Will soon ho here ami that is usually the lime we look for the poo.l weather to come and New Shoes Call In ajnl see our new arrivals. SPECIAL: Children's Patent MARY JANES ... $1.50 Sies up to 7. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, 8weden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickelj, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone E80. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Agent for Society Brand Clothes . Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Seeds Just arrived, our fctock of Garden and Field Seeds, Ojiion Pels and Fertiliser. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Kdsnn Coal in any quantities Phone 58. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Secondhand Furniture ; STORE ' We h'tly. Hell and exchange nil kinds of new and secondhand goods. 839 Third Avenue. Phone 646. P.O. Box 92 WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct frum the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. cex op: T.-i I NElAJ?lf MINE (ft! DOE. ACT THE. e OFnce at eicht: r Vv- G. MCILMOYLE IS CHAMPION Final of Billiard Series was Most Closely Contested of Series Score 1,000 to 933 A margin of seven out of one thousand points gave ricorge Mr-llmoyle the iiuliviilual rily billiard championship ovrr Sergeant .lolison ami made the final of the competition played last night the nirtsl interesting and keenly, contested, .of. the entire series which ha-s' been in progress for' Ihe past three weeks. The score was 1 000 lo J'J3. Sergeant JclJson einergiil win ner Irnui me rirsi session in fhursday night hy a score of i J0O to 172 after having led Mr- Ilmoyle practically all the way.! I'he latter player started strong in "the second scs'sion lasl nizlil nnd was K0 ahead on .two occas ions, jeiison, conunuing . ins consistently good play, managed lo even up Iwice and the scores were tied at 05 and iH0. The finish was a fitting anil exciting climax. Mcllmnyle's high hroak was 57 the higcsl-nf ttie entire series and Jebson's;. The average of the former was 3.87 and ot the taller', 3.81. Mcllninyle carries off three ol Hie prizes for the compel it ion-- Ihe nip for The winner, the cue for the player making the highest hreak and the prize for Ihe high est average tier innings 3.26. Sgl. Jehson gels a gold-melal for runner-Hit. The record lime was made hy fail. Mc.Mordie in his game with K. A. Aldridge 2 hours and three minutes. ' A hig crowd watched lal night "s game and excitement was tense. It was a much more close v routes cd match than liail Vcn expected. Holh players were it good form with Jehson probahly a little the steadier. MALASPINA WON OYER CALLIES AT FOOTBALL Large Crowd of Spectators Out for Yesterday's Game Score was Five to One There was a large turnout of spectators in the stand at Acro polis Hill grounds yeslenlay af ternoon lo witness the exhibition football game between Hie Callies and a select team from Ihe crew of C.O.S. Malaspina. The latter won hy a score of five lo one. Al half time, the Malaspina team was ahead by 3 lo nil. In the second half Ihey made two lit the Callies' one. Scorers for Ihe A dash of Clark's Tomato Ketchup on fish, chops, or jan omelets brings added enjoyment. CaJat National SoU mtyWi, Ho perton and J. Kelly were on the lines and the teams took the field as, follows: , Callies Murray; II. Hamilton and Sims; M, Andrews, J. Mi Camphell and Lord: V. Hamilton, W. Mitchell. Hunter, Jack Camphell ami Jack. Malaspina Houvier; Knglish and Cochrane; fiodman. Ilarrjs and Jackson; Hell, Oihson, Ash ley, Alder and Andrews. 