PACE TWO TKE DAILY N'F.W- The Daily News 1MUNCR nUPKUT - HIUTISH COLUMBIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Hailv News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKX, Managing K.litor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Contract Hates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Transient Display Advertising U0 per inciter insertion Transient Advertising i. , Pago Local Headers, per insertion . . . . oper --MJ er Una " Classified Advertising, per insertion -;c I' l.en! Notices, each insertion ' rer a?ffll DAILY KDmO.1 Wednesday. Dec. 3, 1921. MuseunvFor City ,S Ti-sindde that Prince lluper. should have a ,,,-MM.m and that the coHection should commence imtnedialel). A interest in (he matter an. evpr people are j,, great many he heW 1 meeting lo At the it. their readiness to support Ive ing il Ike council chamber it is hoped Uoi. will he formed a.kd that the work of collecting specimens will commence at once. ..., There are already in Prince Rupert a great many .uteres -ing would make a colle.-m and classified things that if gathered is formed .1 will he .t orlh seeing. If an organization commence this collection rather than In spend nioiie sufficient jMarge will he lime collection-is Then later, when the enough to talk ahout securing a permanent place for it i ne first thing to do is lo make The collection. - Soon Be Time For Civic Politics. It is ahout time we were beginning lo consider the mailer of selecting the mayor and aldermen and other civic official for next vear. The election lake place next month hut people need lime lo consider for whom iney win voir, mr, ... study the records of the candidates and try to choose the Jtfst '"""'From present appearances it looks n if there might he only two men in the field, hut no one can tell what will happen in Prince niipert. Unexpected people may offer themselves with unexpected results. Care Needed In Selection Of Man. Care is needed now if ever in the selection of a man to guide the destinies of Ihe eity. H Uiere is. work to he done in r ;.wtatintirui tn trviiisr to bring about grain shipping lmsines and, possibly, in connection wilh other developments, w? uei pus Mine iii.iu mumuu um.-vn r.- Tlie city has done lot of good work during the year now almost closing and it is very oesirawe inai me goou env s . Construction Work , On Government Road The city is making a good start on the road leading out of the ritv to connect with the government highway, which has already been commenced. Something like ten or twelve thousand dollars has already heen spent hy the provincial government on ihe clearing of Ihe right of way and it is expected that the work of grading will proceed early next year. There will he a lot of heavy work to be done and it should provide employment for a number of workmen. New Cannery Is Valuable To City. The establishment of the dam, canning factory here is something thai was needed. It provide winter employment for many fishermen aiiH others anil serves n a means ot rarryiug jMMiple ovr until other work i offering. Kvery twenty or thirty people employd here now prevent that many going away to oihlr centre and help lo provide huiness for Ihe city. Industries are what we need. Advertised Brands Of Cigarettes Sell. That the brand of cigarettes for which there Is a demand is the akrtised brand, is the testimony of a local mftn-who handles large quantities. The Jasle- ehanges. but only ns uV.nd verttsoie changes. f , ' v. U. '. Advertising inspires confidence and is suggestive. To be most effeitive it must he done continuously, scientifically and jiersisteiitly. While there is a lot of money wasted in advertising, there are fortunes unclaimed because the fortune hunter rofues to accept the modern method of carrying on hnsines. THE CHRISTMAS BOATS TO ENGLAND "Andanla" from Halifax, Dec 8, follov.ed by the Wonderful Cunarder "CARMANIA" (20.OC0 tons) Due to salt from HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL Calling at Queentown DECEMBER 14TH Due Liverpool about Dec. 21st. Make your reservations early! through Local Agent or j, CUNARD SI CO. LIMITED j 622 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.C. j TENDERS WANTED 8mI1 TeiuWt addi-rued lo Hi" under tltnrd tnd ri JorM-d fur Hie "Cnndrucllon am) Equpiiiwnt of on ( I , Pony tmi Motor Lauurti" will be rnrplvrd up to oon. .Nnvdiitrr lh. ttii. I'lam, pTlfi-nin and form of tender- mar i ouiainea ai tne ornret or lh :niir rarrtm. iMna. tn DUirlrt rr- piifr. i.Hiri iiouiv. anruver. and in rittrk rnremrr, Prince Rupert, -tn d nolt of 110.00 whirl) will be rffumln. on ihe return of plant and peeiriratln. The lorn em or any tender not neeea-artly arrtDted. 