rfneday August 13, 1924. -ir Afiuuiy iweep V,!i a brm.m then u.ie a cn'fiei sweeper. Tun floor looks pretty clean. Now use iip"!i :i a Hoover Suction Sweeper anil il will be. quickly demonstrated lo yiur housekeeping t n t c 1 1 i nciH-e that thorough cleanliness an(l sanitation can only bo secured liy modern methods. Such a labor stiver, too. Let ua demonstrate one in your home. Sold as low us Sa.'ii) per month. r Kaien Hardware Co. The Ilafldy' Andy Store. 608 3rd.Ava. - Phone. 3 Hardware and Sporting Goods -.(-sr.' -"Vs ffolcpixDf IJosizrg it . Pure Silk. A 1, nil nr. Il.iin rl Ihn IE I old .S Wa am Tn I.tn nira Ave. f-u ion street. mm w w V r- resh'MlLR and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. i Tnmn -nr v Mnrnmir lln livery. Phone 657.. .lYicBrlde street. 1 1 LAND ACT. I. . I h I I In n ,A Ann). I .... I and unitn t.n.iricti inland I iiiu imm.'!. inllnir DI.Hlrli't of Pilnce II iiium-. II.' . iliiale mat .Tow II til. '". r :i harti lilamL Ar. .Aiiin.r. inai i. Mi-nnrr v. a or 3 imhrmiri1 sirc'i, v --iw "n '. . .urmlldii iii.iiiufai liin r. ml' ml- ili'irrllH'cl J!ill'l-: .oiiiiim-im -inn n n eu I ilium iiwiiit nuiiiii i . inc roiMUvniTiiitfUl anl i-ontaliilnv ! rre. OF'incE w. nowinu, ' Arpliranl, PAVE MiTTEN. Agrnt SAWFLIES ARE ALL FEMALES That Is Not Quito True But Nearly so as Males are Scarce Among Them TORONTO. Aug. 13 In at least one species of injects, the riiuiljs appear li be quile capable of reproducing themselves mure or les indefinitely. This is 'lie outcome of researches per-formed by A. 1). Peacock, of Armstrong College, .Newcastle, who addressed zoologists at the British Association. Mr. Peacock has Jound that , the sawfly. ommon in (.anada and in F.ng-; iand,. will reproduce asexually, lut that the new insects are j nearly all females. Of 000 fatherless individuals which were bred I in the laboratory in this way, all hut four were females. In the ease of the anomalous four eggs, 'wo received the stimulation necessary to slarf division!, im. 'iii'i'-iiiri in a 2 per cent solution "f epsom salts; one was phi 1 in warm water; one started to grow spontaneously. The pre-ence of IJie males is by no means indispensable for the pro-duel ion of young insects, the investigations show. "Male sexual Mistincts are not so potent as in other species," Mr. Peacock ex plained. "The females ignore the unites." When I lie scientist finally saw what, he Ihouyht was a genuine pairing, he 'raced the development of 22 egg.s which were I. ml subsequently. . Of these, 19 ! pupae were reared, and 17 adult ; females were derived. This strange result led to the belief dial the fertilization in this rase must have been similar lo the pailheniigenetic or asexual reproduction, which had previously been observed. ! Females Produced "There are three possible explanations for the result in this ,ea-e." the zoologist pointed out. "There may have been" ineffective pairing, the eggs may not have been fertilized, or there may have llieen a i Jironiosoine complex, if i the eg- were fertilized, which perm it ted tliP-fTi oduclion of fe jmales only." This observation lias been made by other workers in the ease of the insect Droso-phila, wbere the experimenters were forced lo conclude that they had produced females and super-females, rather than males and females. Mr. Peaeock'8 research is further enn i irmat ion for the belief BLUE S S RIBBON X HAND 1 "WV Si J best or QUALITY Asm vovm HAfiOIVAKC DCMIM sMONDS SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. lIMtTED iHKovvin MonTmii it. jomn. x.a. f-t Justly famous for its rare old quality 26 oz. bottlo 32 or. bottle No.Jt Old Kentucky UOUIUSONVVHISKEY' 0OTTLED IN BOND UNDER rCOCRAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION "is ndvertiseiiieiil is mil nnlilislied or !ispliiyoil by tlio Lbl'ior -uuuoi uoard or by Uio (ioveriunent of Llritish Columbia Look! Mother though it may b. Chubby