8 Sport Chat j n With the month of April now well advanced, il is beginning ! look as though the outdoor ath letic season will not get under way till alter .May Iay. I li chances are llial May 21 will sec the real opening although It is possible the soccer season may he starled before that dale. Real action on Ihe Football Association's decision to open Ihe season on April 15 was delayed on account of the recent unfavorable wealher and. the facf tint Ihe grounds could no he put in shape early enough. In spile of this (here have been two exhibition games the one yesterday between Ihe Callies and Malaspina being particularly interest ing. The lacrosse association has ils season's plans well in hand .iul the annual meeting of llin baseball association is called for next week In spile of the unpromising weather, there were- some I rout fishing parties out yesterday and flood Friday was as usual taken by several local piscalors as (he first opportunity of the season lo try out Iheir angling prowess ami ascertain if Ihe finny beau ties were Idling. Few fisb are reported lo have, been caught and conditions are not just right yet and probably will not be for a already on life tapis. Khlada, mid oilier favorite haunts nearby will soon be getting frequent ami regular visilors. Provincial Constable Harry Martin sailed by the Princess Mary yesterday aflernoon for Wrangell cnroule to Ihe Slikine River district on a patrol trip. winners we're F.lder (two', Ilarrislfew weeks. However, enthus-ftwo and Ashley (one). O. K. iasln is rising and excursions are Lord made the .one Hnd only score for Ihe Callies. The condition of Ihe grounds miligaled against the elTeclive-ness of play on holh sides hut did not prevent several bursts of gootl soccer. Their first game of the season, the (.allies were naturally out of practice. (1. S. Russell referred, A. Clap MACDONALD'S Elite Cut 5 For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fjne or who roll their own MACOON ALDTS Fine Cut bONN ir m o-r a.a-TJLy. I .1 THEM ls esjVf AM J I llllH I r rrvt OCLOCK - f Oi4 t Utx Fc?uf Stinntt. Ix IMOOSE GAVE A FINE CONCERT AT ANYOX (Excellent Program Met With Approval From Audience To a ranacilv aiitlience ttie members of the Loyal OMer ofj Mooso and their friends put on entertainment that met with jgresil' appnival, on Friday even-ling lasl. and events of a similar kind are already being eagerly looked forward to. 'Hie program 'wa of so varied a nature that all parlies were catered to ami Hussell Jones, who occupied the chair, saw In it that there wer no, dull spots. The committees in charge of, the ronrerl anil re freshment left nothing undone make the night a mem rahe one. Following was the ijnler of Ihe entertainment: Address Ihrtatnr J. S. Klli: overture. Moose Orchestra: song. J. Ho garty: cornel solo. 1. Slevenard; Mart ami I'ap comedy skit, Cy. (Ireenwell and Vic Cruikshank; selection. Moose Orchestra; In termission fur refreshments; march. Moose orchestra; song. Mr. Murdoch; ring dance, J Tlerney; duet. Messrs. F.vans and (wens; son sr. A. Williams; High land fling, L. J. Vriberg, ac lompanied on the bagpipes hy Piper McLennan: violin solo. Hert White; selerljnn. Moose Orehelra. The concert commit tee consisted of Messrs. Hart, Hiilchings, W4rd and' Cross, while on the refreshment com Initlee were MVsdaines l.ross. Spragg and Druids. FEAST OF INTELLECT AT ANYOX WHEN DR. WILLIAMS VISITED Two Lectures Given by Professor From University of BX. at Smelter Town ANYOX. April IV. During the past few days, the Anynx Com munity League, in conjunction wit It the Parent Teachers' Asso- ciOon, had the .pleasure of en tertaining Dr. M. Y. Williams, gifolngisl, of Ihe .University of Hritish Columbia, ns well ns lis. lening to his lectures on two occasions. On Monday evening, Dr. Williams, lectured on "The Hirds of Hritish Columbia," showing about one hundred ami fwdity-fiie slides In illustrating his lalk, which was enjoyed h a large ami appreeiaKve audi ence., un etinesiiay nigm, nr. Wllllnms told of "(leolugic Ex. titoralion in the Far North," tracing 1 1 1 A work' ilone by early explorers under the banner of the Hudson's Hay Company lo the work of ilril.ling for oil in Hie McKeiuie IUut valley by the Imperial Oil 'Company, 'ami in- cii1eually telling of two seasons spent' In -,11ml- vast country as a member of a survey under the direction of the Oeologlc Sup-ey of Caniula. Public Reception On Thursday evening. Dr. Wil liams was given n public recep tion in Catholic Hall, which was kindly placed al the disposal or Hie League by Father Fleck, ami Vi2 Lb.I5 4L ID THVH HE WUZ B Li- 2171 OH! MR 1 r iii : I UlGGS! J RV OCLOCk. 1 r Saturday. Ai PAGI FOVK. TH1 DAILT HXWfl. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu( Easter ujV ok or T a.T 7a Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvtrtiMmant Takan for La thun fiOc -i , ii-l-. . i i i i r-i i i ii iit-i-. i-l WARTM WANTED.- Clerk wanted in For est office, Prince Ilupert. salary IDu.nn per month. .Candidates- must he Hritish subjects, resident In Canada at least one year, nnd ltelween the ages .of 17 anil 25. Applications will he received up lo Wednesday, April Ifitli, by the District Forester, Prince Ilupert, from whom application forms and full parliculars may hfl obtained. A lest of the candidates will be held on Saturday. April 18. Fee 1.00. W. 11. .Machines. Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria, H.C. WANTED. Furniture or every description. Highest price paid.' Prince Ilupert Exchange Auctioneers. Phone 052. AGENTS WANTED Agents for nationally adcrlised product; sells on sight; exclusive territory; small outlay. He your own boss. Splendid money maker. Sample 50e prepaid. Ureal West Sa'es Co. 317 Pender Street, W.. Vancouver. H.C. Ul FOR RENT OFFICE FOR RENT, with modern living nuarlers. Wcsienhavcr Hros. If FOR RENT. Palmer House, for cheap rates and home com forts, it BOARD. BOAnD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf an enjoyable ciening was spent by all attending, a short minimi program being arranged. The following took part: Mrs. i.uwes. a visitor in Anynx mid the. pos sessor of a lovely voice, sang group of songs; Mr. Hayes was heard In two song solos, and Dr, Harper rendered several piano selections in his very masterly manner. Rev. J. !ihou acleil as chairman for this meeting Father Fleck also spoke, ami Dr Williams told something of the struggles of the yyung university at Point Orry. l or the first lee tore. Principal Matuer. of Hie High School, was chairman while Dr. Harper, president of the Community League, occupied Ihe rhair. for the secouil lecluri' F. Orcsser, al I In piano, opened ninl rlosetl Ihe meetings on both occasions. ' During his visit, Dr. Williams as given every opportunity lo witness the various units of Hie plant in operation, being shown lahilul.hy officials of the (iranhy , n .if li. I company, piaccu ai ins msposai by Hie management. Visits nf similar nature from the lecturer of Ihe t'niversity Extension conimillee will be eagerly looked forward to hy holh Ihe Anynx Community League ami Hi jnr,.,it. Teachers' Association OLD COUNTRY BOOKINGS Passports secured nnd, tickets issued via While Stnr, Cunanl and Anchor.Donalilson Lines The Canadian National Railways (make .direct connections wilh steamers of these lines. Full In formal ion it I City Ticket Office. (Canadian National Railways, 52H Third Avenue, Prince. Rupert H.C. Phono 2C0. u Los Angeles limber Products sleam schooner El Clenln is due al Huckley Hay I his week-end lo loiul lumber for San Pedro, The vessel discharged ol) ill Vancouver northbound. ato cuu CICMT CCt.CC K v K ,oM FOR SALE FOIt SALE Five roomed house on Second Avenue. Untitling on (ioverumcnt wharf ue ns a news stand. Nine lu-anre lots, one I -acre lot at Terrace, Prince (ieorge, lots 10 ami It, block til; lots to and II, block 110; lots 2H and 29, block 117; tot 0, block 151. Apply A. U. Little. Second Ave-nue. 05 FOR SALE. Five nnme house with bath, rinse In, fully modern, best residential loca tion. fZft:.i.iio. icrm ovir three years. Also double enmer on Sixth Avenue one block from Me- -Ilritle Street, $700 on terms. MrCnffcry A Mlbhnns, Ltd. IM OR SALE Launch "Star" 2lx Ford engine converted. In marine service. Atwnler Kent ignition. All controls brought lo steering hulkheat. Electric light ami searchlight. A speedy Itoat al bargain price. Apply Caretaker. Prince Rupert Yacht (Huh, or phone H. FOR SALE. Oas boat "Nadlne," 23xC. HntTar huit!f t h.p. rJaslhow. Complete jvilh Str- irge Italtrry. stove anil fittings. First class condition. Lying at Yacht Club. Price .i00.o0. Apply 0. Rode, Hays Itblg. Phone 38?. If FOR SALE,25,t0 h.p. Sterling engine; Hosch Ignition; com plete lo and Including coup ling. $750.00 3fl fool cruiser, 20 h.p. Just overhauled, toilet, galley. $1,000. M. M. Stephens. tf FOIt SALE. Pleasure launch, 20 ft. x H II. beam, spacious eahin containing stovo ami ulensils. I h.p. Regal engine, newly pniiiletl ami in A. I. condition. Knap. Apply Hox I7S, Dully News. If LOT fl, HIiK-k I. Secllon 1 for sale. Seven lo eight feel excavated. Will accept any good offer for cash sale. E. l.etliic. general delivery, Montreal. . 