IMPERIAL OIL ' ASSESSMENTS SAYS ARE REMOVABLE Decision Is Deferred by Court of Revision After Hearing Evidence That Ihe seven oil lanks of Ihe Imperial Oil Co. in Walerfronl ltlock il, are not really but removable chattels and therefore as personal properly cannol be Inken inlo Ihe cily assessment roll was the contention laid .before Hie, municipal court of revision by L. W. Patmore yester day afternoon in ihe appeal of the lirand Trunk Pacific llail-way4and Ihe Imperial Oil Co. again! Ihe assessment of Ihe' proerly. Kvidence to establish this point was riven by O. A. Woodland, local manager of. Ihe Imperial Oil Co. The court deferred it a decision ' on. Ihe mat- ier. .. ; i - Al Ihe outset of Ihe hearing, Cily Solicitor Jones demanded In know who .Mr. Palinore was retained by the Imperial Oil Co. or Ihe Oram! Trunk Pacific Hail-way. Mr. Palrrinre decline! lo answer Ihe question Humph he faid thai the was Ihe Ti.T.P. solicitor as everyone knew. Mr. Jones iusisloil that il was Ihe right of Ihe court lo know and was told by Mr. l'almore thai il was none of his business. After further bandying of words between Ihe solicitors without any point heinjr pained. .Mr. Jones asked that his objection be recorded on Ihe ground thai Mr. l'almore was retained by Ihe Imperial Oil Co. and nol by the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway. , The land on which Ihe Links are located is owned by the Oram Trunk Pacific Itailway and is under lease lo Ihe Imperial Oil Co. Real and Personal Mr. Palinore informed Ihe tanks, .Contracts ha.l boon lei fon he blading oit . of baetand leellinjr I'liijin Willi while sand. The lank had 'then been rivel-loil loelher dale by plate and put up. They were not allached In Hie oil in any way hut niern- W. Patmore on Behalf of!v rested on Hie ground like big Company Claims Tanks Not ;luh. Real Estate i Were Moveable I In answer lo Mr. Palnwro's Upieslion as lo whether or not ;lhe lanks could ' ho moved, Mr. Woodland said be bad seen such removed from one place lo anolher. The ones he referred lo had been taken apart and put up in their new location. He had heard of tanks being removed whole Iml had nol actually seen the process. The lanks which had been removed whole, those now localeii al Powell llivor. were 50 feel in diameier.. l.arper lanks had been removed by taking them nnarl, , The Prince Ituperl tanks consisleil of I wo II feel in diameier. two fifly feel. one .seventy foot and two ll. feci. Afler, further objection by Cily Solicitor Jones and Aid Collarl, Mayor Newton asked Ihe court to allow Mr. Woodland lo answer a rpieslinn of Mr. Pat mope's as lo;. whether the que lib'n had ' ever -arisen of moving any of Ihe Prince Rupert lanks. Witness said lhal in 191 i the general manager' of Ihe company had said Ihe plant here was loo large and that one of Ibe big lanks should be removed. Mr. Patmore said that an appeal bad also been enlercd on the valuation of H3,i25 on the H.'t acres occupied by Ibe tanks. The understanding of Ihe company had beert that it was higher I ban lhal of neighboring properly but he had learned from Ibe assessor Ihe same value had been placed on il an on the dry dork properly. Therefore Ihe appeal still stood. Cross Examined I'nder cross examination by Mr. Jones, Mr. Woodland slated bis supposition lhal if cemenl had been necessary lo creel the lanks il would probably have been used, lie could not answer iflit had been Ibe intention of Ihe company lo leave the lanks I here all Ihe time. They had -outi inai ne was appealing on ; been put there with a view to Ibe value .se on the iiiiprove-jfuolliug Ihe (Jrand Trunk Pari menis or .n,nnn, ibey werrfje Hailwny. Mr. Woodland said mainiy on lanks and Hie ques- lhal Ihe' lanks had cost probably lion was whether they were Teal about $23,000. lie did not think or personal properly. If they iey had cost 70,nnn. They were ine uuier lliey should not could probably be put lher no on i ne assessment roll. ! covering all erponsos for 13,- .vi r. vtoonianrt- after homp'ooo. , sworn t'ave some particulars of. Mr. Patmore submilled thai Ihe couslruclioi! of Ihe seven Ibe tanks were not real propprly as I bey wore not affixed lo I ho oil. , They were jus! like bitr tubs placed on a flat piece of ground. As such I hoy could not b.