PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEW? BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan Money II Llff FOR COOOse3 DlOT TSKE THei ""T""""! i car COME On WE'LL . WOULD bKE TMEE. J eCK to tf yr,vv,ori pv- RR,vE fV I I II WHKTts THE. HERE. Ava VLK Ovet5 I ect arc. uvH 9 inui Kt "oi rviN i wwat to vtop f in MKTTER . RStE5rW1 wv-i V I Orders i i rill v.j WITH i w. tOO0 ti v i - - , i - in kMO bee. i i Tuit. i c i ill -- - ' i J I l'JIJ'- III! 3 nVVlT1 - I III . i ' v.aii. U JOMCD on our On Norway, Sweden and WATX HONE tteSterr- Minimis i Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations JHHW-rjAVAJ W LTV I ."S- rj I 1 . J Jt-K jrHs for tli at Summer Vacation i n visit to the Old Land early.- I .'fTT'T Triin i - ....... uma u..W HH1K - X For TickeU, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes.. v FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Inauranoe and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, 1.0. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 U ft. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 771. P.O: Rox 938 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving? Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE American League Washington 8. Philadelphia 4. New York 2, Host on 0. Chicann-SI. Louis, rain. National League Rrooklyn 7, New York 2. THREE GAME SERIES WITH KETCHIKAN AT BASEBALL PLANNED The Fair Week .baseball pro pram will consist, it now appears of a three gamp series between Ketcliikan and Prince Ruperti The first game will be played on Friday afternoon and ihere will probably be a double-header on Saturday. The Ketchikan ball leani, together wild a large parly of excursionists from the Alaskan town including the City Rand and the Moose Saxophone Hand, will arrive here lale Thursday nitthl on I he steamer Prince Rupert which will make a special run from Anyox to pick them up. FOR COLIC AND CRAMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL It has been in use for the put SO TCiri; iti action is pleasant, rapid, reliable and effectual, and relief comei promptly. t Be sure and get "Dr. lowier'a" when you arfk for It. Don't eiperi-nent with, some new and untried remedy. Put up only by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Oat. SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Hiriningham 1, Hollon W. 0. Rtirnley 0, Evcrlon 0. Hury 4. Asloii Villa 3. Notts Forest 0. Hudlersfield .1. Sheffield l I. Cardiff City 0. West Rronrwich 2, Tottenham 0, West Hani 0, Neweaslle 0. BRITISH COLUMBIA , BASEBALL TEAM WON VANCOUVER, Sept. 9. Ham- mond Cedars defeated Calgary Athletics last evening tea to six in inter-provincial baseball. LEAGUE BASEBALL Sport Chat j a v HOXlNCi, Empress Theatre, Tbursilay, Sept. II, tt.15 p.m. Joe .Manilla of Ketchikan vs. Rrick Skinner of Prince Rupert. 21 It has been arranged to have the native baseball and football games in connection with ' the Fair take place in-1 lie afternoons instead of in the mornings as has been the custom in Hie past. I here are a number of teams from various parts of the district entered in both lines and the games will prove of interest, at leasl, to Hie large number of native who are in the city ftr the week. The last minute announcement from Anyox that it would not be able lo send a baseball Jeam to I he Fair made necessary some quick action on the part of Hen Self and his sports and attractions committee but it is ex. pected Ihal salisfaclOry arrangements will be made to fill up llje program which, until. Ibis com. muhicaiion was received, was well in hand. Although 27 . nations have sought possession of the Davis Cup, emblem of learn tennis supremacy, only ' three United Stale, Australia and flreat Itrit-ain have ever held the coveted trophy. Of Ihesc three, United States has seven victories lo her credit, Australia six and Britain, five. United Slates has held i! for the past four yearsand will defend it at Philadelphia with the series sfarling on Thursday of this week. - The bout at Royle's Thirty Acres between Harry Wills and l.uls Hrpo is all raclmg. about as much allenlion as would a battle for the' heavyweight crown and Tex Rickard, promoter, expects lo make another financial clean. up as a result, lly the lime the fight is over, on Thursday of this week, Ricknrd