TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and wmm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance Willi newly laid dancing Service floor for hire, Suitable for Anywhere at Anytime. dances, banquets and wedding Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to lioston WATT VIDECK, Prop. Grill, Third Ave. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 467. vol xiv y'fisj. Chargea J$, Murder of two-year-old Ckild At Pentecostal Meeting XA.NAI.MO, Nov. II. Leslie Dickie, jU years ut ugc, n tninrr. i held ly H' local police charged wild murder hi rou- (ion willi Ihe deulh of his two year old graudoii,Lesic Dickie, ,,t S.durday night. Uiief of I'olice Harris alleges thai Dickie -uifoialed Ihe hoy by placing his hand over I lie lad's nose unit mouth during Hit' holding of I'cnteiostal service ul his resi-i If lire. AIIIiuiikIi Uh' bov's "lolhPr, Mrs. ,. Dickie or Merrill. In-(iinllier Mild two sinters ami three brothers ure alleged lo hnv ) m present at Hi; meetiiig, no( ' a, was made to resist ll.e . fc,:, action, ll.e police! I hANKM iTTrnnTTr..n iVIMP 'mm. Dickie joined the religious! 1 llnlmUUl I llIU t ,h a year ago and since then, - r-,,-----.- i ;t- iM'i'ii laboring under it strong! i i iis fervor, according to Ui- i i.-r. SENATOR LODGE DIED SUNDAY Wat Prominent In Political Life of the United Slates i WlllllllK.i:. Mu.s . Nut. . s t. i? lion i Cabot Lodge died ,jf Sunday night. I Hiked upon as one of the ' i. ins of modern demoeraoy on, iiinienl, Senulor l.odge had mi the Sriiule sine IH'J'J roil-1 ' iily ami since Aiuu.l HUH n r liren leader of the llcpuhllrail , i v lie opposed the league of Xu 'ill and the Irfily of Ver- -11 ' - and ted Hi inlesl against I' ijcnl Wilson fur ratification, v nig Mi, fighl. M Lodge m friend of 11 M-ll and was always ltj riitar (nliiriuutraJtou and imc. . ni in parly council. He v. u student of art and in' ii re and mke Fritrdi CECIL JOINS" THE CABINET Two Ministers Added by Premier LONDON. !). It Premier I . twin eomidi'led In cabinet day hy apolitling Yicoui.l first commissioner of -s and public buildings, and not Cecil, chancellor of the liy of l.nneasler. I lie Kins called a meet in- of Privy Council al the Palace ' '. nlav and Parliament h- .,1'Uvr prorogued until Decern-' It lo enable Hie new minister (Uji-nitne aeiiiahiled with their arlnii'iits before the opening " I'lirllamciil. I'i' iiiie, Baldwin has railed n aiiinrl eoiineil for tomorrow to 't is matters of policy. Ihe aildlllon of Vieount Cecil 'In' raliinet is considered tin -i ititiil owing lo his inlerest in 'k Lm.uc of N'allons. It also 'r.anlcd us Mhnwing the goern-nieiit s policy in rouiieelioii with in' l.riimi.- reiiiains unehanned. JOURNALIST DIES TMItONTO. Noy. M.- Johnny Hicppuril, C'.t year of age. found- 'r uf Snlurday N'lgbl and tit om line iho foremost journalist in ' iln-,1 , Callfui Mill on iirda; . CAPT. NIXON IS DEAD VICTOIIIA. Nov. It.