PAGE BIX " " - WESTHOLME THEATRE Tuesday Only, 7 and 9 p.m. CECIL B. Do MILLE'S PRODUCTION "TRIUMPH A modern society lote-ilrama. The famous Saturday Kvniing Post story piclur'ized by tlie director noted for Iiis glittering spectacles, gorgeous sellings and ultra-modern gowns. A rich man made poor, a poor man made rich and a girl loved by both. The heart-story of a girl who struggled for success, won it and lost it, and finally found happiness in the triumph of n great love. Superb cast, . Hod La Itoipie., Leatriee Joy, Charles Ogle, Theodore Kosloff, (ieorge Fawcett. Raymond llallon, Robert Kdeson, Spoltis-wood Ailken, Jimmie Adanls, Julia Faye, Zasu Pills, Alma Bennett. COMEDY CARTOON. INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. WHIST DRIVE HELD LAST EVENING BY REBECCAS OF CITY A good time was spent last evening in Melropole Hull by the Rebeccas ami flicir guests at a whist drive. Winners were: Ladies' first Mrs. Ambrose. Consolation Mrs. Tom Priest Men's first L. O. Larscn. Consolation L. G. Kb'! The tray was won by Mrs. West. The committee in cltargo or lite event consisted of Mrs. W. S. Hanimoml, convenor, assisted by Mrs. Tom Priest. Mrs. F. B. Cox and Mrs. J. Mcintosh. LAST CHANCE ON COFFEE SPECIALS Coffee Is Going Up, Buy Now Kconomy Coffee, lb. tin 50c Keonumy Fresb (Ground Coffee, 3 lbs $1.30 Wedding CoTfecjier lb. 55o "Supreme" Coffee, per lb. tin 60c Keonumy Tea, per ID. . . 60o Hlue lliblion Tea, 5 lb. ickg. $3.10 Lanka Tea, per lb 70c Hrald's Best Tea, per lb. 85c lliiluway's Tea. per lb. 85o Cowan's Instant Cocoa, per tin 25c Fresh Meat In Stock. EC I STORE 417 Fifth Avenuo East. Phono S4 Or Write P.O. Box 575. "Mnce Rupert, B.C. Save Money Buy for Cash and get the Lowest Prices In Rupert Quality Guaranteed Farmers Market, Phono Blue 428 Orders of $3.00 delivered BOAT ARRIVALS Passengers arriving from the south on I lie steamer Prince Rupert, (iapt. II. Donald, Hulurday night included T. Godfrey (Ottawa), I.. W. Hireley, 0. Kcane f Terrace), .1. (i. Potts, Sam .labour, Fred Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Aspinall. Mr. and Mrs. (). H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lee, V. Ware (lla.eUofi), Mrs. It. M. flair, I.. W. lh'plonstnll, Mrs. Wesley.. V . (!. Dawson, MissMe-Donald, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Keeley, Mr. and Mrs. Klincr .lolinsloi', Muster Keeley and Master Johnston. , ('.. P. llyles, logging f)upcriii lendenl for the Pacific Mills, re turned to Ocean Falls on the I'rinre Rupert Saturday night af ler bavins spent some time at Alice Arm inspecting logging; operations for bis company. INDIGESTION relieved in two minulfcs with JO-TO I for This are improved. is DiSSerent from nil other laxativea and relief Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature' Remedy (Nf Tablet) i more natural and thorough. The effect will be a revela. lion you will feel ao good. Make the test. You will appreciate this difference. V'.J Far Off Thirty Chips offth. Old Block Nt JUNIORS Utile Ma Ttaa mix rfl la on-thlrd iottt. caody-coattd. For children and nduH aaai SOLO BY YOUR DRUQS13T ORMES LIMITED RUPERT HOUSEWIVES More Prince Rupert women than ever before arc testing coal, trying to discover the most economical uel for furnace, beater, fireplace or range. Those who have woman who bu"is it. There was good skating on the Salt Lake Sunday and a party of young people were over taking advantage of the occasion. . Rita Mitchell of Comox Avenue was fined in Mid cily police court Ibis morning for inloxica- Mon. Tug (Jape Scot I reports today standing by a broken lavis raft off