PAfJR TWO. The Economy ii of SALADA II GREEN TEA is in the larger number of cups it gives per pound. Delicious I Try it. The Daily News PRINCE HUPRRT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. K. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, Iiy mail or Carrier, per month u $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year ......... $0.00 To all.olher countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .,$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page -...$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per Insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ,....2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ,15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - DAILY EDITION Policy Change In South Africa. 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office oh day preceding publication. All ndverlising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Friday. April 25, 1 92 1. The change of policy of the extreme Dutch- element in South Africa was made necessary in order to pivo the Nationalist party an oimortunitv to cet back to power. With tlie'moilernlion of lljvir policy lliere is a chance that they may be elected, where as if they had stood out for separation from the British Empire (hey would not have had -much chance. Possibly the leaders liavr changeil their minds in regard to' the advisability of such a policy At anv rate it seems that for the present at any rate. South Africa intends to remain an integral part oPtbe Empire. Political Pot Is Beginning To Boll. The political pot is beginning to boil. The Liberal leaders have been campaigning in the southern interior and in Vancou ver, and now, according to a( special despatch to this paper from Victoria, the north is to be looked after. The member for thi district is coming and will 'go through the whole district, seeintr that the organization is in good shape and preparing the way for the final campaign. The olher parties are ali busy ami candidates will be nominated before long and then there will be the ..usual series rf nieelings. The great thing just now is for Hie electors to be, fully in formed in regard to the political situation by all who have, polit ical aspirations. What Is The Use Of Being Downhearted? What is the use of being downhearted, even when conditions seem to be antagonistic? Why admit defeat even in tinn o( adversity? Everyone knows (hat Hie way to be beaten is to admit defeat. If this is true when things arc looking bad, how much more necessary is it o keep happy when everything is looking good as it is today? We hardly need to cheer ourselves up now. We cannot help but feel that our time is arriving. It is in Hie air. "The future Is all before us," as a wise politician once said. Thai means, .nothing, of course, but when that future is rosy and when we are still strong and capable of making the most of (he coming opportunity, then there is something to make us happy. Beware Of Good Fortune Coming. Perhaps it is wise to give a word of warning at n lime when we are all expecting much. It is wise to remember that constant effort is the price of success and Hint the coming of more people to the. city means increasing competition and increasing work. We shall have to rise to the occasion and see that we are not crowded to the wall. The ideal of business growth would be for each of the businessmen here today to gradually expand and develop so that in years to come they may still be in command of the situation. This, however, will not be the cae. Others will come here with new energy, new methods, new courage and new failli and only by stiffening our backbones, gritting our leelh, working hard and keeping at it will it be possible to hold our own. TEN MILLION FOR VANCOUVER (That Is Amount Expected to Loaned by Order of Parliament to Harbor Board INCREASED FACILITIES Two Elevators Will Take Care of 125,000,000 Bushels or Qraln a Year OTTAWA, April 25. .Development of 'I lie western oullet for grain al Vancouver will be pro-viie( in it fn-iipl of ten million by way of a loan lo I he harbor boanl or that clly. l.asl year a bill was Introduced in the bouse of commons by lion. Krnesl .a-pointe, I Don minister of marine and fisheries, providing for Hie sum of M.VOiiO.000 o he advanced by the dominion government lo the harbor commission. This year the amount lo be provide in a similar manner will, H is illiilersloriil, be tlouhlcd. Confer with Minister II was bilimaleil some time ago t lint the Vancouver harbor boanl would ask for 1 8.000,000, hill il understood the federal au thorities are nol prepared lo make such a large outlay this year. While the sum of U.