...av. September 9, 1924. FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YJU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Ruvert Sheet U Selected 4.Vs Brand Sockeye For 'picnics, "lino.c "Rupert Hrand" Salmon. A few ti is in fit pji try are always handy. Slock a supply on our lat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C.,. rM STEAISHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince Gtorge Will sjr -fi-Oii. PRINCE RUPERT f r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and mtei in-' liatc puiets each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monda, x.oo p.m. For Skldegate and ah port- south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I'rlm-. Iiuprrl 6.H0 p.m for PHINCF. CE'ROE. EDMONTOX, WINNIPEG, (II polou KiMern r.nd. I'lilted SUtct. AQINCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LIMES. Oltr Tlcktl Office, S2S Thlra Aft, Prince Rupert. Phone ISO. Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST ' Oifirc Iliiin-: u i.iu. U 0 p.m. Open Kv'iing- I v spc-i.iUA poifiUiiHit Canadian ltat.nna. Ra.lwavs Prince Rupert ANli) SHIPYARD makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Dock Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dc E"8lneert, Machinists, Dollermakers, Blacksmiths, ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is .equipped to-handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. Pattern Union steamship company ofb.c.,ltd. i0 Sailing fr..in rrlnre nui'rrt. r NCOUVm, VICTORIA, Swanton By, and Alort HJ, Tueidty, 5 r.M. t ncouver Victoria, Ai.n b. and 8wnon b, sturdr, 1 a.. o. V0X' C ARM STEWART, Wilt Island, Sunday, S P.M, Bj, ' vnr Simpson and nmi Rir Cnnrl, Frldy.M. a-ng tnuf. J. Btrndty, Ag.nl. Pflnc Ruptrt, B-O. Local and Personal B.O. Undertakers. Phono J 1. For Taxi, phone 05. 210 - Hayners, Undertakers 351. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIMER .Ladies' Ilc.ady-lo-AVear at BarJ gain price during Fair Week. Mr, tiruliliiian. 213 J. A. llinlon returned on Hie iiwincc ueorge yesicruay auer. Inoon from a business trip Vancouver. noon after having, spent Mrs. Field, Art Needlework, vacation in Ihe south Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 n i i i it . m.. I . . to V. Hamilton .d1fue Hank of Phone I Commerce staff returned on ihe l'rince ueorge jyeslcruay ailer- lus Second Ave. Phone 23. tf Judging Better Rabies Contest, 2 years and.underViSo'earsi,, Wed lowing anu ireignung. iug nesiiay aiieriipon ai 4. p.m lowcna, 50 li.p., Capt. M. Clifton. Doners' old s'toreX Presentation Phone Jtlue 400. Night phone 23. of prizes, diplomas and score Die death occurred recently in tf cards Inhibition Wuflding, Thurs. day afternoon at i.30 p.m Cumberland, Vancouver Island, A JJ .Plea, who-Is conduclin'g of Mrs. Robert Halcrow, mother pole operalioils at Port Clements, of Robert llalcrow of this city. returned on thei,rince George yesieruay aiternoon iroin a nusi George Mcllnioyle returned onjuoss irin lo Vancouver and will the Prince George yesterday af- proceed to the Islands on the" Icrnoon from a trip to Vancouver first boat and Victoria Mr. and Mrs. II & .Stanyer of J. T. Phelan, superintendent of Francois Lake arrived in the city ii p.m. on luesuaya.m " e.uies-ma i aml jack j5reiiicr who are day. Dancing. Westholinc Or-hvm1r laken to Okalla to await chestra. 2 12 1 rjj,i (in ntuirps nf unii U EMOriRHOIDS Do not surfer another day wlfi Itching, meedlng, or Trotrudlnf Pile or Hemorrhoid. 