, I i.rtiar.vk II, l"U. H Jeliciou fragrance of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Thfl pAtnAlla inviui.n . . .. V It I unquestioned purity, uniformity end palatabilit malt constant U'trtjcf til v. ho try1 ft; it i A cecos of high qualitj. Made In Canada By . . i r ... . irr rurrr at 10. i mttfii faabtulwj I7SJ V(,B at DdrchOTrl, Mm. nj VianfrrJ, CanaJa i or imuiu. nmru stvr rate FLOUR - Ilnyum Flour ak your fJrocrr for "FIVE ROSES," Th World's llest - AgenL Christie '-I New and Secondhand urmture Store I arjjjlork of Bcdt, Springs and Mat- A ,i rtinrnl nf New I. illi's Dresses, 833 Third Avenue. . ..-..bkLinu i wia lump and Egg Sites. STERLING Stove and Eao. SIim. nncr in sachS Or UUIK. J'hone uh yobr ordern day or rilglil. ninii. n . . I n.l n imiti nupen uoai uo. Phone 11 Hn Office: Hotel Control. JUST RECEIVED. F.W KTftf If f Misses' and Ladles' flannel Dresses.' AT SALE PRICES. BENT'S DUTHIE LOTS ARE DISCUSSED Court of Revision Hears Argu j ment for Reduction of As-I sessment COMPROMISE SUGGESTED Matter Left Ilierefiire he hud uu lalu. Mr u-iii; - ..II . . ... by hybhavn rlnin (.lnin ilrrrllHit ortrriwu lanclt: lannt: Ci4nmrnrlnt (.mnmrncinir al ai IN PSOMTl. in THi urni"i court or British coLuaast. In Hie, Mailer ir llw AilinlnUlrallim Art, In Ihe" Mailer nf II. Etal of II. n. iin..nnt of llielr ln.lrl.trilm-t Pi me. rorllw P'"1, TIIOMVs W. IIF.IIK. lirrinai Ai.i....i.ir.ir, erlnrr lUiprrl. H.ri. IN PROBATI. llm Mailer nf Uh Ailmlntstrallon Art, ..... viitf" i.f the ruti nr lnlelale. Jnlm HEART WAS SO BAD nrffn" dared. li'hase price had been iI'.'O.iiiiii and hotter in Sertion 0 to make larpc TT T" - returns than in Section I. Mr. iiina LaRD district or uutin CMKHIOTTI ISLAND!. rirfiunrnrrliirlit. rmiUlliMiI fnrtv arirs. more nr lr. 1M-aiM Jannary t'lh-mi. uiTin ti iionriiTsoN. vi'illl....... .11.1 .,..1 ........ ..ill. n.u ...I.... .... .. ...?..-. The " ' I" miHI - I'll- f.,ltirf iieiire Iliai .vir. I'lllllie liail Pooslll emu ai il acrinre, inn Ihe properly In ipie.ljnn t n I ou-,,"d eynne had her-n reuilein. Mr. should he taken a the fair value TOE DAILY JJEW8. FAUE FTVH. accept a reduction In assessment nt I .1 t.ne nnnl Mr. William said HAD TO SIT UP IN BED ,,ff h;"1 ,""" 'nstrueled lo obtain a rP(iitrii(ni in -at jut i-fni iiiiu (before acrepllng any other offer am; it. k. riUfrM, 1M n. ft., ft. would have li Mibmjl it lo hi Vt7rlT;..tlu: ,h. '"'."f'l'rin'-l.al. Mr. Dulhie had corf-IBil, I a ukin III Willi my heart, hut ,, , , ,, .. - , . . . , fl'',,,' and would not cily j im n..t pay mum attention to it. i krpt on itti my hr.nwhow rtiitirn, hut wemii-be jiirgrtil In, seo him buy in ii-i,me wur ami uorte, ami finally Section 1. He had made money ill I iiun in ran in a n.M-ior. II aalit I Wat all run ln and. wa a Northern 11X3. ami H4 was his do. ni'rrimt rem, , .,.i-ti.il I lia.l a aew-m ...i.i ... ,n. -h.-h "ire m reinvest ii linn.; 1 1 n rouiu ' iwoni.i iim.v, i,vr 1( ,y iM.cn ltllJ 4, see any fair chance-off rejuru. v"r rur runner rani an i.t h. I ti.i nil....! I w....... Y" nUI nass 1 J1J7.,. . I " J . .M. ,'r,n Xowl.m lhal in rf..