--Caul. H. A Nuuu, H.N., retired, died or "'"leiiiiiiiiih, ,(..,. a( iukiii loday was head uf Hie former naval college Jiero and senior naval of-fii'er al Ksquimall. ORDERED TO LEAVE TOWN Minnie Lawsoii, charged with yi's-rancy In the eily police eourl Oils inoruinif. was given until "its afternoon to leave (own, it nreiice .MalticUnu was given a ''t'ure by Magistrate .MrClymonl 'j find "iiiii! work. Most of the City Churches Had Special Services on Sunday Congregations were Large riiaiiki my whs speeiatly oli. rved al II:'' iiinsl of Hie eily ehurelies on Sunday. There were lanre eoiirr'Kalioii- lo linien lo sermon and inu'ie upprnprtale lo the siiOII. Itev. I!. !. I lacker pmirlied a Me'Hl riianksgivinx eriiion al the rcitular tnoming service in the .Mfll4lil Church. In J he aflermMni, llic Primary and Intermediate Sunday School de-lurf nienlx Joineil fnr a sjieeial en ice in Hie auditorium before going lo I heir rlue. In the e en hi a there whs spxeiiil music by Hie choir. odoll tiring Mis Kallileen .lone and .1. K. luvey Adilree were given by lir. W T. Kergln and P. II. I.inxey. Itev !. i. Hacker iM-esidhig. llic rhureli wa ilewtraiinl with rtn. frulls and vegetables. Al Hie Presbyterian Church Mr. Oraul nrfieehrsl a scil thanks- givittg service on Sundai" morning and in the evening there wen-two anthem Mutable for the or-cnion in which Mrs. McMillan and Mr. JhtvIs Mrl.eml were Hie n)loils. A hiiIii was el.' . unv by S. K. Campbell. In the AnglicHii Choreh Areh- b'lieun It I v gave speeutl Nllenllon lo Ihe Aruiislico llicioe al lite sermons morning and evenin?. In Hie l.ulheraii Church Itev. P. ill. llMl"lr preached a sierial Hinnksgiviiiir sermon in the morii:iig and in Ihe eenin I here wa harvest service. GUESSING ON Latest Novelty for Raising Money for Christmas Cheer Arranged by Elks Ciiessing on Ihe liurniiig of a lighlcd candle is Ihe lules! iiicIImI of raising money for charitable purpoe. Tlie Klks will lisrhl a candle in a slore window on liewmber 17 and I here will be guessing oil Hie lime il will burn ami Ihe sum of firm will he given in prizes In Ihe lucky winners. The Klks are Inking Ihis course of raising lyoney insleml of making n personal appeal for money ror Iheir Chrlslmas Cheer ruiid. The candlo lo be used is wlial is known as n seven day caudle, bill no one can Icll how long il wit. burn. The guesses will be plucnl in ballol boxes and be eolleclei' as soon as Ihe candle is lighted The nearest tuesses will securr the prUcs. I'uion steamer Caidena, Capt A. H. Dickson, arrived from Vancouver and wayporls at '-' o'clock Sunday ariernoon, sailed al 8 hr Sievvarl. Aoyn.x and Alice Arm and is hero again this afternoon being due lo sail lor Ihe soulli at 5 o'clock. The Cardeiia had the following iiorlhern passengers on Sunday: for Prince Hupert, A. J I.. Wlllsoii: Tor Anvox. W II own i-d: Tor Stewart. W. Miller, William Dann and Airs. F- IMUNCi: ItLPKIlT. H.C HALIBUT SALE IS LARGE ONE pproxlmatsly 600,000 Pound! Disposed of Here In Two Days Ilii'i'i- was no holiday al lh I'lsh I.M'liaiige or in the loca halibut packing houses yesler day. In fuel, arrivals yesterday ere unusually large and :IH 1,800 pounds was marketed. Today mother 2110,0(111 or so pound was sojd. making a total for Ho three past days of 000,00 .louods. Wealher has been cold am -tear on Ihe banks lately aim cry soiluble for successful fishing. As u result a number o Hie large cliixiicrs have been getting in wilh their catches ear licr I ban expected. None of the boats arriving over Ihe week -coo will return lo Ihe banks as il ie only a few days now until tin cloe eaon starts. The iiiohi of Hip Urge American schooners after selling here, are leaving for Seattle where they will tie up for Ihe wilder. Transaction- at the l'i.h exchange yesterday were as follows: American Wave, lbs., al 15.Gc and 1c; Omaiiey, lbs., al 11.3c and 0e; Alaska, ifu.nmi lbs., al 11.5c and Ac; Yukon, .IS.nud lbs., al 11.5c and On,; and June, 12.000 lbs., at 1 5.7c and 6c. lo the Canadian l'i-li A Col.l Storage Co. iaiil. OMJllio .. at it.7c ami fir. to the 1Uh.Hi r'islicric-Canadian tk. Allen. 60.000 lb-., at i.6c and 4c, to Hie PaciHe Fisheries. Ilonaiua, 13.000 lbs., at t.5e ami 6c; llrothers. lo.OoO lls ul 1 5. or ami ftc; hihI Lumen, i'.O'm lit., at IVee and 6, to the Atlin irfnsiiiuiion. ii at i 1.5 MdVvjui4j SfoaUw, SO.OW Ibo., a4 1 1 .Co and 6c lo Ihe Hoyal I'lsh Co. Canadian M. M. niiris"lodier. I3.IMHI lbs., al I 2 Mr and fie. and pair or Jacks. V.OOfl lb.. al I ir and tie. lo the lUiuailian Fish A Cld Storage Co. Imlphin. I.Klio lbs., at 1.1.7c and 6c. lo Ihe Itovnl Fisli Co. ProsMrity A., not satisfied with prices offering here, cleared for Vancouver with her catch in the hope of obtaining something blter. Today's Arrivals Arrivals and sales tln mom ing were us follows, all being American : Helgelaud. r.O.O(M) lbs., al 11. '2c mid fir. and Young America. 33,- oim lb.. at I Mr and 6c. to the i unii.liiin Fish A Cold Storage 'o. W'esliTII. tO.nuii bsM al H.fio and rtc. to the Pacific Fisheries. Ilrik. .iH.onn lbs., ut 1 1.5c and lie. to Ihe A I list Fisheries. Forward. S,no lbs., al 15. lo a nd (ie. lo the Atlin Fisheries. . Pnisperlly. Sli.OOO lbs., at 17o and lli.rie. lo the Pariflc Fisheries for Seattle delivery. Forcmoif. M5.000 lbs., decided to go soulli. QUIETLY MARRIED MONDAY AFTERNOON I Miss Florence Effle Knott Becomes I Bride of Walter Wilson, Rov. G. Q. Hacker Officiating The weiblng was quietly solemnized at the Western Booms al ? o'clock yesterday aflernuoii of Waller Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Ladder's Lauding and Miss Florence Kill Knoll, daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. Joseph Knoll of New Westmin ster. Ilev. O. (i. Hacker ntllcialed ami Ihe witnesses were F.dward W. (Snlisch and F.mily J. Sahlon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will reside In Prince llupeil, the groom being on employee of (he city. BIRTH V daughter was born al' the. T.UF.SDAY. NOYHMUKIl II. IU1M. .-4V;'- . w-s; TRAIN AND BOAT SERVICES CHANGE END OF THIS WEEK i Change of Irani jo-rviee on llie '.aiiailian National Hallways 'omes iiilo elfer! next Sunday il s announced at the I o-al city tic- iel oflice. ,fler Sunday. I here vill bo Ihrcej! trains a week caving hereiiror the Kasl on. Mondays, Wednesdays and, Sal- rdays and1 Arriving Tuesdays, riiursilav.s niitS Suiida). Hours of arrival and departure will he'liam Dawson and John Taylor o he same as ij present. ; The doijl lar weekly service be- ween here and Vancouver, by t earner will e, ead wilh wilh Hi the sailing in Saturday i)l liBtbis weel i'k. From 'fSen on tliVt'ltijfh tig the the wi winter. Ho- strainer wfl.f arrive rroili Ihe: soulh al SiifffliM-k Wedtesda ... aHcmooiis, making the douMe , ended Irip loifAnyox and sievvarl and fiailing from here for Hie south on Friday morning al 'J o'clock. .1 Starting el Saturday evi-iinir there will be. a fnrtniahlly learn er servH-e UM vii inyj Mi jiiooesl in'o . ,e p. uni-Jueen Charlljl Islands by Uie j lai' es 'iircooinliiiff the daath by I'rbice John.l 1 Ex-service men-ot. Arniiliee Da I'.-iiiic at SI. Hegis Cafe Ionia1 ' a: 8.-0. Ap-dv o Seen-larv fiAV.V A. 