IS ARRESTED VANCOUVER, Aug. 13. Tyson, II . no . .. ..I.I Clilliniil ''l( HIU ....' J - v.... .... f his downfall. F.TI.AKAT1.A CIRI. DIED ON MONDAY lm tnuMmttn Vain Olil nmnh. ter of Henry Rudland, Expired at Port Esslngton ll'o death rtccurred in Port Kington on Miouday of Miss lain llu, llaii. I, 11 year old : ....1. i II .......I I.. II... .ii.linit A nri loday on a cnargo oi imu- t 'tirineiii ami iiiu tau h.--it .Iiii. ...I r.... i. is.ii.ilr . It It Is alleged .that defalcation . "I llltl IIIIIIII HU UKIIIVII V . ,..w . JUL- i.f Mm,', niiimi I nil III m W.nnn, Horse racing and other' (irnin nr f.nniiiititr urn iii.pirpii i.v IS riinmU In limn linoii Mill I'Allsl KETCHIKAN CROWD COMING TO FAIR A wire has been received this afternoon that Kelchikan has accepted Ihe transportation conditions for I heir visit to tills city during Ihe fair and they will be here in, large numbers. They will bring a baseball team with them it is understood. The steamer Prince Rupert goes there on Wednesday afler her arrival here from the south. FLYING PLANS TO BE CHANGED ''miller of Henry Rudland of u.-hnr Proaosed In Greenland II I ( 1 1 1 U nun In II...,.la ..f Mm I", Ill llll llUllllt 1.1 IIIU I.C. t',..ii i.i. ,.i,,i i..i,.ii.,.i v i nintiii Him iiii i. iiiiiiii, ..:il ... i (i he maco on uaiuruay ai MINING REVIVAL ALICE AllM, Aug. 13. Signs Coast Not Large Enough and Filled With Ice REYKJAVIK. Iceland, Aug. 13 T-Afler nlans bad been completed for Iho United Slates world flyers to hon off for Greenland a dis quieting report arrived from the ViMiUnr llnleiith. which sUllled culture, Victoria. lock. The regular vuriohs plaits in connection' with the Exhibition. The directors panions " of Ihe British the-world flight. SEVERE EARTHQUAKE TWO WARSHIPS ARE round- REPORTED IN JAPAN TOKIO, Aug. 13. An earlh- iiuake, descrilied as fairly severe, Is reported in Kokc, Osaka and Nugoya dislricls. The Nagoya mains were broken, culling olT the supply and flooding Ihe streets. No casualties are re ported. The tremors alarmed Ihe citizens greatly. ORDERED TO EGYPT LONDON, Aug. neelion with the . " im'.i.i, iu n:- IIL I 111 llllllllir ill"(-,i"'""i f 13. In con- I rouble in Ihe are lii'trlniili... . ....I... ... .... n ,, . i i t ..irjnlil.- Sn.I.'ili tlui A.lniiriill v lui iirilcri'il nil. nr ii, i. ... .. .1 i.. i.. iii . . . . ii ...,,i lima i in mill nu i i it.pi niiimi d-ii in --. ... miiiiiii iii "" "" ........ .-..., ... luiiHij ance Greenland, was too siikiii inii-n in Miiver is an- il,- .v.i .........i.. .... ....u near v in ed w I i l oaung 111 nilll. .. I I. ill , I' . . i. I 1 1 I n ....... i, .. Il' I 1. . . , , i . . .. ... I......I -viiii, i i ii 1 1 lion i ill l mililncf ii-.nil.l ,.,nL-n n aiiuiin . inn l- ui ui,-r. 11 iiiiiuuiii niiM iiiuimu . ..n niiiiin iivii llllini.. i. nu..,.--" - i '"'ri are in m district examln- ing place. Probably a new Port Sudan where she has ar- '"6 propert es. .. in i... rived Mr. Alder suggests that the city might float bonds for the present were President Joe Greer, purpose of giving loans to people Vice-President Ben Self, Honor-.who would build on lots now be ary decretory .rank nimi, George W. Kerr, D. Jabour, Aid R. F. Perry. Aid. C. V. Evitt. II, longing to the city. This would again lend lo relieve the house shortage and would restore lots M. Daggett, John Bulger and to the lax roll. Managing Director D. McD. Hun-I That Victoria is gelling more ter. The new wiring in the Fair benefit from the tourist business this year than ever before and Building it is said will provide, that business conditions In the for a much improved system dfiR-C capital are belter than has lighting in the hall. Lamps witllbeen for some time, is the opinion be installed this week in readi-Jof Mr. Abler. He says he talke I ness for Hie reception there that,'" a number of merchants there is In be accorded Squadron Lead-.recently and Hiey said business er Stuart MacLaren and his com- was good. There are more tour- i?ts than ever before 'and IhN year they seem lo h" sponding more money than usual. Mr. Abler will bo spending a few flays in the city and will then go east. He will visit Winnipeg, his former home in Tennessee, and will then proceed to California where his sons are in business. William, is in the real estate business and George is employed by the Swift Co. FISH SALES LIGHT ON EXCHANGE TODAY! Only four boats sold their catches nl the exchange today an follows: 1 American Silka 35,000 at 12 and G .to Cold Slorage. Volunteer 11,000 at ' 11.80 ami lo Atlln Fisheries, Canadian . Ingred II. 13,000 at 13.50 and 7 to Royal Fish Co. - Alliance 3,000 at 13.50 and 7 to Atlln Fisheries. TAYI BOSTON GRILL W Lam. . ' I.