hands and knee are alwaya being scratched, bruited and infected. Lifebuoy Protects Yet, no matter how dirty the V LZVXR BROTHIKI LIMITED TORONTO THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE FIVE MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF MRS. DAWSON (continued from pajje 1) (Vancouver), Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McLennan. Mr. and Mrs. Richard (Moore, Mr. am! Mrs. Hen Self, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hazzett-Jones and Syd- Iney Hazzett-Jones, Mr. and Mrs. (Joe flreer, Mr. and Mrs. II. St. P. Lee, l'atm.re &. Fulton, Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard White, Mr. and Mrs. I), fl. Stewart, Mr. and Mirs. A. II. jSiJvcraides, Aid. and Mrs. S. P. McMordie, Mir. and Mrs. S. J. Mc-Leod, United Stales Consul and 'Mra A V. Wnkefield. Mr ml M". John Dybhavn, Mr. and Mis. KI55IESref,,,,Hl?i ' dirty. Curious little hand .. . .. ,, ,, ..-u .u: f.j S. k .(..imnbell. Mr. and Mrs. H. wuu aiiiuiua;- icim-uucu - i wnieit, jnuge ana .Mrs. . McH, Young, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Mcintosh, Dr. and Mrs. II. E. Tre-mayne, Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Yam-anaka, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. X. H. Walton (Win- I.'.tThTroU.: ini.7). Mr. and Mrs O A washed with the creamy health- Hand, Mr. arid Mrs. H. p. Lipsett, KuarainK lather ot Lifebuoy Soap. Lifebuoy contains an antiseptic health-ingredient which cleanses every pore, removing all impurities and leaving the skin sweet, refreshed and purified. The wholesome odour vanishes In a few seconds, but the protection of Lifebuoy remains. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fisher, Adair Cars Chapter, Im- Iterial Order Daughters of the Km'pire, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. fllas-jsey, Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Xicholls, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Phelan (Van couver Mr. anil .Mrs. George Ilorie, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. niclu mond, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Xelson, Mr. and Mrs. I). McLcod and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Cross, A. W. Healy, I'rince Itupert Pioneers Association, Mrs. J. II. liihliteli, Mr. and Mrs. D. I). McTavish (Victoria), Mr. and Mrs. Adam. Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. Morte Craig, Mrs. T. E. Pringle and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. fl. Minns, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. illiams4 Ilev. and Mrs. J. J. Sinithson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F Dulbie (Seattle), A. C. Little, Mr. ,. . , . ... and" Mrs. It. E. Allan (Hanall), ...... .......j im iei.riT.iuLll.Ml M. . ... t v ..ir:i other tl.a.i. Ihe orlhodox ' method, 'Mr aiul M. 'j. FAw!ir,u arc hi-miih m ine case oi me (Hana Mp nni, Mj.s. A. M. sawfl.es, but in summing up the Uui,()y (urns Lke) Arch,,isll0p peculiar ease, of preponderance of ani, Mrs y u m Vprlie, an., females, where had been . pairing family Mr a,, M prank Mor observed, he said: "In rare, and r Mr anr, corp(, Iltishbj p.u.......r uuna.urai pairing, uio gPrjPanl an(J Mr8 A. II. liailey female diSeM.S With fertilize- nni, fnmilv. 'IVleffmnh and TieltPt lion, or ils femaleness' sutlices r))artmrn,s of thp Canadian Xa-lo destroy the maleness inlro-m,ia, i,ai.wav f Prince niinerl). i..l 'l . - a I 4 nuceu uy ine spermaiozoa. 