TliuHar 'FPhTMOT M. 1021- i ttV vl lf.ml4Cml ttUHIi.JfW kV jfmta.,l4tnirttl Jff - - aVi Ull "if mm Dominion's Bsommm Soothing and Reliable In all Emergencies of SKIN TROUBLE. Cil i koi from naaratt dealer or tend tie to Zam-luk Ca,Tarote, Jfor 11.21 PULFORD'S EAM of OLIVES 50c (iri'- ... Chapped or C,i.nK''l Hands iJiiifing. Komie., I lii'K lluiiitliiiess, 1 1 J ii - .mil a LI irritation of the skin. I orVflei' shaving iinl for keeping the hands in good . ion il is uncipialleil. FREE TO ADULTS ONLY. , dll hi ami gel ii lOr IkiIIIi' fr-c, mi ( von nuiy try vuiirsflf. ORMES LTD. The Rcxall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Stalls from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. t.ra -Trlnef Import . pjn for rHUHE OEOhiiE. EbJU'M". WIS SITED, til pdntt faalfrn Canada, I'IiIvhI lal. AOtMCr ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LIMES. City Tlca.t Offk.. SIS Tli If An, Print. RvtxrL, Pti. 2M. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. I w . (.igareile. :Ji 9 arl Soft Drinks lia'-r n pl'-maul bark t; i itno in and make ' a' ti .m. W. M, Whltlno, Frop. EPSON COAL We ran now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any qjantlty. Prince Rupsrt Feed Co Phona 68. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING V d ,. il .i-.lvN I. Km .mi. I I!. (!.. i !!'..! l.i.iil.l.T I i!i i tr ! !'iiliiyi' n il P !) r. !rv l-'i rnecr I it;. thinking "I liinl.l'iig .. Ii . v- fi vi' .niv lumber ' i rcqn i !, .iNo S.i-li. Ii.hh-. lil. i--. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. Y Frco Delivery In Prince Rupert. Phono 383. uhcBcerivitiwutaPeer Bottles of Satisfaction "Cascade" the beverage of spark, ling purity and tonic tang gives the perfection of satisfaction. It's brewed risht and bottled tight at the most elaborately eauipped brew-ery on the Pacific Co-st. - Exper-anci the tat'stecthn of drinhinft Driiith Columbia' best beer INSIST on "Cascade" at 2&P vAwrmivER rREWERirs limited mr mijinii n i -iriTin-iTrrr-i',T',r"J,ra,,in This d-er ic'iic i s t -'IUh -rt t llaplnyed i. ihA i in,, mt ol I'm- ; or ' th i i" ui' i. AN AWFUL ATTACK OF .PIMPLES ALL OVER HIS FACE riiile breaking- out On the face ami ftllier jiartu or tlir LHMly la t ure algn tin I the blood It not lu proper tliape. Willi.. Ihe tklli la II object of tlie (t tack the real wat uf the dlwane l lu Die blood mi arromit of Him rullre clrcu lalloii bclnj iiulMiru'd. DunJoik Mnod mtlera quickly and I'tro tiull) bainnlir pimple ami all ulbrr km iIimiw. it p,. rlfht lu II"' rwl r.f 11m- trotWe by rleatialnr and rurliiilntr tin? blond. ' Mr. Coiirail AihIitmmi, kclflilil, 8a-k WrIU': "A war ar I bad an awful al ia -k ..r ilinii'. Tlx-jr lrke out all over in ra i. ami I 'ouliJ iwt rrt rid of tliciu in an a. one day a frli'iKl told me almiil ..tii HiiriliM-k lllMd Hitler and let ini liave a Ij.iIII.' lie lud lu upare. After ifiuir it I M..II. .il a rluiiire. tui I IxhikIiI (hri'i iiiun and ih.w I dun't knuw lin n- i -inn a tlilnir a pliiiDlea." II It II i- iii.iiiur. nir. il Mily liy Tim T. Millium i ... I.linllril. T'. rin tn, Mit. CATHOLIC LADIES' TEA AND SALE WAS SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Tin ii'ii unit sali- uf Imiiiii' rook iiiK Im'I'I yi'-ii'iilny ufii'inoun at Mil' Ii f Mik. Iluinlil MuKwi'ii y.t'i I'niirlli A Vfiiuc Vxt. by the InijK-x "t llif Culholif Cliurcli wa .i xcry oiii'i-PNsful affair ainl Hip iiii.fai liiry cum f 5I wu rcal- iimI an a nNult. ! Mix. S. ItulcliiT ami Mrs. J 'Lnriif Miiclaien wirrp.llie orpan- jui'i . Mr. JPII. .Mi-auhcr and Mrs jJutni' C.aii!ibell iirfniili'iJ at the limiii I'linkiiiK lalili". .Mr. Hubert Wanl. Mil. I). W. Morriey, and Mr '.. naiatmu oerven, .Mrs IIimiiiiiik. Mi. W . II. Kiukailp aiu Mr. I'.uilin wurpil arid Mrs. I K. Mui'iiliy had i-liarp of Iho laffli- nf a liiiffi-l i't which vva wiiii ly Mrn. Mclwen. , ii. I'., (iulk-k' sailed al ninlil by I lie Prince ItuiMsrt for.Anyox mi a business trip. The town seems deserted to night! I Yes. Everybody Is at !the Great War Veterans Ball at the Elks' Home. tin- pi'in ineial police office at Sw no .'mi It'ay lieing closed up, i ii-i.iM.. .1. (.illie. arrived from then yesterday aftcruoon on lii way In Alice Axm where lie will ilake charge if the ollice dial is ln'injt renpeiied. He will po north n no' i.Hrticna .