PAGE BIX. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Spring Coats E delivered. conomy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. Good Buying Means , Low Prices You Get the Benefit We Get the Turnover. Choice Winesaps and Jim. ftfr Imit . Marly Hose spoils, per I'urc Strawberry Jam, Itolled Oals. f. lb. .... .Hread Flour. 10 lbs. . I'aslry Flour. 10 lbs. New- $2.35 sack $1.50 tin . 75c . 35c . 35c . 45c Salt Fork, per lb 25c Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRASSIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. 1 Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office: Hours, tut. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Spsoltd Appointments. i Samples LATEST COATS Just Received LET US TAKE YOUR ORDER. PICK YOUR OWN CLOTH. DELIVERY IN 30 DAYS. Samples Not Tor Sale and Mnl be Helumed on Friday. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. TEA AND COFFEE Here arc tlic lowest prices obtainable on good qualities Kconomy Tea. per lb. .. 60c Kconomy Coffee, per lb. 45c Hlue ltililion Tea. per lb. 68c Lanka Tea. per lb 67c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, per lb 50c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. per 2 lb. tins 98c Wedding Hreakfasl Coffee, per lb 48c Fresh Ground' Coffee, per 3 lb $1.30 Chicory, per lb 25c Fresh Meat Always In Stock. All'orders of $10.00 and over Cor. Third Avenue and Fulton Street. CANCELLATION Of RESERVE. .NOTICE IS IIEIILBY GIVEN Out Hie (reserve ciloina; over Lot 411, ourea liUuds DIMrict, li caiierllrd. U. II. aAPL.'N, Deputy Minister or Laud. Land Detarueut, Victoria. B.C. 1ib Jauuary, Uil. . TIMBER SALE X 6626. There wm be orrerrd fur ele it Public Aurllua. at imuu on the iftid dar tf February, I4. In ibe orrire of the Oil, trirt nreier at ertnre import. B.l, the Llrenr X Hit. to rut .4SQ.oea reel B.M. of sprure and llenilurk, on an arc ltualed at toe bead of Chief Mattbewa' Bar. mnre 4. uaM Land Ittrlct. Two (. inn mill he allowed for re moval nf limber. Further particular of IV- Chief rr-eter. Vlrlorla. B.C.. or botrlrt forealer, I'rlnce Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5753. Sealed Tender will be received by the MMrlrt Forester, not laler than noon oo Ibe 13th dar of leoniary. ISJI. for the purrnaae or Licence i.53. oeorre itiaroi. :ambewa Inlet, O.C.I l rut 507. 470 fjiju. of Sprure and lleinlork Saw-log. one (t, year. will be allowed for removal of timber. f urther particular of the cblef Forester, Victoria, or the District Forester. I'rlnre Bupert. B.C. . I Telephone Specials for, Friday and Saturday Only SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Combination Specials, 95c Each. LOT A St. Charles, Carnation, or Facific Milk. S Tins for 95c. LOT B I Tin "Sliced Peaches, t's, tails. 1 Tin I.ibby's Apricots, ls, (alls. t Tin Greengage I'lun, 2's. I Tin Globe Pears, 2's. I Tin Crabapples, t!n or 1 Tin Singapore I'iueap-apple, 2's. 5 Tins for 95c. LOT F C Tins Quaker Tomato, illi's 95o. Limit tins to each customer; . LOT K t. doz, Sunkisl Granges. 8 lbs, No.v I Yellow New. too or Wincsap" Applets, Special, 95c. LOT L I Fail Niagara Foils Pure llaspberry Jum,,rcg. 75c t Hot lie Hein. Catsup, reg'. luc. Special, 95e. LOT M 1. only, I lb. Moasl Fork, trimmed loin or leg, 95c LOT R , Mars While Wonder Soap. 2 I'kg. Heekills lihif. 2 I'kg. White Gloss Starch I only, Scrub llrushs Ileg. K25 value. Special, 95c. LOT T f 1 only, lo lb.' Sack Fasiry Flour Snowflake or While Hose. Ileg. 00c. i lbs. Hulk liaising. Ileg. 00c. Seeded or Seedless, Special, 95o. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 21 CHINESE GIRL NOT TO MARRY Eighteen Year Old High School Girl Wins Out I Rebellion Against Custom HIKING, Feb. II. Miss Chiang Chin.yiu. an 18-year-old high school girl iho recently disputed Hie right acknowledged through thousands of genera lions uf u parent to give his daughter's hand in marriage without her consent, has scored a noteworthy triumph. Not only has she converted her father and mother lo her modern viewpoint, but her elder brother as well has renounced his rigid lo a voice in Jhe selection of his! sNIcr life partner. j Miss Chiang made known her determination to defy parental authority by inserting an adver-' tisemenl jn various Chinese newspapers notifying everybody interested that she refused to recognjze a !c(rolhal agreement made by her elders with the falher of young Hsiung Vao-chi. The parents have now resorted to the same means of acknow. lodging their acquiescence in the girl's rebellion and agreeing lo cancellation of the contract. The incident has arourd great interod --among young Chinese maidens who are be-i coming rapidly modernised. The (he innovation as incompatible wilh the (cachings nf Coifiieiu, and a threat lo the ages-old authority of parents which mul not be countenanced. HE STARTED LIFE IN BRISTOL BEER OFFICE Rev. Arthur Barner Delivers Interesting Address to Tuxls Boys of Methodist Church 1 'I'llM Tlivlu llfl.'a tit I h. IaIIi. (o the time of his appointment as superintendent of missions. Following the address, there Trliili-m are luvlled tur the annual o.r. Iwul of tlx. C.U.S. Mala.iilna" and 'intra- rliy." Oiplea of iriralli ran be obtained on appllratloii lo the iiiidenlirned or lo Hie Flslierlea orrire at .New Wetluiliialrr or I'rlnre lltft n-rt. Triiders are to be plainly marked on tin-oulalde of Hie envrlofx; "Tender for tlie rriiair io ine c.o.s. implna and 'ilvemiiy." and IniMl be received al Hie office or the tinderal iriH-d not laler than It noon. March lOlli. Uil. Both boat will I available fur al aiii(,iner the IVth of I't-bruary, Period renulred for romulelloii of work to be a la led. A rerliried rhegue ror 10 or the amount or lh lender price and payable lo the Minuter or Marine and Flaherlrt nitil accompany the lender. Uiwent, or any tl-itder, not tiecraaarlly accepted. (sd. 1. A. MOTIIF.IIWKI.I.. Chler lnMTtor or FlMierlea, Million's flank Hlrtir Vancouver. B.C., February 4. IV4. 3T TIMBER SALE X 67G7. Sealed Tender, uill l iu.Ii.:! i.v Hie Mlnlaier or Land al Victoria not laler Ilia n noon on Hie tut day or February, ll. ror the purchaM! or Llrrnre X S7J, lp rut 3,l40,uiio reel or spruce, luiaam. lleinlork and Cedar, on an area iltualed on Channel I, land. Gardner Canal, Xante 4, Coa-l (Harriet. Three (3) seara will be allowed fur removal or limber. Hirlher partlrulara of the Chler Forea-er, Victoria. u.C. or Dlalrlct Foreiler, I'rlnce nuperl. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5763. Sealed Tendera' will lie received by the Minuter or Land at Vlrlorla not later man noon on me fiat nay or February, l4, for the iiurrhaae or Licence X 87BJ, to enl I 111 Aha r..i ... ..i.. lleinlork and iialaaui, rrnm an area'allualed at Hie liead or Tuck Inlet, N.W. of I'rlnce ouvrri, nauKe a, tjinn inairiri. Two jer will be allowed for removal of timber. lurimr iiarllrulara of the Chief Foreiler. Mctofla. U.C- or Ulalrlit ToreHer. fn.xt hupn't b.i, THE DAILY NfeWS. Ready With Oxo Cubes you can serve a meal at a moment's notice. They are handy for all purposes and all occasions an excellent substitute for meat in soups and savory dishes a household help every day in the week. on ri.r c.t(w vaaBJ fa ). fit WMMTI ftt tkf if oxo UMato. UO.STREAL OXO XUBF was an exhibition of gymnasium conservative older generation,! , . . , .. ii, work and basketball games. however, thoroughly condemns MRS. STEEN REGENT QUEEN MARY CHAPTER Senior Branch of Daughters of Empire Elects Its Officers for 1924. Oueeu Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Kuipire. has elected ll'2t officer as Honorary IiuVernet. Honorary. Hegeut, Mr. F. 11. first iee-regenl. -. . u . l . ll.j iiiF . . , . .li.i r.i.roi, invo,i ,n,nr- r-Ia'on. -" i ti ... . supper last night in their new club rooms which were recently filled up jn the church. After the supper, Hev. Arthur Harner, superintendent of Indian missions, addressed the boys taking as bis Mibjecls: "Keep off the rocks." Mr. Harner. outlining reminiscences of his own life, drove home lo his youthful hearers many valuable hints in the proper manner of conducting their live. He lold how at the age of 13 he had been placed in a brewers' ofllce in urisioi. iieer was a free as water and, at the age of 22, he found himself, up against the necessity of breaking away or In-coining a drunkard. He choc the former course and took up Ibe ministry. Mr.