Soil Finish Ilirif-T-Service Was I'Wf Kprviee, out of 1 h wtl esaclly fill your ali day need. I'lione ii for iKirheulfir. anadian Laundry Phone 8. HAT ThA F Am aii LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON t-ump and Egg 8lxe3. STERLING Stove and Eon SIt. in s.itk or iium. 'hone u your nrdcra day gr night. I inn., n . . 1 n I ft mt (ill mi ui.nnnv . . . i ii ill. i? mil mci i.iiui in aiiuu iiiiiiiii e .ti n ri iifri... u t t - II.. r O TUT 11. Lr. IT. I Ml I DENTIST. Helgsrson Blook, RINCk RUPERT, . 0. Offfw Mourt, U 8. PKoii . M, .m V vniw ror I. MEN'S WHIST Moose Lost League Leadership Last Night to Elks Former Lost and Latter Won Games liiggihne of one vital organ. feel hadly unlit your liver ha heep properly rjfnsed and lon-ed. ( , (let fjuiek reliefl Take Jul a xpoonfnl of Dr. 'Iliaehfr' I.iver A JIom Syrun itfU-r )ip ncxJ few meal. Xollee t'i. quiek ilirTcr- ence in Ihe, way yon look, eal, I hi nrKnn Ih your liverl"ieep and feel, Thi vecelalde When woikiiiz nronerly il aiilM!"yi'i'p eonlahiH only IrtpredienU ditrelion, prevenU eniiilipalion!l,,"l f kiiowp lo Ihe niedieal and purifiex ihn Idoo'd. When (iiprfeion or Ihelr eorreciive I cldirved up wild Impuriliei'. II. heallli liuildiri? pioportie. rannnl do lh'i ( li i iikh unlil il I pleasant .lo lake, and you propfrly -leaii(., and lone.l. Con. ;Wlll he eomplelply ;ill,.fi.,; e(ii.ilyyouoflcii wake up morn- i"tlierwi.e lruKl"(.H, will return inf feelint' dull and llred, lnp-;'he "mall cat. rue roaled, eoniplexion xallnw.; Dr. Tliiirfier'H I.f'ver A- nu... ditrellou poor oflcn constipal- Syrup i old and reeom mended ed, iiervoiiN and upkel. You l.y Orme Ud., cor. 3rd A ami ealrh rold eaily and your y-'r.lli Slreel. I'rinee , Huprrl, U.C., leni h too ruu.down lo Ihrow off nod hy leadinK lni?frll in every mini, uiiiui'iii. ion ronimiie lo r am own. a more Minsianllal lead for Ihe'who suffer Willi llio uilly, frohi mm. mum ranor or ineir iU- venereaL i enf. So far n.n piaeenieni from fourlh plaeo hy lamenluhle and co.lly ponallien uie i.ik. win, lonipiu lourna- of ill-advied, ilNeoneeived mock menl over, r.ieh leain in Hip modesty in the p, ,avo liorne 4eaue win nave piaytnl Hupp f.itlor fruit. Knuwledjrp i H l.el-tfHiue. The War Vcleran hIIIMit way. Let women, a well ;ii hae a lontr lead for fir I pl.iep. inicii. I'ljiijp (lwmelve with it 'und piolect Hie rhild life of the mam. lo numlier of pn- couulo. SiM-ial hygiene i just lliu.lalie worker, young and the ciene of right and Ihere-ol.l or Stewart wpek com- fMi-p hPHlltiful livinjr." ineiiced lo enjoy purei.l mmih! .. kaling on an open nir rink thai Ladle' and Intermediate ttauie. :a hepii huill on Hip eourl Junior Leanue jhoue around- on Jievpiilli Slreel. The Coll eaoilv Won Ilip'l'Jei-lrir lialil illimiinnle Ihn ico MEXICAN WOMAN IS A REGULAR FIGHTER Junior I.i-ih-iip name fpnn Ihe'and fkaliiiK parlie have heeoine' lllue Mini, iiv a core ..r it i'llip fii.liii.ii in iho ii,.rii.r. ,i Lady of 21 Promoter and Boxer . Mike lludMiirli re fe reed ami the Ipiiiii ne, up n follow: 0,H t. Kelly, -ii; . ,MIir. donald, 2; O. Jolinon, 2; Splrn ,lirieli. 13; lieore Me. -Total 37. Illne Ilird Fred. lie Mnp. donald, 2; Jark NeUon; Perry iltond; iMiala- Slalker, Tom KeNey. 2. Tidal, I. Leasup ulandin? lo dale: Senior League W. L. IMJ iSnn nf Pjtnada II 2i !l".oU fl rt I jTrai-lirr . ........ l 2 , 'Two jioiiil ileilueled hy A-i foeialiioi for fielding tinrecUler- jri player in League name. Intermediate League fil 8 I I A j limit School f, 3 2 . (initio 2 7 i i:ik 2 7 Ladles' League jMnple Lear 7 2 It Adauae 7 2 11 1'earher .1 ft o Kalen I 8 2 Junior League . Ooll n 2 12.. tllisli Sehool 5 10 Star 3 3 ft lllue Ilird OH (l tntr ramp. TORONTO OFFICIAL ON SOCIAL HYGIENE and Says She Is Pretty Speedy In Ring SAN KHAXOISOO. Fell. I. I'erliap in (iermany, where there are homipii puvilisl. Senorita Airmen l.tnMa de. lii t lti:i may Has an Exhibit Including Wax find a iiRileh, Iml prohalily neer Models Showing Ravages in Ihl country, Ihwuli -lie ap-or Disease pea red reeeully in Ihi rily. pre. jwileil rredejitial lo how he TOIUl.N'TO, Fed. ' Canadian (wa n reaular fishier in Mexico. I're, Kmphaiiiuir Ihe funda-'and lohl promoter (lial inlarl mentally ualioicil npeel or or a uilahlo female npponenl Mial hygiene a a hciene of he wsi perreelly willing In coiunmnily heallli. Mayor II lit jt tackle a man or her wcisslit. or Tonmlo, who nnielnUil al Hie. Senoriln Carmen aid lie alo rnrmal openini; or n unique ex- wh a nromoler. and Staffed the, hlhilfon Hie other lay, eom- reeenl Sam l'iiisronl-Kid Savape meniled highly the value of Ihe fiirbl in Mexico City. eiluealionul work of Ihe Cana-1 The fair lioxer is 21 year old. dian Hygiene Onunell. .weiph f 17 and xland "' feel 7 The exhibit, which will remain inehe. Her nose ha hcen open ror one week ror women hrulied a Idl In one side; other-mer Ihe nje o f.-ixteen and i wie 1ip how no mark of hpr lo lie tnwii later to adull men, prnfii(m. roni'l of a erie of wax "I'm considered pretty spredy model rrom Pari, .howiug the (he rinp," ie .aid. ravage of Hie social dieae, local pmmotpr could give Miler. lantern slide, moving M'ee no cncourju'rinent, jnumuch piclure and daily heallli talk.!" women are not pvpu xtdmilled nil i xiling condi-'" ''peelalor- nl San Francico lion of eommunily health ami ,0,t. the way in which thee may he r.-idieally changed "lilueate, islucate, educate," said Dr. .1. C. O. Hatting, medi cal health hut du'l unii i.eaguc, men ecnon, io.(,ay ,IUII(,, M.x inslrucliou fur I. .A I... . I I. I .....I.I '.. .......!.. to . Mini imkhi. Ill' ..!.-. yilUllg. I'hi ineir uanin m me u.w ,...!n li' to I. while Hip F.Ik lucceful oer the H lo I. 'won over Ihe lie League standing to dale: W. I.. t U .1 .T I'l. i:ik tl " Moose 8 3 8 Sou nf I'liglnud.... ft I 8 O. W. V. A. 0 (l- ft K. or V c r S. Andrew' 5 7 5 (Miirellow t 7 4 Siin of Canada. I 8 t K. of I' il H 3 ( I Sport Chat j The I'rinre llupcrt City Illl- llnrd League game louighl he. Iween Hie Prince Huperl llilllard Parlor and the Klkn should he nn inlereollng alTair In view of Ihe evenness nf Ihe I wo ipiin-telle nf cueislx in Ihe league Mamllng, Willi four point. dividing litem on llm aggregate of llie two oiiinainenlf already played, Hi" rcpeclivo averagen are HftH nnd H"u. The result of (hit yamcsi tonlfht will likely b UNIVERSITY LABORITES GANIZE lint there i no limit j WOMAN IS SKIPPER OR- I.(l.ll(l Keli I V P.ilvnr. olllcer or Toronto, iii. i i... ... i i. . "(' i.l'li.fl 1111 Mil l'!