MONTON MUST NOT HOGGING ACCIDENTS I CHARGE SCHOOL FEESi AT ALICE ARM CAMPS O AuAnm ni at II.Li. RefuMt to Allow Feet for Hloh School i:iMOXTO.N April I'.'i. The f,.-;ii or IMC lion. i'iiin ii-aWt. II-1 niiiiHUHii, i if llll I'll- ,o an nrnpnwnnf In IIip Srlmnl' I I , Ii n ta-rs ft m f j . 1. 1 .. i. . 1-111 IIM 1 I 11 f FTlli I lit' IliA I.-, I t n m ei.e fj e hi iiir mil imiiii i iifii iii mini n ..iipii fct II ti1 I tin I inn t i. "! ""' I ' " " e J t, in in n lillnp In idn t-Ma.w..., oarl, wouM a f.if nil fiful i iitfri.i i . ... . r.. i . i . mm it mi"'-"nn ifi iiiiii in Mir? Mm moiomi tmiooil- it fcAvcrimiPiil niwiMinv m mil nif iiip minii.r nf tin. Educate all Children Province or AIImmIii Iiuh iril thp principle of Hip (uv . . -I .!.... I ., II.. II ij( . in F-i ll'.,, f,MUII illilll- e : Hip children of nil I he rri'rMTlivn of niep, or ri wealth. I nder sv- (iinnlltin ill llii .a,.... lm.. I it. itniiii"" fit ,- m lilliil t :ilr -lenity progress, and f Iip IllOst lioppfill jgn a I , fill time i I lit inprea- ail of pcnndary Pduea- i mere can op no uoiim i lliK cniiH men! nf I lio ni-ii- 1 Irji.-ialuin, wilh Hm eon-tendency' toward I lie im-nf fp', wmi 1. 1 hate I In .if depriving nf a Irish (duration man)- young .;p win,- nlliPrwie would rp- Dp greal hpneftl of iirh i N'riHiPr -an il Ip ' liar tin iiiii-I i no it a Mr :i n definite impovpriidi-' '1i- llfp uf Hip uIioIp r Ih'ttxit firmly run- 'In. I i-Miiiinl liilriHlupp , ! aiupnihiiPiil." mum iIip U'Hpr ay pp da MiMriPiil fallli Iip rpPiil floanrial will Iip Mirmounlpil r.' ,r 'imiM iiivrary in : il antiP mpllitHU. NonRtldnU to Pay ip rfKtit to pliarsp - iniuly. Hip rliiHl t -1 nI IIip ipriliiN llinl full aihaiilaiiP of in ' a il no" lmU " mil a rpolulion i Iip riippi(on Of fp" sr rriipnl luil-li. ut irppnl nllpl ly TIip u I ion niitnPi four lillar a otolith oh s iloni prap XII IiiIpiiI :p of lli llirpp.lowpr liih ' K"ap. TIip iiipIIio of n i lniilp. If Hip t io jiny. Hip rpp mni ip I i::-nMily in ailvanpp. ami If f timil iliiirlrl from wlitrh 'jIpiM iii pihup l In pay. w ti unilcrlaVInc hiul Iip ni-u ny tiip rlinlrman uim hip v acy nf Hip iliotrirl lo Hip ''' Uial Hip aumunl will Ip .1 tn . I . .1.1 "ii iiiii' iiuir. Collect from 250 l lirrp are til prppnl Miiiir 250 'i..rritpiii kiiiinU in alli-nil-p In Mm Kilitiitnlon liicli '-'nit ami Hip rovpnnp acpniiuji Ihc loanl from Hip fpp woolil 'int lo nlmtit tttn.nno nnnual- Mtlv A n ii i ii I I IK A kAfTMU IN vvii n inuiuii 11 1 THE U.S. NOMINATIONS HAnniJMlUHO, April 23. Ho r i-inriim ypipniay ifueo a in nun H lir in iiMi." ll IIip linunr uuelion wa the ninrii prnmpiPii uie uo- "-inein on niuriiny ny neprp-"Inlivp William YaiP. IIip I'hll- 'I'liln iHillllpnl loader, that Iip 'lid not juijiport Hip jioyernur lo Hip IIp-''lipan uatlonnl conypiillon. t Three Men Injured, One It Is Feared Fatally, In Northern Operations A very iinfoiltiiiale ncrlilenl oft. piiitpiI on W'piliiPMilav al Hie Hninliy Coiuiiany'M IukxImk pamp, on me "human llal- when HIpvp AmlerHOu wax ulruck hy a Ins anil MilTere.l u lirokcn lea; nayH Hip Aliee Ann llerulil. I'iliiiK were lieinir haiileil In for Hi" railroad Irenfle mid Hie front pimI of one lojf xli-iipk a "Iiiiiiii nwlliifintr Hip other around and olrikinjf