fJapt Caution iu Queen Charlotte Sound. Mrs. R. Lambley arrived from Lewis Island yesterday afternoon und is lli' guest of Mrs. A. Ross, I'mpress Hotel. C. 0. Dillmer arrived in tbo city at tlie end of the' week from Burns Lake and is on his way south, lie has withdrawn from the hardware firm of Dillmer & Rnbb at Hurns Lake. Cheap Insurance Use KLIM ir you have th health of your family t heart. We guarantee Kllm to be Pure Milk only In powdered form from Government Inspected Cows. RupertTableSupply Three Phones; Qio,iu,2i2' A NICE NEST EGG FOR CHRISTMAS If you went to your banker for an accommodation you would expect to pay for it. This same accommodation obtained in the 'form of merchandise from any iinercbanl must be paid for. We healie that many people who are buying on credit do so as a mailer oT convenience. Some do so because there lias been no inducement to pay cash, while others through force of circumstances require credit. Some, months ago we iuaugur-aled a system which will interest you if you wish to pay cash. Because of our .desire to try this system out on a small scale v did not advertise it. However, as it has proven so satisfactory Iboth to our customers and our- i i.. t ,,Vl wn waiu 3 Dcrniwc Diiciureci ivr DGLUIUl DUJlNLOJLlrvti about it. Come in and see us. 1". W. MOKItSCH, Orocer, The housewives of Prince. Rti-'tf Phone I a. pert are no longer Content to be-1 lieve thai a certain brand of) n 1CVCTD AI I CCACMJ goods is the best iu the world: UAoKlI BALL OtAMJN or that it will last longer. They are realizing that the only proper way to find out which brand is the best is to make a practical 'est in their own homes and coin pare values. This is just as it should be. OPENS THIS FRIDAY Games Will be Played In Elks' Home and all Leagues Will be Represented In Opener And the merchant who has the I superior article welcomes the! The winter's basketball scbed- acid lest of comparison because ule will open on Friday night of be knows bis chances of selling this week it was announced this morning. The games will be played in the Klks' Home and the following teams will meet in the! irst matches: Senior League (Jolts vs. Llk. Intermediate League (jrotloj tried agree that Xanaimo-Wel-t vs. Colts, linglon is very much superior.: Ladies' They say less quantity need beivs. (id's. used, tha I here is very little ash and no clinker or rock. These are some of the reasons for the many repeat order3. To secure this famous Nanai-oio - Wellington coal, orders should be phoned direct to Albert & McCatTery who are sole agents in Prince Rupert. Their phone-numbers arc 110 and 561. They have their own delivery trucks and wagons and give prompt service. Watch them and be convinced- that most of the people in Prince Rupert burn Nanaimo - Vcninglon coal. There's reason. Ask the League Maple Leafs NOTICE. TAKE jSo'UCK mat wilt :n thirty day from !ale I Intend tu apply to I he Minuter i.f Land fur authority l construct a road, mil to eueed forly (4(1) reel In width, rnmi the L'nirlueer Mine lo Wann Hivrr. over and arrnna the undermentioned Mineral Claim, vli.: the "lerty Lily." "Col-iiinLitiie" Fractional, "Gold krown," "Torn Hoy," "JacW-a-tar." "klnir (jeorife'- ami "linmnle No. ." All mtuaif, lylntr and Ix-lnir on llu Kat olde or Taku Ann In tlii! A Mln Lake Mlnlnic Division. Casslar IiUlrlci, Province or llrllli-h Columlila Aluo to ronstrnrt Mich imwi-r line or lltwa aa may tie requisite and wn-Ksary for tlie Irunsiol.slon or jwiwit rnmi the Company'' plant altuate on Wann Hlver to the irronnd "Iperali-d or rontrolled by the Engineer liold Mine Ltd.. Inc. tialed at Knirineer Mine. Atlln, B.C.