~ ' i CLASSIFIED ADS, PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Classified Rates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- LOS LOST AND FOUND Gent's brown | FOR RENT Saturday rrince Rupes Vay iNew August 23, 1952 Stretch a Point and Answer Partner’s Mr. ridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Fusty has made only bridge style in the last 25 years, BLACKWOOD on Bid one change in his sciatica ____| fourth highest card a jack instead of a knave, | | To avoid catastrophe when | 9:00 1 10:15 S CFPR aves RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles| with any hand (Subject to Change) SATURDAY P.M | 530 Sports College 5:45 Reporting Home CBC News Gypsy Trails 5 6:00 ROK 6:30 7:06 7:30 8:00 8:30 Prairie Schooner Saludos Amigos Dance Orchestra The Juliette Sho Ray Norris Quint CBC Sports Page CBC News CBC News 9:30 10:00 10:10 10:15 Willingdon Cup Golf w et Trades and Labor Congress Convention Report 10:30 11:00 11:03 12:00 A.M. 1:00 Dancing Party Weather Report “Club 1240” Second Portion Sign-off SUNDAY AM 8:30 9:00 BBC News and © 9:15 9:30 9:59 10:00 80:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:03 11:30 AM 12:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3.00 3:15 The Concerto Time Signal B.C. Gardener; Music for Juniors Heroes of Faith CBC News Capitol Report Religious Pertod Critically Speakin Songs of Canada Olynmapic Games CBC News 3:20 ‘27 Weather Report 30 00 Sunday Chorale 30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:10 7:20 7:30 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:10. 3 8 3 4 + 5 Winnipeg Recital Sunday Arranger's Choice CBC News Weekend Review Gajete Paristenne Summertime CBC News CBC News 11:15 MONDAY AM wi allet on FOR RENT — Sleeping room vious to publication. Saturday or early Sunday,! Phone Red 860 (200p) Classified, 3 cents per word per) containing sum of money and : os ‘ . insertion: he om charge i) important private papers;|FOR RENT — Completely fur- cents ss) Finder please contact J. Lam-| nished 4 roone house Phone Birth Notices, 50 cents: Cards| Die, P.O. Box 1000. May keep saat. 8 = = =—«s a) of Thanks, Death ' Notices, Te (1b) GET YOUR school sewing done Funeral Notices, Marriage and|/BROWN_ leather wallet, 3rd ae eee tnzaveme nce : Ave. Reward. Phone Red 400 welectric Sewing Machine—| — ht Announcements, hate (199p) free delivery—phone864. (207) | Special Display double price. | a ; an ae ' i | HELP WANTED—MALE FOR RENT. Room to shape: “ ee WANTED — Night watchman.| Separate beds. Red 471. (199) ANNOUNCEMENTS Pensioner preferred. Apply FOR REN1 Furnished suite — Savoy Hotel. (199) | “September only. Phone Green Labor Day Dance, Civic Cen- HELP W ANTE DF EN MIALE “| 576. (198) tre. Sponsored by Trades and|- ne aa Labor Council HELP WANTED — Female dish WANTED - - s washer for Civie Centre Din-| - a, | ata Rebekah Bazaar, October 4 ing Room. Apply in person. W ANTED "Fo TOP (MARKET | 199 PRIC ES PAID f or scré ip i n, Citnbsmanl (199) Catholic Fall Bazaar, Oct. 8}- jteel, brass, copper, le ad, ete. and 9. | HELP WANTED—FEMALE Honest grading. Prompt pay- ae, oe anal Ce ment made. Atlas Iron &/ Canadian Legion Fall Bazaat ar, RAWEEIGH PRODUCTS | = A Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| FR ig 4 ‘ > ~ > 2Acifie | ioe 7 known Household and Farm ee BC. Phone airy 1.0.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem-| necessities. A few choice Rural = . ber 2 20, 3 : localities available also large | WANTED TO niddinies is Se City Districts Women con-|. A Ye isanchincicorsonsiil Presbyteria, an Bazai ar, Novem-| sidered for part or full time| |CASH for scrap brass, “copper, ber 27 City selling. Write Rawleigh’s} batteries and radiators Phone mbna Dept. WG-H-166-216, Winni-| 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, Ladies of the Order of the _ bee, Man. ie aks City. (tf) Royal Purple Bazaar, Oct. 18. FOR SALE “ACCOU NTANTS women of the Moose Bazaar, NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-|PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income | Nov, 7 ited, Distributors for: Mining,| Tax specialist. S. G. Purk,| x Credit Wom en "s Breakfast, Sawmaill. Logging and Con- __ meet ming Red = nam! | Club Rummage Sale, August 23 aa techn Gem an FOR SALE— Revenue “home, at-| Next to Royal Bank pee: Granville Talin tractive, modern, 3 bedroom ee Se all Vancouver 1, B.C. oh __ (tf) sunesicn style, on double Prince Rupert Trades Coun FOR SALE—“West Coast” house| Corner lot, full conerete base- cil A.F. of L. Labor Day Sports, ‘ailers ‘ : | ment, hot water furnace. Two I trailers, 16 ft. aluminum, ee, Apsapeidi: , et Roosevelt Park, Sept. 1. nicely furnished, sleep 4, oil| furnished apartments, oe ‘ cooking, ice box, insulated) ¢ntrance. 1176 Am ee Orange Ladies Bazaar, Nuv. 19.’ throughout. Phone Black 610.) _ whone a Aes — Seen, ke (202p) REAL ESPATE FUNERAL NOTICE 7 Rae aiintipar bade in dstl eemen-een ——$$_______. swvetnetia . gira tes mgd eisg Seble ond’ FOR SALE—New 2 bedroom RAUDSEPP In the city, S = ene see 3 ig) house, full cement basement Thursday, August 21, 1952, Ed- oo os z Immediate possession. 792 Al- ward nee, + S mee. FOR SALE—Quaker pot-burner| fred St (200) beloved husband of Mrs. Adele oil range, fan draft. 1322 Pig-| =. _ . Ta = Raudsepp, 1154 Hays Cave Ave.| gott Ave. Phone Green 79 | FOR SALE—Harbor view home, PI Be 2 lots, garage, basement, fur- Rev. H. C. Olson will eonduct om), <0". pay oer: as ee he services at Grenville Court’ — seinen eine nace, electric fireplace, hard- Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, Au-|FOR SALE—Miscellaneous fur-| wood floor, Stationary wash- | gust 25. Interment to follow in niture. Very reasonable. Phone| tubs. Blue 784. (1986p) | Fairview Cemetery. B.C. Under- Red 739. (208) FOR SALE Six reom residence, ments. Meee Gf SUEMetOe: Ge eae Westbationes siee-| 441 64h Aan Week Wheee eee neweee : +s tric washer, new condition,| rooms, full comcrete basement. BIRTH NOTICE Lovell wringer. Reasonable, Hot water heating. Copper weil schoo Phone Green 699. (202); tank and plumbing. Fireplace. | SMITH—Born to Elvina and ——-| Phone Blue 408 for terms. Don Smith in the Prince Rupert FOR SALE- —Roll-top Rin Bord (198) General Hospital on August 16,| dining room set, chesterfiel rere 1 daughter, Donna Louise. itp) set, chairs, pictures, combina-|FOR SALE—Six room residence, tion radio-recordplayer, tri-| 441 Sth Ave. West. Three bed- | Sennen —— . light, lot of cut. glass. vapor| reoms, full conerete basement. PERSONAL cabinet bath, sun iarape, pal oh and I mbing Fi replace. a a cen y $ JOIN the Prince Rupert group Sat, ralrnars, eds, dreggers,| tank and plumbing. Fireplace of Alcoholics Anonymous to-| 1 01S, etc. ue ‘ p) | (te) day. Write Box 444, Daily FOR SALE—White enamel ice- si verre News. (199); box. Excellent condition FOR SALE— Six “roomed resi- ADVERTISER using Daily News Phone Blue 393. (198p)} dence, partly furnished. Cen- box No. 471 in Monday’s paper please call at Daily News of- fice for reply. (199-ne) THOM SHEET METAL LTD BLACK 884. Bonded roefers. Pitch and Gravel, Smooth As- phrlt. Registered boiler and pressure welding. Marine and general sheet metal work (209) WE PAY cash for burnt out motors, any size or make. Wt- ford Electrical Works, Cow Bay. Phone Blue 39) (tf) REMEMBER, you can phone your classified ad; just phone 748 and we will be glad, to help you with the wording Daily News. (199), PLUMBING, Automatic Oil heat- ing, sheet metal work. Phone 543, 830 6th West. Letohrneau getinhtl) | ay Sey RS ai ARL “ce “eye rybody tses 99: (c¥} AN ADV ERTISEMENT ing in this column Carl Anderson is Anderson of East appear- signed by not the Carl 1408 Sixth Ave (198ne) Poodle Cuts JERRY'S BEAUTY SALON Guaranteed Permanents | Large Price Range TWO PROFESSIONAL |- OPERATORS MRS. ROSE HENDRY and MR. HOWIE POWELL SMART CUTS SMART STYLES| Phone 855 for appointment (200c) DELUXE TRANSFER. Phone 383. 224p) PHONE 18 your Northland Dairy, for daily delivery except Sun-!