PAQ1 POV1L SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW. . The Well Known CHUM'S SHOE For Children. Sires up In 74. Usually priced at 13.73. Special price for nni1 week $2.95 Shi's 8 to I0H. I sualty priced at $1.75. Special price for one week $3.95 These are absolutely First Grade Shoes ami will sell quickly al tliis price. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Olil Land early. For Ticketj, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Urea. I Is your best food. F-al more of il. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. " Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water . Rates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phons 669. BRINGING UP FATHER pi esj ksj & j I rewn flrai I a? , DP f Corned ae.ep- an' t THE VJORW J1L GULCH EXPLORED : BY A STUDENT Wins Prize for Swimming i Through Underground Cavern and Exploring It WONDERFUL GALLERY Petrified Animals Seen In Grotto ar.dMany Statues of Clay PARIS. Foil, 11 icslinp and thrilling Some inter-stori' an - - . -v 1 AN' I HNVErsT EKTirt "bir-iCE Jmmk J .lold in connection wild Hip foat. - - . . . l of snmc or Hip uti-tiirrrssfii) ran- under water. He clnte the taller ili.lalei for the (iraud I'rix of the His rourajje was rewarded for Arademy de Sporis, lull they are afler a swinr tinder water, whirh oersliudowed ly the iiildicily lie reekoued at ahonl 70 feel, he jjriven to Hie feat of the winner, 'emerjred iiiln n dry pallery about i'l'hc prize nr 1923 recently :ii litimlif.l fni i,,inr mill ilni!o awardeil to Alain (ierbault. a.hijrh above his head, noted tennis dayer, went to hintj Wonderful Grotto only after a spirited debate f , ., . .. , ,, , . , i In IhiM Krolto Caleret declared ' the jury, some of whose member', ,' , . , favored Xorberl lslerel, a stu- ' , r"" 1 , " i,. n.a i-Miv.iiv r .I'"p museum. I;p" walls ' , of the cavern, enpraved hs if wilh The prize is awarded annually ", ' " , . .' characters, n. Vs. m a "" .1 t"IIMllslllllK ,,,,., .r. . .... . a sj.ortiiifr exj.loit in France by a1 " T , """" 'r" 1 . . neVr In-fore r seen or beard of. r ri'iiriiiiiiiii ur loreixner. or ,,.. , , .... "f lY ' V1"0 nhrna.1 t.v a Krnnrhmnri ...InnA likely to result in a oriZ t' 'U'i,M'',l '"V"' scientific or moral pro for i,limni,:,1( iarH from r n the mirfare , of 11123, taslerel. a stronp swimmer and expert diver, decided In ex-plxue llie'brook. lie fore lakinjr Ihe leap into lbe unknown. Caslerei niadp his will. Then armed only ' .... J-'Me. Two of Hr,.,P. ,al n .v;'r" ""M-ar and in a oi.imii siooi. Enters Mountain In the region of SI. Marlory, won rnnoies, aneuaieiy proieci. rir ATTA Mlhr TIP 111 ed from the water, to dispel iheiUnUlIU iUAVL LLC5 II darkness of llm subterranean cavern, the young student dived in. ' MACDONALD'S . ElneQit ah"", For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Rne Cut or a a fisrer. wbicli Calcret "aid must have dated at least as ,far back as 20.000 year, were so lifelike and well preserved, that I liitil I I rililll I ill Ilia llnailA I n m I. . . onne. a bniok enters Hie north In. im,i. i..t K .....:.., side of a mountain l.son feet inUviii. ii, Hav ..r n. M,n, i.. n. altitude, mn through a gulch Uure of some calaclysm. i r,iinn as iiiiii-iii-iraiui-, auili Sumn .if ll.n .,,,,1.. ebierpes on Hie xmlliern slope of (betmoiuitalii. On August 23. of the ljury arjiued that while the exploit of iisterel from a spectacular Ioiul of view ilid not compare with that of (ierliault. it liad Tar more value from a scientific side. They were overruled. The distance between the spot "Defeated Elks In Last Night's where the water disappears iniol Tournament b Margin of I M ft 111 a 1 1 1 1 1 f tt ! 