- Harner Ihen went on lo trace his career up unit', Ul j . Jrviniu ii-r-ir)iriii, Mrs. S. P. McMonlle. llfgenl, Mr. .1. G. Sleen. First vieeregeut, Mrs. David riiouisoii. ., Second vie-regent, Mr. A. K. Haell-Joues, Secretary. Mrs. W. S. Fiber. Treasurer, Mrs. George liorie. liducatioual secretary, Mr. D. McD. Hunlcr. Hclioes secretary, Mr. II. A. Philpolt. Standard bearer, Mr. Joe Greer. HILL 60 CHAPTER ELECTS OFFICERS Miss Blanche Macdonald Again Heads Daughters of Empire Chapter Foe Year J924 Hill CO Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of I lie F.mpln'. ha elected officer for I he year lt2l a follows: HoiKir.liy rtegenl. Mis. A. T. Parkin. ltegeid. Miss Hlauclie Maedoii-aid. ' First viee-i'gtMii, Mr. John Mauou. ' . Second lee-regenl, Mrs. Woodwortlu.- Secretary, Mfs Agnes Dmiald- son. Treaiurer. Mjss Mary Carter. Hrlioc secrejary, Miss Gladys Kemp. if Fducationul . sVeretaiy, Miss A. A. Pierce. Standard bearer. Miss Margaret Graham. MISS LLOYD GEORGE VISITING IN INDIA IIANGO0N'. India, Feb, It. -Miss Megan Lloyd George, daughter of he former Hrilish premier who accompanied het falher on his recent lour of Ilie Unlled Slates, .is now in India' as Hie gnesf of the viceroy nnd Lady Iteadiiiy. The viceroy and his wife have been iiccm-jled a warm 'welcome in Itniigooir and lluiina. Among niher thing Tliey vislled Ibe lloyal Lakes, illuminaled ror the occasion by 150,000 lajnp, and huve been enlertalued by horse and boiil races, firework displays ami garden parlies. Miss Lloyd George w;a of the party. When you buy advertising ypu buy CmcULATION. and see that vou jet it t? 'JUNIOR RECITAL LADIES' MUSICAL MRS. PARKINS' HOME Younger Pupils of City Made Ex cellent Showing and Enjoyed Valentine Tea Followiiikr nit their nruurum of hearing the yoirtig music students of the city, the Ladies' Musical Club, at its meeting yesterday at the home of Mrs. A. T. Farkin, was entertained by Hie junior music pupils. There were a goinl many comment on the excel, letire of the urosram. the ner- formcr.s all being under fourteen years of aj:e. Following the muie a alentine tea was enjujeil, Mrs Lionel lloltby asMsttng Mrs. Far-kin in entertaining. The table ami roonit were decorated with hundreds of red hearts ami flow ers. I'he iirourum follow Piano solo "Pierrot ami Pier. eite." by Margaret Hcaiiinoiit. Piano solo WhUperlUK Vac." Claire Williams. Piano solo"Uueen of the ltoe." Audrey Parkin. Putin "ido '.Mitiuel from the Soutina" (Op. P. No. t2:, Fuiil Williams. Voeal .ido Cuekoo," I.iiica HaiMon. 1'iaiiii olo -T- "Serenade San Paroles." Girdon Parkili. Piano io "Gi,y Ujiice,-' Helen MeCaffery. Piano Solo "Silxer Wings, j I unta Stewart. Violin " ' oo Marrarole. Audrey Parkin. Piano ulo 'The Two Lark.' May Clark. Piano olo "Nocturne" F riitt Major Op. V No. 2 . Clifford Cam eron. Thursday. February ) ,9 IITATI Of ALMtO WVNOHAH elm DCCtAtCD. TUC NOTII'.F. thai I'robal U Ihe l. I will of Ibe atxitr naiueit dreeiunl duly lued mil iif the Vtriona Beiuirj f III Supreme umiM of Brltl.ti (j.lumhia on the Ird day nf January. Itfl. i Mwu-H .oi in.rri.i. i:HTin nr .n-ivria, inr t irruini inerein nainea- AI.L l' haunt rUuna ayalnal IM e.lale are reniietled to efir1 In aurh Hainn in wntlnr duly mined to the undertime,! : o rniTiirn take oticc thai on nd aflee 'the FOM day or Marrh. Iff I. the tieewmt will pmreed lo diMrlboie IMi ealaie hiilra rrtar.l only to Owe rlairn or which the ttull hae been duly ' Mined PATIO lull llh dar or January, ttti. r.nrr. a rntr. Villrllor fop the Eteemrlf, 4 IS Central BgiMlni. Vleinrla. H C . SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unrei.rved. aurv.yed Crown landa may i pr-tmpld b Brtllan aubjtct over 11 year ef ac. and y allena on daclarlng Inltntlon lo become Urltlah aubjecta, eondl 'lonal upon rtaldtnca. occupation, tnd Improvamtnt for agricultural purpoaaa. rNjtl Information eoncernlra rgu allona ratardlny pr-mpiloni It tlvan In Bullatln No. I. lnd Warlea. 