- classed as really for they were really chattel. If they bail been bolleil down or fastened1 -- wild concrele footings then the) Campaign Against Venereal DIs- Hugh! be permanent fixtures. There was no evidence lo con-Irailiol that they were iiol .iffixeil lo the soil. Similar tanks had been -movcl In olher places ami some day lhe-e might be also, 'lite company probably bad Ibis in view in creeling Ibeiu. Compared with Houses Aid. Mr.Mnr.lio pointed lo I lie case of bouses on mudsills iv fill'li u.ri l:ii.l rnnllv ! The Man in the Mood 9AYS:- YHS, I am yours And you are mine Whal need have w Of a valentine KK.NY, mecny, miny mo Typical Rupert, this you know! When Ibe sun is shinin; bright. And the stars come out at nighl. Shout it loudly, whisper il low. Heny, moony, miney, mo. OXK of Ihe things lhal doe not get you anywhere is specu lating on what a fine place this would be if there was no rain ind no muskejr, and a million people and fine streets and an elevnlbr. TIIKHK are a lol of people who, know everylhing but they succepd well 'in keeping Ihe fact n score!. IN spile of Ihe long skirl fashions Ihe highbinders when in uniform Continue lo wear Ihe flag at half ma-U 1 ' SIIK-lhrew it' liss, I threw one back' Now- we run the same, race On Ihe marital' (rack. - Till! worsl prevaricator I ever knew was a man who said he liked paying taxes. T , PKOPl.K who sing about Sloop at nisht are Ihe ones who wor ship him in the morning. Tllli naked shocks people. truth is what WINNING FIGHT SOCIAL DISEASE I... ....... I. i il. . ........ i.i. Hiey were fastened lo he1-""" '"" ' ",r w,,n ground no more Ihan Ihe oil ! ,."","np"' " lunks were. J"' '',"r'! under Dr. Miller, and nr..nvrr umier nr. j .n llou-es that were built sn that1"1., (iibbs Ibey might be removed plight bej classed as chattel. Mr." Palinore replie.1. If il was nol possible lo move I hem, then I hey wore really. I.'mtouhlcdly il had been! I he intention of I he Imperial Oil tlo. lo remove these lanks when il w;s doomed advisable lo tin so. .Mayor New I on was of Ihe opinion lhal il bad !ocn tin necessary, lo fasten Ihe lank down, anyway, on account of Ibeir weight, especially when ease Inaugurated Three Years .Ago Getting Results LARGE MONEY SAVING llrili.h Columbia is winning ' its fiulil ngnint ,muiI tliseuse, This was made rloar in the re. porl of I ln Provincial Hoard of lleallli lo Hie Soeiul Hygiene Houncil. The government's .fi?b igatiist venereul disease was'' in. 'e don't exMi-t in find any startling ditniiiulion for five years, afler the inauguration of the work, but now we find an en couraging diminution reiiorled' PAflE Tva THE DAILY NKW8 Thursday. I fluuuiy ( The Daily News piiingr nupiniT - nnrnsn columma. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Ilnprl Daily NVws, Limited, Third Avenue. II. I IHM.I.K.V, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Cily Delivery. by nH or carrier,' per month ........... $1.00 By mnil lo all parts of Hie Hrilish Kmpire- ami the United' hlales, in advance, pep yar $0.00 To nil oilier countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.10: per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page..., $2.80 per inrh Local Headers, per insertion........... 25c. pfp lino Classified Advertising, pep insertion. . . . '. 2e per word Legal Notices, eich insertion ; . . 15c pep ngale line llonlrnot Hales on Application. . Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on dav pr; ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thurday. Feb. II, 192 1. Sleeplessness Sleeplessness, like insanity, is greatly on the increase. Modern life, with its hurry and worry and noise, brings an enormous slrain on the brain and nerves. The temptation to depend on sleeping powders or tablets must be fought oil if you would avoid catastrophe. Means-of reconstructing the starved nerve cells must be sought. Since the digestive system fails to supply i nourishment to the blood and nerves it is necessary to j empioy sucn ireaiment as Dk. Chase's Nerve Food to instil new strength and energy , into the tired' nerves. This is Nature's way of affording lasting. relief. You will notice that while the price of Dr. Chue'i Nerve Food has bten increa-ed to 60c. the bor now eontaim 6ft pill instead of . SO a formerly. Likeviie Dr. Chase't Kidney. Liver Pilln are 35c, a box of SS pills, in.tud of 25c. for 25 pill. Edmknson, Bates & Co., Ltd., , lorouto. New Box 0 Pills 60 cts. ODDFELLOWS OPEN FINE NEW HALL AT ANCHORAGE A.NCIIOIIAOK. Fob. II. A' double installation recently marked Ihe formal nponinjr of Ihe new Oddfellow building in Anchorage,, erected nl a cost of ? 