Mr. Ander- on, wliu arrived lierp on Mon day and had ularlpd work 'I'iipm-day. Hp oift'crPd a Iritde fraPlnrp of Hip larpp hone, and a mm-iller boiiP'WMN hrokpii in three placex. Md Davix IPndered firnt- uiil and Mr. Amlerinii wa lakPti lo Hie AiiyoK hoftpifal on te Awakp. A epond aerideill ope'urreil during Hip week in the loauiua rtimp of Hip t.rarthy ii., wlipn Mr. HoIiiipm wa ulrnek hy a railing Iiiuii, on Hip hnek of the iwk and t-Piidered iinpoin.eioii. lip wi taken to Hip oIHpp nf Siit lai, who rendered and upon pxaminnliou found that hp wii ji.iralyM. Hp wii ciiii- vpypii in .iiyox lio-iillal with all pntjdhlf pppd, and an evamina-lioii nhowpd Hip spinal polumn to If -iiiHtii. I.illle hope ii held for hi rppovpry. Mr. Ilolnie w.i ciiiiiIovpiI ii a eoond-fuller and only repenlly Ipft Hip lumpijal, wtipre Iip had Ippii liealed for Mot poi-omiiir. Hp i n man of flnp phytiqup a ml well known around town. Win. Mr Lean h,n Hip mifor llllip on I'lilirnlav to eerrlv pmh hl rfhl hand while pn- Rased iii loyfring operation for Hip AIIpp Arm froijihtmir ti. TIip nePiilenl oerurreit wIipii ti wni. HiniwiiiB the hunk round a In. Hp w taken lo Anyov Hooiiital whprp hp i rrceivuijf ii-ealniPul. YANDERHOOF A .K. Ilennpti. Prp. C. Hor-Imvpn. liporstp tlaiiipmii. O. W. Hppmaert. John lioldfp. M. J. liriOin, J. IrviiiK, Alenn.ler Xic hol.on. Kprtfti Park and tlporjrp Snell hap pnlprpil into a poer ttrowinn ronlrt inliliilM hy Hip iMiniiiHiH Ivprtmptil4il Farm Hnuvrli for Hip purp'p of n- rourupiHk' thp grow Hi of plover in Hip lilrict. IL A. MilrWll ha Iippii ap-Ntinlpl mnitairpr for Sam I jwker. (!onprvalitP .'".dldalP for Omln-ppa. tn Hip fnrHiPoinlnc provin- Plal pJpPllmi PHiniialan. MU V'ranpp Hay I to bp married on April lft lo OpoiTrp1 II. Oiilraui. ThPri' wa a -.howpri In hpr honor al Hip hoinp of Mr. II. II. Moorp lal wppk. Mr. MrfiParhy. t- N Ipnvlnsr trxlay for Virloria ami Hip i"l roal lap wIiptp flip will ppnd i vppk prior In rplurninn lo hpr lomip In Ontario. A Mii wan horn lo Mr. and Mm. Stephen IIoIiiipi on April 17. William Frank Thayrr dipil la-l week at hi Iioiiip in Hip irinlco dilrict. - Mr. It. M. Pallpri-on and Ihrep children haP Ipft lo ppnd a thrpp month' holiday north ol Ivlmonlon. STEWART Thp (Iranliv havp rpleapd their bond on Hip Oporirp ropiu-r propprly not beeaup of diali-farlion with il bill on arrount of Hip vity atifaclory inannpr In whirh Hip Outsider I oppninir U'' Oonlruplion of IIip Pprvleo Pliili'n een otanb in memory of I fallen ohller from Hip ililricl You Are Careful careful ! to In buying shoes-be use . poKn that will Veep the thr in good condition and prolong its We. USE Shoe Polish FLOATING SPECKS BEFORE THE EYES MEANS LIVER TROUBLE Whn f-rkt nan to float before th ryt, hrn everyUilnc imm to turn Mark lor few Mcond) and you tml a If you r irolnj to runt, you can rrtt anwiri-d tbal ydur llvfr It not worklnir properly. Tti oM-ntlal thlnr to do In all ra lire tlie liter la alow, Utj or torpid, U lo ailr It up tiy tlx u of .Miitnirn'a Uia-I.lvrr Hill and rlcar aaay th arru-niulalnl ma) of al. and politonotK malUr from lh njUMn. Mr. Oian. Ayland, Frankvlllc, Ont, wriiPi:- "I iim ti) l- awfully iKiihrrcd with floatinir kti l,r(ir inj py, lu-adarlira anl lrknci