'How to rre-empt 1-anl." coplaa of ahlcb ran b obtained fro of charg y addreaalng th Uapartmant of .an da. Victoria, B.C. or to any Oav-rnment AgenL Hacordi will be granted covarlng inly land aullabla for agricultural purpcaea. and which le not tltnbar-land. rarrylni over I.SOt board reat par acre wait ef the Coaat Rang and 1,000 fatt par acre eaat of that Range. Appllratlona for pra-ampllona are o be addreaaed to Ibe Lnd Com-mlialnner of the Ind Recording Dl ilalon. n which the land applied for la eltuated, and ere maue on primal forma, roplea of which can be obtained from the Land Commlaaloner. rra-emptlona muat be occupied for fire year and Improt amenta mad lo value of I0 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at lelal five ecree, before a Crown Urant can be received. Tor more detailed Information ee the HullaUn "How to ITe-empt Und." PURCHASE Appllratlona are received fer pur-chaae of vacant and unreeerved Crown landa, not being tlmbarland. for agricultural purpoaaa; minimum price of flratelaae (arable) Und la II per acre, and etcond-elaea (gratlngT land 12.10 per acre, further Inror-matlon regarding purchaae or leaa of Crown land la given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Rarlaa, Turchaae and l.eaa of Crown Indi. Mill, factory, or tnduttrlal altea on limber land, not exceeding 0 icrae. may be purchaaed er leated. the can dltlone Including payment of alumpage. , HOME8ITI LIASES t'naurveyed area, not oiceedlng 10 acrea, may be leaaed aa homealtea. conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the flrat year, title being obtainable after reeldenee end Improvement condltlone era fulfilled and land haa been eurveyed. LEASES For grating and Induatrlal pur poaaa area not eiceedlng 140 acrea may be leaaed by on pereon er a company. QRAZINQ Under the Orating Act the Prov Ince le divided Into grating dlttrlcte and the rang admtnlatered under orating Commlnloner. Annual grating permlta art laeued baaed on numbera ranged, priority being given o ealabllehed owntra. Htock.ownara nay form aaaoclatlona for range nanagement, Free, or partially free ermlta ar available for tettlert' ampere and traveller, up to tee ead. bIbmHbIbVbmmmmmmmhmWbSsIHIHIbb Phone 376 The House Phone ttti of Quality Give Their Feet a Chance Don't joii Hunk lliev lime been wearing rcpiie' i):;,Us long eiiiigli? We inetur the girl ami lo- Do-i ,rt.A tliiir urdie. down. gie their feel a hung' JW lime to do iL We hne just the n k or fonlaj' ;- pl tune of year. Good Honest Solid Leather Boots that will wear--" at honest prices. Little Gents', S to 1 0 4, fnon $3.10 to $4 SO Yduths', II to MVi, from $3.65 to 5475 Boys,' I lo rW, from $3.75 to $5.25 Girls', 1 1 to 2. from $3.75 to $5.2$ Children's, X lo lov,, rroiu $3.65 to $40 tiome 111 -110 trouble In hov I lie guiMK . ( Bf u. , gel off -iided if oo don't loiy. We .,n here j ,f Call 111, UNIVERSAL TRADING CO.' Shoe Department. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 JACKHOLT in "Making a Man" A slory of a young, huud-oiiie iiiulli lit dtiretl hy hi own wa to a "down mnl outer -rg and brought to hi own real self iirtlie melting , ' v j York. The hiimunizing of a snob. Advuloi-r real Jack Moll Gghl. The tale of u man vlt r. r what he wunled until he i.-ll in loe. Ka V k ( rasL CHRISTIE COMEDY--DOROTHY DEVORE If "NAVY BLUES." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35c and 10c Bath Room Fittings Towel liars. Soap Dishe-. Tumbler, iim! T Holder. Houp ami SMingc Holder. Toolh llni"' F lliMiks ror (he Hath llolir. Hot Water Hi.He mid Sh if yirop. Wlusk ami Hnisli Holder. ct Kvery.jiiece guarmite tl, now on di'la ,,!: w KA1EN HARDWARE CO. Phone 3. P.O. Box 1648. When Baby Needs a Change Of Food Try Electric - Bake Rusks 15c a box. 30c a lb. Al Your (irorer or Electric Window Bakeries I HAVE A HEART! and Buy Her a Box of Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATH Sole Aguiils: Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUfc