PAGE TWO tub daily rrnws The Daily News lMUNCK IU!1'KIT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince IWlpert Daily News, Limited, Third. Avenue. 1). F. I'l'LLKN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - SUBSCRIPTION RATESt 98 86 Transient Display Advertising. . . $ 1.40 per .inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.... $2.80 R'r inch Local Headers, per insertion. ... . . .: . . .- ..2." per line Classified Advertising? per insertion.-. . ....2c per word Legal Notiees, each insertion 15c per agale tine Coiilraet Hates on Application. All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding puhlieation. All advertising received snlijecl to. approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOfi jB Tuesday. November 11, 19JI Armistice Day For Seventh Time. This is Hie sixth anniversary of Armistice Day and once again Prince Hupert people; join with Hie rest of Ihe people of the British Empire and Ihe allied and associated nations in bring-ing to remembrance Ihe great deeds done in defence of the ideal of deriiidcrdcy. In the war many lost sons, brothers, fathers or more distant relatives. ,me wholly escaped, f I f those who returned many 'hear wilfi thern the marks of the great conflict. Life was held cheap at that time and the cry was every day for more men, and those Ihe 'very best 1he nation could supply. They went freely, aud today is the anniversary of the closing of Ihe big fight, .since that time people have been gradually readjusting themselves to the changed conditions. As we look Jack over the past seven years we see thai the change has been gradual but sure. Yet we shall never go back to the conditions as Ihey were before 1011. Possibly the war wns one of Ihe steps in the evolution of the race. The human mind is expanding in, its scope but it still is unable to grasp the' really big things of the World and to consider them in their relative importance. Nature Not Careful . Of Teeming Life. Nature has never been careful of life. In Ihe sea one creature eats another from the smallest to the largest. In giving birth to new life millions of salmon die annually in the rivers aud lakes of the country. During a had season (he wild things die and during the fruitful season they thrive and increase. Floods, fires, earthquakes, all'tnke their toll of life alid-plagues are common. Compared withsome of the ravages of natilre.'the deaths front Uie war were not 'liunierous. It is said 'ih'aV more people died from Spanish I nfTjjuzav during the few months 'at the time of the close of the war, ;llu)n from the-'whole four years of fighting. From this it will be'pfn that as a world event the war was not as great an event 'vye sometimes consider it to be. II was the greatest "ar in htjjtorv '"it tl death list was comparatively small. Big To Individual , If Small To Nature. If the war was only an incident in the steady progress of .aiunsj it was lug lo (nose why tpoK par in it and to those whose loved ones lost their lives there.' h'h roaiiy the war was everything and they still mourn for fovea" ones although the mourning is hallowed by lime and the grjejf has lost its billemess. ft is well for us all to look back once a year am) consider the sacrifices our young men made and Ihe grief our women bore uncomplainingly. TheJessons of the war are gelling less insistent as time passes lull they- are brought lo our notice annually wilh extreme vividness. The poppies remind us of Ihe bloody ballle fields and of our diitv to ljjoe who suffered. Get Out Of Doors Whenever Possible. rk We are creatures of hnbiFjand during the bad we.iljier,gel the habit of staying indoors. "When fine weather arriVeswe do not all turn out to eniov it 'as we? should. . . ' Some people form the habit riT going outdoors some timet every -day. rain or shine, and then' when the weather changes. 