'o surgical operation renulred. Dr. Chare's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasttni; ben flit. 0o a box; all dealers, or Kdmanson, Date & Co Limited Toronto. Hnmpl. box. Iree. Iwltli inlcnl Ccffl IUiihiif(ir.l wlin U the city council meeting L.jjj j0 ,wo years ai Xew West-l night Ihe initiative bylaw .,..,.. I,r,nii.nri;ifv fr f,,u,. for the building or a sidewalk on ni.elence!j aa a parent for the Oomox Avenue was reconsidered menlai 10snitar froih Terrace. and finally passed. ".' ' I SohliPM ami friends of the i'" s. r rai.K itowen iiiu uaugn- Salvalion Army are planning-InUff . loue, arrived oi,the Prince hold a Sale of Work on Decern- J",nulJ "U,M There will be special meeting. tf the Salvation Army Giladel every night this week. Tonight's subject, "The Sling of the Ser pent." Tin. case brought by Mrs. Urochu in the County Court against Ihe city Tor 200 damages for tuquries resulting from the defective rfiad leading to thn cemetery was dismissed yester day by Judge Young. A Kindergarten will he opened September 0 in St. Andrew's Japanese Mission. Fully quali fied director (Toronto Xorma Certificate) in charge. For terms apply mornings to 8 Summit Apartments, or phone Black lGG. 212 . John Kask arrived from Mas. sett yesterday where he has been employed al the - l.angara can nery. He is the son of the late John Kask and Mrs. Kask form erly of this city. The Cily Council al its meeting last nielit received an invitation from the Agricultural and Industrial Association asking the mayor and aldermen lo lie at the olllcial opening of (lie fair to night al seven o'clock. A. C. Garde, M.K., arrived on last night's train from Smithers to act' as judge of the mineral exhibits at (lie Inhibition. Mr. fa nli! idso brought a display ot ores iroin fcmilliers and- Hie Hablne districts to be entered in the Fair.:. The cily council at its meeting last night decided lo Instruct the superintendent of utilities to at- end to the lighting of the road from Kmmerson Place lo the Seal love Pool Room so that it mighl he lighted before it was opened to (lie public . It was pointed ou1 that it might he dangerous if not lighted. Vancouver and are stopping olf ior a short lime here before pro ceeding to their "home in ;Edmon-tun. They formerly resided here, Ihe late Mr. Howell having been the first G.T.P. passengfr train conductor out of here. They are registered at the Priiice Rupert Hotel. i "Midnight Frolics" at West-holme Theatre, Thursday evening at 11.30 p.m., under the auspices of the Fair Board, Moose and Elk Lodges. Ketchikan, and City Band, Moqse Saxa-phoiie Band, ami local talent will take part. Tickets $1.00 each can be had from: fiils Cigar Store, Prince Hupert Cigar Store, Grotto Cigar Slore, Fuller & Atkins, Hose, Cowan & Lalta, Ltd., Any Elk, or any Moose. 21 i NOW SHOWING The Latest in LADIES' Coats Suits and Dresses At Moderate. Prices HATS I HATS1 HATS1 Fall Showing of Stylish MILLINERY Inspection Cordially Invited BENT'S Third Avenue Opp. Bank of Montreal. It Grows Hair or Your Money Back Thouatnde o f women are growing new hair and putting an end to a c a 1 p ailment with the new Van E method of treatment, Van Ess Liquid Scalp Mnu( make, it the scalp proper care and to have a head of abundant and glorious hair. The rubber nipple on the patent applicator feed the treatment directly to the hair root and at the same time gently mauage the acalp. A.k u about our money back 90-day treatment plan. We gire you a positive guarantee. McCutcheon's Sole Distributors Second Ave. and Sixth St. Special Fair Week Bargains in Ladies' and Misses Boots and Shoes. Suit cases and club bags in slock. Mrs". Grahhnan. 213 J. Field Strang, manager of Cnnttvuiiln P.'Hin oiv u u il nt 1 a til government telegraphs, has been on last night's ;rain and are' nn , Vr '' 0,orM foP' nplniilf ill iti uniniiVAP uitifAl .nit.ln.l .. 1 II... M,..,(..t ll,.i..t v I the death of Mrs. Phelan. Mr. Stanyer bti$m' a district j " agricultural exhibit from the i.. ,i.,in- n, Ladies' Winter Flannel Dresses Lakes district forlTe Fair. ' i'V just arrived. Special Fair Week .; t,." 7",. olTers. Mrs. Orahlman, Second Mr. and Mrs. .It, Alkins of Van.er Greenvine orchestra. Good 1 0 1 fnl)Pt whir in Pitiiruu nf 1 t....n ' & t r t heir honeymoon have been r nispcciur i. . raisuup, suteiidniR a few days n the c tv provincial police, returned on visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. Atkins, lasi nigiit s train iroin a payoi returned south on the Prince trip lo the l'cace Hiyer Country. U;eorge last night... During their BAN AIDS RECRUITING TOKIO, Sept. 0. Since the j ' Isiiiv MPrt 1hiv WfW flu iwMt iiratil ' f....... .... ....i 11, Jr. ami Mrs. . u. wan onof Inany we(jjj,lg j,re!ieat8 fl0iu Imlmigration Act including the t i i : il..:i . . . . . I iiuuuu iui .-an uiu uh uicu 1'rovuieial Constable Arthur honeymoon trip. Collins and Soecial Coiustable II. ti ... ... tt.ii.i I A. PomJer mailed fur the south on i omuw me crowu iruin m.iiiii- ie prinCe George last night es- v'rnmrr J n tin np art jlmiyiiicr oiiiri- pulsory military service, accord ing to the head of recruiting in Tokio. In .former years scores of young men tried to dodge con- lion Hall to the Elks' Home at coiling Joe MacDonald, George scription, hut this year there have been only half a dozen such cases in the capital. STEAMSHIP BURNED HOLLAND, MICHIGAN HOLLAND. Mich., Sept. U. The steamship Soutli American, one of the finest passpnger boats on t lie Great Lakes was destroyed by fire at I fie dock. The warehouse and drydork was badly damaged. the loss being estimated at 000, 000. At (lie request of Jos Greer, president of the Agricultural Association, the 'City Council last night decided to declare a' civic half holiday on Thursday afternoon in order jlo allow everyone an opportunity to attend the Fair on Prince Hupert Day. On that day there is football, baseball and carnival attractions and a midnight frolic at the Wcstholmc Theatre. M. L. Aldous, the owner of properly ui Eleventh Street and Park Avenue writes f lie city council asking that grading work be done on Ihe streets in which he is interested. The letter read at last night's meeting of the city council which was sent to thr Finance committee for preliminary report before going to the Works committee suggests thai a road there would help Ihe sale of the properly. CARD OF THANKS - Miss Nora Kenny, Elks' Candi-dale in the Carnival Queen contest and runner up. wishes to sincerely thank all her friends who so generously supported tier in the recent campaign. "Whert are you men going"?" Ihe new boss demanded of two darkies who were shuffling along as if bent ou nothing in particular. "Boss," said one, "we is gwine p lo de mill 'with this hcah plank." "Plank! I don't see any plank I" roared the supervisor. Not at all disturbed by his tone, the speaker looked down nl his hands, then over his shouldeu. Finally, to his fellow-worker ho calmly observed: "Well, now, don't dat beat all! Ef we ain't gone an' clean forgil de plank!" Everybody's Maga zine. WM9 syltTU4Mktlllim CATARRH of the BLADDER Silt Semuhl EachCtpule JmIJyI bear nam JTv" Btwart of eon ntrrfttU It's great for growing boys who use up energy as an engine uses steam. With milk of cream, a fine body-fuel. Makes vim and vigor. aT !P Ovn-tfh alway ! m 1 Console Models 1 T From $145.00 (up VICTROLA INSTRUMENTS are made especially to reproduce the marvellous variety of Victor Record hv the world's greatest ar-lists, in Weuty-6ne styles at from $37.50 up. Yictrola Itecords and Instruments are. made specially each for ihe other. This is essential for the supreme music t produced only by the combination. All instruments sohl on . easy monthly payments. Write or ask for catalogue. eMaeMvs.Mi BURN Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lump coal is double screened. Every lump is a a-liiiuk of heat TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Solo Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Shoe Bargains For Fair Week $3.05 Women's 17 eyelet Hoots. Good quality Vii Kid, Medium Heel, sizes 36 lo 7. Regular price $7.50. S3.95 and $4.95 "Chums" Welted Hoots for Children. Can't be beat. Regular price $1,75 and $0.00. "Note the clearing price." Agents for ONYX SHOES for Women. JUST ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND CELEBRATED "LOTUS" MEN'S SHOES." "Britain's Best Shoe." Family Shoe Store Third Avenue.