GbOYER Immediately my condition br?an to ImproTe. I'aii-i disappear,!; soca Pyipepsia and conttipation were th.nyi of the past. After a few months I was perfectly well ajain and hat 1-oen la the lt of health for over a year bow." Mrs. AXXIE GLAVKU, io Hoary HUret, Otlaa. J nit try "Fruit-a-tivea" let them prove their real worth. 2V. a n.l U)C- a boi, at all dealers or tent postpaid b Fruit a-tn e Libtiled, Oltaaa, I JaL The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, exrspt Sunday, Ihe Prince Rupert Uaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 11.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stale. In advance, "per yar $0.00 To all other countries in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 83 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Archbishop's Message On The Easter Triumph. Saturday. April 19. I9JI. In the spring-lime a the sun pours it radiant energy upon the surface of the earth we ran almo! hear the pni", the shrub and Ihe trees singing their Ea-ler song of resurrection a they lurl l..rth from the tomb of winter into triumphant life. Thi ts mi ielic fiction for the same law of vibration fiiHrliofl both 111 1 1 If Uiui ... ntllkij I f ... a ... ....I.. ,. . 1. .. they could catch Hi harmoiiMti rljjUim iif Ihe uqfijkling .floweeJlbre ram- fnmi the fretl! ITie All vital esteem flou-w (mm (, i,n l..r:;f. i tt. TLi Li'.aT.I sf Ihe ". - - " - - ' ....... - m-w-M nil. Ilfllfllll. 1 .CI 1 1 J I I IHT I iiUimale reality of the mmer-e. Jt i. well for u- U remember that the Infinite Enerjry of Uml . revealel in riiBg d'gTee. ami that the decree differs ae.,riliM In tile intmiM- value of Ihe euer?). We feel in-liuc- lively that mittd etierf) i higher than radiant cuergj' and that mr niiii-i. lorra oi muni energy i moral energy which manifest ilHf i ri?hleoijne, goodne, awl love. The highel Ieins is Ihe beiug who reveal mo-l fully the highest degree of energy according to it moral value. The verdict of the world aigH thi exalted poit"ioii to the historic Chrit in whom wa ntanireled Ihe energy of Hod" redeeming love. The conservation of moral value, is fundamental law of the universe. If radiant energy i never ol though traii-formeiJ we may' le Mire that moral energy, while it may lie ap-Iarenlly vanquished and buried, will always rise again with added glory at Ihe touch of the find of Infinite Love. As in the historic Christ we had given to in human form. Tor a limited lime and in a limited place, the highest revelation of the righteousness, the poodnes, mid he love of (;!. it f. inconceivable that this supreme moral valije Vliuutil not have been fully consentMl in ome higher and niore gloriou form unlimited l.y time and place. The Loril i risen' indeed In the Rien Christ we have Ihe 'divine pledge of the ultima e triumph of Moral Energy. Immorlitl love, whether in or in others, though seemingly crushed, vil Mirely rie again. F. II. I)U VER.NET, Archl.ihop of liiledonia. Laminated Wood Factory To Start.. Much interest was taken Thursday in the full account of the i proposed activities of i,e Skeeua Laminated Wood Company which . to erect a farlor on Devil's Mand. .',7 miles from here o i the Skeena River It will ,e so near this rjty that much benefit will accrue lo Prince Rupert from it, activities. While not i... i" r a,',mr "' " ' will he the next bes , ' . , , ,LUIUIC '"e news was