LADIES' RAIN HATS Special 3 Dozen Ladies' Rain Hats Values lo .$2.75. To clear, eacli . $1.00 The line comprises colors of Hlack, Brown, Uresn, Hed, etc. Some small sizes suitable for misses. Misses' Plush Hats 0 only, suitable for ages i to 8 in Hlack only. Regular $2.50. Special . S1.50 Boys' Cord Velvet Hats In convertible brim. Values to $1.50, for ... ... 95c 3 Only Left, Model Hats-Values to $12.75. To clear Half Price All other Hats at proportionate reductions. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. . Third Ave. and Fulton St. ARRIVING Saturday California Ilhtihaih, Head Lettuce, California Celery, Fresh Tomatoes, llrussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Parsley. Florida Grapefruit, Itipe Itananas. SATURDAY SPECIALS MEAT DEPT. Itiiiiip Itoasl. per lb. .. 15c Round Hoast, per lb. ... 10c Sirloin Uoat, per lb. .. 18c T-bone Itoast. per lb. 15c Round Slcak, per lb. .. 20c Sirloin Sleak, per lb. .. 25c Hamburger, per lb 10c lork Hocks, 2 lbs. Tor 25c Moiling Fowl, per lb. . . 25c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Phone 84 Cash & Carry ECONOMY I ECONOMY! ECONOMY! Start tbe niontli of February with Economy. Give us a trial. It Is impossible to list all varieties of Groceries but we feel sure that we will save you money. We guarantee our goods to be satisfactory to you. Here are a few of our various bargains: Flour, per 49 lb. sack $1.85 Flour, per 1)8 lb, sack $3.65 Hulled Uals, per 20 lb. sack $1.00 Rolled Oats, per 0 lb. sack ... , 35c Lard, per 10 lb. pail .. $2.10 Lard, per 5 lb. pail .. $1.10 Lard, per 3 lb. pail .... 65c All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. EasL CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS . ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSET8, BRASSIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8t. Slcam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. TIMBER SALE X 5626. Thcrr will bv ottered Tor nale al 1'ublic Auction, at ikkmi mi thr iUv i.r February. in the otrire of tiie Dis trict forester it I'rlnce Hupert. B.C., tlie ucrure - soro, m rut .43u.vvu rert B.M. of Spruce and lleiulork. on in irri llueled at the head of Chief Matthew' uay. lunre I, cum Land OUtrict. Two years will be allowed for re moval of timber. runner particular of Hie Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., or District loresier. rnuce iiuicri. o.u. TIMBER SALE X 5767. Sealed Tender! will be received If the MlnlMer or Land at Victoria nut later than noon on the JIM day of February, 181. for the purchase' (if Licence X 5J17. to cut S.KO.ouo feet or Spruce, Balaam, Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated (Hi Channel lland, Gardner Canal. Kan re 4, Coast pistrlrl. Thre (3) years will be allowed fur removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ler, Victoria. B.C.. or bUlrirt Forester, iTiuce ituperi, u.i.. LAND ACT. Notlta of Inlantlon U Apply to Laaaa Land. In Skeena Land District. Rerordlna- Dis trict of Coast, and situate on Zayas Wand, line .ouce mat ueorpe fcerr, butcher, of Prince Bunert. B.C.. In. tends to apply for permission to lease the following deorribed land; Commencing at a post planted about four chains north of jaeintn I'oint on zayas Island; thence fol lowing me sinuoMlleo or the ehore line at hlrh water mark around the Island and returning- to point of commencement, and containing i.oou acres, more or less. GEoriGE ktnn. .ame of applicant. HOOMES K. FREEMAN, Agent. SOMETHING NEWI SOMETHING BETTER I Glendale No. 1 Creamery Butter After thoroughly examining all the best butlers on the Alberta market we pickT ed out Glendale as the foremost in ipiulity. You want a Heller Hullcr wc have it in Glendale. We stand behind Glendale. ASK FOR IT. Value Heller. It's The Best. We Sell for Less. We Sell for Cash. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Sort Drinks. t Wc have a pleasant back room. Come in and make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS KDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 58. I PROPAGANDA OF HEARST PAPERS General Policy Is Opposed to Britain and Critical of Everything She Does The Hearst newsnaocrs in tho United Stales, possibly the largest chain of big papers in the world, carry on an insidious propaganda against Great Hritain still, even though they are not as blatant as formerly. Here is an lexanwlo of the style of article used. It comes from tbe Los Angeles F.x- atnincr: The F.nglish stomach cannot stand the raw meat which France provides in its barbarous and oppressive- conduct" in the Rhine-laud and the Ruhr. Since the Treaty of Versailles. the unhappy people of the Saar coal region, in the Hhlneland, have been ruled and will b ruled for fifteen years by Hie Saar Commission. T,0 majority of that commission consists of a Frenchman, a Itolgian and a Dane with a Fj-ench name. The min ority, always oleil down, consists of a Canadian and a lone ti'presrntalive of the people of the Saar. This commission has passed what Former Premier Asquith, in the House of Commons, trembliut; with indignation has denounced as "an infamous iiceri-..." nn.iir which any one criticizing the League of Nations, the Treaty of Versailles or the deeisions of the commission is liable lo five years' imprisonment or a ten thousand franc fine. Hear Mr, Asnuilh. the leader of the Hriti-h Liberal parly: "hven in the arual of the despotism of the worst days of Russia a more monstrous or oppressive piece of legislation could not be discovered, ami yet this decree goes forth to the worl.i under the authority of the League TIMBER SALE X 5753. -- a sei. s nai irr; mTHrU UJ lilt? uutrlrt lorpMrr, ih.i Uit ttun ixmii on Purc-naM of M-eii.- X s?s ;--r ui.n,t iojjii. vi ?irurf aim iir iiium k aw..jr. uim (, ymp will be alluut-d fur re iiHva of tJiubtr. I'll l-f Imp txrtlMitara I ft.i .. trt JrtorU, or the , district r'urrlpr. TIMBER SALEX 5S51. Sealed Tender will 1m. rprrlml !. itm Mliiider of l-and at Victoria not later mail in mii on i ne 7iii nay or li-uruary, IV. for the purrlmv or Licence XJDJI, to cut iO.uuo lineal rcrl or l-olea and I'llini. on an area nliualMl ilirw mil... S.K. of kllwanira, Calr lilrlrlct. Two (ti yHir will be allowed for removal of tltiibrr. Furllicr particular of llir thief Korea-ler, Victoria. B.C., or OlMrUt lurctler, I'rlnce HuKrl. U.i;. TIMBER SALE X 5763. Sealed Tender will lie reri-lvnl l.v llix Mlulrter or Mnda at Victoria not later liian noon on the JIM ilay of Kebruary, nir in.- iMjrriia.if or ucence a iiu. to cut I.I 1 7. noil feet of spruce, i:edar, Hemlock and HaNaiii, froni an area Mtualcd at the head of Turk Inlet. N.W. of I'rlnce iiuieri, nanve i, i;nai ui'trirt. Two (ii veara will allowed fi.r re. motal of nuilier. niniM-r parllrulara or the i:hlef Victoria. B.:, or Dlatrlct loreHer. mice iiuiiert. B.C. ESTATE OF ALFRED WTNOMAM CARTER I DECEASED. TAKE .NOTICK Dial I'n.tmlH or Hi la.t will nf the above named ilrreateil a duly liiel out of Hie Victoria Iirrlatry hi inn supreme uourt or BritUli Columlila on I lie aril day or January, lwl. to '1HOI.MI, .i'i..r.n iir.i'i'r.l. 01 Victoria. Hie Kterutrla therein named: ALL l'KIISO.13 havlnir claims aralnsl this estate are. rennn-ifil to