'or tic'.els. ' British Premier Makes First Public Pronouncement Since Return to Power at Election LONDON. Nov. 11. Stanley ilaldwin was Hie guel or honor at lasl night's Lord Mayor's banquet al Ihe ( lildhall, oilier guests being Uoiiseivalive ministers and their wives and ihe auiliai-sttdur of the United SUles, Spain. Italy and Japan. Austin phamherlaiii toasting phaized Uiy4Ktupires desire for peace and said: "We rejoice tlilv-opiyMmjuid; lie United Stales and Inisl llii- will not witheld in itfeIifniHil lies now to be raced." Premier Baldwin said the foreian policy would be stability;' and continuity, lie intimated that if the Dominions and great '"-! duslries were ready lo do Ilieir j. Iart. the Ooverninent was ready; 4, to make provision for Ihe re- opening of Hie Wembley Kxhibi- tiou next year. He said the (iov-! eminent wotuu 110 everyuiing possible to improve the lot or HicL, mases along lines Ihe country. bad hitherto pursued and "not by changing the basis of our system by which we would fall into the pit of poverty and misery." I COLD WEATHER ALL OYER THE DISTRICT Ten Below at Hazellon Saturday Night and Skeena Is Freezing Over No Snow at Stewart Yet The Hear cold spell which Prince Hupert has been experiencing lor! .Ihe past week and which today' shows signs of becoming even more marked is not local. FroniJ Ihe interior come reports ot an 1 unusual snap ror this time of Ihe jcar. At Hazellon, Ihe thermometer registered 10 below on Saturday night' and in places the Skeena lliver is already frozen jnver. Though Ihe weather has been cold there is no snow at Anyox or Slewarl. ofllcers on Ihe steamier Cardena reported Ihis morning. TARIFF COMMISSION LEAVES HERE TODAY , , Salllng This Afternoon on the Cutter Cygan for Ketchikan Has Been Her-- Two I Weeks j The United Stales field tariff commission, which has been in the city Tor Ihe past fortnight coiiducling investigations will, a view to bringing about a change in the larifl on hallbul, leaves Mils ariernoon for Ketchikan its next slop. The Uniled Stales revenue culler Cygtiii. Cant. Hal- Prjnoe llupeil (iciieral Hospital versou, arrived yesterday aileron November II lo Mr. and Mrs.Jnoon from Ketchikan 10 lake Hie Arthur Uevwm, Fourth Avenue, euminissiiioers north. aturdr Circulation 1,771. THROWN FROM AUTO; KILLED - New. Westminster Mill Owner Loses Life and Lady Injured I.AN(iLi:Y, Nov. II. Charles Caibrailh. 10 years of age, a mill owner or New Westminster, i dead and Miss (iertrdde Folk ot Fort Laugley injured and in th hospital while three men, Wil- Fori Laifiley." and J. Macdouah or MurrayvilN' are being held by Hie police as material witnesses as a result or an auto accident in which Ihe aulo Calhraith wasj driving plunging into a dilch onj e n Jnir early Monday morning, according- lo the Lang- t -... f. ley police. llatbraitb's body wa bai! j Imrned beneath Hie wrecked car.! INQUEST T0D Y Irow-iinf week n-itt lit-l Sun- ,,r xji tiorolliy (ionlli noeneij in Ihe cilv iMilice eourl lii-afternoon. Tli- jurymen are '. 1'ooi.sbauk. S. K. Parker. Sinn - . miIMi. Vrlhnr Hailcy, J. C. Mi-Mae ae,l C. H. ElMns. lo lic I the foreign ambassadors, em- be main object of Hie tinveriinieul's LAST NIGHT WAS THE COLDEST YET Lasl night was (lie coldest here ye( this winter. S. C. Jackson. Dominion 1 nieleoroligst. reports this afternoon from Digby Island 1 thai at 1.30 this morning the thermometer .of read II' above zero. Something like six inches of snow fell early Monday 1 morning followed by an A immediate tightening up ot weather. There are a few isolated reports of frozen water pipes. 