- nnn.000 has not been officially lecidei upon, it is expected a hill providing for this amount will shorllv be submitted to the house by Hon. P. .1. A. Cardin, minister of marine and fisheries 2nl. II. i. Fit .rial rick, chairman of the Vancouver harbor com mission, has been in the eily for some time conferring with the minister and deputy minister of marine and fisheries, and oiilliu ing Hie needs of his board this year. New jellies will have to be built lo handle- the. increasing amount of grain and olher freight passing through that port. North Vancouver 'Some development of Norll Vancouver is also planned am I he commission is asking for cob storage facilities. Construction Irtis already begun at that porl of the elevator for the Terminal lirain Elevator 'Company, bnck of which is Snillers. Limited, I be largest Hrilish milling concern. That elevator, when coinplelet logHher with the present gov ernment elevator will lake car of 125,000,000 bushels of grain mostly wheal, during a year, that no more government elevator facilities will be reipiired for some time. I M - - I J sen mm . I 3 I be Man in tbe Moon j SAYS. THIS keeping out undesirable immigrants Is all right but who is lo wash Ihe dishes 1 A MOAT is like an ostrich because sometimes rie lo bury ils nose in Ihe sand. 1 YOU may have beard of lh slenographer who when asked by her employer why was dictating whether be was loo fast for, her. looked him oer iiuii-lly and replied "No, but you are a Irille old." WHKN upbraided by his wife for bis poverty, the recently married man replied lhal lip was well olf before he was married but be did not know it. A NATTVK always wants to fix Ihe engine in his boat in order to show his Injuniiily. OH girls, bow wonderful ft is To se what smiles have done. You smile at him, lie smites at you And soon you Iwo are one. THK lover.who talked of coin- jrnlling suicide If his ladylove Goto- w 1 "tobacco I Frlilny. April :y v , THE DAILY NEWS, ! ' I BBJ rpBBBJBV7 BlBBJ would nol mar 'y bun was not to hang around there never lie oiiile. Nun where be until he sees the boolleggers. YOtniJol In life is a hard one until you build a garage on it. - a a ill.. if she is a good looker. TO see some dancers would imagine Ihey learned the A .MOTOIUtOAT has an ad- Ten Years Ago In Pi lnc Rupert April 25, 1914. last night with tin- following of fleers: Honorary President. Wil liam .Manson, M.P.P.: President, V. A. Cole; vice-president, V.R Vance; secretary-treasurer, .1. A. Ivlwunls; manager, Fred llett-ning. challenge from New Hazellon for a juoe Jliert on .May it lias Ijien awepled. A Haniblers' Club was organized last nighl with the following otlirers: Honorary President. Judge K. 'Melt. Voting; president. Mrs. II. I.. Itoiierson; virr-presi-denl. II. M. Ilemuiell: .secretary- treasurer, Mr. Ilowift; comuiU-lee, Miss Jeuns, Miss )ii Wrncl and Miss Hnocb. I'ele Sigurilson. of Prince II n pert and llerl Caldwell of Hock Springs, Wyoming, will mecl in a wrestling match at the Mc-Iulyre Hall tonight. There will be several boxing preliminaries. JUDGE CRITICIZES FINDING OF JURY Mr. Justice MacKenzle Law Bccomlnn Useless When Offenders Let Go RAILWAY RATES THOUGHT HIGH Failure of U.S. Congress to Make Reductions Will Injure the Republicans WASHINGTON, April 25. Iy l( aiiailian Press . Proposal for a comprehensive revision of ruilroud laws which were numerous when the present session of (he I .'tilled Slates congress opened will In all probability come lo nothing. 'l-l . ' l . I .. . I .. I n f V . .. . 4 I il' fi'inui' nun -win- ..limine IV Commission has den'tited to begin bearings on the differ ent bills lo change the rate. making provision of the transporta tion Act. but as these hearing will not begin until more than four months of this session of congress has passed, it is not ex. jpeetc.t that Ihey will result In any , , . action being taken. old, ,.,.... ... ! ,linu '4li "s in tin- i-inmp'-'' in the railroad laws say that Hie Ilimili1linti nrirnnlintloil in liolll AN avialor flying over here can'llp W.M,1( . S(M)a,,. ,H r0Il. IT .trolled by members who want lo Isee lact the presold Transporlalinn ronliuiied ami that this or ganization lias blocked any action on Ihe revision proposals. Ite- publicans, on the other hand. . VVOIKierilll HOW suiy ii .,,. ,,,, I 1 1,. .. . , , 1 . fa illilia.' inn .... ,...T-- Stiri-run no unu away win. n,u . nf r(lirfllBfi irtU rotUiim ro tint sinrcro unit lhal Ihoir ntvn - lift' I" 1 a 1 1 J"" II I. ni.ltnrnnl Hint M.oro is mil I III- ..I...... . ... - Itli.U. I I.a nnv iiiniirolonlve il l froui ritM.rrespondenre school . nf raiIron( awH n(i, .. . ... i llie new rinisjir that vantage over an automobile. The ra jj eoasi waters are ueep nun erals are i-xpensive. fun-1 Is ejecled and no uownwiiru revision m rates in Ihe t'nite.l Stales can be expected The political effect of the of Congress lo deal with the railroad question nnd the nor tion nf freight rales, except In i 1, I I ft l.j. J Illllll IIIIO IM'li-l llir WilJ iiuij I"- ' 'far-reaching. It Is almost sure Ito increase. Hie troubles nf Ihe llenublicans in the agricultural A baseball club was organized 'al(W Thc nP,, being the parly In power, will be held responsible for failure to lower freight rates. Feeling in Hie agricultural . stales that the freights are