that the work of construe , "r V . wu',u '' mo", a" hal U'c survey f lh , , u"4,,u,c ,a,,B. r laying out the plant nre already hand. The managing director, Frank F. Rurdfll. ha gone .,u, o. .o. ,,y me surveyor and he announce thai in- ' 1 Ilia . Ai wilful flu ifor.ll... in?. In.... "'iMiiuons permit, construction ' com ' il I ill C 1 1 ( 0 "Eczema All Over Arms Suffered for 12 Years" Mrs. Murray Hough, Wiarton, OnL, write,: t.T . a!I ?Vtr my "ms' 1 of treat-menu I- l to rcheve . but wuhout .uecess. One Spring it broke oul and noming gate me relief, even the salve I got from the doctor did no good. At jt I tried Dr. Chaie's Ointment and it healed the eczema in a ihort time. That it over a year ago. nd I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. Chase's Ointment 0 eta, a Iwi. all .Idlers or IVIniansou. l.t Co IM, Toronto 111 t( SHINGLES AND VENEER jNaas and Skeena River Provide ' Much Lumbers for Pulp and Paper or Other Purposes M The ejiuale and of limtter in Northern linlUfi idiimhia i I t t.OOM.OOtl.OOO feel. f fteieol i upMrt a prettily exleodi dee. pmenl. areonhns li P. Z. Caver. hill, ehier fore-ler for linlib Columbia, who a)lre.el the flnlary Club al il lunebeoo here Iliurwlay. fin I be SLeena I hers a ufffeient I imbr for a lar?e pulp leeM,nrenl and aantlter mi the aa and a?ain at the 'jHeen Charbslle KUrwt-. II nuM tse nme time before Ihe 4eelo. nienl would lake blare In stake Ihe mol of Ihe limber reourr bul mm aay developaneat 1'rioes- Rupert wnvM benefil beeaa-e ih ejly was Ihe lnzeal centre for the HiiBe. He aitt be IKoahl Ihe lime wa rifse for ihe e. laMi'bmenl nf a -hinzte aat eaeer plant and I here wa ao rea-oo wtiy a -hinjrte Mill hou1sl ihI be elaltiliet in lrias Rupert, wbieh wottbl apply the market ia rnmoelitisi srsik JofFier place. Cettenwocd Referring to Ihe essilonwomt flan for Ihe stevetopavesit nf ahseh have been Mail- on the kceiia River. Mr. Caverhill aM there wa similar ?ool efllbsa. wssJ on Ihe Xaa River. The raw material far exceeded the jamosint in the -solh. Mr. Uaverbill saW be alav likes! enmin? to I'rfnce Rupert be. sraue here, everyone1 wa later. eteJ in tlte develortmeat of the country and especially ra Ihe lumber indotlry. Human inlere! in the forel bad leen naramoant inee the learliet dawn of rrsilizatioa, aM Ihe chief forever. In British (MamlMa people cosibt hardly Oaljze bw. cioey ihe .forest jwere In the projrre.s of the essun. iry. tine dullar out of I everr rsHsntrvv which nraile the province allcaeiive lo I.Hin-t al-o erensel Hfson Ihe fore.l. Brilih rXumbia had half the limber found in Canada sand Ihe eoal wa aolesl for Ihe size and ?raw.leur of It tree. Thi wa Ihe result of Ihe eli- male and Mijl. The Iree w.Hild continue lo prow if eiven a chance. A compared wild the PAOE TWO. THE DAtIY NEWS. l unlay. A.iJ X-RAY INDICATED CANCER, RELIEVED TIMBER GREAT ! BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" ! CAPITAL ASSET' Splendid Fruit Medicine Perform. AnntW Mr 1- ! 