0 ,, Tinkpr. y u jpnnp- ioani LECTURE ALMOST of Managers of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-Leod (Vancouver), Mr. and Mrs. SENDS REPORTER BUGS ff Fri'"- M A ? r.. i.ullin, .Mr. nnd .Mrs. W. 51, " T.p.ivill fSnnl'iinn Falls W-nliintr- Turns In Report But Does Not lnn , Mr . Mp. T A ,r Know What It Is all About Pherson, Aid. and Mrs. Frank Clapp, Aid. anil Mrs. S. D. Mac TOHOXTO, Aug. I3-Tl.at con-1 onaIl Mr ai)), M ; w To, Ir.bulions to Ihe sc.enli .c Pro- Mr ,, Mr8 Jg 0 wiUjanxson. gramme of the British Associn jltalph Harrap, Mr. and Mrs. lion are often more interestingJnlin npenrtiert Mr an(, Mrs man is popuiariy supposed uas Pp(lf, Slnpt fnlilv Mpo ,f Yours truly John been n.l Mrs I). D. Munro lr- the experience of many of Mp- ForMl !, McCorkindale, Mr. and ine press reporiers aim non- v . i n u -i,i racej, .miss i.uriiiu ui.iui. mr .... ,, i , .,, j . ... ..h.ii.ii, ... . kill.... i,i . scieniiiicany ininueu citizens who have nllended Ihe meetings.1 Attracted by Ihe title of a paper in the Zoology section, a pressman juined the audience and obtained Hie following verbatim report of Ihe proceedings; "flrylloblalta, a remarkable synthetic genus of Orthopteroid insects discovered in 1913, combines characters of. most of the lower pterygol orders wilh certain features suggestive of t lie Thysanurn. Recently a few live specimens have been obtained nnd preliminary studies of the internal organs made. Resembling a stone - fly larva in general appearance and in the structure of the head cap sule. Ihoracic nota and slender F. fl. Dawson & Co. Ltd. staff, the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid, Lindsay Cartage Co Mr. and Mrs. X. Miissallenv, Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Ililchie, II. H. Rochester. Ihe fl. W. Xickerson Co., Jabour liros., Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Camp- ! Stewart & Mobley U.I.. Kelly, !I,ros- Go- (Naneouver) Mr and Douglas & Co. Ltd. (Vancouvei'i,,-Mrs. S' L srS ("""Hon Mrs.Mr- ""J1 Mp iU,B ' ol,ul S,arr '" Mp- and ,u,u Thomas nas Trolier, Trotier, Aid. Aid. and and Mrs. Theo .. Collar), Mr. and Mrs. Mil- M,s- lothorl "nPlon, fleorge and Mrs. h. A. Sutherland, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. P. inn (lonT.iles flonzales, flainula, Mr. and Mrs. fl, w.Mora"' M,, A- M "ajbenu, Mr Johnston, Mr, and Mrs. II. Mno.-'aim "JUU!'U" kay. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Harlow, Dr. and Mrs. H. It. flrant, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. II. Mortimer, J. J. Dure, Mr. and Mrs. E. Large, X. M. & R. Fish Co., Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Youngman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jointed cerci, it approaches the v. Moersch. Miss Frances num. cockroache.. and termites in (lie niinirs Mr and Mrs Thnmiisi Benson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mil mouth-parts, legs, cerci ami McMeekin. Aid "and Mrs. fleorire ,,,,('n- A1''- ani1 Mrs- u- ,,orry' genitalia, hut has a prominent exserled ovipositor like t lint of a long-horned grasshopper, and possesses also suggestive of H, Casey, Mr. and Mrs. David Thomson, Mr and Mrs. Leo Waugh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hams- in Ihe male and in the immature loriai Mr. and Mrs. Peter Black, stages of the female, but the staff o'f Royal Bank. H. F. Pollen. division of the sternum of tbeir. and Mrs. James Thompson, villi niiiiominai segment or meir. and Mrs. James McXulty, male, which bears the styli, into Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johnson, Dr. median slernile and lateral s(y-'nn, Mrs. J. P. Cade, Mr. and ligerous coxites, Is n primitive Mrs. E. II. Shockley, Mr. nnd Mrs. feature suggestive of certain n. C. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. flcnrirn Thysanura. "(applause)" Anolh. er Thysnnuroid chnrncter Is the apparent independence of the tracheal systems arising from D. Tile, Mr. nnd Mrs. Olaf Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert flor- den, Alex. Yule, Miss West, Mr. ,ntiil Mrs. Jnrvis McLeod, Mr. and couver), Hon. and Mrs. A. M. Manson (Victoria). Mr. and Mrs. William Millar, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Orpie, Mr. and Mrs. flawlhorn, Mr. and Mrs. lloden (Hazelton), Miss Wesley, Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Lome MacLaren, Dr. II. G. Wrinch and family (Hazelton), Mrs. A. Thomas. Mr. i certain characters oyi jfjr an, j(ipfl fjeo. II. Munro nm Mrs - Mcintosh nnd family Mantids, Phasmids.'niiiy itremner, Mr. and Mrs. F. (Edmonton), Mrs. flenevievr Einbliils and Dermaplers (ear- w Hart Mr nni ntw r w 1 wntiil (Canitola. Gal.), Hon. and wigs). Orthopteroid also le th Siiversides,- Mr. and Mrs. A. R. r9 T. D. Pallullo (Victoria), presence of styli throughout life phjjn Mr and Mrs L As- an,l J,rs W-"E- Williscroft, Dl. and .Mrs. u. .. i.ggeri. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Akerbers, Mr. and Mrs. fl. W. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs,. W. .1. Klrkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Knight and Miss Thelma Knight. Provincial Constable Russell Ponder, ex-naval man, explains that Ihe sleanier Thiepval flies the while ensign and should, each abdominal spiracle, and the Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, Rotary Club therefore, be designated. as absence of muscles connected nf Prince Runert. Munleinnl with lh latter is also note-jChapler InVrpria Order Daugh, worthy. The general features of the Internal anatomy, which have been only partly worked out, confirm our conclusions as to Ihe systematic positions of flryl loblalta as. based on the study of lers of the Empire, Mr. nnd Mrs A. T. Parkin, Mrs; JamesCar-. michael (Santa Monica), Mr, and Mrs. James Sleen, fleorgo Sutherland, Taxi 75, Hill 60 Chapter I.O.D.E. lis external structure." (Loud I.O.D.E., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oal-and continued applauso). land, Mr .and Mrs. W. I). Moxley, H.M.C.S. Thiepval. The prefix G.fl.S. signifies that the steamer is under Ihe jurisdiction of Ihe, government whereas it conies under Ihe Admiralty. When yob buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, and see. that you get It. It Smith A LL the' world despises an anonymous letter. We like a man to sign his name to what he writes. But did you ever think that unknown merchandise is anonymous? Nobody to vouch for it. No name signed. Notice the advertisements in this paper. There in bold print are the names of those who stake their reputations stake your good-will towards them on the truth of what they have written. The maker of advertised goods realizes that he might fool you once but never the second time. His success is dependent upon your continued confidence in what he. says in the advertisements. Read the advertisements with confidence. They tell truths that you should know. The measure of satisfaction is larger in advertised products ami Mrs. W. II. Thome. Mr. and i Mrs. A. L. Falconer (Hazelton . Mr. and Mrs. W. Tumbull ' Vic- J toria), Mr. and Mrs. W. D.Vance,, Mr. and Mrs. Aljan M. Davie?. Capt. and Mrs. It. L. Johnson; (Vancouver), Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II.! hi.ll. Mr nn.i Mr' jriU -M-nnn IWorlock (Victoria), Hamsey, ! , . STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX . Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART ; Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skidegate and all ports soulh every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.eava I'rlnre Ituprrt S.00 pjn. for PRINCE OF.OnOE. EDMONTON, WIN-NIPKO. all points Kaslrn r.anul. Ilnlioil Slater. AQENCr ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltj Tlcktt Offlc. E2S Third At Prlnc Ruprt. Phon 210. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 ' For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Silllnj from I'rince nupert. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swinton Biy, nd ALrt By, Tuly, S P.M. ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, ALrt By, nd Bw.nton Bay, SMurdty, 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Willi ItUnd, Sunday, S P.M. ,Psr PORT SIMPSON nd Hut Rl.r Cnnrli, Friday A.M. B23 2nd Anu. J. Barnttty, Agant. Prlnc Rupart, B.O.