|— day. By looking after your milk your milk will look after you. Keep it cool. All milk guaranteed. (tf) UNWANTED HA HAIR- -Permanent- lv eradicated with Saca-Pelo The most remarkbale discov-|- ery of the age. Saca-Pelo is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drugs or chemicals. LorBeer i FOR SALE ~ Fuel | WANTED— Four r room house for FOR SALE—White Fawcett oil burner. Phone Blue 734 fae | FOR SALE—Men’s C.C.M. three- speed bicycle. Good condition. | Black 700. (201p) FOR SALE— Three piece ches- terfield snite, 6 piece kitchen set, 1 Enterprise kitchen range, 2 double beds, 1 dregs- er, chest of drawers, 3 odd chairs. Blue 468. 735 lst West, across from Elizabeth Apts. (202) FOR SALE—1000 sq. ft. of heavy grass turf. Contact Northwest Constr uction or call 563. £200) BO ATS FUR SALE FOR SALE—16 ft clinker boat, 5 H.P. inboard moter, im good condition, $235. At Wilford Electric. Phone between 9 and 6, Blue 391. (199p) “BUSINESS OvPORTUNITEES \ business ” Ja! B.C. coast town. Turnover last year $40,000. Can be bought with one, two or three trucks. This business can be enlz arged, | Other interest reason for sell-| ing. Contact Box 262, White! Roek, B.C. (200) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT- Furnished or unfurnished house or suite for’ working couple. Box 468 | Daily News. (4198p) WANTED TO. “RENT- Three or or four room suite-or house. Fur- nished preferable. For couple. Phone Red 997, (200p) | WANTED TO RENT — “Four or five room house or apartment, unfurnished. Phone 669. (201p) young couple. Phone Red 997. (201p) WANTED TO. "RENT — Unfur- nished suite or house. Urgent. Phone Les Reekie at Imperial Oil, 532. _ (202p) WANTED TO ‘RENT ~— - Young couple with one child require two room suite, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Mr. J, Nasechuk, C.N. Express Dept. WANTED TO RENT — 3-room unfurnished suite by couple, no children. Phone Red 554. (198p) trally located. Price $6500, half cash, balance $75.00 monthly. For further information phone Nelson, Bros., Port Ed- ward, between! 8 and 9 pm., and ask for Mr. Hill. * SPECIAL | bedroom Fireplace in living room, Four Bride. large dining room, kitchen wired | for electric range, hot water heating plant, possession Sept. 3, Price $7500. Very easy terms arranged. HANDYMAN’S SPECIAL New four room house, partly finished. Pembroke babhroom. $1000 cash handles. Aymstrong Agencies Ltd. Phone 342 Black 197 evenings | FOR SALE—On beautiful Gal- iano Island. Four room house on 3% acres, near wharf and stores. undance of water. $4,800. 100 Wate t lots, about I aoré, $800 eaeli. Box 475, Daily News: (1995 LAND REGISPRY ACT Title No. (1), Block Section One Certificate of to Let One six (36), Re: 21551-1 Thirty- (1), Map WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of John Gurvich has been filed in this office, notice is hereby given that I shall, at the jexpiration of one month frem the date of the first pubMeation hereof, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid ob- jection be made to me in weiting. DATED at the Land Registry Of- fice, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 21st jday of July, 1952, A.D. Rupert Fulton, Acting Deputy Registrar of Titles. (198¢) INTERNATIONAT, RIVER The 500-mile Mouse River, ris- ing in Saskatchewan, flows into North Dakota and then swings (199) | a + 2a5 | 9:00 house near Mc- | northward again. 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:35 8:00 8:10 8:15 8:30 B.C. Fishermen's Musical Clock CBC News Musical Clock CBC News Here's Bill) Good Morning Song Morning Devotion Little Concert BBC 9:15 9:59 10:00 10:16 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 hay 31 mT 33 1:45 M Time Signal Morning Visit At Home With th Musical Program Roundup Time Weather Report Message Period Rec. Int. 12:00 12:15 Mid-Day Meledies CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B Cc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT. ALBERT Seale McCAFFPERY LTD. ‘PRANK YANI GUIN HOBBY 'S and by yirtuge.of ce rants of Exeoution the abeve Court to ed I have seized of the goods and ‘chattels of the defend- ants, Frank Yanitski and Pen- guin Hobby Shop Plymouth Sedan, 