-akJn of ro-. (ffllnar would liavr . In nil ;ll fuiwi iray. ' t ii.. . . .., ... Itll'llllll III' WilN liiiii-t'lf and tin imly Jalkins fur I for" Hi riuiil a . I.. MiiuaiiiH in 1 1 1 la III i ' i iriwi rwrai nn.c.ii-, i,nt wlili ik Jt . MaiiKOii r""", ''iwiiiy. I imiKwii " . (ioimili'i. a i iiiiKi-an-il ! .ivij 1 Mrr .Nowlnn waijn favor, o fnii. Mm try .Mllt..m- ll.rt anrt .N.rvr nil.. rir II Htifl o ci.iirl nf nvMmi 7 ,,,. , , tm .lW . , ,m,.n,nilHln wills Mr. Imtfifc yi-iiTduy aflfrtioon akhu for a a o ar. an.i I am s jmm ti,u wn hi firHl mvMinVtif 'IV;''0" j" valuahon '-M." !,m' and Iip would, liki, t ki-l of K.1.I0 HH., Idarod In Iho ai-H- Miii.nrna m-art him and Hie ami r i-nu an- tor harmony I.Hwri'ii rily inenl roll for l2l on I lie loU jn a l at alt lrurrlt r lalrr, nr mallfit oll i,(-,.ftioii lli would not S.-rlio,M 31 and now lis- ' t. mil pro- JJi jkp ,0 w, a (mrl ,,,.,, .erly Of J. F. IHlllilo. Soalllc ran- """ T"r"""- nt- , V(.0. .mll. ilali.l. folh.wln a hlor puitI.iuh ' Mr willlimw .!ilnll' out II, nl from It.i. Orand Trunk IiHop. u-.fl aliii. was r,.ono.t,10 llr(.ti:,.,. Jta. f.... men! Co. a nhorl mr a?o. The tu K'' ' a.-rxi-.l ;ilu wa ()n ,. )lPO(.nt j,-,, jjr appeal wn lmed on llu v ronjid. I'T "'nl holier than lh pur- nulhie would hai lo pay H omi ni i'.rrir ann innpiiiaiilc vnill. ' inin-. ,n ,ir. nuinie rae t aX.u niiou. .Mr William arunn-nl- aosenxi'ii value wa tnno por were heard anil ilerliou reerved. (,,n' I'lffl'er Ihan I he purrliaie At he i.il -e . t: v So e Inr prire. , Juno, nhjerled lo the appeal u Wanted to Clean up Mr. HulliloV name wai not aelu- Uollart wan nol inclined lo ally on Hie aemMil roll iiii.I airri-' with Mr. William ini'nl. Iterance il wax nereary under .lre. of ................ rirriimlanre ..-I fur in one year. No Right to Bargain Aid. Collar! thought Ihe rourt of .revision had no rfsht " luir-(laiu. Acliial values had lo he taken. Cily Sfilie.ilor Clones ije-. eae wan finally lefl for their own Use. lo i;o ini.fi' fully into firtil iai i tti muii I i IfiLnrk iifilil mean thai Ihe etlinir nriee ........ ,, . , , - .. ... IM'IWk .IHMIOay JIIIITII'MHI. Joiii- staled thai this had heeul Mayor Xewloii was of Ihe upin.' , .itvilIADV uu January 5 after Die roll had f"" "'"I Hie development com- UlKLO AUAlLlAKl heen relumed. Mr. Williams frfi I'1'")' nad wanted lo rlean up and nn AMPIIPAM rUIIPfH that a Mr. Iluthie wi.ul.l lus f. W't Hear. This had heen fndi.! U AIluUtAn tllUlltn fecleil he should have slalns. rated when Ihey had offered Mr. .lones ih-rla'red the rourl lout Hi'"se lols to the oily las year at no jurisilirlioii. II was finally " earh. Ily selling In Mr. iiKreed. however, lo tni on wilh lnlhle, the riiiirpany was merely Wr- Bone, Who Is Leaving on Ihe rase. rarryin? out its intent jon nf thai' Extended Holiday to Europe. ' Paid $25,000 time. Mr. Williams staled that he .Mr. Williams