91 FOR 3ALE. Power boats of every description Including pleasure, trolling . and work boats, at reasonable prices. Apply N. M. McLean; Cow Hay. HIE AEROPLANE ARK. a Hunt with house d0x3i for sale. The house will 'answer the Hot Springs or Alice Arm. Apply Hot 177 Daily News tllllre. IM FOR SALE. 7 h.p. me.lium duly Regal, in good condition. Price $350. Tor particulars wrlln .1 J. Donaldson. Port Esslnglon FOR SALE. Five roomed house With hut ti, lully t Icrn. on 'Fifth Avenue, Wesf. Apply 320. Fifth Ave. West, IM FOR SALE. Mahogany nlatio lamp also mahogany table lamp. .Apply l22t-Second Avenue. j)5 FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Hunts and Engines. Northern Exchange. if RESTAl'RANT for Hale or Lease. Apply Hox 175 Daily News office. Dr. Martel't Female Pills Har aialiud nalura thou.uid, raata Ualkalf ctntorr, curracllni him, bulUinf up an4 atrma-lhanlnar organ, rIU?lna? bCLAYCU, ?".. "'"'UIi St.NKI KU nUN, M KH-VoUSNtSS. IIACKACUB. Llillnfes. .1. r'fvKN ..H,.riniaral, CWHQ WKIJ IB BNIflQ Ilina- Ccr TIN UOX with our altrnaUr. UmiaUti II M Irt.kW.IM C. . 71 I. fraal H Twottto. Caa. CinaUraMilWm turn. mc cr ttlTM MISCELLANEOUS, ARE Your Hooks t i t y Merchant If .i to. keeping tiitokv ) ' them entered up Hnl 4-x regularly hy a , coiinlaol. Write. " lo advertiser ni H News olllce. AU0TION SALES. Condi Itaughl. KXCllUHK' i H. H. HEMMINQS, AucllonHr, Furniture and ( i u - j Third Ave Phones Hlack I3C and Rcil w f TAXI Tail 7 Phons. (Call Oeorg or ut Ross Brothsrs. Pftunpt Service 'td t Djr or Night Slant Grctto Cigar Store, Third lit TIMBER SALE !X 602. sWt tmlfri will i. i Mmt'ltr nf UikK at v,-t i IM biirA.fen.lh im ih r I tiirrh .i li.WV rl l.M?. troi -t -i-ntf MM M IIMKKW1 il' Ml ' Rrr Ukt, Hint I. ' V: Thrre (I, iw mi I- midfttl t iutlrr rvflhrr hsriK-tiUr -r tiw rr, v1rtH. H i -f , i rrtno. nt1, Il " m- TIMBER SALE XS8S3. tk4 ril'r. ik " litrll ttttr.u-t. m. I UlrV It.' Ihr ilh Ur at M lffc I rli4 lit IMrmrr Lull. ,r It iwnn Mtir iMrtNter t imi Sttn. jsir im Ftr tl r To II rr Hill U " - tiHiril nf imairr. FiirtlM MHIrttlsr ! lit- In. VlfitU. ..r ihr Ottr i I'rtorr llrt, II NOTICE. TUB NoTIti: Ihiriflrf Mi' IM noOte imrr nk Mr h kM-nlllo rk. p hlr. tVii ntitlrar nt Jhihi sit.'-k knell. ll.C. In rlMBr wit' wiMiiiciM ii rtingi:s. urn i ih till Ml 11 Pl-Hir ltmrt. II' tir f il. ui Mir. itin uni'ii'' NOTICI. TALK MITICK Hut tlff ft. IliM imllr norr a nl for Ii - live tvrrki llul mil in IUnirr nf Jnlnt Sk tustii . liU. B.C.. I rliti isir rwrti f "MlVAXT XU IIIIHII, I I XI . HIT 10 l VtHtn l!iirl, IV ttar nf .March, lfl PIIVAIT I 'lHriV. J,' L iu . CANCtllATIOrf or RIIISVI Unties la hrrrliy 'ifi tfl' niiirint II lanl riftiwrOr jh-i- TiiiiiMr Lin-iirra ,io. JUK anu f ranrMlid. 0 tU.RM'f l,rl""T sUltlsJff LAND ACT Notlt f IftUnlloitTo Apply tt ircOtiil Land Iimtii'l, Il trlrl hi Ski-ina. ntl oinal ul t . iOamlvn Um ntnlli liraie-Wuf n -lilt re, iimt oi-ranii i iiifO ' .. Taks Mullio llial I, Tfrims? V Tliai kf. lit I'rlltre Iiiiu. ri, , 'it- Kniltiwr, iiilrnil. ti. apply f' l' in traar lias iniiiwinc iirirrw; CMnmrilcInt al pmi planutl al i. aiulhrtv IhiIhi on liar Maml: H" tiwrly and raicrly.: ihrnr iMi'"'if eierty follow ln itit immailii '"5 hor fin ii siin of Mirttoifnifiif rtiiiUlnlnr It rrn. W"r Jif' TI UMVS W. lit'' J Vprllrk naifi rrnmarT nin. nit.' LAND ACTf'i Nollca, of InlantlorTlo Ap'plv; it-'rvn- Land. ,!. , In Skfll I and inirlrli?Btrrli triri of (;ti, mil ilnwirU"" ' lalanil, M . Take Niillrs tli.it :tiflr.. , anil Jaiiifk MrMiilty, nf ITHiW ''"" . iH-t'lllllull liKlirilir irrnt iusI '' m leml in tiiply for triiils'f.'t' ' ,r Hie ttlliittllit ili-rntiil laniWl , ' . rln ut I hii ilaiini pltN'w, . bay at Hie rial eittl trf CanliiauH tf , ,j sIkiiiI mis iiiiJh frum Itii mift ri'. tlamli ltlnrs folliiwlnt UK- Hsmuu t ths Hints line at tilth vtm-e i" ,.,,,,1. 1 Ih Plinil In tli mat e nr romm. tint rnnimiilnt A.enii im 'i'.1'.' " i:. t:. tiilMTHi mmisii Manir- nr tnt-'i , l-sr W V. WlIUl lint April mt, ml. 'rWr