0. R. .1 VDE!. (Tt DeputT Mlnoter of land. I LAND AVT. ' Quaan Charlolta ItUnd Land Dlatrlct. Diatrlct at frlnea Ruptrt Take SnXlrt that I, Samuel sinipon, of Naei, B.CM orrupatlon riiliernian. In-, lend to apply for nnllon to lea the fillolnr deerlbed land: Commendnr at a post planted near the toutheam corner of Matsett ltland. and tbenre 4 chain to hnr water mark; thrnre tollowlnr low water iu iHiriaeieny airrriion a al tanre of to rhalnt (l mile.; Ihenre wet- ! erly I rhalni; thenre aoutherly 80 chain! (I mile to pot of commencement anil eontainlnt IS arrea (more sr leia) SAMUEL SIMPSON. Applicant. ..... SO . . rr,r eni. erinter. tf INDIGESTION relieved In two minute wilh JO-TO The Man in the Moon 1 .AYSi- A KACKTHUS correspondent wishes to know if the meeting at the oily hall tonight will designate any particular local fossil that . shall he included in the museum collection. O.M neoide are so busy grumh- 1 in xr about conditions that they have not time to work. KtiYPT is houn.l to he in the limelight. When it is not a mummy that is causing a stir it is a few assassins. THIS is a hard, hard world. 1 know a lot of people who are so ill used they cannot go south for Christmas. ROYAL PURPLE ANNUAL BAZAAR Affair Opened In Elks' Home This Afternoon Gives Promise of Being Signal Success The annual bazaar of the Ladies of the Royal Purple was opened in the Klks' Home thi. afternoon at 2.30 by Mayor New-Ion, Frank Dibit presiding oxer the ceremonies. ' A large number of useful and attractive ar ticles are being offered for sale and there are many raffles. The affair promises to be a signal uccess. Tonight there will be a bridge and whist drive, ami dance and Ihe drawing for Ihe raffles will also take place. Those in charge of the various departments are as follows: Fancy work Mrs. Fred Oil- huly (convener;, and Mrs. Harry Atkins. Plain sewing Mrs. L. Murray Fuller (convener , Mrs. A. Aker-berg and Mrs. W. T. Williscrofl. Home cooking Mrs. Arthur Hailey convener , and Mrs. Jack Keefe. Candy and fish pond Mrs. Herbert . Hampton (convener''. Mrs. II. l. Johnson and Mrs. ftolf Walker. Tea room and dance Mrs. William Halagnn (convener. Mrs. n. J. I). Smith, Mrs. C. H Klkins. Mr. E. . Shockley ami Miss Pulmira Astori. RafflesMrs. William field convener and Mrs. Herbert F. Olassey. THORNTON OUT IN DEFENCE OF ADMINISTRATION Shows that C.N.H, Comoares Favorably, with C.P.R. In Regard to General Staff In hi departure from Hnlif.iT for Riviere du Loup and Mnnl-real. after his insiectinn Irin through the maritime provinces. Sir Henry W. Thornton, chair, man and. president of the Tana. Mian National Railways branded ms iiiUMir anil neaicrne.t v. ill. iPUrrlorWOivfnronacalwti ro. rcenfly ernanatinsr from Ottawa lo Hie effect that the Canadian National Railways are overs! a (To.) m far as general oplcers are con cerned, and in excess of the Ran adian Pacific both as personnel and salaries. ine story has been seller.' aiioat, said Sir Henrv. "Mini n. .Canadian National Railways are overstairert in peneral officers. These rumors orisinated in Oi- :tawa and were based on a report received py the bureau of statistics but were sent out by some one not connected with that de-larlmenl. The rumor was deliberately pushed out for ptir-iroses hostile lo the Canadian National Railways and only half he truth was told. Ynu were not told thai the densily of freight traffic on the Canadian Pacific is :2.o per cent greater than on the Canadian National . The Canadian National operates 22.O"0 miles of track aznlnst isnnn r 'the Canadian Pacific. nnnrriTL malely 7.000 miles more than the general officers of the Canadian racinc Hallway number 317 npainsl 3n on the Canadian Na-tional Railways, a difference of 23. but this difference of ?3 officers should be compared with the differences n mileage and the difference In density of traffic on the two roads, rir rolls of the two systems is: C. N R. I.3 per cent and C.P.H.. 2.23 j per cent. This is a fair niidei of Ihe campaign that we have lo! !u--l ill, some quarters and we hnye'this lo content! wilh in .addition to administering Itte HAIR AS IS "Why don't you bohjwr hair?" J can t decide on the slyle.VJ'H rr?n n L0T1 December 3, 1914. . There is a hut rush In the rolors of single men ill the Old; ijiiunlry, .Married men are heirn?' T6ld lo. w.'