tliouslit Ihe urrer represiMilnl Mr. Dulhie and not made lit the rily was in the-form Ihe (Jrand Trunk lneifie l)Moi.lf a 'duff lo el lower nsspssnienl menl Cu. A tear aito Ihe nrooerlv Hd prnlial.l) was nol hona fide. MAKE PRESENTATION Remembered by Her Girls On Tuesday ewninjr lite liirls' 'Auxiliary of the St. Andrew's .in ipiesliou had heen advertised' " nan neen nuijie in wriim?. .n?liean Chun-li rarried out a hy the lalier roiupany fur sale al'Mr. Junes reuiinde. Thererore. ,ri,ri,e n,eir president. Mr'. I5 a lol. There had hern no "e rompaiiy tultrh t have had to n v, i(lne. Nv, j, Iraviox lhi lakers, and finally Mr.'lnilhie had arcept Ihe prire fnun Ihe rily if ,, au (.X,Midei Ifolnlay In houht Ihe lols. He had paid il had seen fit to piirelm..-, Mr. . old I'.oiiulry. Tliey uixa.led S5.rtiirt for llieni. There wen' Williams admitted. ,r r.lt Second Ave. and made a.J'.i lots whieh nieiinl an nver-J Suggested 25 Per Cent , ., jnf,,a (ireseiitation of a ae purehas jiriee of ?T.t7 ier Ihe lols may have lieen sold 1 1 1 1 1 Klft whirh Ihey had pur-,lol. He heiee. that Mr. Ihithie loo rheai, Mr. Williams said, hut rinM., for n,e oerasion. Ite-li.ul paid all Ihe lids were worth. " asesiuent of thirteen limes fro,,inenls were served and a So iiui.t Ihe deeopnveiih com- Ihe purchase prire was ridiculous. jf,v ,.elljnr wns noitl -''before the iany liae fell. II was true thai I here should he a reduction of at " yu"S folks left for their lionws, the ronipnny wn winding urt Inil least 25 per cent Ihls year. In ir un nas i,e,.n T,reideiit II had not been cotupelled If. sell. Seclion I lliere was an immediate nj j nts.jiary for some time li wns a rasp oi n willllip seller nain e in lurnovrr. .nr. ,iiiiams ,( oie preseiilation was- in ap-and willhiit puri'haser. Mr. Wil- said, ami ninn-over inside pro- precialfon of the work she has liaiiis submitted that Ihe aelual pt'rly miuhl readily be made rev- ,im(, nn,j j,tensl she has !roniieralli.ii of Ihe sale should rune bearinjr. lliere was no such taken in Ihein. ,l lakeo as a fair value of Ihe chat in Seelinns .1, i and t. In (property. Now mid for sotm lime niakny bis roll. Ihe as.essur had pDCDADInir Tft QUID in the future II wn likelv Hint the nol crndlialcd down III Values 1 11U1 riUHU lJ Ullll lot could nol be ilispioed of. The fast enough as he worked towards rily could not stand their beinp Ihe outside sei-tions after slarlin? put on Ihe market for at least from his Section I centre. The leu years he tliniijHil. On lhesame anruiiirnt niiiihl lie applied point of ilie.piltalde nssesstnenl. lo Sections and H as he was Mr. Williams referred Jo lols in iismjr its Sertion '.. Mr. v illianv SeetMiit I. To estahlislrthls noint said. I. -w, . . . i I I t . '- -I.. I t ii inn Viiti.1 aatl at Vtil-atki JBal I A Ilhlnl Avenue rerenlly purchased .opinion thai with sudden devolop- '.,' ALASKAN COAL OUT TO PORTS ON THE PACIFIC KKIC.IIIKAX. rVh. n.lufor-inatiou from Ihe north indicates that Ihe llvuns Jones coal com- Hanson. The iinr-'menl of the city chances might he 1 0ear Anderson, lliroii'li hereon Ihe 11 IIIIHIII1 ,... ..t ..,.