will have overcome more difficulties, however, than have ever opposed Ihe staging of a prize fight in the United Slates The scheduled Stuart Shield football game last night between tho Sons of Canada and Oreal War Veterans bad lo be postpon ed on account of the rain. The Sluarl Shield competition will be resumed after Ihe Fair and it is likely there will be a revision of Ihe schedule, four games of Ihe second half ye remaining lo be played. Gapt. H, A. Ormiston, master of the liffhl house-lender Newinir Ion, sailed last night on the Prince (ieorge for Victoria where Mrs. Ormiston is seriously ill. British Consols 120 or 25b per smoke HERE AND EVERYWHERE . - i ill - ic i FOOTBALL TNNIS SWIMMING PRINCE INJURED EYE WHEN PLAYING POLO SYOSSKT. N.Y.. Sept. 9. a rough! game of polo yesterday (he Prince of Wales re ceived a piece of dirt under the left eyelid front the hoof of a pony. ihe game was stopped and the Prince drove ;f Ihe Hurdtn Home where physicians removed the dirt. OCEAN FALLS COMING HERE Football Team Due Tomorrow from Paper Town for Fair Competition A football team will arrive here from Ocean Falls by tomorrow's steamer to ..participate in Ihe Fair Week sport pruKram. It will per mit .of a triangle series for the championship of Northern II.G. between. Ooenn Falls, Anyox and Prince " RifpVri "with total glials ileciding. The football schedule for Ihe week will be as follows: Wednesday Anyox vs Prince Rupert. Thursday Anyox vs. Ocean Falls. Friday'flceanSFalls vs. Prince Rupert. The Anyox- football team to gether with other excursionists from J he smelter town will reach he city on the Garden (his af- ern n. CASH PRIZES AT WHIST DRIYE BY ELKS LAST NIGHT The first nrize of 115 al Ihe whisl drive in .the Elks' Home last night was won by Percy Cameron and the three other $5 cash' prizes went to Miss Willa Dyer, Andy Donald, and Hnrold l.arsen. There were twenty tables. Refreshments-were served un der t lie provision of Ihe. Ladies of the Royal Purple and dancing rollowed, 70 couples taking Ihe floor lo Ihe strains of music furnished by the Weslholme Or chestra Charles Folsom master of ceremonies, L. M. Fuller presided al the, door and the committee in charge consisted of Charles Folsom, L. .M; Fuller. W. 11. Dem and Ren Self. M P. McCaffery returned on Ihe Prince (Ieorge yesterday afternoon from Victoria where, as the representative of the Northern H.C. Tjnfbenjien's Association, he attended the " recent royalty conference. 7l2 for Cigarettes 72i either size jpczclcage TO 0124 Inti Fto, St. Ut Cir.l Britain light mtrvrrf I'NDKRWOOI) wanted, in Phone t552. WANTKB good 212 WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone 052. WANTED Immediately, lady help for family of three. Apply P.O. Hox 570 tf FOR RENT FURNISHED Room with balh for rent, 112 Ninlh Avenue Fast. 212 FOR RENT. Four rooms ami bath. Phone Red Hi). tf OFFICE FOR RENT with modero living quarters. Weslcnhavet ' Hros. tf FOR RENT Two large apart ments down town nesir Pus! Ofllce. Apply Stork's Hardware. If FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home conw forts. ' tf FOR RENT Four room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smith Si Mallett, Ltd. If BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block, from Post Onice, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf AUCTION 8ALE8. Goods UoughL Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones lllack 13ft und Red Hi TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George. Paul or Gust) Promp't Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel; Positively Ihe Rest that Money can buy! QOODYEAR TIRES FOR FORDS - $8.50 to $16.00 RIDE ON AIR Fit Your Ford Willi BALLOON TIRES and eliminate the rattles. MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Service Day and Night ' KAIEN GARAGE RUTH'S 44th HOMER NEW YORK, Sepl. 9. Rabe IlnCIt scored his forty-fourth home ntn of Ihe season in Ihe game here yeslerday afternoon The gas boat Naas River, Capt. Henry Derby, sailed on Sunday evening for the Naas River lakinir two passengers, S. O. Gordon and A. F. Priestly, and a cargo of freight for Aiyansh. Mntnrship Itellitigham, Capt. Len Williams, was In port from Ketchikan yeslerday aflernbon afler discharging !)898 cases of salmon for transshipment K.asl over the Canadian National Rail, way. I" Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdartiMmnt Taken for Leaa th.n B0c FOR SALE l'YPlAVRlTKR FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. condition i SMITH Premier Typewriter for sale cLeup, four I ten inch carriage. Apply Hox 203 Daily News otllce. 