13V' ' PAOE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Breaking Point" The love and mystery drama of a young society wastrel whose reckless affair Willi a Broadway actress , leads to a thousand thrills. An honesl-lo-goodncss hair-raiser with Nita Naldi, the vampingcst vamp of them all, ,and (Jcorge Fawcclt in his greatest character role. A society love story, a murder myslcr, a Broadway romance behind the scenes and western adventure, all in one picture. fieorge Fawcett. Nita Naldi, Patsy, Ruin Miller, Matt Moore, Cyril Ring, V. H. Clark, and strong cast CAMEO COMEDY "THE LIMIT." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. Valk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY White Pickling Onions (now in; 15c lb., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers, splendid for pickling. G for , 25c Fresh Citron, firs' shipment now in, lb 8c Fresh Outdoor Tomatoes. 5 lb. basket 50c Hothouse Tomatoes, per 5 lb. basket 75c Large Head Celery .... 15c Golden Ilantam Corn, dozen 50o New Carrots, C lbs. ... 25c Cooking Onions, B.C.. 5 lb. 25c .v Vegetable Marrow, lb. .. 5c Harlletl Preserving Pears, heavy pack in apple boxes per case $2.50 Cimire Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 RupertTableSuppljr Three Phones. ?Ktfii.2i2 TIMBER SALE X 6370. Tire wi" 1 ofrereel for sale at Public AuftkM. al uuou on the 4th day or Sep mutter. IVit. In the rrire or the Ills-trlrt Forester, Siiilthers, B.C., the Licence W.370. to rut JU.000 Jarkplne ties on an area artjoliitnr. the nmth boundary of Lot 6701. riuaul approilmatcly 4 Vi miles norm and eat or tierker Lake Station. Itanire t, ".oat District. Two (it year will be allowed for re- 1 .. . 1 . . , "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may wbmlt a waled tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars or the Ciller Forester, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester Prince Iluvert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X6471. Sealed Tender will be received by the Milrlrt Foiester, not later than noon on the inn aav 01 scpieuuier, ivzi, ir iw purchase or Licence X0UI, west shore KllcmllB Channel, c.H. S, t" cut 670,000 leet or Spruce, Ileinlock, Cedar and Hal-rain Sawlofs. Two (8. years will bo allowed for removal or timber. . , . Further particulars or the Chler forester, Victoria, or the District Forester. prince liiirmrt. n r.. TIMBER SALE XG425. Sealed Tinders will bo rrwlvfd ly the Minister or Lands, at Vlrtorla, not later than noon on the I till day or September, tu.i ri,r 11,1, itiii'i'hn.o of Llrenre X o23. to nil 117.000 lineal r't r t'olea and filltiir 1111 Lois 1U25 and 10 13. ultualedl aliont 3V, tulle and on other elii nr skeena lover rmm Ileino Station, llanste I, Coast Land Dlstrlrt. Two (S) yearn will be allowed ror removal or timber. Further iiartirtilara or the Chler Fore-ter, Vlrtorla, ."., or District Forester, I'rlnee HudtI. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6464. Sealed Tenders will be reeelved by the NlnWeror Lands not later than noon on the Iflll day or September, ISit. Tor the. '"!.-... .!', i..,.L v urn ... . t.i tnnnn reel or Spriue and 3,mo Jarklne Tle on an area ultuated on the onth uliore or Franeol Lake, fippiVsltD O.oll.vtnonnt, nature ''llirw 'sTyeaVa will be allowed ror removal or tlmbr. Further particulars of the Chler Forea-ter, Victoria, B.C., or PlUiict 1 ureslir, rnica Rurtit, .C. Sterling Furnace COAL Dllird In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This Is i very superior furuice coal. It rives ( clean hot fire tivl Is entirely free from soot, clinkers, slack and dirt. Some or tit larirest beating plants In the city are now oslnr It with entirely satisfactory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks, At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for tbe Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlcat Haul Csntrsl. Phons 15 ONE YOUNQ WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of lie wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how to make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service thai ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONES PRINCE ana B0X392 RUPERT SPECIALS FOR FAIR WEEK 1 ONLY. We giv special reductions on all our slock lo the visitor .and the outside customer. Milk, per case S5.50 Plotir Maple Leaf, Purity, and Five Hoses, per sack -S2.35 Illtic llihbon Tea, per lb. 65o 5 lb. packets ... .. $3.10 Economy Coffee, per lb. tin 50o Economy Coffee, fresh ground, 3 lbs. .... $1.30 Heinz Pork & lleans, 2's, ,G tins for $1.00 ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. NEXT AUDITORIUM Dances Tuesday Evening, Sept 9. and Thursday Evening, Sept. 11 Moonlight Dances During the Evening Miss St. Cyr'a Orchestra, llefieshrnents Served Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles BOo Phone Blaok 49. L. F. Marren, Proi 1tor. Advertise in the Daily New?. The Gift House ANNOUNCEMENT Latest Novelties of the Season. BEADS, EARRINGS, BRACELETS, BARETTES, Ac. JUST ARRIVED See Our Side Window. We carry the largest stock of mounted and loose Diamonds in the North. - Extra Special Low Prices on Bracelet Watches. Absolutely Guaranteed. UMBRELLAS IN ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES From $1.75 to $12.50 The Best Made. "See Our Optician for Correctly Fitted Glasses." Max Heilbroner :ITY EMPLOYEES NOT COMPELLED TO This did pot satisfy Alderman lollart who said it had been laimed at a previous meeting that men had been compelled 10 work on the holiday. This he hart found was not true. The foreman had worked and several men had conle along and asked to be allowed Jo go to work. The re port did not deal with this, the mailer that they had been asked to investigate. Alderman Macdonald said he was satisfied that what Alderman '.ollarl stated was correct. He 'tad been informed just before he last meeting that men had iieen compelled to work and had brought the matter to the attcn-lion of the council. Since that he had investigated and found I hat it was not the case. Alderman Casey insisted that I. go back for further report so it was decided accordingly. STUDY IN GERMANY HANOVKH A conspicuous in crease in the number or uiniioo tuflenls in German universities s reported since the end of the World War. Anli-Hritish feel- ... tug. said lo exist among me oung intellectuals, is given as he reason for their preference for German educational iuslilu- ions. TIMBER SALE X 6489. There will be ottered ror Sale at Public urtlon. at noon on the th day or Octo ber, lit, In the ottlre or the Forest lunaer at Hums Lake, h.u., ine Licence X (1489. to rut 20.800 ties, on an area situated on the south thorp or Francois Lake, al Ltpplncolt Hay, Hag ice 4, Coast district. Two ( years will be allowed ror re- lioval or timber. Provided that any one unable to at tend the auction In person may surni.lt a aten tenner to ne opetieo at me nour ir auction a no treated as one Din. Further particulars or the Chler Fore r. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince unpen, H.C. nci. 7 .nomrovai Nov. 14 Montlaiirler Oct. IS. Sov. it Mlnnedosa The Greenville native orchestra under the management of John- ison Huss has arrived in the city 1 1 ...:n t 1 . 1 1 .. .in.. ii.: . r Itnl intIT Will IIJIII lllllll UHHLC9 till.-' WUKK UN MULIUAI week in the old K.P. Hall. The . j first look place last evening. The bi blast which on Labor )nv wrecked the back of one of- I he stores on third Ave. is sun worrying the city fathers, uasi' night the board of works brought in a report ttiat the blast was cx- usable but that the foreman be instructed to take belter care in future. GIVES BOOKS TO JAPAN LONDON. Hy passing the diplomatic and' consular vote the House of Commons sanctioned the gifl by the Uritish Government of $125,000 for the' pur chase of books in Greal Britain for the Tokio Imperial University. The library or the university was destroyed in the earthquake of last year, and this gift is in restitution. CONNECTING FIFTH AVENUE WITH HAYS COYE DISCUSSED ProDosal to no Through School Ground Causes Difference of Opinion The question of how to Fifth Avenue Wjlli Hayes Cove bridge was discusseii ai the meeting of the city council last night amfwill be further discussed by Hi hoard of works as soon as necessary survey have been made by the engineer. The council objects to building a new trestle if it can be avoided. A motion to ask permission of the school board to use part of Mieir property for the road so as to avoid the .deep gully gave rise to some debate. Aldermiin Cnllart and Alderman McMordie favored following the present roule a:s closely as possible hut the mayor wanted to build Sixth Avenue in a direct line through Ihe. school grounds lo the bridge. This it was pointed out would cut into the school grounds and probably would not meet with the approval of the trustee. The mayor complained that Aldcr-nian Collart was shilling his ground liul the alderman claimed that he had not changed his views but that the mayor did not understand. The nftittcr was left in abeyance until the report of the engineer with proper surveys had been received,- when Jl will be taken up with the school hoard. OfcDEN'S LIVERPOOL Phone 20. WHALEN MILLS PAYING WAY Receiver In Charge of Swanson Bay and Other Plants Making Good The three mills of VMialen Pulp it Paper Co. arc now being operated, says the Financial Post. The Swanson Hay ftrtll is turning out lumber; the Port Alice has been going at capacity since July t, while the third plant has been operating steadily. The product of all mills'is sold up to the first of lie year . Wlialen is ai present being operated by a re-receiver, while an altcnipl is being made to straighten out H finances. Operations have steadily improved, and though the markets are not the best, the receiver liable to pay his way. Pres. Thos. McGarry is quite optimistic in regard to the future. The committee of bond and df-licnlure holders will meel in the not distant future lo deal with reorganization roposals. Mr. MrGarrv was not prepared to discuss any proposals as yet, hut he was certain (hat things would work out all right for the bond and debenture holders. He expressed pleasure at ( the confidence shown by Hie debenture holders, 70 per cent of whom have already deposited their certificates with the committee. Notices going out were delayed, and more .are to be expected. Sells to Japan ' The W'halen Company has de veloped an excellent customer for its pulp and lumber in Japan. The 'earthquake proved quite a blow to the company. However, the Japanese market is recovering rapidly and is much better now, while the lumber situation at the coast is also Improving. Pres. McGarry would not reveal his organization's hopes and aims which included a paper mill, hut there is every reason to I! SPECIAL. FAIR WEEK 8ALE August Prices to Prevail To permit out of town visitors taking advantage of our August Sale Values. You are invited to inspect our slock and see the real values offered Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Crockery, China, Beds and Bedding GEO. D. TITE HOME FURNISHER. Third Avenue. Box 1647. Cash & Carry Specials FOR FAIR WEEK ONLY. DEL MONTE CATSUP lUg. iOc. Special, 2 for We NABOB or MALKIN'S BEST TEA- JUS PURE LOGANBERRY or LOGAN RASPBERRY JAM 4 Hi. Pails 65c FANCY COTTON COMFORTERS A well filled Cotton Comforter, covered with Art Hilkoline in Hose, Hlue and Yellow design. Sizes 00 x 72. Kxtra Special for oneweek ouly. each . $3.15; 1 1 BOYS' KNICKERS 1 ? Ill Fancy Hrown and Ihirk Gry Tweeds; also Navy Serge. Sizes L'U tp iU Kxlrn Special, puir 95e LADIES' OXFORDS Log Cabin Muck Ooodyear Weil on Mayfair last. I) width only. Sizes a to ?. Kxtra Special, pair $5.5 Universal Trading Co, believe that if this can be proceeded wilh, it Will be certain lo go through. If nol, Immediately the company gets on its feet, such W1 12 for sc j I plant will be added, TO: ern stales offer on rJ market for sudi a mill J '" W'halen Co, is well supplier !1 the necessary limits h' ',rlls Columbia. Capitalization Common 1 Preferred, 7 p.c cum. ' Debenluies 7 iijC. Funded Debt , Honds, li p.c Honds, fi p.c. (H.X'-Fibre) Honds, 7 px Acntiircil assets ami V and K1(), rain eaused .112 Injun1 lir,, Sept. 0. slorni! aj8.O00.0n s.lOi,r 3,050.0 50.0W pusin"' Km- of II, C. Sulphile Fibre. u. r; pile Pulp and Paper "" all in Uritish Columbia. Produclion fPc,?fl(lJ0 thus sulpliile pulp. ; fett feel lumber, 75.00ft .J 4 l"'1 shingles and 35,000.000 aiiiiually. , 153,. 1 Timber Pupply- (100 ncres limber land. Officers James " nV chairmiin. of boiu'd; h1'"' BtfN McOarry. president; " cC. vlce.pres.; 1. 8. WirlK I reus. STORMS IN FORMOS , j Igevere 'in 1,1 foru'- 30 deutl.H. iu " flJ ami c(g iM '0"; hollies destroyed or were damaged'