mhiI In siu-h rlainn in wrltiiia; duly verified to the unii-rpijriiti : AMI rTIITIIKII TAKK .NOTICE that on ud arter the rirt day of March. Kfl, inr r.iriuirit win priM-een to flistrioiite this estate havlnr reirarrt onlv in ilm.e claims or v. hlrh she shall have been duly DATtli Ilils 5lh day of ianilary. I9H. CIIKASE Ic CIIF.ASE. Sollcltora for the ExeriiirU, 410 Central Diilinintr, Victoria. B.C. WOODCOCK DAIRIES LIMITED Starting February 1, The Woodcock Dallies Ltd. will lake over the business or I he Prince Hupert Dairy, delivering milk and 'cream direct from the farm, al Woodcock to (be l'rince Hupert homes. All our cows have passed Hie most rigid tests as to heallh; elc, and arc living under natural conditions, ensuring our customers get-ling a first class product. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. TH8 DAILY NfcrWB. Friday. February , 2, OX A beetage A ionic Nourishment Strength Flavor Economy of Natli.n." JUT Man Woman Nursing Mother Crowing Child Invalid The Chef and the Cook. CUBES In Hut ! 4. 10, SO a4 100 nU, What would .Mr. Aviuith have u,u done? 'Ibis is what he says: I league's intervention in. the pre. ent outrage of the Saar Couunis. ion's Czarintic decree? In Lord Hubert Cecil's firt i-pe-cli in America, at thn llolel Aslor. he invited ruiexllons. I!e not one. He wan akcd why Ui3 r ..r v-n i : intervene to prevent Ihe acknowledged wron? of the Huhr occu- I alion Lord Itoberl had noi answer. in writing In Hit' New York Times of hi Ainri'cnn experiences, he sny this ipiestion was asked him wherever lie venl. He admits: "I found it -an almost fmpossi. hie lak lo convince even those who were otherwise weU disposed that there was any really effeelive reason, other than the opposition of France, why Ihe league should rot intervene.!' The sad fact is that Fnglaud could not expect effectively to protest lo France. Is nht Ihe Ilrilish Umpire itudf largely a roiiposilc or territories aggrandized lit just the same ruthless iirauner as Funic now seeks to aggrandize (he . Huhr? Shall the teacher chastise tho pu pil Tor a lesson learned so well? While Ureal llrilain opptesses and imprisons nml slaughters (he nationalists of Fgypl and In dia, whal can F.iixlaml properly say lo the French militarists? With every passing day the United Stales has new reason lo lie gralerut that il is dissociated from Hie robber band in Furop4 and llieir tool, the League of Nations. Former Senator llamilloii Lewis, who hud been (he chief supporter of the leagti in She Senate, voiced a. very different view when he recently relurn"d from Furope, where he had n-'lu-ally seen the league In operation. He said: "As I saw the league fund inn-lug in Furope. il has brcom- n committee of conquerors. lis principal business, as now organized, is lo hold the rompieied territory for those lands lo which it was awarded by the treaty of Versailles." It will be very many years before I'u rope .outgrows medieval militarism and forgets the methods and standards of the plundering ,iriiifes land robber barons of the Dark Ages. We Americans have built up a Different order, a different system, a different creed. In Ihreedoiii or our vast new country;" )wrpltuy removed Irom the bitterness ami bigotry of' the old, war worn world, we have developed new Ideals based on liberty and liberality, or Justice and humanity and Christian charity. Why should we contaminate Ihe pure well-spring of our national life by niliiK'ling it wilh Ihe muddied ajul bloodied wnlers of Kuropeiin passions and policies? Who shall say that it was not Ood's will that wc should be separaled from' the evil of the Old World in order lo develop in this New World a new freedom as an example for all mankind lo sec and lo rollow? Subcrlbe for the Daily News. T. P. O'CONNOR MAY BE LORD CHAMBERLAIN LONDON, Feb. 1. The Slar says tho position of Lord Cham berlain will be offered to T. I1 O'Connor, the veteran nationalist member or the House of Com nuins. OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS rassjiorts secured awd tickets issued via White Star, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines. The Canadian National Hallways make direct connections with steamers of these lines, Full in formation at City Ticket Ofrice. Canadian National Hallways, 52H Third Avenue. I'rlnce Huncrl. 1'hono 2C0. vrh tltpliuh nriii.Ani' ''avengers sailing this inorn- khoilld .lemon.) Ilio pi.iiUMiinir nf '"K f,,r "'0 south Oil the sleulll- a uptfial meeting or the Leasue " ,I,r,nfc ,u,,orl ''""'uded: Miss Cimnril :iiul. Ii.i.'ke.l tiv nil I lie f !. Donnelly, A. Mackie, J. Sum- lountries in the world, luit on ""'""fieW. A. II. Scouton, II. eaneellliiK the. seandaloiH decree 7"'.'",'h1, J- riihurl. N. M. which besmirvhes the authority a"m" J- '"",uk. hcl.-otin, end reputation of thr league." Thai N what the llritNh Cov- irument should do. J. WiL-oii, Sing Wing, Chief W Mdller, James Mcllae, C. J. (Jtiulic. S. Morrison. Miss K. Johnxon, Mr. ' and ' Mrs. H. ' A. Bui one knows that "real 7 V every ... . i . i .. ., rritatn will do i.olhing of the ",.K.1'" ; A,J- 1 ? e"lic' '' Und. She will not a.k France lo ; ' ,lt;"' , J' K etay hrr hand, ir (ireat llrilain ,'. K' t ,,ri!nd'.' etood ,lde and did no, nk the ?' Hochester. : ) J. ! I'oiiili ta pirn ri I in Mm II uli r Aid. O. V. Kvitt, J. A. hvans and J. Cordon for Vuu AnllliiaX aT t il. why houl.l she holder to ak lh,. v"u" . ,u "Va" , a,,Si I Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge D. Dulk'ar- no und Mrs. F.vt Kh-mitn for Seattle; M. 1'. MtCalfcry for Victoria. Union xleamrr Caiiio.uu. Capl. J. A. l'in. Ilay, arrived from Van couver 1 and wayporls at 1.30 this .,,.,.. ,.. oauua., . ..- aflPriioon and sailed al 2.30 for ne ua.t sung an eeninu', ui.i no, (ip, , . .. Vtu Hiver. The ve?cl will bo in port again tomorrow morning southbound. H. Moyil Youm.' passed through on the steamer Camosiiit this arternoon relurnimr to I'ort Simpson itHer a Ihree weeks' trip lo Vancouver on business. Prosperous sdvrMlnB men rfnirtr eiiniinuntis Advertising. qnli.-i in it iiiie v..i, SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may b pr-tmptd b ilrUlah aubjecta over tl ytara of ate. and by aliens on dtclarlnc Intention lo become British aubjecta, condi lonal upon residence, occupation, ind Improvement for agricultural purpoaaa. Vvl Information conctrnlnj reju-atlona retarding pre-ampllons la riven In Bulletin No. 1. Land Merle, How to Pre-empt Land." coplea of thlcb ran be obtained free of chart iT addreaalnt tha Department of .ande. Victoria, B.C, or to any Oov-rnment AtenL Itecorda will b (ranted cohering nly land aullabla for agricultural purposes, and which la not Umber-land. I.e., carrying over (.000 board feet par acra west of the Coast Hang ind 1.000 fact par acra east of that Range. Appllratlona for pre-emptions are o be addreaaed to tha Land Commissioner of tha Land Recording 1)1 ilalon. In which tha larj applied for la altuated. and ara maua on prlntai forma, coplea of which can be obtained from tha Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for flra yeara and Improvement made to value of I0 per acra. Including clearing and cultivating at laaat Ave acrea, before a Crown Grant can be received. ror mora detailed Information aea Ihe Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Appllratlona ara received for pur chaaa of vacant and unreserved Crown landa. not being tlmberland. for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price of flrst-e!asa (arable) land la ft par acre, and second-class (grating) land JZ60 per acra. Kurlher Information regarding purchaaa or leaa nf Crown landa la given In Bulletin No. 10. Land Serlea, "Purchaaa and Usee of Crown Landa." Mill, factory, or Induatrlal allaa on Umber land, not eaceedlng 40 acrea, may ba purchased or leased, tha con. dltlona Including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LIASES ITnaurveyed areaa, not exceeding 10 acres; may ba leaaad aa honiealtea. conditional upon a dwelling being erected In tha flrat year, title being obtainable after realdenca and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land haa been aurveytd. LEASES Kor grazing and Induatrlal pur poaea area not exceeding 140 acre may b leased by ona penon er a company. GRAZING Under, tha Orating Act the Prov. Inca la divided Into grazing districts and the rang admlnlatered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grazing permits ara Issued baaed on number ringed, priority being given o established ownera. Hleek-ewners nny form associations for rant nanagement. Tree, or partially free ermlta ara available for lettlera' ampere and traveller, up te ter .icad. Phone 376 The House Phone 316 of Quality FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS MEN'S WORK GLOVES In a good quality Mill km. wilh nml willio:,! cord fastener. All sixes. Ileg. - p:ir Special, pir, 35 MEN'S UNDERWEAR In ribbed and rial knit. M'iliiim ami h Av weight, uli wool. Worth up lu :MHi ,.-.-garment. t Special, per flirment 5l.r$ MEN'S GAUNTLET GLOVES .Made of heavy Mulekiii jiiilalde for i,,j wear ami .trongly m'wii llinmglnnit. sixes. Il-g. $1.00. Special, per pair 50c MEN'S WORK SOX Heavy weight, all wool, in light nml dark gi-rv ami I .ova I hade.v H'-tf. 7 Tie. Special, pair 50c UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "MASTERS OF MEN" Tin' jrreale! seu slorv evtr wnlleo llirilli jr i!r of he-nfeji', of ilevil-uniy-rar s.nlormf n. carele. il able, loyal, irniideiil and lovable nnndt the mag the 8anisli Main. A virile lle of the tiaw. m liirtti! youth and beautiful girlhood. A vivid Srl life liefore the iirHl. A hoy'n hallle tiivvartl in (he vs.: niol lerniviiiK srhoni. to hell-hole lorwiirtl on ' 4 hip. The deiiiii l"ni llu' H.(iinh fleet at SalUwg Earle Williams, Cullen Landli, Alice Calhoun, Ward Hawley and disliugmshed al CHRISTIE FROM THE PRESS. -"HOLD EVERYTHING." Admission 50c and 2Sc TELKWA COAL $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Extraordinary SPECIALS For This Week For Those Who Are Concernedo. Ladles' Watson's Combinations In Silk ami Wool, in long nr short ulrevcs, ankle T knee lenftlli. I leg. .:,(. Speeial Ladies' Watson's All Wool Combinations Heg. price .t.'.VTi, H.eriaj Ladles' Watson's Cotton Combinations Heg. price $.'1.0(1. Special Turnbull's Cee-Tee All Wool Combinations Heg. 58,l)(j, Hieeial Turnbull's Cee-Teo All Wool Combinations In knee or unkh length. Ileg. if0.75. Siecial. $55 $3.75 $2.00 $6.00 $5.00 Special Discount allowed on Ladles' Two-Piece Suits ' In Silk, Cotton or Wool. Misses' and Girls1 Combinations All sizes, from 2A lo Jit. Ileg. 2.&0. .Special $1-5 20 Per Cent Discount on all Misses' and Girls' Shirt In Silk, Wool or Cotton 8PECIAL (lids' Heavy Coll'on Vests 3 for N Jabour Bros., Ltd. Cor. Third Ave. and 8eventh 8treet