to my aiMnaih. I lK.k Jiiit half a vial or your Mllliurn' I.aU'l.lvrr piuh and rver alnre I havi flt at HI r did. .Xow I alaya kwf. thni on hand." Mllliurn' l.aia-l.lvcr Pllla trn tit lal at all 'danra, or nulled dlrirt on r"lpt of prlre t,y The T. -Mllhiirn Co, Llmlled, Toronto, Ont In Hip Ureal War 1 about lo fniiimenee. II will Je erpelpd on the Slewarl-llyder road jinl to Hip wp. eml of town. SupplinH ami poiiiiimPiit for, Hip (ilaeier tepk miiip hap arrivpd and work of development will larl Immediately. John llaalili i in rharsfp. - - Ml Virylnla MrOonkpy, SIpw- arl rhoo learhpr, i fpendintr Hip l'.aler inn al Anyox. .. II. (1. MaitPP lia rpltinipd from Vancouver where lie spent the wiulpr. . Mi Kale Ityan ha returned from a Irip to Xew Itrun-wi-k. Arpompanyiii? hpr wi-re lier two nepliPW. John and ('harle 'Ityan. ALICE ARM Itfdierl llenierion. an old rpi- ilent of Hip ramp, i here to do development work on hi pro- jprty at NitiP Mile. Mr. J. Trlnder ha 'arripd from I'rinrp llunert to join Mr. Trimler. Thpy will rpidp hprp. Cnii'lahlp IlrydPti" of Anyox wsi Iipi'p at Hip wppI; pthI. reat prpparation arp bpinp madp hy loeat .Mmne lo rnlcrlain IIip mpmbprf of Hip Anyox lodgp on Sunday. CLAIMS COOLIDGE WILL BE NOMINATED His Campaign Manager Declares Enouqh Delegates Have Either Been Instructed or are Favorable WASHIMiTOX. lu:.. April tit. An arcomplihed victory for rpiipnt titolidcp nl Hip ('Ipp- l.ind ronxpnlion i elaimed hy William lluller, hi PHinpain manappr. In a formal "lalPineut Iip said that 5S:f delecale have alrrady Iippii inslrurled or arp favorable lo Hip Provident which i pjphl morp than I necessary lo assure Hie numiiuilion. Ilutler say that with oilier ilelepales wliich will ioiiip from slates in which Hip primaries or iplc?alP havP not ycl Iippii rliopti. Hip Presidenl will hac morp than sutlicipnt lo sivp him Hip ominalion on Hip firt ballot of Hip convpiilion. Hpporl from nil narl of Hip country. Iip said. indicate thai Hip President I morp nparly Hip unanimous choice or Hip parly than any candidalp In Hip hislory or Hp- puhlicanism. CLEVELAND RASING SUM OF $125,000 FOR REPUBLICAN MEETING r.I.KVKLAX 11. April 2.1. Tin? tusk or raisins from ClcvPlaml ciliicn 125,000 for pxppnsps of IIip. ItrpubliPnii national convpn-t ion, which Cleveland will cntpr- Inin Hip wrek of Juno 10, Iras fallpn in a lartfp inpnnrt lo Hip son of a local carpenter. Hp i ThoVia K. Monk, a banker, who was chosen trcasurpr of IIip local rommittcp on conven tion arrniiponipnlsi. DRESSED AS BOYS AND WENT OFF TO ALASKA SKATTI.i:, April 2.1. IVars atp held Ural Mabel MrOrcKor, 1 1 yenrn old, and Kvelyn I'lum-nier. 15 year old, who dlsap-pcHied from r.vcrclt on March 27 Hint with foul play or arp hrhj capllvp In snmo Alaskan port. 11 is believed they disguised PROCLAMATION " HV.Nfi f)F VI. MY J CANADA (il-OIIfii: THir FIFTH, by Hip Oracp of find, of Hip UntlPd Kiruolom of f!rpal Jtritain and Ireland, and of the HrilUh Dominion bpyond Hip Sea. KIXO, Defender of the Fail ft, Kmperor nf India. To all I o whom lliesp Present nhaH.come, or whom Iho narup may in anywise concprn. Oil Ki n I xr.: .; PilOCLAMATION I:. I.. XKWr.OMHF, Deputy Minislpr of Juslicp ! - - (anada Wlll.fO'ASs-the protpction and pprpptuatinn " of oilr forpli arc vital fo lh cop-linued Industrial welfare ami strength of Canada and to its individual health, comfort and prosperity; And Wherea it i shown by Hip sialiMIr of thp ppral fofpsl aufhoritip of the Dominion that the forpsl rpoiircp havp suffprpd enormous losses through Hip occurrence of forest flre iiid that IIip lo Ihrousfh ucli firp ha Tar excppded in amounl Hip depletion in timber weal Hi Hi rou jilt lejrilimafp cutting operation; And WlicrPa Our Dominion i rppognipd a Hip main source of supply of coniforoil limber within Our F.mpirp and it i p.pnlial that, if Canada 1 lo retain and develop her position a an exportpr or rorpst proilucls, Hip iitiiiecpssaVy lossps tlirniKli forpt firp must be curtailed; And Wliprpa in many case forest fire hae resulted in disastrous los of life, and of valuable propprly idhpr than timber wealth; And Whprfitaparl rrom direyt los Ihrouph Hip astency tTpflrp. Hip vitality of the foret is thpreby priouly impaired, Ihu rpnderih? il unduly iicpp1ihle lo attack by insect and fiinfiu pests; And WhPrPa forpsl firp disturb the po,uil-i 1 ri ii n i of slrpam flow. Iowpt Hip water table, and frpqupnlly Ip rise lo spriou proip errpel; And Wliprpa Hip jrrpat majority or rorpst rirps are pulirply attribulablp. to inpxcusable upIpcI or ijrnnranrp, and are therprore prp-VPiitable, and the exercise oT reasonable Pni-dence and proper rtarpfulne on the part of re-spouibp indivldnaU would reduce Hip limber lnp by fire irr tianada to small proportion; And Wliprpa'5' i' desirable that the attention of Hip punllc hp dirpctc! to Hip Pxlpnt atul iinderlythsr fiiusp of Hip prpvputable lo of lifp and propprly by Hrp and to the bpt and mot practicable mean ror it control and that a sppeifie pprjod of Hip year be et apart and properly deinatPd for Hip dipminolion of iich informarion: Xow Know Yr thai Wp. by and with the ad-Vice of Our Privy Council for Canada, have thought fit to appoint and do appoint the week cnmmpncitip Sunday, the twenly-PVPnlh Ihem.elp sis boys and started (or some camp In Alaska. .Marshals in Alaska, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco wcrp enlislpd to search ror boy named McGregor who a short limp ago sailed north on the last trip or the steamship Alaska. SALVAGING GOLD FROM ' WRECKED LAURENTIC LONDON, April 2.1. There are now only 151 bar .of gold worth 1. 200.000 on Hip wreck or IIip Laurent ic, which was sunk dur-rug Hip war, and IIip salvagp ship Racer will shortly endeavor lo recover this, said Commander G. Q. C. Damanl in Hip course or a loci ure at the Institution of Mechanical Kngipeers. Four Iioxps of sold wpighing 1 10 . pach were rccoverpd in such short lime when Hie work slarlpd thai it seemed as ir the operations would be finished In a week. A llerce trale sprang up. however, and the wreck collapsed, making salvage work very difficult. (IT Ihe 3,211 bar which went down with Hie ship, 3,057 have been recoverpd during operations extending over six summers ul a cost of two and one-hair per cent. PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST PLAN Radio Outrit and Other Valuable Prizes ror Children Under Sixteen FULL PARTICULARS Following Is the rompleie plans ror the essay competition, announcement or