4 STATION TO BE ' BUILT IN SPRING I Site on Government Wharf Found to be Most Suitable for I Biological Depot I Here All the available sites on Ihe waterfront Tor the biological station that Hie department or marine ami fisheries is In establish here were Inspected on Saturday by Dr. A. P. Kniahl, chair- iman of Ihe biological board, and John Dybhavn, Ihe local member. ..ti.l I 1 ... I ..11 II11I tr,iY-l'lllll,tlt jwliarf was round lo be the inosl suitable. Dr. Knight will pro- report lo this elTect lo Ihe (executive committee. There will be Ho definite decision reached until this report is made. A pecial meeting of the whole bio logical board is called for next mouth and il is likely that tho mailer will be dealt with al that lime. The building will be creeled by Ihe provincial govern ment and leased lo the biological board and it Is expected lhal construction will . slart In the early spring. ' Dr. Knight sailed on Ihe, Prince lluperl Saturday night for Van ciU' er. tlrttt filo. 4S. Armistice Day is being Celebrated in London, Paris and Dublin Today 1)1111. IN. November 11. --For the first lime since the end of the war. Armistice Day is being generally celebrated throughout Ihe Free Stale with memorial demonstrations in Dublin and '.-lsewlicre. Thousand, or poppies were sold, the wearers iu-lndiug Ileptildiram as well as Freo Staters'. - A parade of ex-ervice men was held. LONDON, November 11. Tens of thousands oT people of London galliered around Hie cenotaph in remembrunce cr one niillion of their kin who died in - - - - A 1 lH IfllTrn N I l.rlluiUcAl riptinri II f- aii.! iiiiiii.Mnii DIES IN LONDON Day for the first lime is a full C. Wade. K.C. Had Varied and holiday in France. Celebrations Distinguished Carter: Victim ;W?re centred at the Arc dc Tri-Muscular Rheumatism and at the toniJj ot the un- LONDON. Nov. II. F. C; Wade, agenl general for Hrilisbl lOiluinliia. died of muscular Wieii- matism last night. Ust week he sulTere'd a severe heart attack and last liiglil collapsed sue-,' numbing a few hours later. t Mr. Wade was born in How-' manville. Ontario, eduealed al Toronto Lniversiiy and liecame activities and observed two min-un ediloriai writer on IJie Toron- l'les silence. Tonight, the Oreat filobe in 82. His jounialis- War Veterans' Asswiation is giv- work did nol end lliore Tor, after being called to the Imr in Manitoba. he beinuue editorial writer for Hie Free Press at Winnipeg. After his removal loj Vaneoiiver lie was one oT ttiei Tounders oT Ihe Sun and became i the presiilent of Hie company controlling thai paper. Mr. Wade had a varied career.) , m taking a prominent pari in io'li-7B.C. Keeley Says Several Will be Heal fife-as a LWMT ami alsol jdislinguisiiiiig himself in , the ,-irofessioii of la.vv. He followed the tale Sir Itichard Mciiride as .agent gelieral for B.C. jn London .and since taking over I lie posi- ia lion has used his journalistic lability to further Hie cause or Canada in the Old Land. Cabinet to Meet VICTOHIA, Nov. II. The I'ro- ;vincial cabinet will meet this a week to makj temporary ar- raiigement for the carrying on Ihe work of It.C. House in London followins Ihe death or F. C. Wade. W. C. MeAdam is at present in charge or the oflice. permanent successor will likely lie named this month. Telegram from King LONDON. Nov. 1 l.