I OGDENS CUT PLUG . JtOW PACED IN ALWAYS THE SAME I H H U Xlb.TIN BOYS' BLACK WOOL Ho tlesla fn. v.. . ,L iiiiiniiiii'.i iiri' imui llll I 1 1 a . - . . . I "i interior department, so ;,!t hat f nil application iiould be.grimjed, there would " nothing left of the herd of """ly 80O in Yi.llnvi-alniln Nil. ont Park." The applications follow an-itcement Hint some of the "ma' will. Vi ho- II. It . 1- . " given away uie erd, haa. outgrown il f MS i se CE OGDEN S . LIVERPOOL Special Purchase, sizes 7 to 10.' A good substantial IIoso, full sizes 50c Pair H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton-.SL W e ,(Jck l.in.ii 1'atlerW Phone 9. WILL IT RAIN TOMORROW? CONSULT THIS This Coupon and 80 c. Good for Onei $1:001 Weather House' Prophet J Is Is sfir'prisjiigly reliable on Iowa I weather conditions. Made on strictly scientific lines. We h.ive secured a special -"v -mi jnuiiiuAy, nnu a? long as inn i.t will sell mem w exactly , what "it costs us lo retail them, only SOc if you Jng IhN cjlipoij. i ? : i Wiittfr "1 1 1 f 'ierillipp tf 111 lii. liifo flip 'liillr.n. i 'ill he Dill: wlilll elnritie in,., I lir w u liurt iil Mi i 1 1 f flirt I wilch will come! out for 8 to 2i hm,r-. ahead of inin or Thorhouj. is mod" of liarifwood, in Swiss collage style, "u is decuralcilns in the picture, with ilierninnieler, elk's "d, bird's nestland birds, etc. It litis" four windows and Jwo doors'. ' Advertised for $1.00 Our price nr for limited time, with the Coupon OUC. Kvery. home in village, city ami country should have nne- Rome and get yours al once or m-ul your order. .Mail "rders 10c extra. Kor Sale at ORMES DRUG STORE EARIV cucDVRnnv WANTS A BUFFALO W.SIIlNOT7. Sent. 0. lcl rmsiiirp. Some children asked for "iilllo ones for pels." A KinHinir Hnlnrailo man onlered two narioads. Another applicant souRht a couple "ge.nl le enough in iiiinl, Ik lhn front yard." A (leoryian wanted one for a birth. Hay present ror ins oauB"' H, Knox, fi.n.M.M. superin-inmiiini hpi'KpiI .from Vancouver on the Prince fieorge yesterday aflernoon. He I here in connection with the repulrs heinff done fid lowing her recent strunding down the coast. Pour Centuries Ago Similar Organization to League of Nations Was Effective WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. The Irmjuols Iiullans heat (lie Jeasue of Nations lo it by four centuries. That is what J. N. 11. Hewitt of the Ilureau or Ain.;ri-can Ktlmology of Hie Smithso nian institution has ilK-pvcred through research of the "Leattue of the Five Nations," which held sway in the New York country when America was young. He has just returned to Washington from further investigation of the organization, of which a remnant exists today in the province of Ontario and Ihe state of New York. As the Indians' of old left no written records, Mr. Hewitt had to depend on tradition, as cm- hodied in ritual, for his main source of information. So far as the present is eoneerneil. .nnn Indians at Hrantford, in Ontario, keep alive the league, under ar rangement with the Canadian government, and three snnll re- ervations in New York state more or less closely follow Ihe old league regulations. Thee are the Onondaga reservation rear Syracuse, willi 565 Indians; Ihe I'onawanda reservation, near Akron, with 5.TJ Indians, and Ihe l uscarora reservation, near Lew- islon, with Indians. Its Objective The preservation of peace was the ohjecliv; of, the League of the Five Nations. Women oc copied a pre-eminent place in its structure, and naturalization, the referendum, initiative anil recall had a place in its makeup. j TUe Mohawk, the Onondaga,! the Oneida, Cayuga, and the Seneca, tribes of I;-oqiioian blood, established the league, wilh a mature constitution, and planned In bring into Hie federation, in time, all known tribes of men as allies. )eganawida, Ihe. prophet statesman of Ihe Iroquois, was its leading spirit. Hiawatha (not the personage of that name inimnr talizcil by Ihe poet Longfellow) Alnlopho, a wizard who af first bitterly opposed Hie plan, and Djigonsasen, a noled chieftain, ess, urged the peaceful revolution. This was the more, reinjark-able, Mr. Hewitt pojnls out, in an ape when fighting was fashionable. Blood Feud The League of Ihe Five Nations came historically into be-ing between 1550 and 1570. It aimed al stamping out the blood feud system, which was killing off the braves! Indians of Ihe nations, and eradicating what ever cannibalism existed. o powerful had the League become by 1701. that it was able to turn Niver lo the King of England in trust territory 800 nijles long and 100 miles wide. Before asking others to disarm, the League disarmed itself. II was badly jarred by the War of the Revolu-lon, Mr. Hewitt finds, hut it has survived in a measure until today. The Indian league had its "World Court idea, too, for Mt. Hewitt points nut that "the federal council, sltfing as a court without si jury, heard and determined cases in accordance with established rules and principles of procedure, and wilh CAME NEAR SMASHING DRUG STORE WINDOW Little Weather Witch in Window Annoyed Passers by Who Hoped for Better Things The window in Orme's drug store came near being smashed this morning. The hope was gen eral that the weather was about! to break and that from Today on sunshine would prevail in place of the dull clouds of the past few days. The sky was clearing hut the little witch in Ihe pretty