9645959, complete with radio, fog lights, spare wheel, and on Thursday, day of August, 19 hour of 2.00 o’clock afternoon I shall offer for sale at public auction for cash alt the right, title and the defendants in goods. This sale shall be sub- ject to the SS. & The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Place of sale, the Court House, Prince Rupert. The car can be inspected on application to the Dated at Prince Rupert, Ru- gust 14th, 1962. M. M. Stephens, Tales of the 100,000 Scandinavian Melodies ? arm Broadoast “Club 1240 Sunday Morning Recital maty. Musie for Meditation Weather Rpt Karen Discovers America Invitation to Masic & “Once Upon a Time” Ask the Weatherman London Studio Recital Howard Cable, Concert Band Coneert Our Special Speaker Little Symphonies “Couchiching Conference” Weather Report and Sign-off Broadcast Ss News and Comty Music for Moderns e Lennicks | A Man and His Music wi eee b dummy’s ace-queen gave Dale his ten tricks and game. you are his partner, tem.” He will open one no contain least two and a half tricks and no suit cards aa re North dealer North-South vulmerable North (Mr. Busty) S—874 H—K 6 4 D—A Q 5% C—K 9 2 West East (Mrs, Keen) (fr. 8A KEK J.6 3 S--Q 9 2 H—5 H—J 8 7 D-6 43 D—-K J 1( C—10 875 c— J 43 south (Mr. Dale) S—10 6 H—A Q 1092 D—9 8 7 C—A Q 6 The bidding North East South LNT Pass 2H 1H Pass 4H He now ealls the the best procedure is to play his “sys- trump ing at AND SHIPYARD honor | Champion) 3 ) All ‘pases To most of today’s players, a two heart response to an open- ing no weakness. Usually, trump bid indicates | the opening | bidder passes that response. But not Mr. Fusty. If he can sup- port your suit, he raises, If your | Suit is his weakness, he will go on in no trump. His theory is | | that if you're weak, way to show it is to pass. Dale had an acceptable | opening bid himself in today’s But, knowing his partner, Mr. deal. he responded with onl the best y two| hearts to the opening no trump | bid. As expected, Mr. Fusty raised and Mr. Dale went on to fame. It was far from a laydown. Mrs. Keen cashed the king and ace of spades and ied a third round of the suit which Dale First, trumped. Mr he had to play the heart suit right, He led the ace first, then the nine to dummy’s | king. On the second trump lead | Mrs. Keen showed out, discard- ing a diamond and proving the | fimesses against Mr. Champion's | | jack Mr. finessing the ten, the queer. of hearts, | small diamond from the board. Dale led a third sluf and c heart, ashed fing a Next he cashed three rounds of clubs and was happy to see Mr. last round. Now he led the seven of dia- monds and played the five from | dusamy, Mr. Champion | Champion drop the jack on the won th the tea but had nothing y diamonds. His lea AUCTION SALE Timber Sale X 23367 d into Mr. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 11:00 A M., on Tuesday, September 9th, 1952, in the Office ; of the District Forester, Prince . “©, ‘the Licenee X23267, to ean cet 095 40h: fram. of Hemlock, Bal- Rit sZt an area ~ covertaig. pat of .L:* 9336P, situat- reain, Wa . ed,.on. tke east shore of Devastation Ri , Range me direct-|Ch8Pnel, worth of Crab River, Ran one 1947 Serial No. ete. the 28th 52, at the in the interest of the above M.A. Tax. Two 4, Coast Land District. (2) years will removal of timber. be allowed for “Provided anyone unable to attend BC. (A916, GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER may be the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid.” Further particulars *+tained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria, B.C., or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, ob- 23, a0) of five or} 4 ' | | (a | SERB BED | __| PRINCE RUPERT | DRYDOCK | Phinda er hb ree SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Tron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene « Welding CHTROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 iives.: by appointment only 21 - 28 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 John