ,.orra,Ilc Mac.lonald and Morag; HEP OPERATE, RAILWAYS ,UlM w"'i.nn'' Uniled States warships enleriiiK . )c(Ule ,)m.chaSers, Alexandra Macdonald. daughters I without nernn- 1 ' . ..t of Mr. m and .,,i m.. Mrs. Alex. inT Macdonald, Mi.f,i,.Ti.il,l I CROWN PRINCE TAKES RELIGION FOR COMFORT SCOTCH CURED HERRING TO BE AT EXHIBITION Atlin Avenue. i .. i (.. M..ll,.l.l.:,. PARIS, Feb. 1 It is understood the French government has pro, i. h ,,0,Pl l0 HHialn to join Franro Graham Avenue. enteric liied ail(1 eli,im l(l operating Ihe pieiiiDers u ne B(. .u.urcw . , , , U1,inelaiiu, Society and olhers in nonor oi. the bride and groom. A merry evening was spent with music, speech making and dancing and delicious refreshments were, served. Advertise la the Daily News. INJURED IN FOQ ; CHICAGO, Feb. 1. More lliaii a score of peoplo were injured today on the elevated, railways as a result of (lie worst daylight fog In 20 years.