1 h y are in a position lo lake advantage of it. This brings lliern health :trI vigor anil adds to tile length of life ami also Ut d enjoyment. Dcep-Saated Chest Troubles Yield to PEPS. gKONCIIITIS lays hold of the chest in 1-J a slow insidious way. Do not, therr fort, neglect to tale prompt measures tocounteract the first symptoms of this ravaging ailment the first di&uiUy in hieatlnqg. the occasional made-up feeliug ia the throat with its .iccumitlaticns of phlegm. He warned by that irritating cough and those frequently-returning coldt. Get a b:x of Peps, the well-known breathing remedy. After removing the silver wrapping place a Pep-, i.u)!-t on me tongue and breathe in the healing futn as the tablet dissolve. Peps are simnly invaluable for allaving tliat teaming, tickling couch ; for softemnj; and loosening the phlegm, ami soothing the irritated and semi-infUmed bronchial tub?s. K-ry day a- vmi h:athe in the powerful germu.idal tu nes uh-i ti are emitted from these Peps, a healing influence is extended dem into the lungs where lnjuid - nuxtures cannot lienetrate. LUMBER AND ITS SALE The disposal of I lie low jsradc material produced by our sawmills is a vcrv serious problem .voufmnihi? the lumbermen, of Drilisli Udtnnhia. It is a factor which must on no account be left out of consideration when measuring the ability of the industry to absorb heavy royally charges ou lnndinp limber. Our wore fortunate competitors in Washiufrlon ami Oregon posses substantial local nwukets for Ueir low trrade sawmill product. The proximity of their Dlants to lare manufaHnrimr centre and the facilities they possess for shipping by rail ami water to their hne markets en aWe them to particiimle profit -aMy in the production of low inlity lumber. Jn H.C.. on the other hand, there are very restricted opportunities for Ihe di"posal of low' grade material owing to lack of population and heavy freight charge to lumber buying centres. Ture direct results of, Ilrilisb Columbia' weakness tnHlii respect are: 1. A lower gross yield per acre. j t. A higher col of production. 3. A lowr margin of profit In the operator. II is clear that if the premier industry of this -province is t be carried on successfully it must be maintained on a basis that will permit It to compete with neighboring districts producing actually the ame softwood specie. No settlement of Ihe Ilrilisb Columbia Timber Royalties question will be finally, satisfactory, either lo Ihe public or Hie industry ilself, thai .does not en courage. Ilrllish Columbia lo yield more limber and manufacture it nore economically. This series of articles communicalcd by the Timber Industries Council of Ilrilisb Columbia. The Man in the Moon j YS:- IT is curious how easily an empty head swells. my. NO one cares to be in the swim jusl now. WIIK.V xuessin? a girl's ape it makes a difference whether she is present or not. WKI.L. watered Stock fallen quickly. THKItK are many dangers lo tie avoided, and the flicker of an eyelid is not Ihe least of Idem And yd - - WHAT is ooihPi-iiig the farm- 1 1 -'.irrrry -ow II V The recuhtr u of Per at bedtime will ensure healthy r-luinbrr undisturbed by bout of coughing. U day, the treatment should bt; continued cm the awirauce that the throat, bronchi and lungs are all btbig healed and strrngtht-d by this medicine. Peps are guaranteed to be absolutely free from opium, laulanum,chloral,moiphia and any harmful ingredients of the old-fashioned cough nicdi. ines. Or. CCR09N STABLES, K.D., CM, rile : - rM e Utile cold Kp Vr l-amlv and you will rule triumphantly clear of Wiiclutn. I'eM ax invalu-tble for mjoiIjiiik and healing trmi inflamed broii. hial tuhr Vp, labU-tj arc more of an 10I1.1 a:n i. ao! go ilireuly to Mat of injury." WkMU MM rr mm ttptmt:,, rm; tt mrmdmrnm tut