( .,.-. . . . . ... . , . . oi nf - Hi lie .. ., ,, , i. ii.-i.. i ihmiiiu i rip. ' victoria, is io s..i .K.rT ... Personally he would rather invest ftal S Uiau.hU llaltl.L a .III mill (HIMmU fit la U n.tt I ll.iuttltr ilf lilVA .all , handle the deal. . .. who went lal "soulh- ai0 f..r a w-a rr itw fi.l.miii lr-: ,' ., ' .' .:.i i Ihe . While in the south be will riisi un.lv cuiinrnrmr a s.t outside property awailinp (.i- ii;,i i,, "or ,,u esels Ml.1l ll.ip- l.lanlnl il-. imrlliv...! r,.r.r nf SM ,hl n...n i.. ..r ll.n.n i.rlli r.. ,.f israliam Llan.1: llwnre tmi .- V ', pen In he in the niaiket in the .rhams r.irrly; itwnre flu- riiain H"f niiahl run Into fahulous sums. ,,. . . Ilhrrlv. in !.. alrr mark, lh.-n-e l u , XAItm nN. .Pacific coast ports. Anderson is rlialti" r.iTi) ania Hiw air mara:; ---- nre.ideiit mid i.rincin-il tli-t lro"" " nl"1 Slot k- principal ll-nre fivr rhalna wmlhrrly lo .tnl ..f' vll. i:..tluil t liniii'lil. that as a ,, ,. . , I . ?i'i..iir miller or nf llio the Pnmi.Miiv company, 1 and lie lilisiucss man .nr. iniuio- 111 I I kl ami- I I. .. I ii ...111, II irn i ii it 1 ii will lKl.v iiirni; lave Miovvn wiiai or mis lining , ,, . . i I ti .. I! , , ,. ,. . .. .. Imve Iheir own vessel lakinp Ihe III lit yuiK iois. ii .inmisi inn.- . .. . , land act. I ma ton lo the sues. . ,. ... ii. i tod as if Mr. Ihilhle cnlculaleil he . . . .. . ...... ,. Natter IMWl.,.Upp.,.l.L..L.nS.'4111l. I11:lt ,,,,- ....... rihlrns on I" In skrrna IjihI lilstrirt. Ilrrallinr Ilia- Irlri of ljal, anil allualr on lay at lOanil. Takr .Xnllrc I hat r,n.rr lrr. occulta-linn butcher, nf Crime Hnprrt, R.C., In-irniia to apply fnr hrnnlilfin lo irate lh . ., , ... . . i essct, ' wlien Onitsiii, will run on Ilia I. .. r Seel on Si properly i Mw,tion ... . ithe oiilsnle t ireel from Pacific Mayor New on opined. ' t eonl , oorltf , , In , Viieliririirm . . hrinr. . t. .a .....a ... .. M.r.. l.lt.WIII I. in l ......r Jarlntn fnlnt on r.ayat IOml; llw-nrr fnl- Mr. Williams declared. Ininv t inr llir ainiWMii-s lll...ll.. ... or inn l.m unnrn .inn un- li.i- ai . ... . . I .,, I l. I I,, hi. I. wairr mr aroiinj llir Island anil. sons in nn"ii ... rrliirnlna lo point or rommrnrrnnut, anrt ' ;rf,,.(., ncnidf. niniaiiiina j.""" " .-. ... nrOlte.K ktllll. Mains nf appllrant, IIOOMRH ti, FIlirMVN. A aril t. been fin a lol or 11 total of .some Ihing over :i.l.non, while Mr. Williams said Ihe aelual price had been 25,m0. Mr. Williams mi lit that the rigtire s I it a lot bad been registered for convenience. Mr. Williams asked for a re duction on Ihe principle of Hril TikwTiriTfiSi 1 "vat aiiK.tnie,i!lsh fair play even ir the Irans.ic-iSni.irai-.r Ultiramr nf' . . the . - Kiaie ..,.,, f havlnr J';''"; ftn ,, no Men reglslere.l un- .m AT.V.VJr2.i;:i ihi It"i .Ill January 5 ' n-nn.i.il Cp.tl,.lil fit. Il.nl r.-. ' " " " ' """ " . Mm lie oilier oilier n a l Inn" Il shot sl.OI L':mililp paiilliie 1 a pn.1 planlr,! als.ul Mitr rhalnt ,,.,rtl. or"d ,..,,. (, . f( , xrlsxoly IMIII'IIMIl ., ,. ,. I'he couii pointed lo niluclions Dial biul been .made last year and Aid. Collarl asked Mr. Williams if he Ihmoihl Ihe properly was worth less Ibis year than last, when Ihe average value had been set nl l.ri by a judge. This vear Ihe value had been rMrlwr. irria.r.i: ii.i.-iir. . . i ..i.. m AVil TVkK .MITIit., O'at I at aptsnnimi ,csiiiiisiii'ii nj nin, ... i . .,- ?'Wrlni! i,.v.nVlia..is said. I.asl year it had not IIP.iinH .1" ..1.1 L-.i.i. ar. Iwr.liv minis aaini aaaniM 1..- a"i " C'ls .nrcii. in- ih-i...j .-laimt rMiniml M fnrnitli ,roL,r,y, v',: nr lirfore Urn 7tli ilay i.f t l In me Ietl.-.l iMan VwTrlh V It. tU. ami all parlle I'hi! ipiesliou then came up as "II1. .. .. 1.1 I l.. Inn rrilulriMl tu uiv thrin ine rriisii-n-ii siin- .i n r ...i- Mr, Jones said Jie irW ..'. .rr thrTu. .lav V.f had not iulended In pul Mr. Wll-va riii! a !ii. iMt. '!' JP'Vr.'Sa'WCl'llnin'i mil of court on that point. iimoVini fir iheir iirteiiteitni'sa t , rnriu. Suggested Compromise !)i. TiiuMVs vv ituiM". Mayor Newlon imiuired if Mr 0,fl I'nca'TuperrC. Williams wouH be prepared tu Ihe return voyage. Passenger space will not he provided for. after every meal Cleanses month and teetb and aids digestion. Relieves that overeaten feeling and add month. Its l-a-fl-l-lsi-a flatter satisfies tbe craving lor sweats. Wrtglcy's Is donbla value In the benefit and pleasure It provides. SaWeaf im it Purity 1 ! a I ana l ansaj i MILLIONS FARMERS CAUSE BANKS i TO FAIL IN STATES1 Large Numbers of Tillers of Sold Statistics MI.NNKAMH.IS. Canadian Press) and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art, The movie multiplies personalityand earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS l eb. M. lly The .sudden.. i.iiiiin1 ui it iiiiuiiM-r in iiiiniv hit .inlli ll.-iLoln Iois l.eiwi line n:irl.t acres. In .diversified .sections agricultural disliess is less than in irrain an'iis. A survey of Ihe eircuinslaiices nml coiulilions of 2o:i,i)lO farmers in Ihe grain I area, made recently ny tne. j Federal Heserve Hank of Minneapolis discloses that of llm total number Ti.llSH are bankrupt Or being foreclosed; l',lt."9 have abandoned I heir farms and '.1,302 are so involved as lo be- In imminent danger of bankruptcy. The per rentage of failures in South Dakota was 1.2. 'he per cenlage for oilier northweslern slates is as follows: Molilalia, . 17.7' per rent; Norlh Dakota, ; 10.5 per cent; Northwestern Wis-Jcousin, 3 per cent: Minnesota. '3.7 per cent; South Dakota, 7,3 Iper cent, and North Michigan i'lM per cenl. Colonization Blamed The reason for Ihe radical drop in Ihe per rentage, of failures in North Dakota as com-pered with Molilalia, and in ,Mln- ncsnla as compared wilh either of Die Dakotas, is .Montana's unwise colonization method, of attempts to farm tion-agrietil. Itiral and marginal lands, and of results Ibal were inevitable, after a period of years bad clearly de monstrated the moderate pro- ability of success upon able laud and under' conditions. These farm troubles marked by a x 'lieral decline in prices of ;.t.i.i..nlliir.il i.nuliii'l eiinni.ireil are Insolvent According to j ! . , . .. ibtiy. and poor crops lasl year in some places ileHalcd land values land general depression caused Ihe i l. .ii nio, .ii I,... ii i.. ni i.i..i I.. ..