-vHaliv.. Library. Parliament Large Upstair Dining Hall, W : Buildings. i i i with newly laid dancing nW Ambulance fioor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parties. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Boston and 6th 8L Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO, mo. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 11)24 ttMrdtr ClrcuLtlon 1.7B0. Strttt BIm ts. PRICE FIVE GENTS. MIMIK A Vk Mb A H A IMIl llfcV IV III THIN Liiviu vnuuii i Lin iii nnis iLiuiituviiiii IR HhNRY THORN N AY I IINkkRhM K NhTnSARY N PkAi P R VPR RY a iiiiiiii i mi lira i m i a i v ii ii ii ii i i iiiiuii u ii in in i raiBi amHWBB a . ciudiuititj; a ivvuo in viunu Cause of Thousands of Deaths And Leave Millions Homeless SHANGHAI. Aug. 13. Millions of people are homeless ml nl least 50.000 persons are drowned in devastating floods I. .,.. .,...o,.;n!T M-iiio nr!K iii r.liiii.i mid si 1 1 1 in rtr i ii cr tens 'Mill Ulr " " vt-i'iiifj v.,... uixu.i r il...iitntiflii (if villnces. Thousands of rufngeos are pouring mlo I'ekui ironi tne ne- It is difficult to get even an approximate estimate of trie i t'i:.. i... i ..i. fin. i iimi ti mi iu ...'nil in u rnimprvii. ivr. laiUICS, mil uuium iiiij - Unusually devastating Hoods with accompanying wide- i -I ilul Mioiimi Imio liiiii ppiiiirli'il frnm various Hfilll irilfl'tl u ui,o.. , .. .. I . ..r .i...... I. a .. ii-uiii b.' i nmiuiiii ir ill mi. IBSl lUIIIIUUUUIl llll.ll 13 lUIIIIIIS .1111.11 i nivai'i iuu ......... life and property. i RR (IPPflNlM, Hill lit. WIIK-K JOHN OLIVER IS MYSTERY llmlniry Joint Meeting Held Still Investigating Death of Girl i 1 . . . . w nMijciMj. rer wo ruipuiwi vi .v,mim.i on Plan at fihaughnessy Heights: Chinese Examined M.LSON, Auav 13AL aii ltf.l VANCOUVER, Aug. 3 Wong nimi open meeting oi members Miig, mo nouse oy ai uiu iihi- the Conservative, Provincial of II. P. Baker, Shaughnessy ' . . .. II I II.I..I.I I... . .........I ... I 11.1 ( I.HIMir panics 11 was uiiuiii- in-ignis, in1'1'"" '" . . . i ...i ... nqii i mi Tiaiirin.i nvniiiiii full I i I'l lt nil m t - It. . I.. .. I.. I.. I a.... al .I...... ..r 1. I . ' .1 nl I t'l I'S III lilt l.illllt II. 11 Ji'llii. i-i'ii- iiaivniij in iiiu a.iu. .....n v. i . . - l... I. ..I.I li.itlt.lil In iln I ni ri.tiiriioil Iii hla Pill. , I ... I . I t i.. I I I l..l i mi ip iirocciiure leaning i mmcrs resilience hhihj. ne nu c placing of a Joint candidate merely been arrested by the pro file field lo oppose Premier vincial police ami ipiesiioneu rer i.. .i ii, i. in. nii.ei nil iii in' Lini'iiintr I lie uoaiii oi jauci iv. eld hrrr on Augusi zj. rroni rMiiiui, uie nurse gin u wn i. iinnnlmilv nf t bosi iiresenl It found dead at Uie Maker residence anllclpated lliat the executive some lime ago. bing discovered ill decide lo call a joint con- the body. . n ii l ..n.nnlLli. A .. InniiAjt Itnlil fnltnu-ln(t 111 ' ' I ll vutsavv 1 " - I tlm .Inn )i kic.iI Mm lurv rnliirnml , n verdict of death from natural . . I I . LJ T n L m n treat Himgeo m niti i nwn S47.000 causes. The matter Was then taken up by the newspapers with llje result that fads were brought out indicating that possibly death had been the result of foul play. Since Dial the police have been (working on the case. FAIR GETTING GOOD SUPPORT Judges are Appointed Board Had Regular Monthly Meeting Last Night Several pro. pec live exhibitors from Vancouver have been making inquiries wilh a view to having special entries in t he forthcoming Prince Hupert Fair and good support in the way of dona tions is being accorded by various commercial firms both hero and outside it is