which was made yesterday: I sTho subject nf the frssuy i to bo the proclamation designal. inj,' Ihc week April 27 lo May 3 day of April and endinpr.on Saturday, the third day of May in this present year as "Save the Forest Week," during which period the citizen of Our Dominion hall be enlreated earnestly lo consider the facts hereinbefore el out, to jrivp careful heed lo information dis. serninaleil by Hie various rnrest prolcctive amende, and in particular n act upon Hip rol-lowjng urpeion: I 'That MPtllers and others cnt?a(rpd in Hip clearing or land should fully observe I he fire laws of the Dominion and of the province, which laws have been enacted for their protection, as well as for the preservation nf Our limbpr resources: 2 That at this lime of the year, when jhous. and are looking forward lo sppndin;? Ilipir siimmpf taxations in the woods, alt should take cognizance of Ihe fart that the. camp-fire, which is one of the most pleasant and valuable adjunct tn camp life, may, if np?pc(pd, pasily rpsult in disastpr; and that lo prpvent repptilion of uh losses a Ikvc been annually sustained from this cause, all (icrsons should familiarize themselves with the proper methods of building, iisinjr and exlin- Sruishing such fires; 3 That logger, saw-mill operators and other. interested in limber operation should see that all equipment and appliances designed lo pr.PvPnt IIip orifcin or spread of fires shall be overhauled and. placpd in a slatp of thorough repair; that such persons should rpvipw with carp Hip fire protection requirements of the Ipgis. lalion under which they operate; and thai Hipy. should see that all employees working under Iheir direction are properly instructed as to Ihe danger of fire. Of all which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are hereby required to take notice and lo govern IhemseUps accordingly. In Testimony Whereof, We have caused thesp Our LpllPr to be made Patent and the Orcat Seal nf Canada lo be hereunto affixed Witness Our Right Trusty and WpII-opIovpiI Julian llpdworlh Oeorgp, Haron Hyng; of Vimy, Opnpral on Hip Rptirpd List and in Ihe Reserve of Officer of Our Army, Knight Orand Cross of Odr Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of Our Mot Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Oeorge, Member of Our Royal Victorian Order, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Gvernment House. In Our City nf Ottawa, this twenty.eighth day of February. in the year nf Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four, and in the four-lepnlh year or Our Rpign. Hy Command, THOMAS MULVKY, I'ndpr-Spcrelary or Stale. as "Savp the Forest Wepk." or any point relating lo Tores! fire prevention, dealt with in such proclamation. ' 2 The essay not lo exceed rive hundred words in length. 3 The essay may be written either in Knglish or French, t The. essay is to be in the contestant' own handwriting, and lo be wril-en on one side or the paper only. , 5 The contest is restricted to children under sixteen year o agp. i C Kach essay must be accon-1 pnuie.l hy a certificate of a, 7 .Noil Iter Iho name nor any other mark of identification of the ponlpslant shall apppar on IIip pssay, hut paph essay musl hp accompanied by a separata sheet on which is Icgihly written the contestant's name and address in full, and school, if any. 8 No person shall be. eligible to receive more than one prize, nor to enter more than one newspaper competition. 