ttmmnt hutHmi trttt that rt now I ten feiiiX mhiM- tt tiv. iht pr,tm rmtm4 tnm kit. to tic. (itiUi ta-Bi, I irvutom. I AM SATISFIED WITH Appolntsments from 9 am. to 9 p.m. Sunday if desired. pis of Princp lluperl how Ihey arn to ri'i inir ran piowm imiiii- in Ihi Rind or wfaiiicr. WINSTON' Churchill will now bo attlp In kIvp nh obWl lponi in Oovprnmpnt In Hip outfit,-whom Iip prnfpfp In bwik dnwiii ' on with corn. TIIH hpl criticism nf an ar- ttclp I have heard wan imp which' aiil il lacked just n dollar and a half of Vin worth a damn. I l FOIt whal J n rar; a.a day fa N'ovcmbpr With ilo tariff and wintry haze, WIipii fTVPtyniyniity'' llnnk- ' Iriif ,oyrr f. K , OCt'briWPt wv'ft o mi'' d a y w. Advertise in flip Daily Npwb Sniil lif-rs lt having iU first cold snap of Hip winlrr.- Aflpf i'v;ral ilays wilh Hip Ibprmomp-Icr ranyinjr midway between frppzlnir and .pro, It dropper to fourteen below on Sunday Colder Days Makes One Think of Warm Goats DABS" Have auch tovtly models and prloes are reasonable. Come and see them. PHONE 575. Ten Years Ago in Pi i net) Kupert November 11, 1914. A deb-Kiilion frmn Mn- Prince It il perl .Mimoli-rial A-M.-ialinii '.onferreil wilh Ihe police mm-l mission yesterday allernoon res- p'-clint' the iUelion of I He se-1 irreHled area. Tlry were airaii.Hl it heinir allowed lo exji. i tikely thai be Tore Umv a ti-st nl public oiMtiion will be taken mi the Mihjecl. the delegation eonsisleil of Canon (i. A. 'lijt and Hey. A. V. Dimtnlnk. - 3layor Newton lfl tble iworn-tiK fni" Terraoe haviuir tmi Invited there by garden and truck farm producer lo disciiHH mailer.- of mufual benefit In ciliens and fartneri llirotiKh the City Market. The Canadian Pacific Hallway announce Hint Ihe cmek liner Princess Charlotte will be put on Hip. Alaska run next year. There will be a lartre lourisl traffic, il! is anlicipalrd. Beans cannot be better nor better cooked than Clark's Beans Cmntim'm National Di.h. "CmnmJa Apvtmnd- mm tin. t. . CLAM MONTDIU BaMMHM e k tmam t aL J Td d-,,V;v. . nK M is , PRINCE RUPERT AND MY BUSINESS A PERSISTENT RUMOR HAS BEEN CURRENT AROUND TOWN OF LATE THAT I AM LEAYING THE CITY. I STATE EMPHATICALLY THAT NOTHING IS FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. I AM HERE TO SERVE YOU IN DENTAL WORK AT PRICES UNHEARD OF IN THE HISTORY OF THE CITY FOR VALUE. THE HOSPITALS ARC FIUEO WITH PATIENTS WITH DECAYED TEETH. THINK IT OVER EXTRACTION OF TEETH IN A THOROUGH AND SCIENTIFIC MANNER MY 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN DENTAL WORK IS AT YOUR SERVICE BEST MATERIALS WORK GUARANTEED I AM HERE TO STAY r, GET THOSE TEETH FIXED BEFORE THEY FIX YOU v PRnwM RDinrn Awn PLATE WORK AT THE " MOST REASONABLE PRICES GET MY ESTIMATE ON YOUR DENTAL WORK BEFORE 4 GOING ELSEWHERE " I HAVE SERVHD YOU FAITHFULLY FOR 5 YEARS AND DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE DR. JOS. MAGUIRE SUITES 7, 8 & 9 SMITH BLOCK Trained Lady Attlatant In Attendance. M;!lllltt;UI.'iilWe time honored frfendofyours Bottld In bond uodr Fvdtral Cotimnwit Suprvlln J This atlvcrtlmcnt is not published or displayed', by I Liquor Control Hoard or by tho Oovcrnraeol Qf, Hrltish Columbia. TOO LATE TO CLAS8IFY I.IFK Insurnnre Company fCana-ilian desires representative rt J'rlnce.. Rupert., and., dislrirf. llihesl comuilsslon paid. Deep sea fishermen accepted ul slandard rnlen, Provincial mannncr will h h, prnr. nu. perl, November 17, Apply Hon SIO, Daily News Ofllre. 207 v y TIMOER SALE X 6C04. . .ull TMHlvrt Will K! f,'i,, ni.trin riirrntf-r tnl later in t tho Clh day uT AotNiilH-i. '.rt'' (uriliaac df .lri-nr X ol. ,r, , i.r'K. it Mdn of KrMair -in ful Xia.Dos trrl of ' lulani and M.rurr Kiwtni . aI,ji ' Ti til yeara v. Ill l IIMUll .f IUiilr. , ,,.. iwH FiirlhHr tuniniUr nf Itf" nl ut, Vlrtorla. i.r Uki lnUri'1 frliiia luiirl, B.C.