-thla 1in) day of October. 1034. AMUtLW SOSTAO, Airent for Lniflnw Ooid Mines, Ltd4 Inc. "Specials 25 Boxes Monarch Butterfly Wool - In nineteen shades. Reg. price CSe. Special by the bux $3.20 Monarch Silk Hose Reg. !..'(). Special .. .. 95o Colors: Cordovan, liiegc, Cruiser, Suede and While. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 645v' Cor. 3rd A 7th. E HE WHO GOES THE WRONG WAY MUST MAKE HIS JOURNEY TWICE. THIS YOU CAN EASILY AVOID BY A VISIT TO OUR STORE WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF THE FOLLOWING GIFTS LADIES' HAND-DAGS MANICURE SETS UMBRELLAS SUITCASES CLUB BAGS BRASS WARE NOVELTIES IVORY Steady THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED GET IT A T ! SILVER PLATE CARVINQ SETS CUT GLASS FINE CHINA DIAMONDS WATCHES CUTLERY CLOCKS AND OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION PRICED AS LOW AS ANY STORE IN CANADA. OUR MR. IRELAND EXPERIENCED OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST, WILL GIVE YOU THE SAME SATISFACTION AS YOU WOULD RECEIVE IN ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES. CONSULTATION FREE. Max Heilbroner JEWELER. DIAMOND SPECIALIST. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND corn Syrup Known throughout Canada for its purity, it digestibility and delightful flavor. Write for the EDM4RDSBURG Recipe Book. VSik I '151 11 A steady demand for llritish fiteflj Columbia products means ii j, steady output by HriUh Cn-.!j2 liitnbia factories, which ''ijfJSj HUH llll", III nn-lll -MIM'V IISX menl for thousands 'f local iljix workers. So, lake slock ofjsjJ your pantry and if you fi'idi1 anything there produced out- sine or uie province iiuiko u note of it. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsferd, B.C. Philip McKay was fined i' under Ihe Indian, Act in lb city police court this morning for liaving liijuor in bif possession. I. McMillan and J. Graham eacli bad estreated bail of ?25 in the cily polince court this morning having failed lo appear in answer lo changes of CM MONTREAL XJT HIGH CUSS -GROCERS FHONE 586 OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE AT 40c and 50c Lb. Cash & Carry Specials For Wednesday & Thursday ONLY. We Invito' you to come In and see these specials for Wednesday and Thursday. This store will be open all d, Thursday. 2 DOZ. CHILDREN'S BOTANY SERGE BLOOMERS Sizes 4-5-0-8 years. Reg. $1.75. Special, per pair jj 12 Only ESMOND BLANKET COMFORTABLES Lovely designs. Sizes 72x84. Reg. $0.95. Spcc,al J7.95 8 Only LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS Slightly soiled. Reg. values up to $8.25. Special to clear 18 Only BOYS' VELVO COMBINATIONS Medium weight. All wool underwear. Sizes 26 to 34. Reg. $3.00. I Sale Price . MEN'S ALL WOOL HOSE Reg. 75c. Special, 3 pair for tJj Universal Trading Co, Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Wilt relieve llnni hili, (iongli-, tdd. Iloai -,r Asthma, and all affection ol (be TliMutl, Gliexl an lb cliia! Tubes. We liavu a liniHe! number of oaiiipfcs of tin M i which will be given awa to adulU only. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store ' Third Ave. A Slth St. Phones 82 and 200 '. Ci Hawson returned on lhe rrntelieo h ii ' Prince Rupert Suluntay uighl ' aeeiileni when he r from a href btisineos liip lo .Mr. llawon mj v. Vaiuouu-r. Though slill online and tie lookmi i Special Pre-Xmas STOCKTAKING SALE "For One Week Only" ALL FURNITURE 25 PER CENT OFF Crockery and Draperies 20 Per Cent Off . Watch Our Windows For SPECIALS G. D. TITE Phone 20 it ' ' ' , j .Mvi-jajyjr- Tvwvjynjm irrri I".'.