reported at I tic Fair Oflice. One of the exhibits that may come from Vancouver Is a big iJoultry display. The following judees to ofll-ciale at Hie Exhibition have, already been appointed: . .. ' .. . ' Minerals A. C Garde; Smif tiers. Dog Show Stanley Dorrell, Poll Kssinglon. Fruit and flowers It. P. Murray, government horlieulturalisf, Victoria. Field crops and vegetables J. H, Miiurn, Department of Agri- Has Tafari, th regent of Abyssinia, is shown riding with the Duke of YdYk following a formal welcome on his arrival in London recently. Home Building a Problem Worthy of Attention Says W. J. Alder Visiting in City ficials' the question of having monthly meeting. them erect homes for their cm. of the Fair Board look place last iployecs here. This would be a evening. Business was largely step in the direction of relieving) . . . . . . ii .i .i i oi a routine nature in neriecttng me, preseiu nuusiug suunugc. i I.ukin Johnson, special correspondent of the London Times is to be here on Saturday lo meet Stuart Macl.aren the round the O world VUl III British I'llUCU HANG CHILDREN IN THE CELLAR father on his return from: the village. They had evidently been hanged oil a crude scaffoltj erected in the cellar house. The, bodies Conference Will Decide on Peace River Railway Policy Sir Henry Thornton Says GRAND PRAIRIE, Aug. 13. Speaking at a meeting of settlers of the district, Sir Henry' Thornton said while he favored transportation relief for settlers he was unable to give any pro-Inifise that relief would he afforded as final decision rested with the Dominion government. He said before a definite decision Was reached it would he necessary lo have a conference oT the. five parties concerned: Alberta, British Columbia, the federal government and the C.N.R., and the G.P.R., and on the decision of the conference transportation relief for the Peace'River country would be placed. MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF MRS. DAWSON Church Too Small to Hold Those Who Would Pay Respects to Deceased Lady 1 the funeral; yesterday afternoon The idea of home owning must be encouraged if cities are of. ,F- '"S'8"?,!.," to-be built in Irfmada-and this applies very especially lo Prince ?' "' . n o, ,..e . oi-.y u u., -.... car has nothing to show for Ihe i, i. i.winv if i.p : also of the Daughters of the Lm- builds, he has a' home for all tin.t pall bearers were D. G. Stewart, L. W. Patmorc, P. W. Anderson, J. G. Steen, John McRae,' andi George 11. Munro. So many people sent .flowers' ... A LEADER FOR CONSERVATIVES Convention will Take Place After I Session at Which Permanent Head Will be Chosen VICTORIA, Aug. 13.--Conservatives of British Columbia will hold a political convention as The number of those attending soon afler the fall session of the Legislature as possible, it was announced at Conservative headquarters. At. the .convention the p'rriTa fieri t 'icadcrSr Vlfepafty is Rupert declares W. J. Alder, he wel know, property owner. J " " "' -.h p to b chonV who is here his annual vis, of inspection to hold,, gs ... i.,I0Kew;,IC(i paying 0 ((J tc ec,8 forl Tllfi ,elec(iori of R. he city. It looks as if there be a return to the Old sys- was'of f0 lady who Esquimau was to be 1 a " n ' tern of home investment companies where money is loaned out 'f" . ,. . 11-n nri . , I1B, SALMON RUN Pooley leader of to those desiring to bqild homes. Mr. Alder is inclined to be- "c"' " V c " 1 "D ";m """7, Z nT corriumty. l"1Mmancnt ,ea,,er r- of l,,e parly' moan the general ioclinatiou of today for people lo buy cars ,.,, ., before owning homes. In five years' time. Hie purchaser of a " ",a 1 ' "",1 Poultry II. Heid, Department Mr. Alder notes -a need for pro of Agriculture, Victoria. ner housing accommodation in Domestic Science Miss M.prince Hupert. He thinks that Lauder, Depart nienl of Agricul-'flie board of trade or some such lin.n l..i inliiriiiis I 1.1 i a I. ...Ii uliimlil lnl:i. Ill, VL'llll IUIV, I. H III 1 1 "l. i-. JIUUIILi UUHJ . i. v ii. ...... A Judge will also be supplied lieadquarters of banks and oilier lm I ItA rrni-non f r w I 1 1 rk livA Jnfiin.iiHnlirinii ll . I'i n fr lAullmll llf tm (iuuiiuiu in iui niu ii v , l vi t ii 1 1 u 1 1 o iianii iv.iihi.iii, . LONDON TIMES IS SENDINQ MAN MEET STUART MACLAREN pire attended in a body. The KEEPING UP; that it was necessary to make 7 , special arrangements to display! them. At the choir rail was a, sloping bank, of flowers tall across; A 11. .1 .I. ..! nnniMv Inn fao! 