11 ti ff.i cuillnl rn I Ka I iiiwhiiiiiiii i" lit" "IIUV.I Ull other side ni'easures three-quar- lers of a mile. For Jbree Iioum friends awaited in anxiety at Ihe mouth of the prrrtlo. Smile of Victory Suddenly, iliippiuir with muddy water, dishevelled and hazard, but with the srim smile of vic tory on liis features, the student was siioi out of Hie mountain into the arms id his exuberant friends. 1 1 v lold a remarkable story qf courage and energy. Fighting SWEEP OF BILLIARDS 1,000 to 834 The firotlo billiard learn made a clean weep of ,ono while the hlks made a total of 8.1 i in yes terday's league tournament. The tobacconists thus crawled up materially in the standing to. wards the leading (treat War Veterans who are now only points ahead in the average The individual scores of the lournrtment follow: Italagno (F.Iks;,. 107; . Waugh (firollo), 200. against the current, swimming loA. A. Kann, 13; J. Judge, 200. the vacillating light of Hie candle. ("aslerel. in nan- places of the grotto where the wnler met with Ihe roof of stone, had to hall. Ignorant as to whether ttie brookJ '.vhich ill so,lsassumei ex aclly the aiipearance of a huge pipe completely filled with rushing waler, would again after a few feel widen ami Ihe swimmer find open uir above bis head, he had to decide whether lo turn back or to chance the long swim F. Stephen. 1H0: J. Sudeu. 200. W. Mitchell, H1; It. Morgan, 200 W. Il.ilagno, 113: W. J. .Nelson 200. League standing lo dale O.W.V.A. ilrot'to s. or v. F.Iks IMl.ll.I' SI. Andrew n rtames. Total, .... 37.1j r triHo ...... r, jus s t:iyr, i 3500 5 1210 Aver 933 DIG RXI 8711 877 .812 Yzh. TH1 DAILY NEWH T 0' 5 --JlSS to it POT i Its THM JMU Ats- ' f L 1T OME or Sport Chat The F.lks are at pre'ii! leading ihe Fraternal Whist League bill only by virtue of lbe fiu-l bai they have played one moiv game than Hie Mimkc. Tli for. mer teaiu has Ion victories and three losses lo its credit while Hie (alter has n no- wins and Hie same uumber f defeats. The Sons of IJigland aikd Ureal War Veleran are occupying third ami fourth places resuclively and each still have kihhI rbance !' end up ul the top before Ihe season rompelilioii is mer. The Knights nf Pythias and St. ; Andrew' are also slid in Hie .running Imi with a rather lone handicap of losses aguhud lliem while Hie chances of Oddfellow. Sons of Canada and Knights of Columbus inislil already be "aid lo have i'uue. Tonight Ihe S"ii of Fnglalid meet the Knight of Columbus, the Knight of I'ylhia- lbe Klks jind (lie Moose lbe Odd fellows. The jjame between ie Creat War Velerans and SI. Andrew' ssWiely wa played la. I night. Several alterations have been made in the starting line al the (rack of Ihe Indianapolis Motor Speedway where the annual 000 mile international sweepstakes automobile rac4r is lo held on May 30. Atlhouzh only one automobile race a year is hell at the speedway, a corps of workmen are given year-round employment fo keep Hie place in con dition. While Ihe next contest i still four months away, much of the routine in connection wilh il is already being handled. F.n-iry blanks hae already been-is. -ued for the May race. '. Mrs. Louis Viau, Canadian sportswoman whose racing stables played so prominent part in American racing -circles a year r so ago. Is punning a come- hack according lo lbe New York Morning Telegraph. Mrs. Viau is said lo lie planning a big year mi the Irarks in the vicinity of New York. There Vlll be fifteen Iwo-year ol.s in her slabb- in addition to Audacious and Ten .ec. Mr. Viau ha also acquired lbe services of .lack Maker, one of Ihe leading western trainers and ' has secured Jockey Karl Pool tu do the ruling for the stable. 