1 The InralecU) it Talae of 'Trml a-tite" can best I appreciated ben it completely relieves some dinrerous, .Ira.Ily miUJy that u sapping the health and strrcrth of thenuTrrrr. After readier lbu letter, It cy "ntlmtjnd lijr Mr. GWraat f U4 to riteahoal "Fruit-a-titr" in the Lope that Ler etr rience would guide other to try tlii joudcrfnl fruit nwdicine. Tor years, I sir a soSrrrr with chronic IJ IHTia, Indirection and CouslifsMion ; the atoraach pains urn: dreadful and null my health broke dtn eosnpIeteW. After fire X-rayt had been taken, I wav ad rued that mj condition strongly rnrinUed Cancer of the Stomach and aa immediate operation was necessary. Dreading an operation, I consulted other pit-sirans but grew steadily mors. I La i almost fit en up hope hen I decided to trjr "Trait-a-tire'' recommended by many friends. inuujinti in i nit uitinci uapa-bte of Greatly Extended De- velopment j OLD CHUN SMOKING TOBACCO IS FOUR TIMES SEALED Tie cuie-urdpper cf uxUr-jfid-BOiiiere' proof prjFm fJxr-t, JTtereitdtr Old Chun" wrapper shotuuid name and trade trsrk , demand, how ever, the supply of ,r'e'' li,r nsiimptioti wa stead, (manager of Ihe Yukon A White lirnMr wa i"creaing. horlunalely Xa- la llailwav. W.D. (onion. u. lintiled. limited. Nature Provides Crop Forestry had lo do with har vesting markj.tin an.l MiJulni. had I ceo the chief offender Ihe abue of Ihe fore!, lij, rejranl had been ftihred In Idem hill II. is .lirsirsis.l - haI in olher nation. Britain wa-J''am,, r,rp''- planning lo plant one and three ijuarler million of acre al 20 an acre. In the nejt leu year Ihevl The limber indiistrr wa one of Ihe baic Industrie bul the eroo lure prirvidct (be erop. Jr II bad ieriiilenleiii. aM.l about Jo to Ih planted. 'the co.l would be ! member of Ihe company staff very high. 'Die only difficulty Ins; 'outs in lo make for tin- limber. Xalure provided the firt k"'l'nf up.thi on the floor. Ihe trramnnlmno lard. and nlo Ihe U.lies auxil. reconl were made largely from ,ary- fediice Hie tnemlHrhii wood. "Fabric were manufactured. d'"" - a"d alo to have su. from it. slockfood wa oreo''"'ns meinberhln .it from i3 n . ... I.. .. a a tiJrkti! nionth I s ...... I II. . i . wiriii 'HttiUl anI VPrV people would erve wood duel with I heir ine.-il pro. age of Wood Thi wa the age of wood. Miililren were rocked (n o wooden cradle and hurie.l In a woode . ... tit- III SF mm. i.ivi uaiinn wa mi on wood. The counlrle Hint nnn. limed mol of it were Ihe rnnt advanced . In norlh America Hie per capjla consumption wa tf0 iMlliie feel. In northern " I ' 1 1.. 1 11 Mtrnnn ".OFHCIALS OF WHITE PASS RAILWAY HERE YESTERDAY ON MARY n.l.It, i..imi. steamer steamer Prince Prince The heauy tin foil The heavy manilla paper Ul'Iilj wa lhe:eaoir erviee. crop an. I it depended on how IM rond. of forest fire. After i Doharkmp ftom the Prince icrop wa handled whether Ihere ,h'4, "r ,mr hurninjc the soil Mar) here were ilr. Slevenon. would Irf a second. He combated "l reprosliMje. la a seal- Mr. Autboay. Mr. T. W. Ilrnie. Ih- Men that the foret wa not a rM lI"lalloB II wn alm.i Mr. and .Mr, , . Kvalehaw. F. crop bnl sonielhins el here to nU"-s"'ie to organize lo watch Tins-ley, All lln.wn. O. Holler, (use and forsel. Anelo Savon an'' I'"' (,ut filv- There had M. It Mwart. II. Wbnlen nn.i in.iseei careies.ues in the past ant Mike (Irumeloff. uiai pnase wa cau.lna- Hie .c. (o.injr north from Prince Itu. port nieut worn lulay. course eM ssrs- K It livn.. t l.,...-n of cliiealion in Millint: out V. II. I. lot. I n i ItslfTed malche and F. Mavnanl. li J. M:i vim nl Mr. cisarelle wa necenrr. M iiin -....i vl.ii.. .'. . ' . .- Mm, .'in. i. i.i ll.ll.. Ilr Kelchikan: I). A. MnnUler and K. WIM. TAII rFNFRAI lanW for Juneau: I'. Sham for unloosed ntanlin? 