little houses refused to go in and give the children a chance. Those who looked in the window wanted to club Hie witch and make her go In but they feared Hat this would not affect the weather. Disgustedly they turned away and watched for the next number pf the Daily News for "a coupon for the liltlo wealher house so that they might better control the actions of the ugly little old woman. Advertise in the Dally News. .THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE INDIAN LEAGUE TO KEEP PEACE jj II iiIib Si IIiS li I lilSl I IiIb 1 ; HomeMadeBread Fred Stork Tells of Features That Appealed to. Him The tasle and skill displayed in the assembling and arrange ment of the exhibits irtjhe, Cana dian section of Ihe Emjpjre Exhi bition at Wembley is ' remarkable," slates Fred Slork, M.P., who is just, hack from, a trip to the Old Country in the, 'course of which he spent four weeks at London attending the. big Fair. "Iniiced, tbo Canadian section is one of tbo outstanding. features of the show. It is attracting world vide interest. Tire panoramic displays of scenic beauty, the 'demonstration-' of Canada's industries and productions and the exposition of natural wealth havo made an Imprqssjqn that will undoubtedly redound to Iho great benefit of Canadti.Many peo ple will want to come how. lo seer for themselves what was portrayed lo I hem; at Ihe Exhibition." In one section of the Canadian derail seems to hajg, 'been ,for- WET WINTER EXPECTED BIRDS FORECAST IT flocks of pelicans nave paid an unaccustomed visit inland, nnd that Ihe quail have nested twice in one season. This summer the quail mnted early and again later, bringing forth two families. They will not do Ibis Iho wise men assert, unless (heir instinct lolls them there will be plenty of feed for Hi- young next season. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to !. Land In 0" I CharlntlH Mam! Land PUtrtet KfccoMlng: District or Prliir ' lluiwrt, B.C., Ul't Kliualo nour Tow Hill, Orahain island. TAK'K NOTICE that I, (Wie W. Howling; of 3(182 Cambridge Slrert. Vtncouver. II. C. orniDullon manurm'tiirrr. InipmU in 1M lr IHTI11IX9K1I1 10 ICIS tlW fOIIOW- building, a miniature landscape planted 1"r1liT,1 lndi'J mnnn-ncinf n post the Hill . , . Kn rl v . , . vimnni nr.! near inn root lint, ui or Tow I U W n ii'lircst-inuiK iuu mues' Oi laiul in ta51 5'i uienro northerly lo low vwttfr 'is 'mark; ilicnre westerly rollolnjr low wter lenirlh snrend nnl ITf tin V,.,i miMii is spreau oui 10 no. Mrweu mark 80 chain; tlnce southerly three from UlO balconies. It is re- !j',l,ln! or thenre rasterly ami' 80 .tluin to iiolnt markable Indeed In Its compre-heiisivenes and; not.'theslighlpst VISALIA. Cal., Sept., 9. -A.wel winter, 'greatly needed thrntigV California, is predicted by many of the wealher wise in the San Joajuin valley, who base llieir belief ou Ihe, fact that great commencement containing is acres, iiiwic ui icsa. OEOnOE W. DOWLINd, Applicant. . . . .nAVC tUTTEN, Airent Dale, Juna . im. 7-23 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoirrd or by the Government ".of British Columbia. is good for the Kiddles Give the children all the fresh, home-made bread they can eat. Nothing makes them thrive so well. ROYAL YEAST tCAK Ihe Standard of htalittffor more man SO years CANADA SHOWN AT WEMBLEY (rotten. One may see fields of golden grain, little towns and big cities, grain elevators, forests, rivers, sawmills, and all manner of Canadian industries and facilities. Running through Ibis veritable fairyland .ire most H"-feel little trains operated by electricity. They stoj at Ihe, towns and elevators and find I heir way to the seaports which are equipped wilh piers and ter minal facilities with the ocean in tlis'larirtf. Enormous Map Another feature to be found in l lie Canadian buildingls an enormous map showing the Canadian National Railways as they servo I lie Dominion of Canada from . cean fu ocean. The whole m'ap is illuminated Avilh miniature eleriric lights which' show Ihe movement of llu trains. As towns I an reached their names are pro-! j eel ed in big letters. All important points are thus marked and Prince Ituperl and Vancouver, as the Pacific Ocean lermini, have prominent positions. A nou'l display is a m'odel of 11m- Prince of Wtdes' ranch in Alberta sculptured in bolter un- der refrigeration.' Not the least detail is missed and evcn the figure of Ihe 'Prince himself is -diown standing beside his horse at (lie front of Ihe Royal farm house. "Take the Canadian exhibit out of the Hrilish Empire Exhibi tion and you could not make a ! igger bole," said Mr. Stork who nave assurance, however, that the Canadian exhibit was not the only thing af Wembley. Fair Week Specials Vacuum Bottles Keep Contents Hot or Cold .... 1J,e .it.to .put .Ityby'sjftod ,iAjiphJl&, Splendid Value, 75c. EMULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO A shampoo that gives the hair tone ami vigor and easily cleanses- the scalp. Regular price "i0c. Special, 25c. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF ELECTRIC OVEN PRODUCTS AT THE FAIR. ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle September 3, 6, 16, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway September 1, 12, 22 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines-Full information from W. C. tfRCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire 8mlth Block. Phorift 576,