'ii... .iiL 1 tiniiliia IIUUPI l i cina-v the fact that tranmlion to a bet ter 'world had taken place. He' dwplt inmii the unselfish life which had brought happiness toj . ly, were found dead theirjtor place the Daughters of the Kmpire were represented ny ineir four respective regents and standard bearers and Ihe large. t'nion Jacks lent a touch of color .of the children were, afterwards h, Ihe solemn occasion dressed and laid out on a, bed by Floral Tributes the mother, a woman aged 28,1 There were floral tributes from who was found locked In an ad-Joining room with her throat cut The mother is expej-led to re- Sir Henry and Lady Thornton cover. She used short pieces of Mrs. J. E vca wu.u.iiy i anu tnv win Run Holding Well Reports from the canneries in- " lllIT LI UILI1 1IHI IFIISIUIJ 111. It-Vl. ... . . dicale that Uie saimwn run is !.... ,.fri in u. Pn IIIKII lll Lilt. VUlllll l ... I II C?-l,-... flyer on his arrival from tie also covered with wreaths and 7,;. ; ' ,, '.& i. Iill innunir in fltl'lir I'lflTa till fW Ihe north, special arrangements have been made by Manager Leo Waugh to handle his despatches by Canadian National direct wire to Montreal. crosses, in Uie centre of uie oanic . , . ' .,, a,"Z were two outstanding floral cV bers and ,,ar f'11'" ,, average of abou fgrty a day, blcnrs, the rotary wheel done in which for Hus, Ihe fag end of a n the colors i or r ii., the club and ot. 1 1 iho the ' , "e considered excel- I.O.D.E. shield, the latlcr made !s,,i and sent by officers of the order. le",; , . , . . '. . . . ".. The big run of pinks is waning -A it.. 1,.1, iiifi.i ir Others were equally beautiful if . . rior( not as unique. AAAAAAAAAAAiiAAiAAAi ... 1.1.1 , Iii 'Ilia pnn7iptrn Sll.lllj Ulll Ollll III? .vic;u '- boat for this fish is something ...... n.....i ..f.....i I,. f)ia like 170 a day, loutstanding qualilies of the lady ers workine how deceased and en.jphasued! that . ..:n. with joy iLn., Ihey If keeps the, can- !,D'0ISY GIVES HIS MACHINE-TO JAPAN " I many. TOKIO, Aug. 13. Captain Mother Cut Own Throat After. Mrs. Jarvis McLeod sang "One1 Georges Pellelier D'Oisy, the - Dressing Bodies and Laying sWeelly Solemn Thought," and j French aviator who recently com Them on Bed g K Campbell "Shadows," both) plated a flight from Paris to 'most effectively. Members of the .Tokio, has donated the airplane, LINDSAY, Out., Aug. 13. Ber- Rotary Club helped in carrying jn which he made the last leg of nice and Losi ranning, aged seven and eight years respective. Ihe flowers both in the church and at Ihe graveside. At the lat- his journey from Shanghai lo the Japanese Army. NO AGREEMENT ON EVACUATION (Montrean. Officers or the Cana-'No 8o.ulion Reaohed up to Time .11 X. I 1 ...... 1 11-il Mr. f M Ollll and I . National Railways. rope made from sugar bags which, Mr. and Mrs were knotted around the necks of, and Mrs. W Ihe children. T TANKER ASHORE SAN FRANCISCO, Aug; 13. Dalrymple (Montreal), Oiler Besner, Dr. T. Kergin, Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of Ihe Empire. Dr. and Mrs, L, W. Kergin, Mr. and Mrs. Conference Adjourned: Will Meet Again LONDON. Aug. J3. The conference of French, Belgian and German representatives taking place today in an effort to settle M, P McCaffery, Mr. and Mrs. .,10 Ru,ir occu.,aon( c,n(,,.a llli?t Frank Dibb, Mr. and Mrs afternoon without i reaching a It .. l l f.Ai...... . ir i Steamer Orowalta or Ihe Union "''.m Jinwrn, , uu.i ....... .jjoimio,-, adjourneit until Steamship Company or New 7.ea-'H- Wilson-Murray, Mr. and Mrs. ,0l,ay . ., land "went aground at Point n- F- McNaughton, E. C. Gibbons. "Today is the most critical .lav Buchon, 150 miles soulh of bore., "lr- 0,1,1 Mrs G- A McNlcho11 of the conference." declared Dr. She was an oil tanker. (continued on page five (Marx, the German chancellor.