4 Prick Skinner of Prince Itu- pert ami lied Campbell of Ket chikan, principals in the main bout at Hie Nixing lourn;imenl lo be held in Hie F.inprcs, Theatre on Tuesday c cuing nexl, are in bard training. The tuiul will be a six Jbree minute round alfair anil Hie men will box at 158 pounds. Ilolb boxer have ' an enviable record in the roped arena and are out lo add further laurels lo their rrowrt Med Campbell bn established training ipiarlers in Ihe I'.lks' gymnasium and (leorge Hill of Victoria n well known bantam- weight, is responsible for hi condition. Tommy Fraser is as. slsling him as sparring partner, MB Si HI f- I 2cr COLLf? JIC.i.'i-IM L. J SOft-RM tOO COT DON'T WORKV JO?T bKtrS, 0s THM" J O llWlt laY'4 FY SAvCA, lC 2 It By George McMa: a a the. t-T rT 55 SJl TO THE auooo c Hz r JHlf Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS rEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adv.rtlMcrM.nt Tk.n for LM 0,n BOea WARTM AGENTS WANTED MANTFACTIJHKII wnnl agents lo sell direct Jo wearer, Guaranteed made-lo-measiiro raincoats. Write at once for particulars. Glasgow llubber Co., of Canada. Dept. A.G., 108 SI. Catherine Street. West, Montreal. One. FOR SALE FOIl SALK. Power boats of every description including pleasure, trolling and work boat, at reasonable prices. Apply N. M. Mclean. Cow Hay. FOIt SALK Sixteen room board ing house and store,, furnished. Apply UJD Ambrose and one i inch boom auger. Apply Norlliern Kxcbange. tf LOST LOST. One gold drop earring between 018 Fifth Avenue Fast and hospital. Finder please reulrn In Oaily News Ollice. iieward. tf Hrick Skinner, the local boy. Is working hard al Ihe gymnasium of the 11 lin. North H.C. Itegi- meut heiug assisted by Johnny Gurvirh, Tommy Sherman, Jack Sherman, Joe I teas ley uml Joe Williams. Hold participant in the main boul are confident of victory and Hie fight fan should wilnes line of Ihe finest exhibi tion of boxing ever staged in Hie north. J. Morrison will ) referee according lo present plans. WHIST LEAGUE Moose Legion, Daughters of England and Rebekahs are Lady Winners Scots Beat Vets Games in the ladies' section of Ihe rl'alernal Whist League last night lesulled lis follows: Mooseheart 7, liyal Orange Ladies, 2. Daughters of Kuglaml B, 'ylhian Sisters 1. . llebekalis (1, SI. Andrew's 3. League standing lo dale: Sons of Canada, K of C W l. of K 7 Pylhian Sisters .... 5 Orange Ladies 3 SI. Andrew's 3 Mooseheart 3 Itebekahs 3 The games between L. PI. Andrew' Sociely and Great War veteran in the men's section was played also wilh the former winning ft lo 3. League standing jo dale; Flks Hons of Fnglaml.... ' G. W. V. A K. of p SI. Andrew's W, 10 I 7 3 S 5 3 5 3 ft 3 ft 3 the SI li '3 8 7 7 0 r, l! 8 H 1 !) 2 0 Pis. 10 J 8 7 n o i i 3 FOR RENT M0LF.ll COI.I.KfiK Modern four room flat for renl. wants men nnd women ln AIo oOice, wilh mislern llv- icarn ine jiarher Trade. Paid nig ipiarlers. Weleriibitver while learning. This is your opportunity to learn a trade and gel into steady employment. Graduates earn from M0.00 to $50.00 per week. rite for free catalogue. 50 Hastings H. Vancouver. V.NTKI.T purchase four or five room bouse. Stale loca Hon and price to Itox l0. Daily New oflice. If I'lllt SALK.