10,000 and turned over In Ihe Anchorage lodce of Oddfellows by Ihe contracting firm of Lewis ami llliss. The building, a reinforced con- 'orote slruelurc, three stories high, i one of Ihe largest in Anchor-jgn and is said lo be t ho finest Oddfellow- building in Ihe territory. The cei-ornonles on Ihe opening night wore those of Hie Oddfellow? unit Ihe sislor Ind go. the Kebekahs, both meetings bo. Lng well attended. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert .1. (Millie, Swanson Hay; Ward. .Mr. and Mr. J. A. Hrown and .H .Mae Iinnablson, Vancouver; Harry. 15. Perry, Prince Oeorge; C, V. Hinilh, Kdmnnlnn; I-. I.. NVnllon, C.N.Il.; T. K. Hl-ooks and A, Alwood, . Terrace; .1. ,1. Donaldson and John llnau, cily. Central T. Iiampre, Kilkatla; P. Rbee-ban, city; It. Fletcher, .1. S, Crtle, II. Henry, II. Hilcliie. T. Mc- liiiirmid, V. It.iui-ni', A. Mr Kin noii, A. Ilerhey, A. Thornberg, .1. Honnell, and .1. Tibhells, Huckley May; F, .1. Ilerbsler, Dawson; .Mrs, A, C. I.awrance, Anyox, after only three years of work," It was reported hi the council. "In Ibis province 1,300 syphilis cases a year are nule noit.infoc. live. s ' "Sixty per cenl of Ihe dealh ill asylum are caused by syphili. iiach of those nsyluni case ent Ihe pounlry 5lui a day to keip. If we keep on at the present rale of 1,300 a year, in fi years we will be saving llio provinc -.'if,-tiOO.000 a year." The reporr of Ihe council say that Ihe cac in a)lunt found lo be caused by syphilis, am kiiscd by its action on the bruin mil cerebral cords. It I iioinled ill thai Osier places yphilis firl in the lil of di.eaos causing lea Hi. Dealiu? willi Ihe benefits of Ihe two clink's lo the home life of Ihe province and by way of .giving Ihe yoimyer generation u fair chance, it is pointed out in the report of Ihe council that thirly- ix children, ranging from two lo fifteen years of age, all of lliein innocenl victim of syphilis, are beinir Iroaleil in Victoria. II i explained lhal the yovcni- iiienl beside paying for Ihe clinic i supplying salvarsau to iny pbsician sending for il for his patient.. The summary of Ihe work of Ihe two clinic howt thai the number of now patients regis, lord each year has jxrowti in Ihl- way: I9?l. 1. 101 new patient. tl2. I.-HJ; IUi'3, I.8UH. Number of syphilN treatment. in Victoria last year wa I.UH'J, in ancouvcr 1.307; gonorrhoea treatment in Victoria lail year fi,:tl3, in Vancouver I9.2!ltf. Number of attendances for Ihe two clinics during Ihe last three year total 15.9.'!. Wastage Enormoue "'Aniufis Ihe adult population Hie wastage caused by those dis ease enormous," ibe report of Ihe council say. In Ihe early slaves, when Ihe diseases are contracted, Ihe os of working power, lliough large in Ihe aggregate. 1 relatively inall t-omparcd with Ihe amount of invalidism caused by Ihe later manifestation, locomotor ataxia and general paralysis of the in. sane. It riuil be remembered that Ihi incapacity appear during Ibe prime of life, when the person's working power should be of maximum value lo Hie coinmu. nity, and also that tho sufferer, who ha become a- dependent eilhor on hi friend or Ihe slate, may lie on from Ion In fifteen years. iieiween nriy and sixty per cenl of ajl blind children owe Ibeir blindness lo those diseases. The education of Ihe blind child costs about seven tlmej. a much a lhal of Ihe normal child. Sim ilarly, wilh Ihe very many deaf and imbecile children, Ibeir main. lonance and care entail a heavy unremuneralive expenditure of public and private money." Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert I February 14, William .Mansoii, .M.l'.P. for Skcena, in de,He in the leuis. lalure, ojiposes the policy of tlx provincial governinoill uaran-looinfr municipal bond. . An export I beiuK sent, nut by the federal tmvornment In tosl Ihe l-epoi-leil oil field on Ihe Oueon ChailollHr Island. VS A. die, Or. i. K. Treiiiaynn, K. Kiua.l, C. II. Hnndasyde, M; Loriptlst, O. S. I'ilzmaiirlce, K. L. Ilauk, .1. A. Smith, H. I, llar-ri, .Miuon llaiusay, T. J. Jiimle- son, It. J. I); Smith and Sol Mu. salleiu were elected l inember-ship In Ihe Prince Hupert Hnanl of Trade al Ihe regular monthly meeting las! nighl. OAT ARRIVALS r..N.ll, sloamer Prince Ituperl. j Capl. Harry Neitden, arriving! from Ibe south nl 5 oV)oek ye- j lenlny aflerniMun, had a large list of passengers, many of whom wore Ixxiked for Huckley Hay wbore Ibey will enter Ihe employ of the Mas. oil Timber Co. The arrival wore; For Prince Ituperl- F. Morris, Malheson (Ollawa;. W. Singer (Mns-ell). II, Jye, Aid, ami Mr. Frank Clnpp. It. Iltanre, W. Marlin. Mr. Want and Mi Faii Ward ' .Masseit; Mr ami Mr. II. Kilaskl dnverne, . Mr. and Mrs. J. Kllauki i Inverness , K. II. Anderson 'Port Clement . Mis Margaret McLennan, Mr. und Mrs. It. O. Jordan, Mi and Master Jordan, Adam llamsay. Mr. and Mr. Ilulherford MeCon-key, Fred llong, .1. Weymark (Hose Lakei, Mr. II. Ilbhard- son, Mr. II. Kdney, Mi .Mae Donaldson, Mr. and Mr. .1. A. Hrown, F. II. Kdney, H. C. Fraor, I'. Lyon. Mr. Wind! and children, S. Kansky. W. M. Tuft l Hum Lake, Oeorge Kuippell, John llrokendorf, Mr. Prince, A. Itssell (pnrl niomenl, J. Hrookbank, W. Spiller, F. J. Ilerbsler, Mi O'Hrien, Mr. and Mr. I'nrrill (Smilher.;, Mis Scoll. For Huckley Hay (per .. I'rinro John A. Melo I'. A. Mnrdeu. D. Hell, .1. Hrinin, D, Oreenwnod, J, Kelly, S, Auder-Vou, C. Wesley, KJ. Stone, II. Jennings, W. Lloyd, J. H. llro-gHii, K, Cauchou, .1. O'llrieu, W. T. O'.Miilley, J, Sleplienson, II. Watson, K. I'himiey, I), Tulloch, J. .McKiniioii, .1. W. Jenkliison, W. Desiirmcau, .1. Ilennetl, W. llourno, t:. Fletcher, II. Fro!, .1. Tibboll und W. H. Walson. For Anyux I), llolfman, F, J. Doroy, J, K. Mnnisnn ami Miss M. Murniy, For Slewarl Mr. and Mrs. W. H. (icnrpo, Miss Mildred Kirk, wood, S. Cnmno, Mih. (1. L. Campbell, IL ,. (loubl, H. Slow- arl, MIsm M. Klein. Aid, mid Mth.' Frank Clann. who hac boon on a three weeks' holiday trip to Washington Slain, relurned home on Ihe Prlncfl Ilupert yesterday Noux we've hod our he J tunc fun,' Sandman j comin', play jj June. The cost of the bedtime romp SOMETIMES it mean hard, bacl-lnealing rubbing over a wath-luL, trying lo keep the little nighl-clolhee clean and freth For the cbilJien con make u tliorou(h job of getting them black in a very ahoit time-But Mother can keepthote active little bodies in iweel. clean clothes without the old' bard Blind al ihe woih-tub. She can keep tlicir achool clothes dainty and fieih with very little effort. Willi Rino a new kind ol eoap aoakinj takes the place of rubbing, lis soapy suds go through every fold and thread. Kently loosening all ihe dirt. Only spots where dirt is actually ground in knee. ncck-Landt. seals of rompers, and such placet will need any ruLbinR. and then only lightly, with dry Kinso. Make your nest wash easy wilh Rino. Il lake the place of bar soap al every step of the family wash, banishing the old hard work of wash day for good. Alt greccl and Jtpatlment tlotet nil Rim. Rinso MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinist, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. nml Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following n being safe, saleable of fair return: City of Vernon ."iVi due mih June, LO.'l.X, nt $1)8.04. Yield 5.70r. City of .Duncan diie 1S May, (r,:i, nl M.29. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert 0 due Hill o 1050, nl Yield 5.90' Orders may he wired al our expense, interest urcrunl lo dale of payment must ndded. We pay delivery charge Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. WE EXCELL In Furiiishiiijr your Hume wilh good .Snlislnnllnl I'limUm'"' Our service is nl your bidding. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Third Avenue.