-Tlie widow or the late F. C. Wade received the following telegram from Huckiiigliam Palace: "The King and (Jueen have heard with much I regrel Ihe news ul Ihe death ot Mr. Wade ami desire me lo ex iress their deepest sympathy in your irrct arabliv loss." Hishop Perrin. formerly of the 'diocese or Coliimbit, B.C., will conduct services al the cremation ot the remain!!. The ashes .will eventually be conveyed to British Columbia. The funeral service will lake place Tlmr lay. MINING ENGINEER FROM SALT LAKE HAD MANY SAMPLES ' raking win, i.i... 11... hen uck; 1 containing about COO pounds of samples from some leu minim; properties in the Portland Canal j district including the Premier and Dunwcll, L. F. Paddison, M.K. or the United States Smelting iv Itofiniiv Co.. Salt Lake City, passed through Saturday euroule south atler having spent! Ilicr1 weeks at Slewarl during which lime ho visiP.d all mir?s of importance in the Bear and Salmon river sections. Iho; poppies and al outside tioInU samples will be thoroughly lesled when he returns lo Salt Lake City. Mr. Paddison slated. This was his first trip to this pari of Hrilisli Columbia and be wasiging for disabled veterans and much impressed with the appar - ent mining possibilities in the Vorllnnd Canal country. PRICE FIVE CEN1S. the (ireat War. King George, the Prince of Wales aim the lluke of York were present al Ihe ceremonies and placed wreaths on the tomb. The military and n.. y held a memorial service in West minster Abbey. PAI1IS. Nov. 11. Armistice known soldier. bile the holiday for Armis- ' ice Day in Canada is combined H'al for Thanksgiving, Ihe dale today is being ob- served. Al Ihe hour or eleven litis morning, marking 1 lie e.xacl time 'wlien hostilities reasnl in Cnrnne V'ars ago. all industries ami "usmess m me city suspended ,n" a nanquet ror ex-service men lo celebrate the momentous au- niversary. BOATS COMING FOR OVERHAUL Here; Expect Get Small Coaster It. C. Keeley, Pacific Coast manager of the Canadian Cov-e'rnuieiil Merchant Marine, was the city Saturday night making the round trip from Vancouver on the steamer Prince nu-pert. lie was on a trip j)f inspection at the same time taking rest after a reeent indisposi tion. Mr. Keeley dated lhal several f Ho- C.O.M.M. transpacific and coasting lioais would be caning here this winter lo enter dry dock Tor overhaul. There was nothing new in connection with proposed Alaska vessel for the company. Mr. Keeley saiil. 1 he situation now is the same as it was before I lie necessary fi- nauees are being awaited. Mr. Keeley was hopeful, however, that another vessel would be secured fore next summer lo augment the Prince John on the (Jueen Charlotte Island run. Speaking of the proposed ship ments oT Buckley Valley beef to Hie Orient from here, Mr. Keeley said that the company was in communication wilh local shipments. " We will bo ready lo handle anything thai offer and, if the volume is sullicient, we will give low enough rales." Accompanying Mr. Keeley were Mrs. Keeley and son: Miss McDonald, secretary; and Mr. and Mrs. Ktiuer Johnston and son. Mr. Johnston is manager of the Johnston storage Co.. Vancouver. 1 pQppy DAY TAGGING RESULTED IN $216 BEING COLLECTED The efforts ot the Daughters r the Kmpire in connection wilh Poppy Day tagging resulted in J 16.06 being realized, this representing the collections in tho schools and the streets Saturday. Further returns on Ihe sale of will bo announced laler by H. L. I Land rey. secretary or the Great War Yeierans' Association. The proceeds as a result if the tag- j their dependants is a good deal in excess of what was realized lasl year.