-.uiiuay evening. - 1 1 1 -1 .-1 . .r Waller Owen of Ihe provincial police, formerly chief ciinsliible lH,n, has been pro-innli'il in (In po.ilimi of assist. mil In Siiiierinlcnileiil .1. . Mc-Miillin. Insrt(ir Owen has j been a uieiulaer of Ihe force 23 i'nr. much of Hint lime having li.'i'ii .,1.111 in Hie north. !nsn'Hor T. W. S. Parsoyi 'ami Pi-ox ineial (loiflable Alex. 1 Saint made aiinllier Ihomuiih i.eiifch yesienlay ariernoun for Fred llliimlel, who has been nils-nia since Stmday when he set out from Ihe C.Himilian Fish A .I'.nltl Sliirac plant lu cross IhC ili. iy. No I race of Ihe man or the (niy nr of any wreckage was fininil. - Picked up in u raid made last eemiiK on 81? (iumox Avenue by Sei'xeaul McCllnchy and Con-slable Macilonald, Ki'iiest Stacey, Invi driver, auswaieil In the IHilice court this inorniiip liofmc MiiKislratc MeClymoul to n eliarM1' of being' mi inmate of a common bawdy house and was filled 960 with Ihe option or 30 days in jail. He also listened lo n I eel lire from Hie bench. NEW LAMP BURNS 04-; AIR Deals Etectrlo or- Gas A new oil lump thai gives nu ninaxiimly brilliant, soft, while lluhl. een heller than pas or eleclrieily. has been lesled by Ihe U.S. Ooxeinmeiit and 35 leading uiiiversllies and found lo be superior lo 10 ordinary oil lamps. II burns without odor, siuoko or noise no pumpiuir up. i simple, clean, safe. Hums V air und 0 common kerosono (coal oil). I'lie Inventor, o. A. Joiinson, Miri McDermol Ave., AVIunlpcpr, Is offiM'inp to send a lamp on 10 days' FIU'T. trial, pr even lo give one Flll'.l' lo the 'fii'sj. user In each locality who will help him Inlroiluco II. Write him toduyj for full particulars. Also ask him lo explain how ynu can kcI thoj iiKcncy. ami without axpericnco, or money make $250 lo ?500 per, uuin'ii TITB DAILY' NEWS. PAGE TIHIER. Local and Personal II. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners. Undertakers. Pboue 361. tr We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. If ItalejiayerH Associullou meet- iiin' Friday at 8 p.m. (lily Hall. Address hy T. Ho.s Mackay. All aleiaycri welcome. SI. Andrew's Society adjourned inonllily iia-i'lliig will be held to morrow night, February 15, at 8 o'clock, liuxiucs iniiui(anl. Word has been received here thai the weekly cloc nea-on for hi'iiiii. aiinouiiceiueiil of which wa recenlly made .does not ap ply lo Ihi district. There will be a meeliiiff of the X'jrlh H.C. itefsimental Itiflc As- soeialion on Friday,. November IT, af 8 ii. in. In Ihc Armoury for I lie election of ofllcrrs. 3D - W. Spiller, chief of provincial police, reliirned lo Hie cily from Vancouver on Ihe Prince Ilupert yeslerday afternoon. He has been away for a fortnight. dulies. 11.' C. I'raser, Inspector of schools, returned yesterday by Ihe Prince Rupert from a trip lo Ocean Falls ami oilier points down the coasl on departmental W. K. llaillic, chief engineer of the sle.uiier Prince Iluperl, i mIT in Vancouver on annual va calion and is bciiiK relieved by le.x. Munro, chief of Ihe Prince (ieorpe. Mis liureeii Ityan. formerly commercial teacher in the High School, is still iu'jaii Francisco where she has a (rood position with a commercial firm. Some of her friends here have heard from her recently. . A. A- Kusmjii o Ihe . Jtoyal Hank of Canada and (ieor?e II Tile of the (Seorge ill. Tile fur nilure house have been elected lo membership in Ihe Prince Hu- perl Oyro Club. W. Vatighan Oavies has been made an honorary member. -- Mr. and Mrs. W. II. I .Seorge. who have been on an extended visit in the United Stales and Victoria, passed through t lie cily on the Prince Ilupert yesterday aflemoon returning to their home in Stewart. They were accompanied by 'their niece, Miss Mildred Kirkwood, or Chicago, who will spend some time visiting them. Hairy (!. Perry. M.I..A.' for Prince Seorge, reached Ihe cily on last night's train and (his arieruoou addressed the Prince Iluperl llolary Club on Pacific (ireal Haslern mailers especially in rehilion to opening up (lie Peace llivcr country by rail. Mr. Perry is here on his way south ami will sail by the Prince llu-pert tomorrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. Uulln'ifonl Mc-Conkeyof Stratford, Ontario, are the guests for a few days of Mr. ami Mrs. J. C. McLennan at "The Knoll." IMS Honlen Slreel. Mr. Mct'.onkey is a manufacturer in Ihe Ontario city and .Mrs. Me- Conkey is Mr. Mcl.ennau's sister. They are relurnlntr Fat after having spent Ihe pasl ,ix weeks on a linliilay dip (o California and Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Ili-nw-n mul Miss Mae houalil.on of I'.nl singtou returned' lo llie'cirv yesterday afternoon . friini,- "feloria where they atlended.lhe wedding of Miss J. l.iuiilen, formerly of Ihe local school leaching stair, and S. II. IMnaldson, Mrs. Ilrown's sou. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson will he returning north shortly lo lake up their residence at Port iWlnglou. ' ' Fred Coram, first ' assistant purser of Jlie steamer Prince lluiiert. is oil' the shin this I rin giving evidence at Vancouver in the case of the Premier (Sold Mining Co., vs. the ,. Coastwise Steamship x llarge Co, Involving claims following the wreck of ore barge two years aao. T. O . Ultlllaiul, who is buck after mak ing a voyage to Mexico on I ho Pi'i- vthi'i't : .'eUevlns luu PLAYERS ii ir I, ill III 1. . , NAVY CUT CIGARETTES 10 for 13? oSnQR More Sold j " 3r55 MSiffi E -an all other brands 1 50 and 100 CCM , combined . GIGaRETTES d) -"Medium" Medium - U lloxiiig tournament Kmpress Theatre, Tuesday. February lit. ... Oreat War Veterans St. Valentine's Hall, tonight in Ihe F.Iks' Home at 8.3U. Tickets I.OO. Limited number only. Wcsl-licdme Orchestra. ' i I.. F. Mawhiuuey. assistant' purser of (he steamer Prince: John, is on annual vacaliou in! Victoria and Arnold Evans, first; assistant on the Prince OeorgC is relieving him. j Adam llamsay. chief steward I of life steamer Prince Oeorge, ; relumed yesterday afleriiouui from Vancouver to join, his ship! which is in dry dock, here, lie has been on holidays. The Ladies' Musical Club at ils meeting yesterday aflcriioin decided to subscribe lor the musical magazine "Etude" and have it placed on the tables oT Ihe Municipal Free Library. Capl. Neil McLean is still in command of the steamer Prince John, lie was offered msislership of the Canadian Hover recenlly, but declined. Capt. Joe Flood, formerly chief olllcer on the Prince Seorge, has taken over the Hover. -- J. H. Lambert, assistant district engineer for Ihe federal department of public works, ex-peels to return tomorrow morning lo his headquarters in Victoria after having spenl several months here supervising work lliul is going on in the district 'or the department. The recenlly circled officers of Prince iluperl llenevolent and Protective Order or Elks ior the year IWJI were installed last night. II. V. Olassey, retiring exalted ruler, conducted the ceremonies assisted by Mr. Howine, esteemed loyal kniglil ol Anyox Lodge. The list or olll-cers was published a fortnight ago. ANNOUNCEMENTS Elks' Annual Hall, Tuesday, March I. Spend an evening in Ihe Talli Tithbers at the Methodist Church Thursday, March 0. lloyal Purple ICusler ltazaar and Sate of Home Cooking, April 8. Hill 00 Chapter. LO.D.E. Ama- u- 1! j: a! Ud of April. QM0KED FISU kJ AT ITS REST M M There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. Thef Mules are 1 Buy ''Rupert Brand." Iluperl Itnuid is always delivered lo the slorss' iir clean new boxes, clearly stamped "Iluperl Brand." 2 Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderate over Tor 20 lo il(l minutes, remove paper and serve at mice. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black .Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fish and Meal Markets, and Grocers. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. Phone 109. Helgcrson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. Office Hours: I) a.m. to (I tun. Open Evenings by Special Appointment. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S, PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.V Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Fiill information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. . Salllon from Prlnc rtupert. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocaan ralla, anS Swanaen Bay, Tuaadai, S P.. for VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noan. for ANYOX, ALICC ARM, STSWART, Wal.a laland; Sunday S PJK. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rim Cann.fl.a, Friday A.M. eta tnd Avfoue. J. Barnalay, Aank Prlnca Rupart, B.C SfT tl III