VOL XIV., NO. 38. MOUNTED POLICE ARE EXONERATED:;: .. ..... . ... . .. . . . t i nil"., III). II.--. ..r 11. itri.... tiA iiimi-rl. ll.if.i.rl Siiolli. K.r... n.vnl .ommissloncr."' ' "' ' .. .. . Hinl he did it as Ibe only means if ..iili.l.l.irr II... ...ii. tCllllt.'I'l .O 1 l.. ,,1,IM .111' llll.ll . . '1 ... . .. i . ... , ii i..... " t... ..iHiil Tlirotiuti Onlriil- Hrili1i rinds that the iuvesligallon rom-, -"''' , ' M"? I.......U. i ii... M...11. shown in nilniiig development. , , .UIIVIUIIII ,, . ,...,.. .,... lulice leonsiiieiiiini' vmhh m.-nii, n...-.- ELEVATORS FOR WESTMINSTER i.sh Columbia combined. 8ht the was run of IHver was Col- e.led in l lie iieyeiopmeiu oi silver, gobl nod lead mines in that -eclion oT Ihe province. A lew day- ago u rich .strike oT lungsten was reported and, If the Invest i- I.U.MMI.V Feb. 1 1. -At the very outset of its career the l.ab.r .oeriiiiieiil finds ilself con-rronled willi a .-eriou.- dilemma Ibroiigh II. II. As.uith's .leclara-lion in Hie House of Common deiiiaiiding udmiuislraliou re- I own nl "Poplar- isiii. Die ineory linn un cui- ens have ii right to work or mainlenaiice at Hie public expense has gained Hie soubriquet or "I'oi.larisiu ." Had Hie incident arisen at n laler slase of Ibe lioMM-nment's exi-tenee j. couliiiuance in of fiee would have been threatened, 'is one without eipial by any eilyUlnce Hie l.il'rals and or the prot.orHotiate imputation .valU ppo-ed Hie (ioVeininent policy. Mien an uuicoiun is nm I he mining. Ibe luml.ering. and evpecleil, however, as neilher op . oivesligale eiiarges uiai hojui ,...i.,.ii, i i.l ..aiiadla,. Mount,. cufUr trarr ck d Inl ril.sh.lumlMahad u)u .C fW)iina ... ilrugs. finds Ihe evidence in- , (, surrn-lHil In siM.pnrl the charges ,ri.rKfu aJ , u. M,,r.. :":..:!.. r " ' i.i.i.r. i.-nir..iriy ... . aett.nl . ,". ily of Prince llupert where ..liu-.ve language hul tilliiiii.lulloii. repml ol'rves, . The .. thai a member of the force l,,,,,,,, ,,,,. sk,t.ll u. ....ie., g.viug a ..oi .,r ... , , n ;k(l .,. addict lo buy drugs but be .-aid ' .. , , , . ., . loan an m n.-r . ..ii...-. ' , ,, , ., ...j position parly wants lo oud the ministry, as Sueh action would involve another election. The po-ilinn nevertheless is one of exlreuii' ditllcully. Disavowal or the Poplar doles would bring the wrath of the extremists on Ihe beuds of Ihe (iovCrniiicnt. Poplar is one of Ihe poorer parts id London where many of Ihe people, have been receiving doles from Ihe (iuveriuncnt when oul of work. WANTS RETURN OF WHEAT ADVANCES Minister of Finance Refuses to Meet With Request or Grain Growing Organizations ! nation subsliintiale Ihe reiiorl. O TTAWA. Feb. 1 1. - "However it will be or very great imporlancemm., would like to help you, 1 ho llrili-li Columbia. 'The find , uoliw to holil on to that $500,- Presldent of Board of Trade Says of tungsten is reported rrom the 000 until al least a considerable Two Are to be Erected There .district jvist east of Prince Oeorge ,,..( f , uinount owed lo Ihe " mal" " Uinadlan Within Few Months National Itullway. MAN Wi:sTMI.NSTF.Il, Feb. I. The lumbering industry is Two h(g terminal grain oleva. making good progress. During h'r are to be erected on the'lbc past year approximately Iwo l ia.er IHver here by private in. and a half mm mi ue o, ,u.,er li-'csls ac.'cre cut and all winter camps wllhlu a few- . umlhs ...ii.... i.. ., . i i.ve been busy lumbering and ( iu i ,v. iiioneo, iii.f.-. . , , , , dent of the Hoard of Trade. The'sawmill -'; 1-en kept employe, are'uelllng out Mo- for the railway., rompunles behind the projects not name I t.. itld.lell and on similar work. SUilt. iu I. nut ...I 1... 11. . I. I m fl - " 'vni-ii njr will i.uunnj '- tJinln Intarv.aw "anders, HOCKEY SCORES Canary i4 Vancouver I.UII.W.... In a special despatch from itou lo I he Vancouver I'ro- ti.. e -Me Lfci 'ii if quoted a Federal. government for grain ad vances Is received," was Ihe reply or Hon. J, A. Ilobb, acting minis- ler of finance, lo representatives ot three provincial wheal grow ing organizations which requested that a portion ot Ihe money be turned over to I hem. All her passeimer taken up and her holds Hie f-asibilily I Hie Canadian .Nalional Itmlways impiirus uviiilablc make a report on Ihe elevator! position al Prmee llupert and am urranging accordingly." COMMITTEE REFUSES TO PLACE JAPAN ON EQUAL WITH EUROPE WASHINGTON. Feb. II. Members of the House Immigration Coimiilllee appeared disinclined today lo comply with the suggestion made'by Secretary of State Hughes that Japan he plac ed on Iho same quota basis a-. oilier nations in Ihe new Im migration hill. 'The bill as draried provides for exclusion of Japanese. LADIES'AUXIUARF TO REGIMENT FORMED: Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, President; Mrs. H. E. Tremayne, Vice-President; Mrs. W. Davles, Secretary Al a Hireling of ID or 20 ladies iu Ihe armory yesterday, u Ladies' Auxiliary lo Ihe First North H.C llegiment was organized, lis im mediate work will be lo assist the ofHcers and men or Ihe regiment iu their social activilies. Officers as follows were elect loaded willi freight. C.N.Il. cd: steamer Prince John, Capt. Nclli Presble.d, Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls. McLean, cleared this morning at Vice-president, Mrs. II. K. Tre-1.15 for Vancouver via the Queen niayne. U a'lolb Mauds. SccreUi-y Mf- U rifUf. lavtcs. lie Tae Latest In Restaurant. TAXI nn BOSTON GRILL i m a nurry -ui,,,,,.. , Third Avenue. m a. m a Iiij' . "'inarr. Liflesl of Food Oood Service. Beat Oar and Best Servlc Mir.-(( .1( In ttit Olty. Wf t ReasonaMa j PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 3k piunck m;i'i:iiT, n.c., tiiOhsuay, keuiiuahy i ', 1021. made the report to you on the Fraser Hiver site lo render similar service Hits port Understand Mr. Howe, is now on PaeiHe Coast." 'The following answer was received la-l night. "Will be glad lo comply willi your retjucsl lo have C. 1. Howe Vurdr't eirculatlvn 1,650. bbI ' ' fl . -LaLLLHLrAV - MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVJi ' - jiy. r. en. - v Mr.-. Nina Wilcox Putnam, popular writer, and, her business it. . .. ........... ... i0IU President STEAMER AMUR ONROCKSYET Refuses to Move at High Tide This Morning Although Llqhtened 'The first attempt lo float the slramled steamer Amur off the rocks on While Cliff Island was Inade al the high tide at 8:10 this morning bul the vessel failed lo move and it will be neces sary lo furlner iigiiieu ner oi cargo preparatory to making another try tomorrow morning. trxt Salat M7. CANADIAN NATIONAL PREPARATIONS FOR RUSH OF BUSINESS MO.VI ItKAI.. Feb. I S. Kxteiisive preparations ure being made by (he Canadian Nalional Hallway lo meet Ihe heavy Ira Hie which is expected in Ihe spring, when immigrants beitin to arrive in large numbers. All colonist car equipment 1hal can be spared from the service is being brought into Ihe shops and thoroughly overhauled and in some caes remodelled. Al lite Monclon shops four cars are beiny converted lunch counter cars. Into PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION FORMED Mrs. Arnott Heads New Organi zation Which Will Consider Out of School Activities of Pupils Aboul one hundred people last .... a. l . .... " t .t .... .. .. .. .. ... .. .... ... iniri uiii.iiiif.il ill f iir'.Hiiiriii I in ni:.n:icr..e K luivi.rll. If.'.ssell. reeeiillv merilli.tieil in llm vim in? 'iir" - "v ' ..r i5. trJhtAT.iJ .Xnt.A...: rS.:. T'.rT.Ce.lng-f parents ami leachers ll.o. .-...I- ..I M.-.nit l...r..r II... .1,,-r,. .ill. Z U M U . U .' 1 1 .1 111 . Slll'iv ...V - 1 VJ I 111 ii.r.v. iiiieioi.n nr r rri 1 1 ti rr t ,evi uiv j'Mipi'- t . M J Prince llupert Parent-Teachers' i . . i . ... . , O TT i.-s social ion. . ... jrauj pre- 7 n H YnPff 1$ HPITiO SPTlt HPYP sided and outlined Ihe purpose r O of Hie organiiation which was lo to Report on Feasibility of ifS ml 27liZtl!Z. hdi Ipeeially in to matters in regard f I C' r l"I Local bites tor an blevator ?heb "lu m l1,,,es,rrJ ,? being for the benefit of the children under their, care. In Ibis as follows: J. C. Brady and II. S. Hum. . President, Mrs. Arnott. First Vice-President, Mrs. Can-lovv. 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. M. M. Stephens. Ilecordiug seere'ary, D. II. llarluess. Corresponding secretary, Jas. Mitchell. 'Treasurer. Mrs. T. M. Spender, Press Correspondent, 0. Wood- worth. Convenors of committees: Membership, Mrs. K. W. Tucker; social, Mrs. .1. Hulger; program. T. Ilo.-s McKay. Delegates lo - schoolbourd: J. (i. Johnston and T. lloss MacKay.l Messrs MacKay and Johnston Yesterday considerable or the both spoke ot Ihe need or some Amur's cargo which consists ofl-ucb body as that formed taking steel rail-, machinery, coal and an interest in providing suitable lumber for Anyox was removed lo scows alongside the vessel while Ihe steamers Tees and Marmiou were standing by. 'This work will continue today. U Hie Amur floats without leaking she will proceed to Any ox lo discharge. If she does not she will probably be brought here for docking. The salvage claim on the Amur's coal barge will.be settled today, it is expected, and the Marmiou will proceed to Anyox willi the barge. Yesterday. Capl. II McCoskrio, harbor master. Jarvlf Mcl.eod, collector of customs, P. Dorrecn and Capt amusements for the young people. Nearly hair or the people present were men. FISH ARRIVALS I'rivate Dotes (or Party Use. "Tad Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. STATEMENT BY DAWSON ON GRAM TRAFFIC POSSIBILITY OF SHIPPING WHEAT FROM RUPERT IS TO BE INVESTIGATED Half of Prairie Grain Will Soon be Shipped by Pacific; Rupert Will Share Business MONTIIKAh, l-VIi. 1 1. "In live year fifty per rciil of the .... ii t.r..t ini'i.. will ln .liiimeil llirooirh Hie saying lie going lo Ottawa to try lo gel train porN Df Vancouver ami Prince llupert," stilled F. (!. Uuwmiii, of Prime llupert. Prince llupert, 11.(1. wlin was a vi-ilor in Montreal vclcnlay. read in part: li.iu.im wlin j on' of the directors of the Canadian -Mr. Dawson elevator for Tin; despatch arrived on tin" Nalional lluilwavs. is in Montr-id on business. yualifyliiK hi- Prinre lluperl train in the arier-i.mlallon, which is or inn-iderublc significance lo casern a noun and lert again on Sunday well a- lo western liaiiaila. Mr. Dawson pointed owl Unit the morning lo altend a meeting o present freight rule rrom certain .ortion of the prairie, pro- the Hoard of Dint-tor in Mon- ' 1 - -i . ...... .1 If.nl OriiiM. ItliiiArl Mr i i i 3. .1 ii... l,....lfi.. 'in. k!iv RUSSIA CROWS vin..i" i u iiir i'uiiiiv . i.u - ..... e,uul (ii the rales to tire head of,lawon, expect to share in the llhe (ireal Lakes, intern roast grain business with Navigation on Hie Great Lake-Vancouver ami energetic efforts AUrD I7ITDAD17 "' closed rmm about December I are being made lo secure the es-llVrK r llKIll r, lo April t or four monllis. where- lablislitiienl or grain elevators al V f till 1.UIAV1 U p ,,ac,fic co-i, lor, ri. ,,al cily. On his visit Koul Ibis open the year round. This clo- week be will lake up the mailer MlnltUr of Foreign Affairs Jubl- Ulit f (he Ureal Lakes ports. Mr. willi Hie Federal government. rush' Mr. Dawson is a strong booster lent at Position In Which Dawson staled, causes Recognition .n.nitin Ple. Places Them Them I'"'m in the movement .r grain for Prince llupert as a western . a lit ail A i tl I fa i It Q - - - - ii Urge -'h Is more or CC nAf DpCflRF en. acUim ,t Urea. Ilri.ain and euijiment lair in rccognulug .he Soviet iuie u .... - 1VLfUU UUl JlU ' II. rt nn f t Una .Btun litill lifl- ivernmeul am l ie aunouure. ty"; " - " .p.enlly revolts al the tu. hat lias' also' e-f lie I rump cards o i roncerned. "The n::;sl Hrst recognlie us de Jure. Turn we will discus with Ihcm," he said. batf uiliple riebl k .iniuiic nel IviMes." mailers ror NT.... at... it. i, ...:..a..M .1.. Uc.al clratlon , uf an enibarg, . ha. been circles here. AecoMfng the condi .. i.. ..i ..f ll... I II. neresrj. IHW iiriii. ' .... . mir. inmisler ol ron'ian af- . i. r i . ....... I.. .1.1. To meet thins wlilch are bound (o come. Mr. hawsoii declares Unit the Pa- Iii s. i lie ismin ir. i .. uv .f.m- ...uti,,.. .. far as Kun.M .-".; ..' ...,. i.'.i.... eouniries " "... : ": ' lacilliies, ami lo ser mr vinn" uf clcalor and add lo (heir ... .ft. ....... I f..i llm 1111I..L itiiiiitr.i "or - We now 01 ,ru,n- our No Failures In Rupert roiirbinu iinoii present rondi- BRITISH HOUSE Opposition Opposss Policy But Does Not Want Appeal to Countrty Now 1 ... i.i it linn, mi he Pae fie eoasi. .Mr.ron-iundn.ni Iiawsmi was genuinely opliinilie.. He poiu.iHl out Ibal the hesl indication or Hie prosperity or Hie aeifh' coasi was to be .found in Ihe rwir.l of (be btifiness nyu of Urn. re ltonert aniiilltf. whom no . ' . , , railures had been recorded lor to Heporl of Royal CommUsb3r.ee ,w UMl, UIIC ulf years. Investigate Charge. Publish- i.awM.n a-erls. o in vws ..l . AUSTRALIA AND CANADA LIKELY MAKE A TREATY 4 Conference Ends Its Work and Will Report to Qovorn- ments Interested ?! OITAWA, ,leb. IS. A series of conferences begun with Aus- Iralia Iwo years aico aiming at reciprocal tariff agreement be- I ween Canada and Australia end- ed here last night. The extent lo which each government is willing to make concessions, in lhe tariff has been made clear to !t:iMi il,.lnl.u I ii... u.