exresii is ex tremely bitter. RAPID PROGRESS ON UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS VANCOt'VKIl, April 21. llapi.l progress Is being made on me construction of the new I'liUer- sily of II. C. buildings on the guv ernpienl lands at Point Orry. The contract lias born lei to Ihe I'. J. 1 1 van Contracting Company for the erection of six senii-perman cut buildings, while the new scifiici' and library buildings are being rushed lo completion. Thi year the gmernrnent will sell the first unit of residential properly, nine 100 acres, and il is gener ally expected that Hie revenue from the sale of Point Orey land which total 3,000 acres, will lake care of Ihe entire cost of the new insiluliou, without any addition. ial burden being placed upon Hie Declares. ax-navers. MOOSK JAW, April 25. "While Ihe lli-ei of you are evi ileully as guilty as you can be, only Iwo of you have been proved guilty. The jury in the Mc-Klroy case returned a verdict quite against Hie evidence WINNIPEG) TAX RATE WINNIPWl, April 2.'.. Winn I-peg's propo-ed Inx rale for 1921 llxed al 28,5 mills by Ihe civic finance commillee las nlgil, wm confirmed by Ihe city council. As Ihe 'result of persistent opposition and protest on Hie part brought nut and have struck a of labor members of the council, shocking blow aV Ihe adininislra-'restoration of certain depart- lion of justice. The jury Jiiny, menial estimates were made, have failed to discharge their duly but that is no. reason why I should fail lo discharge nihic." This was the comment oT Mr. Justice P. K. MacKenzie In the court of King "s llencb here when passing .sentence upon II. A. Man-, dotiahl, Ihe railway mail clerk, found guilly of receiving u blouse and chemise, the properly oT Ihe ios-maslcrrgeneral. His lordship had other remarks to make during Hie plea of counsel for Hie licensed Hint leniency should ho shown In view of Ihe Jury's verdict, His lordship interjected lhal he was beginning lo wonder if .there was any Use In havbur courts of Jus-lice. The law was becoming' useless. Pan-ills do not assume responsibility for (heir children, and people were continually running lo Ihe legislature and Iheit they failed to live up If the law that Ihey have passed. Macdonabl was seulence.d lo lifleen months In Hie Itegiiia jail. 0. I. Armour, the ' Hilrd railway mail rhTk,1 pleaded gullly'lo receiving stolen ,;giio'ds,', Ie was sentenced to twelve hionHif .... t. The li)21 budifel calls for nn expenditure Of R,r.ll,tfi, wliil lhe tax rale represents n reduc-jlfnn of one mill over last year. THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS LAID UP. WITH SEVERE COLDS On. the firm H'ranre of a couth or cnlil our ajvlre to you M to art Hit of It IWore It lull a rhaniii to trow worMj rrM Milled on tha liin, and ftuuM bmncliltu, iiietiinotiia, or tiller mtIouii Iwnr Iroulilna. Dr. Wood'a Norway Tine Syrup mil IfiuwdlilHy rrll'rt tlin fold lr couth on lit lnrrithin. Mrs. David Arm, tfarny, Ont., rllf: "Our wlioln (anilly laid up Willi mivrrr rnlil, and w didn't ffm In ho aMe to ft any relit-f from anytlilns' wi iiscil uolil, one day a friend came In ami told in we would fie mire to tt Md or our .colds If used fir, Woinfa .Norway Pine Byrup. t deriiiPd lo tike litr advlm, and in no lini our roliH were all' rone. .Now, knownlnr the valun of your urifily, we will alwaya ki-ei It on hand mi at to have It In rue of enierfeury," Pr. Wiiotl'a Norway I'lne Byrnp la lie, a bottle; lirre family Hie 0ej put up only tiy Tim T. Mllhiirn Co. t.llnllel, Toronto, Ont, Victory Bond Coupons T77HEN your interest coupons W on Victory Bondi become Atmmm iS due, deposit them in a Savingi Account in the Bank of Montreal, I where interest is paid on all de-' posits of One Dollar and Upwards. tUU 0m UhiiiJ Bonthf i In all Important Cr ntr t in CanaJ i i Savinga Drpaxtmrnu in all Br inch ti USE Bank of Montreal DOIyLj Fjublulxrd Over 100 Yean Make It Your Business To place ns much of your earnings as you can in the bank every week. This business of saving is an increasingly profit-able one. for the bonk protects your money against loss and, at the same time, pays you interest. $1 opens a Savings Account and deposits of $1 and upwards are received. UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Brodcrick, Manager The Gift Supreme! A BOX:OF Purdy! S Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World NOTHING COULD BE BETTER AS A SEASONABLE GIFT. A Toothsome llelijihl in a Heauliftil Hot, ALL SIZES ALL PRICES. Sole Agents:- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. Family Shoe Store Again nnih-r Hip Mun.igemriil or J. MYHILL-JONES. Severtil yenr. with llu.Kon 1 Hay Comparty. Vniiroiivr Moderate Prices, Courtesy, and above all Fit Guaranteed 3rd Ave. fllllllllllllllllllllli Phone 357. r Hills Underwood London Diy Gin . $3.25 per Bottle. ': llllllllllllll Tills ndvertiseniftil Ii not pulilinlieil or ilhplayeil hi' I1'" l.immr Control Hoanl or !y tlin (lovcrnmpnl of llritlsli Coliiinlila.