- Two ttilchrisl Jacks Pros. If FOIl ItFNT. Modern four riNim-e.t house, 203 Third Ave. W. HelgersoH Ltd. 38 STKAM Heated Flat for mnl. Itesner apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOIl ItKNT-Single, Iwn or Ihree rottm UKirliiiettls. I'lome 17. to H BOARD. UOAlllL The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone t37. If FURS GOING UP. The Fur Ma-kel is coming back strong. See. me first ami last with your catch you'll make more money. W. GOLOBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Goods Ilought. Sold MAIL SCHEDULE For the East or Kxrhangeil H. NEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. 'hones Itlack 130 and fled 4 42. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone. (Call Georirs or Ouit) Ross Brothers. Prompt Service and Comfort l)y or Nlshl Stand: Boston Grill Third Avsnus Mopilars, Wednesdays and FrJ. days, -loses at 5.30 p.m. "com the East-Mondays, Thursday and Saturday n, t.3n p.m. From Vancouver- Sundays P. M. Wednesdays P.M. Fridays A.M. February 1 1 and 23. ro Vancouver-Tuesdays, Mall closes at I P.M. Friday 8.1ft A.M. Saturdays .. A.M. CP.ll. February I ft and 21). To Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Wednesdays to P.M. crom Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Fridays ,M. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 j,.m. From Port Simpson, Alio Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays To Alaska Points-February and 25. From Alaska Points ' February 15 ami 29. To Queen Charlotte Island Points lebruary 13 nnd 27. Close (5.30 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Points February II and 25. To Naas River Points and Port o p.m. From Naas River Points Saturdays yn. PRIMCr Mlinvri-r vma a w I i -w Thursday, February 14 m'' 8:1(1 a.m. 17.5 fl. 21:57 p.m. 15,2 " 'nw 2:0(1 a.m. 10.0 " 15:20 p.m. 7.7 " Friday, February 15 '"fh 0:15 a.m. 17.8 22:58 p.m. 15.8 3:18 a.m. 10.3 1rt:28 p.m. 7.0 fl, SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL February 15. Adanac, Trir-'ifn pi,i Srbool, Grotto; 8.0.C i i 18. Culls, II ids S-isal Tearbers, Maple LcaM i :t Teachers. ti. Kaiens, Adainrt ftef Gndlo; Teachers. JvOU 2ft.--r,rollo, Ci,lti Ht" l.eaf, Adanacs; S.O.r i u. March 1. Kaiens, Tracer! Rf If iKti Soli. Mil; V)lt. lear ;. Kaiens; Teachers. S.o.t 8. Adanacs, Teat-tie-. I ,h school, nrotio: s.o.t . t II Colts. Ilidh Sch T:.' rrs. Maple Iafs; DdlMJ i. ' t 15 Kaiens. Adarat Grotlo; Teachers, S.Ox League slnmlint Senior Leagus W t'x Sn of Canada i ' Cnlls ... a r Tearbers ... i "IVo points ib-' ii- '1 t ociulliMl for fielding , " ed player In League t 18- 20 Intermediate Lsgu Colin High School . Grotto Klk Ladles' Adanacs Maple l.inf . iTeacbef Knlens 1 League R K 4 February -Sons of Fngland v 1 I'rlnce lluperl Hilt ni'l I t Junior Lssgws, Colt - ' High Sehool . i ' Stars ... ' ' Hlue Mini JT ' WHIST LEAGUE Feb. It- Sons of Fnglsod K of C: "K. of p vs, r.Ut .V'' vs. I.O.O.F.; G W V V v; Andrew's. Feb. 21- Moose vs, Son l,jr ada; SI. Andrew n v 1.0 nF K. of P. vs. K. or I S I'm gland vs. F.lks Feb. 28K. of P, v" 'n.AVi Moose vs. F.lks; S,.n if Cn-ada vs. LO.U.IV:'sr:Mr.'W vs. K. of C. March ft K. of P. vi. Wni Sons of Knglaml v M" Sons of C.anada v K of f. March 13 -Sons of IJuc-jn.l G.W.Vw. SECOND HALF OF BILLIARD SERlw or vs. Grollo. : ; 22Grenl War VelViHn lS ' Andrew's. 2ft Grenl War Velerltii v-" 27 Prince lluperl llilliacl " lors vs. SI. Andrew n 20 Sonsi of KiiHlaniiii cr"1" March, ft SI. Andrew's vs. Or-nHo. 7 -I'.lks'v. Prince iipei' liani I'nrior. f in Sons of F.iiglaiih" v; lluperl llilliard ,Pai-Ur pnllf' 12 SI. Andrew's t- Flk , v II Orollo vs. Grcftt era ns. 17 SI. Andrrw's vs. Soscfl lam). L' III- Hlks vs Grotto, r ?l (lii'nl, War .,r, I'l ince lluperl Ilillianl V-lB