213 FOR SALE. Rooming bouse, furnished. Appl.v929 Ambrose Avenue. f FOR SALE. Pleasure boat Echo. Length 28 feelbeam T, reel, powered with 48 II. P. Wiklon Six engine. Rosed ignition, storage bnllcry. Windshield, canopy lop and curtains, 2 aulo seals for eigul or leu persons. Price $350.00. C. L. Heindel, Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. Piano, mahnsany. medium size, lalely tuned. ?200.00. Also 25 fool boat with Ford racing engine. John Rulger. 216 FOR SALE. Old papers by the I l f I .Ml t ifuiimi;. I'uny ,fw uniCP. 11 i ROOMING HOUSE for Sale; cen tral location; steam heal: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. 'Wrilo Y.x 202 Daily News, tf FOR SALE. Sixteen room room ing bouse and store; all furnished. Full sized basmenl with new; hot air furnace. Terms -arranged. This building is right in front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE Ford Runabout De livery; in good running order; $200.00 cash. Also several other good buys in used cars. S. E. Parker, Ltd. If FOR SALE-Two used Ford engines; suitable for conversion for marine use. $50.00 each; .S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash, S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Routs and Engines. Northern Exchange. . tf FOR SALEHOUSES 6 rooms and hath, two lots, fine harbor view, $3,00000. 5 rooms and bath, close in $2100.00. 5 rooms and balh, good garden, $2200.00. 3 rooms, high ground, $7"00,00, Terms arranged for all. McCaffery A (ilbbons, Lid. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Uuy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. QEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 46. CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of tho National College of Chiropractic, Chicugo, Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5; 7,lo 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Plione Hlue 85, The report of the siinerin lenitent of utilities for Ihe month of August read nt tup cily council meeting last night showed a surplus or $1745.3(1 on Ihe light and $1171.87 on telephone. There was no report lo the council on the water which it is understood shows a monthly loss. Iltt'I'Ct j. FOR SALE ....,., ... nery Uc?ifm , , able for work and All in via 1a, Apply N. M. McLean, a,. ill MAIL SCHEDULE For the East ' Mondays, Wednesdays and frt nays, closes al 3.15 D.m From thb East Mondays, Thursdays and Sit urdays, p.m. , . s To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes at to PI Tuesdays, Mail closes at I PI Thursdays m Saturdays Saturdays jo f C.P.R. Sept :i 6 ami Id. From Vancouver Sundays - Mondays . Wednesdays Friday Fridays ,3 PX C.P.R. Sept. I jnJ U To Anyox, Allcetrm-t Wednesdays .9 Pi Sundays .. ... - .7 From Anyox. Allc Arm- Tuesdays r Thursdays . -?J To Stewart and JPM)l, Sundays . r Fridays .... From Stewart and Premier Saturdays Tuesdays To Port Simpson-Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson- Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Point- Sepl. I and P From Alaska PolnU- Sept 3, 0 and 16, To Masselt, Port p. i 3 tl JP. Al ii 10 II, ji xt Buckley Bay 1 ttiiulnv inn il close. oM'1 From Massett, Port Cle"4 Buckley Bay Wednesday mail due. To Skldeoate, Q. c. uv South Island Point- Wednesdays, mail P.m. . ml From Skldegate, South Island Polnt- Salurdays, mail luei- To Naas River Point Simpson it Thnradnvs From Naas River Point Saturdays BOX COLLECTION P-M. !f, . ii e Gra..niii Allin Aves, H 1st Ave. A Eighth SJ- l ,3 rttli Ma. A Fulton Si. 8lh Ave. A Thompson at tllhAve.ASherbrooke Ave 1 1 lit Ave. AConriJ v r.iii Av A Hnvs w,a , - , -- . G.T.P. Wharf 2.10 AVK OtU Ave. A Hays Rove jS, Circle .... .0 8th Ave. A Cotton St. -ntliAve.AellrulfSWy 3.5 Drn (InV. HlilgS Prov. Gov. Wharf 3.10 3.15 3.20 if ; 2nd Ave. A 2nd Si 5 9j! SI " 3rd Ave. A Fullbn i a All. 3rd Ave. uiu , Clin'1 .,-. n Constable Mw. y , llazelton it,,rmVii Wr' lernoon on Ihe Pr1,;nncrf0C(,P,tHr and " froui Vancouver t . . t .i I rii1t 1 . v bUl lUU