0(i fiori sri t . s. Yv " lute lrtre mthlINU Or HOSPITAL vv--5 way. look a Ion? lime In mature. Tl rn.miun.i - . . i people who i.lanle.l did not rao, rnn.H.rf ti.i. tun. ... . - ' ....... wM .iiu - 1 1 1 WO - the harvest. , Ftin,H n-i-. r Mr. (sdverhill wa nnnne.l lo- av.s,. il lie (.lea that substitute, fori Mortimer. At AT 80 YEARS OF AGE ' ""k . v.-. .,--: fl p PyiliJllE-i SBJ H i -iR 1 1 Iff to bring you the full richness and mellow sweetness of this Tobacco of Q Manufactured by IMPERIALT0BACC0 CO. OF CANADA LIMITED ; Marrj- Martin for flalllen for Skag. Al Ihe hospital mcclin? Ial night Ihe thank of the hoard wa extended to the ladie ni.Ti- liary fur Ihe work Ihev were .1... o wood would he discovered. Sub- -x special general tnociin? nflhiR in connection with Ihe pro- 1 1 et it til ion had atwav been "..intr.lhe meinbcr of the Prince Itu. ! vhling of much nee.lo.1 ii..n willlon bul thai onlv increasml it. perl flenernl llonilal I to I.elThose rircxeiil nl il.n n.nii.. demand. Xew ue for Umber ra"'"d ' !" before Ihcm omewere Alcr.. Mrltiie. llaim'. were neinjr disrnvere.1 nch a for,ro,,,n"M,,rM" riiflnge. II i pro. Jlnckay. Hmilli, lollion ,and 1 iciesrapn and leiepiioue onle. i"'r " give ine mcucai men or railway lie., etc. The linoleum """ c''y cep'-cnlalion on Ihe WAS TROUBLED WITH oon upward. If these change I ""I" are made there f to he .1 -leiv- Pfl pQ "-PITATION OF THE HEART for niemherhio nnd Ihn en. deavor to increase Ihe interest of the public- in ihe lnli(iilinn. AND FAINTIhJQ SPELLS Xri. SI, O'Connor. Whliciiuiv. o.u rlte: I Mre hrm IruuLlrd. mn.i ..r mjr lire, with thrtncsi of truth, ntim. Uil'iti or Ihe hurl and ralntlnt sjwils. I was a4rlsd lir a fiiriHl la trv viii.nm-. IImm and Serve rills, lilrh old, and 11 onre round rriirr, and 1 have never lu.1 1 reallf bad Mll sJnre. i I am US year or ate and sis... w..n litem la Hie lwue. and lwn I reel any ynipi.iis or my 01. iroublu rmnlnr o .Mary. Mary. ' ,0 w a" 1" ' ' w e a a rw rw doss's doss's .i-iirnpe) from in In 50 feet. In noulhern Hapl. Ortnislon. norllijiounil from wl,h of yf"'r 1 M" &fn!lT.f?,?n5 K J.0' -!nPa? r-Vnnco,ner .0 Skagwhy and wayj FX,' vLTr in India M ' wn In 3, and Ihe .'mwiiiiir-i .Mohamme. nor iei t, . u wn 1 ii!ri .... r...,. 1 1-. i iLm heart ..,.u trouble: . T: inini i.i.i 10 .1 an counme hoiih, or (he Me,. o'clock yesterday nfjernpon. In 1 erranenn from half lo one w.i,clnde. in her norililioiind na Ihe record. In Kuropean coun-'enger list uere 'II. Wheeler, Mllburn'a llearl and Serve rilU are tAe a hot at all dealers, nr nuiu.i rerei, ,f (,ree, by The T. MlliiUrn Co, Llinlitd, Toronto, Oot, r we hsu There are Just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. Thee Rules are 1 Buy "Rupert Brand." Rupert Bran.) n always :c livered lo the stores in clean new hoxes clc ' stamt'ed "Rupert Brnnd." " 2"io'?p.!" rook,n& Pr, cook in nitxlerale.-dler ' r ?u lo .it) mimiles remove and paper nnfat on r Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Cod and Kippered Salmon. At all Fi.h and Meat Market, and Grocers. ' . V Canadian Fish 4 Cold Storage Co.? lid. I'KINCE RUPERT - 1 M J 'vnBBaBaaaaanBafsfsPJaaH Our Picture Department Offers some hcntiliful rcprodurliniis of FamousPaintings Milllnl.t.. ....... I . ... . tnotinleil and Prices nre $7.00 and $8.00 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE MASTER? FUL WORKS OF ART. " v r rs. Barrie's Home Furnishings