F. L.. Hughes, D.C. | SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MAC ACHINERY | Phone S47 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608-—3rd Ave. W., Pringe Rupert, B.C. . P.O. Box 374 “| Ambitious Andrew who POR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. Phone Blue 939 We Pour Cement For Less IStOn, Hi HANDY) HOME Sey ne, GENERAL coy Building 4nd Rey kings 1 ROOFS ms OF OLL BUR iy PHO P.O. Box 197% = FRED E pg OPTOMEpp Room 10 Stone py Phone Blue Open Friday p Desired part-time work Advertised in classified Now Andrew is a clerk PRECISION SAW FILING Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215—Ist Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 DINING - 204-4th Street HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beuuty Culture In all its branches Phene 655 nd MATTSON UPHOLSTEp Phone Blue 19 Pi 234—3rd Aye Prince Ruperi beep H. G. HELGER LIMITED REAL ESTATE & ing Phone 06, Evenings PLEASURE IN. SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe Box 774 QUALITY REPAIRS and Wurn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL For Downtrodden Heels Second Ave, LING THE TA Pailoring - | and Clothes Made-to- 220 Sixth st 1 VACATIONISTS! A Good Place to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA clent Service, Canadian Liquid Air Co. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, | LINDSAY'S CARTAGE || & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliahle and Effi- Also agents for Lid. PORTRAI Films Developed anf PROMPT SERy CHANDLER'S sy 216—4th Street Phone Greeg Prince Rupe Train $< STANDARD f For the East— Daily except Sunday From the East— HOTEL PLUMBING Telkwa, B-C. Just a Nice Day’s Drive HEATING| The Reliable and | Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations h.& Elkins Lid} Sant SAP P.O, Box 274 Popular Steamer SAILS FOR Prince Rupert Vancouver and Intermediate Porta Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN \ WEDNESDAY MEDNIGH' Comfort and Service OFFICE For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT "PRINCE RUPERT, | _ Daily except Rebel (AH ie Daylight VANCOUVE aryl VIC SUNDAY ss. Camosun 69 FRIDAY SS Coquitia ALICE ARM, STEW PORT SIMPS Friday, Camosua, FOR NORTH W CHARLOTTE IS Aug. 27 10 88 Coquitiam, aa POR SoUuTH w OHMARLOTTE b 8S Coquitial 20, Sept. Sept Aug FRANK J. Sit Prince Rupet ad Avenue. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing e DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Sheriff. Sheriff. (HB) |. WANT ED “TO R RENT — — Suite or house by couple with girl, 9. Government employee ent. Green 241 (201p) FOR RENT FOR RENT—Sleeping room, 801 Borden St. (199) FOR RENT —2-room log cabin Lab, 679 Granville, Yancou- yer, BC. (H) at Lakelse Lake. Phone Red 807. (198) Urg- | | Ask for Them by Name || BE SURE TO... | Relax and Enjoy i REVELSTOKE LAGER ENGLISH | DARK BEER Both beers awarded “Cross of Honor” for the Dominion of Canada, Brussels, Belgium, 1951. | Enterprise Brewery Limited, Revelstoke, B.C. Also—ENGLISH 3X STOUT “Ask for these popular BRANDS by name” ALWAYS THE BEST BUY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control | Board or by the Government of British Columbia. aver c3 a - — Phone Green 136 Box 478° Radio, heater, $ Phone Black 846 and Red 127 Seat Covers, Only Mase a SPECIAL! SPECIAL! BES}, OF FOOD FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE For the MEAL that REFRESHES | FINEST OF COOKING The economy car 1950 MONARCH SEDAN Ride like a King 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN USED CARS 1951 PREFECT SEDAN ‘1285 real One Only— 1950 MONARCH Convertible Every extra, a dream car When shopping for a GOOD USED CAR—try “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Ltd. Phone 93 ‘1995 ‘2975 C i inese pl Chop Suey - Ci Open 6 pan. +} 6 HOLLYWOOD For Outside Ordets JOHN 4 BULG Optom ! John Bulge Third Ave DADDY, WHAT 15 A BLONDIE PUNDIT 2 Hae A PUNDIT 1S A VERY WISE MAN oa sa Wise, Old Sage! ||| THATS EASY--Y--A VERY, mS A BACHELOR) rack HIM) WHAT'S A ancueide) By ‘CHIC 10 i 5 AN A BACHELOR AAN UNMARRIE —~( (e