.U till thr jre railed, hi as in,7ipe plentyul. ', The time of the Supreme Court jislie tfii morning was oc-i tipleii in the hearing of evidence- the case of Rex vs. .Morn., - answered MTs Cayenne. "I don't charged with atlemnliHl munine regards I know u-liuHme l. I,.. ... ; I,... i hi., i (i'Ain.Ait' .!.f.n. oerenre ...-j thai . . I " 'in'r ii ii.rK lint, i- a whisk hronm or a feather dust- AVaslniigti.'i S'.ir. after every meal Cleanses month and teetb and aids digestion. Relieves thai overeaten fcellno and acid month. Its flavor satisfies the cravlno lor sweets. Wrioiey' Is donble value la the benefit and pleasure It provides. SmlJ In U$ Parity was ii fired in self ilefenVe seriously wounding It ..Macdonald. ion-) irarlor, near Telkwa last July. ' ' l.i.'izens are drilling nighilv ii the Inhibition Hall mi as i. i,e l-repared in military training if Hie emerTeney aries. Capl. Clay- ji ii ami Scrgeanl Hoskins are m riiarge of the training. STEWART j Development work will be ,-t,-intied all winter on the I,. A .. (. lacier Creek property. .1. Frank ;ltreee, manager of the property, returned last week from a busi-iies trip south. A team of draught horses be. (longing to the Crawford Trans. fcr Co. and driven hy Krnle .Crawford were eleclroculml last week by coining in contact wilh ja telephone wire that had cross ed on the ground willi l.noo volt electric wires following a stonily .Mr Crawford himself had a narrow escape. Archie Walt. r,..R. maier oiaeliaiiM'. arriei from Prince tieorye on lal nigtil'j train NOTIOC w. iiiii -iiny, r ''"'iiii.. STOCK REDUCING SUIT SALE WE FIND OUR STORE IS OVERSTOCKED IN MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS AND WE ARE OBLIGED TO UNLOAD WE ARE INCLUDING IN THIS SALE ALL OF OUR 20th century suits A LINE WE ARE DISCONTINUING. YALUES FROM $42.00 $60.00. TO CLEAR AT $26.45 ALL SUITS IN THIS SALE CARRY OUR USUAL GUARANTEE. THEY AhE NOT OLD STOCK OR GOODS PURCHASED FOR SALE PURPOSES Men's and Young Men's Foxes' Blue Serge. All wmd. fast color, lleg. t.Mi to $.Mi values. Siie NO-li. TO UI.BAH $11.45 LOT 3 LOT 2 Student's First Longs and Young Men's All Fancy Tweeds JmkI Ihe unit for a growing tttiy. Kims : :w. Rmid value at $MMt tu Td l.'I.KAR ... ... ... $11.45 Men's and Young Ivten's Tweeds, Worsteds and Serge Suits Splendidljr tiaittid iWilllON CKAIT MANUKAtriUltKllS New MMe.. Fit and style in Weeping with Ulr Mffc Undard of FAHIIItl.N CIIAI-T tuihering. lleg. values .. MO tit 35.IM) 17 lS TO W.KAIt ; LOT 4 HIGH GRADE SUIT S FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Regular $37.50 to $50.00 f SPECIALLY PRICED TO SELL AT $26.45 These High Grade Suits are cut In such a fashion that our friends will Immediately appreciate their values. Theso Suits are tailored from excellent Serge and Worsted Cloth, In single and double pin1 stripe effect, and other popular patterns. Styled In one button, single and double breasted Young Men's Also the repular 3-button conservative model for men In shorts, stouts and renular sizes, 3G-40. ALL SUITS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES n BRYANT & GREER LTD. PI10NE297 You were not told that 1 1 ' " average salary of the Eeiierut I (.Ulcers of the Canadian National ( is a.t;'3 and that of the C.I'.K. I HALIFAX. N.S., Ilec. 3.-Prinrkeneral ollicers to the total pay- ; Ten Years Ago j in rtinre Kupcrt WATER NOTICE ' m...t . ..... i TAkK roTi:i; umi ' .tfeaH f Korar Ovll M ' ihn aMtiai m it r . .TtVIII tMli fur a aim awe ) etfei tr I Vtettetir Mad two IdU T.t i" aao a Mir nuke a...Mii I lalend lo apply ti. Ike wtiLi "r.iZtlJ, ,m' :', Ike MftiMwr Vine to Vann hi n. j SSaClTtTSLT. ' Jj , I !"' i .vr and aent Lhe Vrejd ml I.Iaiim mm . lAa "I..... i ii.m. HCJ.!!!!i ,07 n". 9' aeM PMettaMMl. "nl.t Srtrvf? Tcn ' 111: : '-'"? ',- -Jack ir. "kinr ileorre" tad i .kT . ntlce Malted . mu. 1.. i til ........ " " . tl betn. . Ihe K..I .We of Taki' Ar ' Tnd ?. iJT -IK'.cr" ViT A "i '"ZTZ? no.r ai AtlHi. B.C. " J L" ."Yi: fpl'eaOnl n, be OWd plsnt filiate M Wuw Rler to the rraiH4 ! VrlirV r isa?.ri? I .u. one ofMrated ra led or or eoKtmllerf cnntmlled i. ik .hii J. . VTA WW" Inlrti - ' " l.r"l IIUiHIM IkT Ml. hi i I LM - By Andrew b aud Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant , equipped (0 honJIe all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONE8 43 and 385