-wri. 'IRISH POPULATION r:,",':'i;:"" ' i shows an increase Sotilli Dakota in inaily respect s( is the most pmsperotis or lhe Ol liMN. IVh. H. An official iinrlhwesl slates. The north- return puis the eslinialed opti-wesleni grain area has 38H,3li atiou or the Free State at the farms euibitcing -.-n.nOO,llj,,i(. f iyj3 ni 3 If5.0n0. Theso figures are upprtixiinale, but Ihey show an increase in Ihe population in ten years of more than 30.000. If ynu.find you cannot get llio daily News regularly," call in anu subscribe tor it and have IL de-llvcrel In your home. tf IN PROBATC. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH III llir Mailer ir Ihe AttmlniMrallnn Art; ami In llir Mailer nr the Estate of Oeorlte S. Kllniunrl.f. lei-eae.l: lnlelate. TAkK MITIl K. that I wat apisilnlisl Ailininlslratnr "f the l-nlalo i.r Oniric s. KUiimnrlre. lieoeawl. ami all parllet ha vlna- rUlmt aalnl the ral.l Kulal. are hrrehy rrqulrert In furnwli same. .nisrlr vermeil. In ni on or nrmre me sin nar.i.r Mann. A.o. ivtl. ami an imruri imii-oieii to Uu' Kutale are rrnuln-il lo nay" Hi nmnnt nf llielr link titnlnest to inr. fnrllt- wllli. . . T1IOAIVS W. IIMI7IK, Orrirlal Ailnilnlstrat.ir, I'rlniu llnnert. B.C. nale.l this stfi ihy or rebrnary,ll)SI. LAND ACT. Nallct ef.lnlantlan to Apply, to Laaaa Land In Hanae 4. Skrena 1.1ml Mtlrlrt. lie- nintliia; OHIrlrl of Coast. Take Miliro inat i.uariea s. iiurpny. or I'rlnw liuprrl. B.i: , orrnpaUnn Knainerr, Inlenil.t in applv for xrnilhni to leatr Hie rullnwlnr ilrtriibetl lamtt; rmnnien-I'lna al a ih.1 ulanleil at the tnotl snutll- ratteily point im Clmfliiel Itlamt. near Hie iiMiiurv nr tin uner i:anai: lnenm follow loathe M1111.nl I n- of Ihe alH.re line at hi ill vvalrr mark aroiiml the Itlaml. returning lo point nl rniiuiiwirptii.-Hi. tmi rontain Inir arvra humlrwl arret, liuire or lean, CtlAllU S. MIIIIiniY, Maine nf Applicant; j, svm Johnson, . Arnl, Dated Novrnibrr l?th, tvtl. f, WOODCOCK DAIRIES LIMITED . Starting February 1, The Woodcock Dairies Ltd. will. lake, over the business ol the Prince Rupert Dairy, delivering milk and cream direct from the farm at Woinlock lo thn Prince llupcrt homes. All our cows have passed the. most rigid tests ns to heattli, elc, and arc living 'under natural conditions, ensuring our customers getting a first class product. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box S95. pitRoisFI ThPif-T-Service hwi'Wj Three Services, obp of which will exactly fill your wash day needs. Phone us for particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry r. Phone t. 'I f i .f ! t I, t ?4