-ll lir- von emi .lo ..III. VI.'W V'lkllk' I-.. I. I t . .... ...... ...i . ...... v".t. .., .. i , WPr,ilnrenU, and nfler all, renpnnni. 'Jennie H. Crocker, master of Ihe hililv re-1 in Hie home. Willi selionnei Itulli Marl In- w.w p. SI AudrewV Snclely , mni n,,,,,.!,, ttf Paj j,y. 0(.,,hv eleelcd Ihe rir. woman Kuighl or I'yllda '(,. nicia) health department nieniher of the Xeiilune Asocia- ;i.j . ii i nil. i in.- i.i i.iiii- ...... .... -.,... Tiii lie. linn ..f I teeiittn.1 I k..fL- Itilln.. Scene from 'Masters of Msn," showing nl lle Westlmlimi Tlicatre Tonight and Tomorrow. t .. i I'lu tiiirv I 1021. potu nvi. Rife t r r OPIUi iit' BAKER'S COCOA 7H cocoa of high quality. Baiter's Cocoa is Invigorating, stimulating only in the icnscthat pure food is stimulating, it has a delicious fla vor and aroma, U rrrat addition to meals nd a wonderful between neali stay. Made In, Canada By alter Biker & Co. Limited MIM i no 4t UXIS AT DCHCHCSTOl. MASS. AND MONTSXAL. CANADA iveKoses FLOUR . i"i (rorcr for TIVE ROSES, Tc World le L AqenL Christie BASKETBALL WAKE UP FRESH AND VIGOROUS LAST NIGHT AFTER USING VEGETABLE SYRUP Teachers Forfeited to Sons Canada Adanacs and Elks Win a.m.. TliPI'P U'fi. .... I . of fi-iii- him night, raeher forfeiting I lu. pninL to e snH of Canada ,i default, limip,,,) iii.ti- mi. nn exhibition nciweeir Iwn select idling in :n ii,., refereed, (ratlin team ro- Halph Hiii i 1 li The Adarute won I lie l.ndie' l.cngnn game frmii ihe Kaicn I')' l In . Tin- scoring wa n. followM: Adanac MU Pelc Treniayne (Si; .Mi Wllla Dyer; Ml A. Kelly, I; Mis l.eorla I'arLer it,' rt. Mi V. Slineklev 1 I , o Total III. . Kaieu-Ml li. rnp f. Mi- M. Caey (2), 5; f' Long. Ml A. Morrison. ; . i II. l.uihliuM,2; Ml , r,.mi Total. II. Intermedials League The Klk won Hip Inleriiie.tiai. jlnifiio funic from lh (in. tin hy la eore of 30 In . 1 I.Ik-I.. ,lori. 2: U. (irccn-.well (I). I?; l. Shoulou rt; . Wcndlc, 1; V. Catnlicr (I), , Total. 30. (Hollo W. Hray, 2; T. Frascr 'tf, W. Wrall.nll (I;, .. ,. mItoii, A. Howard (I) 7; Caplirk.- Total II, II. II. Skinner refereed holli There are n of i.cnple here who are neither very well nor ery lrh. hut who never really feel llieir best at Ihi lime, of I lie year. And Ihe Iroiilde, In the niajorily of cac, I due o Ihn "THE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST." THERE IS REASON for Bent's Seven Day Sacrifice Sale of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Apparel Commencing Saturday, February 2 .Mr. Hcnt Iff l ihe city Uii morning on the fleamcr I'riifee Huperl r.n route (o KaMern Canada lo nieel Uie ealerii travellers ami t( pnrchaf-r nir !-iring slock. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW STOCK WHEN IT ARRIVES. To enald? us lo do (his we are offering Never-lleanl-OMIefore ll.irg.iin on every article in (lie lore. Our present stork Ml 'ST IlKHOLIi In make room fur Ihe new model. Uelow we lit a few specials. Space doe not permit nf our imlilishiiig' all (he -xtr.-mnliiiary low pricpd offer. , SUITS TRICOTINE AND GABRIDINE SUITS. Size. ;5l-.'SS-iO. Ilegular values :t7.r and tft7..0." SACRIFICE PRICE $25.00. COATS Suilaldc for Winter and early Spring Wear. Sonic have .fur collars -mill ruff. In fn-liiiiiialile material and colors. Regular- Slue :i.i un III !j!2.'.UII. ,' . '. SACRIFICE PRICES $22.50 to $80.00. Wm eannid replace them for Hi" muu'ej-. w DRESSES "Sizes :u-&. In Shot Tafrela Silk, Canton Crepe, Flat Caiilou, Wool Crepe, (ienrgelle, etc. AT SACRIFICE PRICES. Other Hargnius iiielude Skirts, pure WihiI Sweaters, Sirf, etc., pc. MAIL ORDERS Living out of town need nut handicap you in onr raiment. We can fit up your every reiuiretnc.ul in nuter wear i( -jou will Iml wrilc us slating your tr'eiU and at prices the same a if you were in Prince Huperl. Bents Ladies' Ready-to-wear Store' Third Avenue. Opp. Bank of Montreal. AUTO INCREASES VICTOIUA, Feh. I. Motor vehicle hae increased in mini her in Hritish Columlda from, rt.CiSS in tyit to ati.Sno last year, according lo figure conipiled al the Parliament lluihlings for hiI ilown lo ilo il. u.,.,1,,,,1 iiiii w ill ii nwii llli'ii. A. M. Manson. attorney geh Keep rigid on Katllinsr with ,.i!e lo coni.v.1 nverv I'niver.iiv'ei-al. who ha charge of the en tiling a they are. while Imping (rPn, nrjtan al f.uro forcemenl or nuifor regulation, for Ihe reull nf educalion in ,.priiIlf). ri,,, lA.n.ler In H. new Here are the rigure showing the future. A lo Ihe leaching 11-..i,,1ii,.n un,,,. 'the numlier nf motor vehicle if SCX llVSieiie. lI.IH'l g too fast.'.. I .... r . . rn..i.lin.l in iii-il iiwe ilnrin? in-- i. ... i.. i. 1. 1 ii. .....ninn ' .. . i . i"'""' i-itiiesnur rioiiiy in - - .Mi.... ii.-... ...... h ,. , ,.gerou lint i em. Ill lllV i...: n i...... - ll. In'S.rien venr? ..I...... I II.. n..n.,ln ct II.. .... . . I lin.llljr, .mill IM - - .' ... - .. ........MM i.i.tiili.n lln.rn tirn iitri1 r,.vi ' . ..... . .. ' schedule, the Moo., Lodge lol 'r ,,' ' nnsuccerully ii. I.....I-. i.i. i.. ii.. .-.., ' p ,,,,,r , nwn ,e or "r won '" e n, w wno ,,,Vepily jipal in Hie last elec. " - win ucceru v nni scion I in . i.ic.ii..,.. : whal ., lion. imt r..08s t i 1 o ., 7,1 10 I !) t It H.SOCt Ui7 , it, cm till 8 15,370 HUti 25,onn 11120 28,000 l.j , :m,ooo IH22 ::i,7at I II 2.1 .111,500 nil i an increase or more nihi heal Ih Son (if Knglanl " (ween men and women am) their Mr. Crocker i said lo he Hie than iWin.piV cent in ten year Hod. 1'very one i vitally co- only woman kipier ou an ocean cerned lo proleel the innocent, going vessel. THE LABOR GOVERNMENT llrnin and experience ar not lacking in lie Lnhor government which look office in flreal Hril-ain. There ha heen prclly general reciiguitnn thai with thing a they are on the continent, .lame Itnmsay Macdonald in the foreign iifficn nliglit ho ahlc In do more lhan the Conservative government ha heen able In accomplish. , new freh mind nn these prohlem may see solutions not vihle In an old and tried practitioner nf traditional diplomacy .like 'ie.iunl C.urxou. Mauilnha Free Pre. GERMAN THEATRE WIFSIIAHKN, Felt, i:-The former royal limn! re which was destroyed hy fire last summer ha heen rebuilt in record time with fund from nil parts nf Ihn world nnd reopened with a per- (formance of "Lohengrin." 11 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is cfpiippeij to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X - RAY SERVICE. Office lloursM) a.m. lo 0 p.m. Open Kvenings by Special Appointment. STOCKTAKING Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent Discount on all WINTER OVERCOATS STEVE KING Phone Gren 85 1 bird Avnu