1 The competition will pins-al twelve midnight on May .1, 1021. The Prizes 10 The prizes for the coin-petition are as follows; (t Radio Set A receiving outrit lo consist or (1 ) Regenerative tuner with deleeor and two . stage audio frequency amplifier. (2) Complete set of lubes lo work olf dry battery. (3) One pair telephone and plug, (I) A and 11 batteries. C) Complete untenna equipment. (C) Necessary iwiro for eonnpoling up set. (2) frwenty-five dollar In cash, (3) Ten dollars in cash. Honorable mention Five ' prize of five dollars cash apiece, 11- Tho essay winning first prizu shall be forwarded by the newspaper lo Ihe Acting Director of Hip Dominion Forpst Service, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, who will Judge it in com. petition willi other first prize essays lo be recejved by him front similar enntesls all over Canada. Central Competition 12 The Acting Director of Foreslry will award Hip grand prizp for Hip best essay received from all Canada, 13 The grand prize will also be a radio set, a follows: Receiving outfit lo consist or : ll) One tuner, detector and nmplirier unit comprising not less than two stages radio rrequency amplification detector, and two singes audio rrequency ' amplification. (2) One pair telephones and plug. (3) One loud speaker. (I) Necessary A and U batteries. (5) Complele antenna equipment. (6) Necessary wire for connecting up set. 14 The contestant winning the grand prize, must return his local first . prize in good condition to the newspaper which awarded it. The newspaper will thereupon deliver to him the grand prize. 15 The local first prize, so re turned will be delivered by the newspaper to the contestant win ning the second prize in Ihe local competition. at J fcZt rtuit maaoM HAND SAWS tar or QUALITY IONDS 1NMMM tlNlkl tltt m tntmm Is your time worth 250 annoui? If it U, tha prtc you at paying in doing roar own laandry ie extravagant. For our Wat Wah scrvict win taka all tbia worry and work out of th houa and return your family bundle awtat-1 y dean, ready to ttareb and Iron or bang on the line. Just pbone ourrepresentadve will can. Wet Wash c a pound Minimum Charge, 75c CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. SnJ April Blouse Values Chic Modes in Broadcloth, Voile and new Silk creations. Prices are lower than ever liefore in these new styles. IRIS BRASSIERES. VENUS HOSIERY. "DEMERS" P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. Eat More Wheat Do it with Dread, Cakes, Puddings, Pastries, baked with FiveRoses Flour The World's Best. Sterling Furnace GOAL Dllverej In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thl l a very iuprior furnace coal. It tl'ri t clean hut tire ami H ntlrlj frs! rroiu foot, rtlnkrrn, Mark and dirt. Some or the Urrett hrattnr plant In tti rlty are now uOnr It witti rniirtly aaturactorT result. STERLING 8TOVE COAL, Pellvmd lu 'Sacks, At $12.60 per ton. We are tUa Aarnt ror tlie Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Stein 'Office l Motel Central, pttene t a