-.irl. u-ill alll... mil the results or the conference lo its respective government for approval. Nolliing will be made public until Ihe nature of Hie proposals is published simultaneously in both countries. The Australian delegates were Senator Wilson, minister of health in the Commonwealth government, and Major Oakley, conl roller of customs. ASSETS OF HOME BANK FAR SHORT Even Imposition of Double Liability on Shareholders Will Not Meet Liabilities TOIIONTO, Feb. i I. The as- il l. Howe, an elevulor expert, i to tome here tu report on :,.. ., ... ,,. iliu. ..i.'sets of the Home Hank including of erecling an elevator al thi- port on behalf of ... ' f..:nn. amount recoverable under the " h III lit II1III& I ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 llll i being sent here on the ,. ,.. n . 10'd..uble liability or Ihe sharebold- re.i.es 0r s J .Mcl.eod, president ,r Ihe local hoard or trade ;,Ilus,meilK ' waf4 ,,1C mosl m will rail very Tar short or the who wired bir Henry Thorn on as follows: !i,Pi..i.i ....esli.... will, wbiel. !,,,MIl neewsary lo meet the lia- "lucrcased weslern grain sh.pmnls have caused numerous bit. .es or Ihe bank in ll,e opinion wou,(, iave , (,t.a, ,. wu, iriss rcc-urdiiig llus port as nn oullel. .No expert renort .. . ... , ot I.iouidalor ... I. ..larkson in ..... ... . ii... v..ii .. ..... .men uerineu lo uraiucc aim ,;,,.. filed :.... ... iu the n... c laoie. uoiiiu inr uiiiduwu .aimiHM -e.iire i. howl', woo ,JuPl,r!, WPri. elected an affidavit Supreme Court. The purpose of Ihe u f fi- .' davil was lo show Ihe necessity of resorting- to the double liability id shareholders lo meet lint..-, losses. Loses expected to be incurred iu realizing upon loans is esti-v-mated al t 100,000 which wilt nmre than wipe out Hie reserves, ot $?,5(j5,7U'i, leaving a deNcit ofs ?I.HOO,(00. Additional losses uf 700,uoo are cxpeelcd rrom minor agricultural and eoiumer-cial loans. z TWO BOYS DIE ON MOUNTAIN Body of Arthur Willis Found' Near His Companion on Grouse Mountain WAS BADLY INJURED VANCOUVF.lt, Feb. tl. The tireless body or Arthur Willis. 21; years ot age, companion to David' Five American Boats Landed .Spencer,, whose dead body was 66,500 Pounds of Hall- i found late Tuesday afternoon iu but Today I" hole on the side of Grouse, I.Hountuiii near here, was found Five American rishing boats searchers. 11 )aie yesterday by . ... . ... lanueu oo.ouo pouuus oi uunuui wn a gUy 300 reel away today as roiiows: iirom wt.TO Spencer's body had Gladstone, 21,000 pounds, at ,een found. His leg had been, 11,0c and 8c, to .the. Pacific .broken and his head crushed, pre-Fishcrie. Isuniably by u rail of several hun- Anller, 15,500 pounds, al 1 lo ,ired feel into the. gully. He had ami 8c, to tbo Hooth Fisheries evidently gone to the aid of his Alfred Svvaiuon made Canadian Co. (friend Spencer and had fallen 300 u trip lo the scene of Hie strand ing on Iho lug Marmiou. II. Hlance, chief engineer for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., returned home yesterday afternoon by Iho Prince Hu-y.ft frtui a trip t vacouer Woodrow, 5,000 pounds, at feel Into the place where Iho body 13.Uc and 8c, lo. the, Hooth Fish-jwas found, cries Canadian Cp. I Katalla, 5,000 pounds, at 15.Vo BIRTH and 8c, and Seymour, 20,000 1 A daughter was born at the pounds, at 11.8c and 8c, to llio Prince llupert General Hospllal linadian Fish & Cold Storage m February 12, to Mr. and Mrs, G. A. UlLii.s.